Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 295: Voyeur

For more than half a month, Huang Yi and Bawang have been careful to avoid the black snake. I did not expect such a change in the eyes of the battle.

"Bawang, that black snake is here. It is now very fast. It is estimated that it will arrive here in two or three minutes. We must quickly hide!" Huang Yi turned his head and hurriedly said to the king.

"Now we are entangled with so many monsters here, it will take some time to escape, and these monsters are fast, we are afraid that we can't get rid of them!" The overlord waved the crutch in his hand and released an attack on a group of elite monsters in front of him. Skills, Shen Sheng said.

The elite monsters in front of them are speed-type and it is difficult to get rid of them. If the two flee together, these elite monsters will always chase them.

"You go first, I'll block these strange, then I will have my own way to save my life." Huang Yi hurriedly said, and then used the attached skills [end of the world] in the legendary shoes, with the scorched earth and The effect of AIDS poisoning suddenly cleared out a large group of elite monsters around.

The overlord did not drag, and immediately used an escape skill, quickly rushed out of the strange group, flashed to the exit of the underground palace, and suddenly disappeared into the darkness. The group of elite monsters behind wanted to chase him, but Huang Yi was firmly blocked, and all the hatred was put on Huang Yi.

In the dark earth palace, Huang Yi is like a tireless war god, struggling to fight among a group of elite monsters, and fighting for the escape of the overlord!

And in the desert outside, the black snake was rushing fast, as fast as a series of shadows, and the powerful sanctuary momentum caused some of the lizards and scorpions in the desert to retreat!

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and the two competing against each other during this time are about to meet!

At this point, Huang Yi's sniffing treasure ability had realized that the black snake had been less than one kilometer with him, and would soon come here. The Overlord should have successfully escaped the hatred area, and it is safe.

"Transform into a white dragon!" Next, Huang Yi suddenly transformed. Become a majestic white dragon, then he immediately issued a dragon yin, spreading to all sides of the earth palace.

When the mobs around heard this voice, they immediately scrambled, and immediately broke away from the fight with him.

This is one of the dragon skills of the Bailong tribe [Long Wei], which can forcibly break away from the combat with surrounding enemies.

After leaving the battle, Huang Yi can transform infinitely. The next moment he immediately became a sniffing cat, and then used a corresponding racial skill [Nothingness] again, and suddenly disappeared into the air.

This time, the elite elites around them can no longer see Huang Yi, and they have just left Huang Ji's fighting state, and now they are all back to where they were. Standing upright, it turned into a terracotta warrior again, as if never moving.

If Huang Yi does not leave the battle, but uses [Nuity] directly, then these elite monsters will still stay in combat with him, and carefully search him back and forth around him. After the black snake arrives, it will be obvious that Huang Yi is hiding. In this palace.

And now. After these monsters broke out of the battle, the black snake could not see it, thinking that Huang Yi had fled.

At this point, Huang Yi was in a state of nothingness, waiting quietly for the arrival of the Black Snake. This state could not only avoid a battle, but also peek into the movement of the Black Snake.

After a short while, there was a rush of footsteps in the direction of the entrance to the palace. Subsequently. Within the scope of Huang Yi's sight, there was an old man dressed in black, with a black python wrapped around his body, vomiting a snake letter, staring at everything in front of him.

This old man is simply the black snake general that Huang Yi once met at the auction house in Tiantai City.

At this moment, the black snake saw the elite monsters. Suddenly a suspicious expression appeared, and he murmured, "Why did these soldiers die but not all of them? The underground house is open, indicating that someone has been here. But these soldiers have not died, indicating that People didn't enter the depths of the palace, were they killed by these soldiers? "

"Maybe it's not necessarily that you're here." Just then, the snake snake entangled in the black snake said suddenly, and the head of the snake looked around strangely.

At this time, although Huang Yi was in a state of nothingness and had no body, he could clearly feel the cold eyes of the python, as if he could see through some things in this world.

"It is also estimated that these soldiers are now only level 75, which indicates that the people entering this palace will not exceed level 70, far from our opponents." Black Snake looked at the soldiers, and seemed to easily see through their levels. Then, He looked down at the python on his body, respectfully: "Master, let's go in and see!"

"Huh? Master ?!" At this moment, Huang Yi was a little surprised, and couldn't help looking at the python carefully.

The python was only two or three meters long, black all over, without a tiny pattern, and its eyes were triangular, without any emotion in it, and looked very strange.

Even a cold and cold-blooded animal has emotions, but this python is completely absent. It looks at everything in its eyes as if it has nothing to do with itself. Even if its child is in front of it, it is estimated that it will ignore it.

Prior to this, Huang Yi always thought that this python was the pet of the black snake, but he did not expect it to be the owner of the black snake. This contrast is very obvious, almost the roles are reversed. And more importantly, this sent a signal that the black snake did betray the King of Sand Pirates. It not only collected the heart of King Sand Pirates, but also re-identified a new owner.

From this point of view, this python is definitely not ordinary, and its strength should exceed that of Sand Pirate King, otherwise it will be difficult for the black snake to risk the betrayal of the old master. But if it really has more powerful power than the Sand Pirate King, it should be the pride of some strong people, and it will not be entangled in the black snake like a pet. This python showed a weird feeling everywhere, I don't know what the real identity is.

At this time, those elite monsters saw the black snake coming, and then awakened again, and then attacked it, and they seemed to distinguish themselves from each other. As long as someone came, no matter who they were, they would attack.

The black snake is a sacred domain power. It is a matter of waving their hands to deal with these monsters. Those elite monsters all fell to the ground and were killed instantly.

Later, the black snake immediately entered the depths of the underground palace. Soon, Huang Yi heard the sound of fighting, but it did not take long to calm down. It should be that the guardian and the black snake fought, but soon Was killed.

Next, about ten minutes later, the black snake came back from the end of the darkness. He walked and said to the python, "Master, we only have forty-one hearts now, and the rest of the hearts are taken by the group. Having walked a lot, relying on these hearts, I am afraid that my strength cannot be improved to the level of Sand Pirate King. "

"I didn't expect such a change, but you do n’t have to worry. By then I will have my own way to ensure that you can successfully break through the strength of the heavens. By then you will occupy this continent for me. You are this continent. "The king said softly, and the tone seemed to be stating a fact, without taking those lost hearts to heart.

"Thank you master! Let's go to the next place!" Said the black snake, and quickly left the underground palace and disappeared at the exit.

After a while, Huang Yi ’s [Smell Treasure] ability sensed that the legendary equipment on the Black Snake had disappeared, and he finally lifted off his nothingness and then left the underground palace.

After this glimpse, he obtained an important piece of information. The python said that it could make the black snake's strength break through to the 200-level celestial strength. This is an incredible thing. It has never been heard in historical legends!

At present, the three guardians of Huang Yi are regarded as the strongest group of people in this continent, but the highest level is the level 195 Necromancer. It is 5 levels away from the 200-level sky domain strength. Looking at only 5 levels, the gap during this period is vastly different, just like the 99 and 100 levels, there is only one level difference, but they are completely different realms.

The strength of the black snake is estimated to be similar to that of the black wolf. It looks like he is in his early 100s, and he does not know how far it is compared with the 200-level celestial strength, and it is impossible to improve it in a lifetime. It looks like it's on the chest.

What exactly is it for? Huang Yi pondered carefully that a person with such ability can definitely surpass mortals. At present, such a big man cannot appear in the entire second world.

The python was black all the time, which is exactly the same as the creatures of the Seven Demon Kings ~ www.readwn.com ~ But Huang Yi just did not experience the comfort on the body of the python, indicating that the python is not the Seven Demon Kings People from one side, but from other forces.

This speculation immediately made Huang Yi feel chills on his back, and smelled a sense of conspiracy. At the moment, the seven demon kings are about to move. The whole world is frightened by this matter, but did not expect to be outside the seven devil kings. There is still a hidden force!

The world has become a piece of citron, and it is being watched by two forces!

However, the strength of the python is obviously not strong. It is estimated that something has happened, so that it can only survive on the black snake. If it can be removed or caught, it can find a lot The secret behind it.

Next, Huang Yi immediately sent a message to the Overlord, and then the two reunited together and hurried toward another heart hiding place.

At present, Huang Yi has more than 30 hearts in his hands, while Black Snake has more than 40 hearts. Next, only more than 20 hearts are still unowned. They have to get more before the Black Snake. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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