Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 296: Design Framing

For a while, Huang Yi and Overlord searched the heart of the Sand Pirate with a smash, and they had acquired 42 hearts in total. The overlord's range of perception ability is only 500 kilometers, beyond which it is impossible to perceive. But sometimes there are no heart hiding points within 500 kilometers, they have to change to another area to continue searching, and it takes a lot of effort to find the next one.

And these days, Huang Yi has been thinking of ways to deal with that weird python, and gradually has a prototype of the plan. He controlled his avatar and rushed over, ready to implement the plan at any time.

On this day, Huang Yi and Bawang searched for a full day, and finally found a heart hiding point again. They immediately went to the underground palace and began to kill the monsters quickly.

"After getting this heart, let's go back to the city. The rest of the hearts should basically be in the hands of the black snake." Huang Yi raised the legendary ghost axe to kill the mobs, and turned to the overlord.

"Okay!" Overlord nodded immediately.

"Huh?" At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly raised his eyebrows and shook his head towards the overlord: "We have to leave early, and the Black Snake came to the door again."

"Will you go too then?" Overlord put away his walking stick and asked Huang Yi.

Huang Yi shook his head: "No, just like last time, you run away first, I'll stop after it." Then, he picked up the legendary ghost axe and firmly blocked it behind the king, like a solid wall, blocking that A tide-like monster.

Next, the overlord immediately hurriedly turned and fled towards the exit. He disappeared to the end of darkness after a while, and Huang Yi was left in this palace again.

While Huang Yi was killing, he looked at the walls around the ground palace. A long time ago, he discovered that the walls of every Sand Pirate's Palace were engraved with some magic glyphs, showing a strong protective ability. It is difficult to break through the wall. Only enter and exit through the entrance. As long as the entrance is blocked, it is a closed environment, and the people inside cannot escape.

The prototype of Huang Yi's plan was also made because of these magical glyphs on the walls.

Next, he is going to implement this plan. He is going to ambush the black snake and force the weird python to shoot. He immediately transformed into white dragon form. Then a loud dragon yin was issued, and [Long Wei] was released, and the surrounding monsters were out of combat. Later, he immediately took out the "Book of Heroes", summoned the heroic prison, and then hurriedly entered.

Huang Yi went straight to the realgar room. Grabbed a key at random, and checked the hero's book. The cell corresponding to this key was holding a 173-level swordsman.

Later, Huang Yi immediately came to the prisoner's cell door and inserted the key, but did not immediately open the cell door, but waited quietly.

"Hey. Why don't you twist the key?" The swordsman criminal in the cell saw Huang Yi inserted the key. He was a little bit excited, but saw Huang Yi being motionless again, and could not help but be dissatisfied.

"You can go out after a while." Huang Yi said, not paying attention to it, but paying attention to the situation on the incarnation.

At this point, his avatar was staying outside the entrance to the underground palace, and became a sniffing cat. Employed nothingness and quietly hid there.

Soon, the black snake could already be seen in the vision of the incarnation, and it rushed forward like a gust of wind.

"Oh! Damn, they were preempted again!" At this moment, the black snake came to the entrance and saw the transparent entrance. Cursed.

"Let's take a look!" The python said softly.

"Yes! Master!" The black snake immediately jumped into the entrance and entered the underground palace.

At that moment, Huang Yi in the hero's prison immediately acted, and he quickly twisted the key. Opening the cell door by 50% allows the 173 swordsman to escape with a 50% strength clone.

The 50% strength of the 173 strong is definitely better than the black snake. Huang Yi's move is to force the python to take a shot. If it doesn't, the black snake will die.

Immediately after, Huang Yi chose to teleport out of the heroic prison, and then he immediately changed into a sniffing cat form, and also used the void skills to disappear into the air.

The entrance to the nearby hero prison quickly dissipated, and the 50% strength of the swordsman's avatar showed his figure. He turned his head to look at the world and seemed a little excited.

But soon, with Huang Yi's departure, the key locked on the swordsman's cell door lost control, and flew back to the Yellowstone Room automatically. The cell door was immediately re-locked, and the contact between the swordsman and the avatar was cut off. . From then on, the swordsman clone had only pure combat instincts left.

Next, Huang Yi manipulated the incarnation at the entrance and quickly became a humanoid. Then he took out the "Book of Heroes" and summoned the entrance to the hero prison again.

And this time, the location of the entrance of the hero prison is exactly the entrance of the underground palace, and this exit is firmly covered underneath!

This is the only way Huang Yi can block the exit of the palace. If it is to cover the manhole cover again and put the earth into the sky, it is simply a dummy. The black snake is a powerful sanctuary. When it comes out, it won't have a closed effect at all.

But now, the entrance of the hero prison has suppressed the entrance, which cannot be broken, let alone a black snake. Even if the general **** comes here, it is impossible to destroy the entrance of the hero prison. Only the top gods such as the **** of life, **** of time, and **** of space at the same level as the **** of death can do it.

At this moment, the underground palace finally formed a closed environment, the swordsman avatar and the black snake were locked inside, and the only entrance was blocked, and it was impossible to escape, and the walls of the underground palace were carved with powerful magic glyphs. It is difficult to be forced to break through. Next, they can only stay inside and fight, only when one party dies can the battle be subdued.

Next, Huang Yi was ready to watch the show. He focused on the body in the underground palace. His body is now in a state of nothingness, and no matter how strong the aftermath of the battle will not kill him.

"Master, why do I feel weird in this underground palace?" At this moment, Huang Yi in the underground palace heard the voice of a black snake not far away, and then his figure appeared, and his body was still haunted by that weird. Black boa.

"Huh? What's that!" At this moment, the black snake suddenly found the clone of the swordsman in the palace, and suddenly he didn't seem to react.

"Why is the guardian of this underground palace so powerful?" The python immediately wondered when he saw the swordsman's avatar.

"It seems as if it is not a guardian!" The black snake murmured suddenly, "his breath is too strong, it seems to be stronger than me!"

"Oh!" At that moment, the swordsman's clone also noticed the arrival of the black snake, and immediately rushed forward with a sword, struggling to stab.

"No, he's strong, run away!" The python suddenly felt something was wrong, and immediately urged a faint tone of command.

The Black Snake did not dare to stop, and immediately folded over, rushing towards the exit at full speed, and soon came under the entrance.

"Eh? It's blocked!" The black snake saw the entrance dark, with a little suspicion, but it didn't have much time to think, and immediately jumped up towards the entrance.

"Pop!" Just as the black snake jumped over the entrance, a black enchantment suddenly appeared at the entrance, and the black snake bounced down fiercely!

It touched the entrance of the hero's prison, and the entrance had a powerful enchantment set by the **** of death himself. Although the black snake is a powerful sanctuary strongman, in front of the **** of death, it is just a bigger ant.

After such a delay, the swordsman rushed over, waving the big sword in his hand, and stabbed at the black snake again.

"Damn, someone has framed us!" At this moment, the black snake finally realized that he had fallen into a trap. There was a powerful swordsman in this underground palace, and as soon as he entered the underground palace, the entrance was blocked. Obviously someone Let it fight the swordsman in this palace.

"Swordsman friend, is there anything you can't say well?" The black snake said anxiously to the swordsman while trying to avoid it.

However, the swordsman was just an avatar and lost the control of the body. He had no wisdom at all, only the most primitive fighting instinct left, killing all the creatures he saw, no matter what the black snake said to it. use.

"Master, what do I do now, I'm not the swordsman's opponent!" At this time, the black snake also tried his best to deal with the swordsman, but only resisted, but did not fight back, he had to put his hope on the python .

The python vomited a serpent and stared coldly at the swordsman. There was no snoring for a while, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

"Oh!" At this moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ The swordsman stabbed into the black snake's abdomen with a sword, spurting a blood, which caused him a lot of damage.

"Master, save me!" The black snake shouted anxiously as he avoided it. But no matter how it shouted, the python was silent as if he hadn't heard it.

The black snake became more and more frightened, and the injuries on his body became more and more serious. From the intersection of the palace to the deepest place in the palace, back and forth, various skills Guanghua flooded everything, all the monsters in the entire palace are in their two The aftermath of a sacred domain strong turned into powder, and even the body could not be found.

This sacred powerhouse is shocking with every move. Even if Huang Yi is in a state of nothingness at this time, he can feel the powerful momentum. As soon as he shows his physical shape, he is estimated to be directly empty of blood. .

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The terrestrial palace kept thinking of the fierce fighting. At this time, the two sacred powerhouses had hit a white-hot situation. The black snake was already full of blood. It was only a matter of time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: There is one more next!

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