Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 297: Blood of python

But Huang Yi waited so long that the python had never shot, just like watching the lively. This can't help worrying him. If the swordsman can't kill himself and stay in the world, it will be difficult for him to deal with it.

"Useless waste, let me die!" Just then, the python snorted suddenly, showing a killing in his tone.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yi felt a dazzling brilliance in the underground palace, as if a little sun had risen, illuminating the entire underground palace.

And this dazzling light emanates from the black snake!

"Ah! Master, why do you let me explode, I am your faithful servant!" At this moment, the black snake screamed in horror, but it could not control itself, and its body was still getting brighter and brighter. As if there was a sun burning in the body, the strong light emitted blocked everything.

Hearing the hysterical scream of the Black Snake, Huang Yi's heart flickered for a moment, but he didn't expect that the Python didn't take the shot himself, but forcibly controlled the Black Snake to explode!

The black snake is a sanctuary strong, the self-detonation of a sanctuary strong, to what extent will this power? Huang Yi can no longer guess, he also has self-explosive skills, that is, [Life Sacrifice] in the form of spirit cat, he deeply understands how powerful the self-explosive is, and it has always been the bottom of his box that he has improved with the level. The big move, any of his attacks, is far less powerful than the explosion. And he was just the self-detonation of a ghost cat, which was ten thousand miles away from the self-detonation of the Holy Land Strong!

"Master, how ruthless!" At this moment, the black snake screamed for the last time in his life, and then his body exploded violently, like a sun exploding in the underground palace!

At that moment, Huang Yi's eyes were blank, he couldn't see anything, and there was no sound in his ears, as if he had come to the moment when the universe was born. Chaos, silent, no light and no darkness!

This is the first time he has seen the sacred powerhouse explode. The power is far more than he expected!

With the explosion of the black snake, the entire earth palace suddenly suffered an unprecedented heavy blow. The magical glyphs on the surrounding walls were shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then the entire earth palace expanded and burst. The ceiling lifted outwards.

Looking from the bleak sandy land above the ground palace, the ground where the ground palace was suddenly exploded, the ground above was lifted, and numerous sand and stones were shot in all directions, and the area of ​​the ground palace became a huge deep pit!

Gradually, the light faded. The hustle and bustle subsided, and Huang Yi finally saw the movements around him. At this time, the surrounding area was already bright, the warm sunlight was shining in, and the ground was a mess, as if he had been hit by an asteroid. In that pit.

The entire underground palace. It was completely destroyed by the black snake's self-detonation. Only the area at the entrance of the underground palace remained intact, and the entrance to the hero prison was suppressed. Even if the self-detonation was too strong, the entrance to the prison could not be destroyed at all.

Next, Huang Yi waited patiently for a while, but did not show up from nothing. After waiting for a long time, he didn't notice anything. The swordsman didn't know where to go, it should have been killed, and the python was completely gone, and it seemed to have been blown into fly ash, and there was a dead silence in the entire deep pit.

After just waiting for ten minutes, Huang Yi's body was still in a state of nothingness, and then he controlled the incarnation to come out of the hero prison. Into the deep pit, headed directly to a ruin, and then dug up there.

After digging for a while, a piece of black leather appeared under the ruins. Then Huang Yi grabbed the black leather and pulled it hard, and immediately pulled out a black cloak.

This cloak is the only legendary piece of the black snake. Huang Yi's sniffing treasure ability can clearly sense its location, and it was dug out at this moment.

This piece of legendary equipment was framed by Huang Yi's design. He did not participate in the battle himself, which is easier than the legendary ghost axe of Black Wolf. Next, he immediately took a look at the properties of the cloak.

[Black Dragon Skin] (Legend, Armor-Cloak) Physical Defense: 500 Strength +800 Magic Defense + 15%

Critical Chance + 10% Health + 15%

Dodge value + 30% borrowing light: You can borrow the yellow star light in the sky to freely enhance a certain attribute, you can switch to various attributes that need to be enhanced, and the cooling time of the switch is one minute. The current borrowing effect is: Strength +700. The effect at night is twice that of day. Incidental Skills: [Absolute Stealth]: After use, you can make yourself in an absolute invisibility state, which cannot be detected by ordinary development means. It lasts for 5 minutes. After you commit an offensive behavior or get hurt, the invisibility state is automatically released. Each use consumes 3% health and a cooldown of 5 minutes. Durability: 0/1500 Requirement Level: Can be increased with the level upgrade. Current Level 70 Equipment Rating: 980 Item Description: Black Dragon, my dear companion, I have always worn your skin, but I cannot become yours. appearance.

This is Huang Yi's third piece of legendary equipment, with both offensive and defensive attributes, and has taken good care of the warrior class.

But this legendary Huang Yi can't wear it now, because the legendary equipment has been severely damaged by the black snake's self-detonation, the durability has become 0, it can not be worn, and it can only be stored in the storage ring. .

Unless he can find the dragon animal skin and give it to the top tailor, this cloak will be repaired. This is also a very helpless place for the legendary equipment. Above the legendary equipment, the durability cannot be repaired by ordinary means. Once the durability drops to 0, you must use some precious materials such as world stones, flowing clouds, and dragon skins. Is it possible to repair.

At present, Huang Yi has never seen Liulong's animal skin, but just heard forum players talk about this material. He could find the World Stone. The World Stone was stored in the crater where their base was located, but the reserves were very small. The world stone of each continent is limited, with a fixed reserve of only 1,000 tons. Once it is used up, it will be gone. It can only invade other countries' continents to plunder such resources. Dragon skins and Liuyunbu are also precious materials of the same level.

Next, Huang Yi's eyes stopped on the description of the item-"Black Dragon, my dear companion, I've been wearing your hide, but I can't be your look."

After seeing this sentence, Huang Yi was probably able to guess one thing. The "black dragon" in this sentence should be the third general of His Majesty the King of Pirates. Huang Yi has seen two black wolves and black snakes before. The general, but never seeing the third general, was strange.

The black dragon is a dragon with the same strength as the white dragon. The dragon's skin is accompanied for life and cannot be shed like a snake. Therefore, the black dragon is likely to be dead. Only in this way can its skin be cut off and made. It became this legendary cloak, which was put on the body of the black snake. From the tone of the item description, the relationship between the black snake and the black dragon is very good, which proves that they should all be members of His Majesty the Sand Pirate King.

At this point, the three generals of His Majesty the King of Sand Pirates all fell, among them the black wolf and the black snake died because of Huang Yi, each of which contributed a piece of legendary equipment. The Sand Pirate King is also trapped in the treasure site of the Golden Holy Dragon. After Huang Yi's strength is further improved, he can be killed in the past, and some good things will definitely come out at that time.

Next, Huang Yi's incarnation stowed the legendary cloak, and then searched around for a while. He wanted to see if there were other explosive items, but he didn't find it for a long time. The black snake should only burst. That legendary cloak.

Next, Huang Yi's avatar immediately took out the reins of the Earth Dragon, summoned the Athlon, rode it up, and then quickly left here, and disappeared into the desert far away.

There was only a pile of ruins left. The wind from the desert blew the sand and stones rolling in the ruins, which looked extremely desolate.

Just then, there was a sudden tremor in the ruins, and then a snake head rushed up!

This snake is like the python before!

At this moment, it was vomiting a snake letter, looking at the direction in which Huang Yi's avatar went away, and whispering to himself, "What is this man? It was able to design to kill the black snake. Unfortunately, I have cultivated the host for so long I just blew myself up and hurt me, so I can only find a new host. "

Then the python emerged from the rubble, and there were a few wounds on its body. Immediately afterwards, it twisted its body and swiftly wandered away into the distant desert, then disappeared into the distance, merged into this endless bleak sandy land, and did not know where it would go.

As soon as the python left, Huang Yi's body suddenly appeared from the air, and he finally cancelled the state of nothingness ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi looked at the direction of the python's departure and whispered to himself: "What is this python In the first place? The self-detonation of a strong sacred man just hurt him a little bit, but he just hid again. He didn't attack the incarnation, indicating that he didn't want to do anything. What is it trying to do? Why is it looking for a host? " Time, Huang Yi's mind was full of doubts.

However, under his careful concealment, the python finally revealed a trace of secrets. The reason why Huang Yi did not show up just now is that it may be that the python is not dead. After all, it is full of weirdness and it actively controls the black snake. Explosive, which shows that it can survive with confidence. Huang Yi simply calculated everything, revealing his incarnation, a look away from here, and sure enough he led the python and was monitored by his body.

Next, Huang Yi immediately walked to the ruins where the python had been hiding before, staring at the ground there, and his mouth suddenly raised slightly.

A few drops of python's blood remained on the ground. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS:-Finally finished writing the owed chapter. This is to add more for [Poor Nameless], and ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket!

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