Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 298: Quick decision

These drops of snake blood are dark red and look no different. If others saw it, they wouldn't care. However, Huang Yi knew the strangeness of the python. The snake blood was the key to knowing the secret. He could use the snake blood to let the overlord search the trace of the other party and take the initiative. In addition, he can use the blood to carry out the next evolution and see what the other party is.

Huang Yi immediately took out a magic bottle, put a few drops of snake blood on the ground into the bottle, and kept it well. But now he won't go to the trouble of that python, so as not to frighten the snake.

Next, Huang Yi sent a message to the overlord, asking him to go directly back to the city, and this journey of heart search was over.


The next day, Huang Yi returned to Tiantai City, and then sent a message to Dugu Refrigeration, asking him to help bring the metal block with the extremely hot power to disperse the cold force of the heart. Dugu Refrigeration was at work at this time, and the two agreed to meet again at night.

At present, Huang Yi is exactly level 70, which is one level higher than Qin Shiyu. He ranks in the top 100 in China's ranking list, and the world's first blade is already level 75. Obviously, he is sprinting 100. level.

At this point, Huang Yi was on his way to the Battle Hall of Tiantai City, preparing to learn the skills of level 65. It's daytime, it should be the low period of online, but there are still a lot of people in the city, mostly young faces. Passing by the Guild Hall of Tiantai City, Huang Yi suddenly found that many people were rushing in, forming a very weird situation.

"Huh? What happened to those people?" At this moment, there were some people around like Huang Yi who were curious and looked at those who rushed to the guild hall.

"What else can there be? It's just that the heroic guild has been upgraded to a level 4 union. They can recruit one million more people. They all want to seize the opportunity to join in. The quota is full later." Another player explained.

"Is the Guild of Heroes so popular?" The player apparently didn't pay much attention to current affairs, and asked in doubt.

"That is of course. Now the guilds of heroes are treated the best. Even the dragons are theirs. This is a skill that no guild in the world has. Qin Shiyu, vice president of the guild of heroes, has spoken, as long as the members If you reach a certain degree of contribution, you can get a house in Longdu. In a big city like Longdu, how enviable it is to have a house, even if you do nothing. Open a store to sell things, one There must be tens of thousands of gold coins in the next month! This is much more profitable than going to work in real life. "The player's tone of voice was full of envy," Unfortunately I have joined other guilds, and my level I ca n’t meet the requirements of the Hero Guild, otherwise I would like to join the Hero Guild. "

"It is estimated that Spike will get the best guild award next year. The best individual award is also very promising, or it will become the first Grand Slam winner!"

"Who knows, anyway, we can have a good time in our little days. They are busy all day long, and they may not play better than us."

Hearing the two men's speech, Huang Yi immediately understood the reason for the incident. It seems that Qin Shiyu took good care of the Hero Guild. Now it has reached the fourth level guild, and the development speed is amazing. More importantly, she also set up a series of reward and punishment systems, which attracted a large number of people to join. That dragon is simply a treasure house. The house in it is like a house in real life. For ordinary players, it has huge appeal.


Next. Huang Yi continued to move forward, and soon came to the Warriors Hall, climbed to the fifth level of the rare professional skills learning point, teleported to the mysterious realm, ready to learn the skills of level 65.

Level 65 skills, which is basically a skill that all rare professions are working hard to learn, and then up to level 75 skills. Only a few talents, such as Blade, met the learning requirements.

There is also a square in this secret place. There are many fighters SS standing still around the square. At this time, a fierce battle is going on in the square.

Three players are attacking one of the combatants SS with all their strength. They seemed to have been fighting for a long time, but now the fighter has just used a violent skill, bleeding all over, and seems to be in the final mortal counterattack stage.

Among these three players, one is a close-up warrior, wielding a spear, and it is quite fierce to open and close; one is a hunter hiding in the distance and shooting bows and arrows, and one arrow is quickly shot out, There is also a player who is a bit like a shaman occupation, with a totem pole inserted next to him, emitting a blood-red light, which enhances his teammates' combat effectiveness. The three of them cooperate well, and they should be familiar friends.

"Ah!" At that moment, the soldier next to SS was suddenly hit by a super attack from SS, and then the SS immediately rushed to the hunter and shaman, and the situation suddenly became dangerous!

The hunter and the shaman rushed away in order to prevent the SS from attacking, but the speed of the SS was too fast and their evasion became very difficult.

"That friend, please come and help me!" At this moment, the hunter saw Huang Yi in the distance and hurriedly shouted at him.

This was a matter of raising hands, Huang Yi did not quit, immediately carrying two board axes, one rushed after the hunt, and knocked SS into a daze.

At this time, the fighter who was hit by the fly also rushed forward, attacked the SS with Huang Yi, and suddenly stabilized the situation.

"Brother, thank you very much!" The soldier turned his head and thanked Huang Yi.

"Raising your hand!" Huang Yi said indifferently. At this time, he wore Oscar's blindfold, his face changed, and he didn't team with the three, neither of them knew his name.

The warrior did not have much blood, but now after a combined attack by four people, he quickly hit the blood skin state.

At this time, the three of them all looked at Huang Yi, and some words stopped. Whoever killed the warrior was the one who died, so many people would come to grab the monster at this stage. They all wanted to remind Huang Yi to let He quit first, but was embarrassed to speak.

At this moment, Huang Yi stole his weapon and took the initiative to retreat. He suddenly stated his position and let the three men breathe a little sigh of relief.

At this time, the hunter and soldier also stopped, leaving only the shaman still attacking.

Soon, the shaman killed the combatant SS, and then the SS was turned into an ashes. The shaman hurried up, put his hands on the ashes, and learned level 65 skills.

"Dude, thank you for your help!" After the battle, the three of them came to Huang Yi and said gratefully.

"Let me introduce it." At this moment, the soldier stepped forward and said, "My name is Mu Yun, this shaman is called Didi, and this hunter is called Chen Chen. We are all famous club guilds. I do n’t know what the brothers call them? After finishing speaking, all three of them took out their business cards and handed them to Huang Yi.

"Mu Yun?" Huang Yi couldn't help but look at the soldier a few more times. Mu Yun was also one of the very best newcomers last year, but his glory was covered up in front of Huang Yi and Thor.

Next, Huang Yi took the business cards of the three of them, then took out three of his own business cards and handed them to them. At this time, Huang Yi did not need to hide his identity. His Oscar eye mask can be ever-changing, and next time he can change to another look, without worrying about being recognized.

"Eh? You, you are a spike?" The three were slightly surprised when they received the business card, and then all stared at Huang Yi stupidly. Although the three of them are rare professionals and come from the famous celebrity pavilion, but compared to Huang Yi, their identity is nothing.

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, "I was the first time to see the Mingle Pavilion. The three of you are all rare occupations. Presumably they are the senior members of the Mingle Pavilion. I hope there will be some cooperation in the future."

"We are not high-level, we are not interested in power or just playing around." Mu Yun shook his head slightly, then looked at the other fighters in the square and said, "Seckill, this fighter Very powerful, heads-ups are impossible to beat. It is estimated that you can heads-up at level 80 or higher. At this level, it takes several people to win. You just played for us once. It ’s better for us to fight for you. Just once! "

"Yeah! If it weren't for your shot, I might not have learned Level 65 skills so smoothly." The shaman named "Didi" also said.

"Okay, thank you very much!" Huang Yi was not a dead-headed person, and immediately agreed.

Next, the four came to the square and found a SS challenger.

With the help of three people, Huang Yi was very relaxed. After spending some time, he successfully killed the SS, and the ashes of the warriors appeared.

Huang Yi immediately pressed his palm against the ashes, and then a red energy entered his body along his arm.

[System Tip]: Congratulations on your learning the level 65 skills of the Executioner profession.

[Quick decision]: Consume 100 points of anger ~ www.readwn.com ~, increase the attack speed by 50% within the next 20 seconds, and cool down for 1 minute.

100 points of anger! This is one of the skills that Huang Yi consumes the most. He is only 250 points full of anger now. If you want to use this skill, you have to remove half of it. However, the gain effect of this skill is also obvious, increasing the attack speed by 50%, indicating that after using this skill, he can attack more times and draw more anger. Such a comparison is still very cost-effective.

However, this skill has a cool-down time, even if you have enough anger, you can't use it all the time. It is best to use it at the best output stage.

"Okay, spike, we have to go, and hope that there will be a chance to fight together next time." At this time, Mu Yun said to Huang Yi.

"Well, bye!" Huang Yi said goodbye, and then teleported. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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