Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Crazed up to 113

The 90th-layer world record that Miyamoto Musashi just broke was 21 minutes and 58 seconds, most of which was on the road, not much time to really kill the SS, so the speed of the road is the key to breaking the world record.

As soon as Huang Yi entered the 90th floor of the Tower of the Gods, he immediately used ordinary magic items, and then summoned the mount, the double-headed lin, to stand up and ride.

This mount was originally a mount at the sacred level, but previously the level of Huang Yi was low, so the mount's strength could not be exerted. Now, this mount has also returned to the level of the sanctuary following his level, carrying him like a cloud of smoke and moving forward. This is his greatest advantage in snatching the world record. The mount of Miyamoto Musashi absolutely does not have his double Head Lin is so strong.

Huang Yi urged the mount and went straight to the first SS point. The mobs in front of him were hit by two heads of brute force or trampled to death. There was no one at all.

Soon, he came to the first SS point, this SS has only 90 levels!

"Humble ants, you ..."

The SS just shouted a familiar line, but before being finished, he was directly killed by a heavy sentence by Huang Yi, and two blue outfits burst out.

Huang Yi didn't even pick up the equipment and rushed towards the next SS point.

In this way, the first four SSs were instantly killed by him. He is now in the sacred realm, and these four SSs are all under the sacred realm, lowering him to a status class, and he also has a god-given attribute. It is easy to deal with these four SSs.

Finally, Huang Yi rode the double-headed Lin to the fifth SS. The level of this SS was 100. Before that, Huang Yi couldn't beat any way. Now it's finally shameful.

"Enforcement-trial!" At this time, Huang Yi began to release a skill from a distance, and His Majesty's double-headed linds made a circle with him to release the effect of the AIDS poisoning.

Before, he basically didn't ride the mount to hit the tower of the gods, because he was a soldier. Not a knight, many skills cannot be used after riding the mount. However, at level 85, he learned a [compulsory] professional passive skill, and even on the mount, he can smoothly release professional skills, but his anger consumption should be increased by 5 times.

"Scorched earth!"


"Thundercloud storm!"

Immediately after, Huang Yi released the remaining three super-large-scale capabilities together!

"Enforcement-hunt!" At this time, Huang Yi mounted his mount. Forced to rush towards SS!

His Majesty's two-headed Lin suddenly turned into a series of phantoms and rushed to the front of SS quickly!

"Heavy sentence!" Huang Yilei held the axe in his left hand and smashed heavily towards SS!

"Well!" The SS was suddenly hit by brute force, fell to the ground, dragged a trace far away, and his blood was directly killed by 7%!

This time. Huang Yi hit a critical strike, and the anger value that was about to be exhausted immediately returned a hundred points. This is the attribute of the legendary Helm of the God of Killing that he just acquired. After the critical strike, he can directly restore one hundred points of rage.

The SS immediately got up, waving the two pairs of knives in his hands, and hurriedly rushed towards Huang Yi, forcefully and forcefully.

"Ice arrow!" Just then. The left head of the twin-headed Lin under Huang Yi's head suddenly sprayed a white ice arrow, hit the SS that came over, covered it with a layer of ice crystals, making it extremely slow, and the momentum suddenly stopped. !!

At this time, Huang Yi started the second charge of hunting for the fusion of the five consecutive runes, rushed up again lightningly, and again smashed the SS body, smashing it into flesh and blood ... ...

that's it. Huang Yi relied on her powerful strength in the sacred realm and the huge assistance of seven legendary equipments to fight this SS as a sandbag of human flesh. The violent attack power poured freely on this SS.

finally. It took him less than a minute to kill this 100-level SS!

[System Tip]: Congratulations on the clearance of the one-person room on the 90th floor of the Tower of the Gods. The clearance time is 10 minutes and 49 seconds. Become the record creator on this floor and you will get a generous reward!

[System Tip]: Congratulations on your obtaining [Special Achievement]-[Breakthrough Record], special achievement value +1, critical strike chance + 1%, [Breakthrough Record]: advance the world record by half the time.

Another special achievement! Miyamoto Musashi's record-breaking time was 21 minutes and 58 seconds, and Huang Yi's rapid headway in the double-headed lintel broke the record in just over 10 minutes, and indeed advanced the world record time by half.

If Miyamoto Musashi finds a faster means of travel, it is still possible to break the record of Huang Yi.

At this point, just like when Huang Yi broke the world record many times before, a box suddenly appeared in front of it, which is the reward of the world record.

Huang Yi approached with expectation and opened the box.

The box contained four items, one more thing than the previous record-breaking, which seemed to be a new change after the level of the sanctuary.

The first item was a Dan pill, which was yellow in color, radiant and translucent, exuding a faint scent of medicine, Huang Yi immediately checked it.

[Experience Dan] (Class A, Magic Item-Drug)

After use, it can increase experience value by 50%.

Before breaking the world record, there were also experience rewards, but that was a light of experience that could be absorbed. But now it has become a form of elixir, which is more convenient and can be taken out to friends or kept for later use.

The second item is an A-level energy stone. After Huang Yi won the runner-up in the individual race, he also received the Powerstone reward, but it was 10 B-levels, which is a grade worse than the one in front of him.

The third item is a magic bottle containing a yellow liquid. This kind of thing Huang Yi has been seen many times, it is a potion, but he has never seen this potion before, it should be a brand new potion-

[Double experience potion] (A level, magic item-potion)

After using it, you can get double experience time of 30 minutes and double the experience value obtained by killing monsters.

Double experience! Huang Yi was slightly surprised that this medicine was used to upgrade quickly. There are very few opportunities for double experience. The most famous one is during the Winter Snow Festival. During the festival, all players in the world can enjoy double experience.

The fourth item is a thing called "Soul Spar", but there is no introduction, I don't know what it is used for.

In the second world, there are many things that may have only one name, or even no name, without clues. Players call it a mystery. If you want to discover the role of the mystery, you need to look at the coincidence. Sometimes an inconspicuous mystery may be something with great effects. Such examples are endless. Many players do n’t care about getting the lost things, they may just throw them into the auction house, but they are found by those who are interested and bought at a low price, but the result is an extremely top-level treasure.

Huang Yi has already seen the magical thing before. In that auction, the strange metal plate that he asked Dugu to refrigerate is a kind of magical thing. Until now, they still haven't figured out what the metal plate is. They only know that there is a small baby in it that can give off extreme heat. Huang Yi used it to disperse the icy power of dozens of Sand Pirate King hearts, and hasn't paid much attention to it since then.

These four items are much richer than the rewards of Sanctuary's previous world record breaking. Huang Yi immediately collected them all.

He then teleported out and teleported in again, breaking the world record for the second time.

However, this time, the reward he received has decayed a lot, and only got an experience dan that can increase the experience by 50%, and a B-level energy stone.

A player can only break the world record twice on the same level, no more record-breaking rewards.

After breaking the 90-layer world record, Huang Yi had no record to break in a short time, because the next record was far from him alone.

That is the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods. There is only a 5,000-person mode, just like the 50th floor of the Tower of the Gods. It requires a whole guild to gather an elite group to challenge. This layer will definitely set off a wave of competition for the world's first kill. Five SS, five world first kills, no one knows who will be won.

Next, Huang Yi can upgrade madly again!

He immediately took out 105 of the magic dan from the storage ring and opened his mouth to swallow it. Suddenly, there was a flash of golden light on his body, and a warm current poured out, rising to level 106. Subsequently, he took out the 106 level magic magic ...

In this way, he has been eating the magic pill of level 108, and has been promoted to level 109 all at once! Far away from Miyamoto Musashi!

Huang Yi smiled slightly, and then took out two experience dandelions that were just obtained after breaking the world record, and swallowed them one after another. One experience increased by 50%, and the two combined added another level to him, reaching level 110!

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is not over yet!

Huang Yi once again took out three magic dans of level 110-112, swallowed them one by one, and the level quickly rose to 113!

He was missing the magic dan of level 109 before. He originally wanted to wait until tomorrow 1st, and let the name-sharing attribute of God kill him automatically. But now with the two experience tango obtained after breaking the record, he does not need to wait any longer, and can directly rise to level 113!

This is destined to be a legendary night! Huang Yi's crazy upgrade has shocked the whole world, soaring from 100 to 113 overnight! This kind of upgrade speed is unheard of, even if Miyamoto Musashi wants to chase, he is powerless. For a long time to come, Huang Yi will still occupy the top of the world ranking list! Just like the blade of that year!

Breaking the world record and finishing the level, Huang Yi is going to do the next thing-the fifth evolution!

This will also be the first time he has evolved at the level of the sanctuary, and I don't know if there will be any new changes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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