Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 509: 5th evolution

Before that, Huang Yi had evolved four species, namely, a civet form that was born, a half-orc form at level 20, a white dragon king form at level 40, a sniff cat form at level 60, and an eyeless form at level 80. .

This 100-level evolution, the first thing he thought of was the blood of the mysterious python. Before he went to search for the rest of the Sand Pirate King, he had killed the Black Snake, one of the three generals of His Majesty the Pirate King. At first, it had a mysterious python wrapped around his neck, and that was the mysterious new owner of the black snake!

The mysterious python once said that it could make the black snake from the primary sanctuary to the level of the heavens! This shows that its origins are extremely scary. After the explosion of the underground palace, Huang Yi just got its blood, but when he evolved at level 80, he suggested that this drop of blood was too powerful to absorb.

Now, Huang Yi is already in the sacred realm, but he can try the mysterious python blood again.

He took out the bottle containing the blood of the mysterious python. The drops of snake blood were still intact. One drop was very cohesive, did not melt, and did not solidify.

Huang Yi opened the bottle cap, carefully took out a drop, and tried to absorb it.

"[System Tip]: You have obtained the blood of the mysterious species, did you choose to absorb evolution?"

Huang Yi immediately chose Yes!

Immediately, there was an attractive force in his palm, trying to **** the mysterious python blood into his body. But the scene that made Huang Yi familiar, no matter how strong the suction of his palm, the drop of blood remained the same, and there was no sign of dissolving.

"[System Tip]: The target blood strength is too high to be absorbed."

Sure enough, the next moment a familiar prompt sounded in the system, after all, this drop of snake blood was still too powerful. Not yet available for evolution. This could not help Huang Yi affirm his own speculation. The mysterious python must be an existence beyond his comprehension. I don't know what it is.

Huang Yi had no choice but to put the blood of the python back into the bottle and wait for the evolution at level 120 to try again.

Remove the blood of the mysterious python. Huang Yi currently has four kinds of extremely powerful blood on hand, all of which are in the same level of heaven. They are the blood of the Celestial Orc Barbaric; the blood of the fallen creature of the demon creature; the blood of the sea dragon emperor; and the blood of the ancient giant!

Of these four types of blood, Huang Yi most values ​​the blood of the ancient giants! Recently, the actions of the demons are becoming more and more frequent, and the ancient giants are the nemesis of the demons. As long as they can evolve into the ancient giants, even the demons will invade in the future. He can also have a countermeasure.

Huang Yi took out a drop of golden blood of Archaean Giant and tried to absorb it.

But the familiar scene just appeared again, the intensity of this drop of blood was too high, and he still couldn't absorb it. The Archaic Giant is not an ordinary Sky Power, its body shape is much stronger than that of the Sky Power in the same level.

Remove the blood of the Archean Giant. Then there are three kinds of blood at the level of the heavens, Huang Yi pondered for a while, and suddenly found that these three kinds of blood and his previously evolved form have some origins!

The first is the blood of Barbara, Barbara is a half-orc sacred power, and Huang Yi has evolved half-orcs before.

Followed by the blood of the Hailong emperor, the ancestors of the Bailong tribe are a branch of the Hailong tribe. It just moved along the river to the continental lake, and the Huanglong 40 evolved the Bailong tribe.

The last is the blood of the fallen messenger. The fallen messenger is a demon creature, and Huang Yi's 80-level evolution is an eyeless demon form, which is also a demon creature.

Huang Yi suddenly had a clever idea, thinking of a question, if it was the same race, but with more powerful blood for second evolution, what would happen?

Thinking of this, he immediately took out the blood of the heavenly half-orc strongman. Tried to absorb!

"[System Tip]: The target blood is half-orc blood, which can be absorbed. Since you have carried out the half-orc evolution before, once absorbed, there will be deep evolution and improve the bloodline of the half-orc form. Become a half-orc beyond the ordinary race . "

Receiving this system prompt, Huang Yi was a little surprised, but did not expect that such a thing happened repeatedly. Orcs are one of the top 100 ordinary races. On average, there are also 100 million orcs players in the world. However, once Huang Yi has re-evolved the orcs, he will surpass all current orcs and become a level beyond ordinary race Orcs, this is an unheard of evolution.

Huang Yi hesitated for a while and chose evolution. He also wanted to see what the so-called deep evolution was all about.

Suddenly, the dripping blood on the palm of his hand was slowly sucked into the palm of his hand, penetrated the skin, and penetrated deep into his body.

In a short time, he felt that something in his body seemed to be being pulled, and he began to become agitated again.

He understood that it was probably the half-orc bloodline that had evolved before, and now he encountered the stronger half-orc bloodline in the heavens. There was a subtle reaction between the two, and he started to move towards a higher level. To evolve.

This time evolution, there is no previous pain, but it is a bit comfortable, the whole body is numb and feverish, and after a while, he sweats a lot, as if steaming in a sauna.

Ten minutes later, the crispy feeling finally dissipated, and Huang Yi received a system prompt—

[System Tip]: Congratulations on completing the deep evolution.

Current evolution stage: sixth stage

Current evolutionary form: Mutant. Orc, replacing the original Orc form

Current form talent:

[Immune evolution]: +100 disease resistance, +100 toxin resistance, completely exempt any diseases and toxins, and increase the disease and toxin attack by 20%. In the form of Beastmaster, the effect of this talent is halved.

[Various body]: In the mutant half-orc form, the constitution is + 20%, and the defense is + 20%. In the form of Beastmaster, the effect of this talent is halved.

[Same nemesis]: The ability to perceive the half-orc race is halved after being attacked by the half-orc race; when the half-orc race is attacked, the damage is doubled. In the form of Beastmaster, the effect of this talent is halved.

[Children of the Forest]: In the forest all attributes + 10%, in the form of Beastmaster, this talent effect is halved.

[Absolute Constitution]: In the variant half-orc form. No matter how much damage you take, you need to be attacked at least 4 times to die. In the form of Beastmaster, the effect of this talent is halved.

Race skills:

[King Kong's Body]: Can only be used in the mutant half-orc form. It can temporarily transform the attack ability into survivability. The attack power, critical strike chance, and critical strike effect are reduced by 90%. Health, defense, and dodge are increased by 10. Times. Lasts 20 minutes. Cooling time: 10 days.

Deep evolution is really different! Before that, after Huang Yi's evolution, he would only get some abilities of this race, but it was not comprehensive, and the system only made some implicit upgrades in general.

This time deep evolution has improved this race. In essence, they are still orcs, but the blood is more powerful, and new racial talents and skills have appeared.

For example, the first talent of [Immune Evolution], the previous half-orc race was exempt from 95% of diseases and toxins. This percentage is already very high. In general, resistance can only be increased to 75 points. Just like Huang Yi's fire resistance, after reaching 75 points, it can no longer be piled up. After being attacked by fire, the maximum exemption is 75%. The remaining 25% is still tolerated, so 75 points are also Called the full value of resistance.

However, in some special cases, it is possible to escape from such restrictions, such as the talent of race. Orcs are best known for their ability to save 95% of diseases and toxins! However, this ability still does not reach the level of complete immunity, and some diseases and toxins will still kill them. The most typical example is the epidemic disease caused by the dark king Ucar when he invaded this continent 30 years ago. Even half-orcs can't carry that disease, and they still die.

But now, Huang Yi, a mutant half-orc form, has the ability to completely save, even the most severe diseases and toxins will not pose a threat to him.

However, this can only be done in the mutant half-orc form, in the orc king form. The effect of this talent is to be halved.

The third talent, the same family nemesis, is obviously aimed at the Orc race. After deep evolution, Huang Yi has become more powerful than the existing Orc, and is in the future of the Orc's long evolutionary history. Become the nemesis of this race.

However, in the face of absolute power, this talent is also useless, such as the half-orc celestial strongman is quite natural. Its masters at this level, after attacking Huang Yi, even if the attack power is halved, it is enough to kill him in seconds, and it is impossible to stop it.

In addition, one of Huang Yi's most important talents is the last [absolute constitution]. This talent is similar to his death penalty exemption, but it is more powerful. No matter how much attack he has suffered, he needs to fight 4 times to kill him. . This reminded him of the Mark of Killing God, which is also the case. No matter how big the attack is, it needs to be hit a prescribed number of times before it can be destroyed. Only in the form of Beastmaster, this talent effect has to be halved, from 4 times to twice.

In terms of racial skills, the skills of [King Kong's Body] far exceed the previous half-orc's racial skills [Tracking Smell]. This skill can make Huang Yi a T-professional temporarily, his attack ability will become very weak, but his anti-attack ability is first-rate.

The disadvantage is that this racial skill can only be used in the mutant half-orc form, and it cannot be used in the beast-master form. In the battle, Huang Yi can only transform once, and once transformed into the mutant orc form, it will not change back, and can only use this form to fight the enemy ~ www.readwn.com ~ until the end of the battle.

This evolution, in general, is better than evolution to other species. After all, it is deep evolution, and the levels are different.

At this point, the fifth evolution is over. In just one night, Huang Yi ’s strength has been increased by a few times compared to yesterday, the level has been increased by 13, the equipment has been updated, skills have been upgraded, and deep evolution has been ...

The long bottleneck depression of more than 90 levels was finally released explosively at this moment, and he can move forward with a big stride.

But tonight's work is not over yet. After breaking through level 100, there is one more thing that can be done, and that is advanced war spirits! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: There are so many things at level 100. Some settings need to be rethought. It is more troublesome. I have been thinking about the deep evolution of the orcs and the advancement of the war spirit. Let me think about it one night and four more tomorrow.

Of course, I wrote more and wrote it a bit longer. It may take a long time to send it out. I'm trying to finish it earlier.

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