Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 510: Advanced War Soul

Huang Yi is very much looking forward to the advancement of the fighting spirit, because his fighting spirit is the only perfect fighting spirit in the world. The attack is not only full of nine layers, but also defense and life. , All three upright meanings are activated. And advanced, will undoubtedly make his fighting spirit stronger.

Huang Yi left the teleportation array and quickly found the War Soul Awakening Division, explaining his intention.

"Huh? You have a god-given person who is going to advance the soul of war? Is that the **** of killing the first one who broke through the 100th level?" The war soul awakening master is an old man. He heard Huang Yi's intention, and suddenly he slightly Surprised.

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded. At present, players in the world who can advance the battle spirit are two of him and Miyamoto Musashi, and when he took the lead to level 100, he was also announced by the system. This old man It's no surprise to be able to guess his identity.

"It is destined to be one of the proudest things in my life to be able to advance the fighting spirit for Lord God of Killing." The old man smiled slightly at Huang Yi, and then asked, "Do you know anything about the advanced fighting spirit?"

"I only know a little bit of fur, please explain it for me." Huang Yi shook his head, revealing a pair of ears to listen to.

"The core of the so-called war soul is a soul word." The old man said the key point, and then explained in detail: "Before the advance of the war soul, the war soul was actually dead. There was no 'soul' at every level. After ascending, there is no need to worry about it, and it cannot be flexible. The advanced of the war spirit is to make the war spirit live, so that it truly has a 'soul'. "

With that said, the old man took a look at Huang Yi and continued: "The war spirit you understand now is to bring you the three attributes of life, attack, and defense. These three attributes are not rich enough. And the war spirit Advanced is to make the bonus attributes you obtain more detailed and detailed. For example, when attacking a war spirit, you can give it additional speed bonuses such as attack speed, critical strike chance, and critical strike effect. In terms of defensive war spirit, you can Give it additional attributes such as resistance, evasion, and anti-injury. In terms of life and war spirit, you can give it extra life attributes such as lifesteal and health recovery speed. These detailed attributes. You can flexibly change at any time. "

"Then how to do that?" Huang Yi roughly understood the benefits of Zhanhun's advanced, and could not help asking.

"After the battle soul advances, every level of war spirit you previously promoted can inhale a soul. This soul can be any kind of soul, but its strength must be at least the leader above the sanctuary. After inhaling the soul , This layer of war souls is alive. This soul will bring you additional additional attributes, this additional attribute is the attribute that the soul was good at during his lifetime. The stronger the soul, the higher the additional attributes. "

"Take an example." The old man said, and stretched out a finger, "Before the battle spirit advanced. Your first attack on the battle spirit has only one attribute, which will increase your attack power by 2%. But if you are This layer inhales a soul with a high attack speed. Then your first attacking soul has the property of increasing attack speed. If you inhale a soul that is good at critical strike chance, the additional attribute may be to increase the violence. Hit chance. What additional attributes you add depends entirely on what your soul is good at. If your soul is a primary sanctuary. The additional attribute may be 1%, and if the soul you inhale is an intermediate sanctuary, it may be added. Extra attributes can reach 2%. The level of additional attributes depends entirely on the strength of the soul. "

"In addition, there are four points to pay attention to," the old man added. "First of all, the corresponding war soul can only inhale the corresponding soul, for example, your life war soul can only absorb life souls, but not an attack type. Unless it is a rare all-around soul, all three aspects of life, attack, and defense are good at it. Second, the uprising can also be added to the soul. You are the only perfect war soul in the world, so all three uprisings should be activated. Now you better find three souls for Upanishadow. Again, the souls can be replaced. If you find a stronger soul, you can replace the original soul at any time. Finally, you can use it as a strong soul. Anyway, if it is dead, then it simply absorbs its soul. If it is alive, there is an additional function that it can be used as your contract partner and summoned to help you fight. Of course, you are not Hunter profession, so only one contract partner can be summoned to fight at the same time. "

"I see!" Huang Yi nodded. This advanced battle spirit is actually not complicated. To put it bluntly, use souls to add some additional attributes to each previous layer of battle souls. Different souls attach different attributes.

"Help me advance the battle spirit!" Huang Yi said impatiently.

"Okay!" Said the old man, showing a smile of greedy fortune, nodding his fingers, and calculating carefully: "The advanced charge of the battle soul is calculated by the layer, the first layer charges 1,000 gold coins, and the second layer charges Two thousand gold coins, the third layer of three thousand gold coins, and so on. You attack the war spirit one to nine layers, here is 45,000 gold coins. And your life war spirit activates the seventh, eighth, and ninth layers. There are a total of 24,000 gold coins here, and your defensive battle spirit is also 24,000 gold coins. In addition, for each 50,000 gold coins of Aoyi, all three of your upright souls are activated, that is 150,000 gold coins. So your battle soul The total cost to advance is 243,000 gold coins! "

After that, the old man's brilliant smile faced Huang Yi, revealing two yellow teeth. He has n’t opened for three years, and eats for three years.

"I'll give you 250,000 gold coins, don't need to find it!" Huang Yi's current worth is tens of trillions of gold coins. The 250,000 gold coins in this area are hardly even the hair. He directly took out 25 diamond coins and gave them out .

The old man flashed in front of his eyes and said flattering, "Killing God is generous, I will give you the advanced battle spirit immediately!"

After all, he pressed his withered left hand on Huang Yi's forehead, closed his eyes, his expression became somber, and he whispered a strange and erratic melody.

Huang Yi suddenly felt that a strange amount of energy came from the old man's arm, fell into his body, and radiated to the limbs.

One minute later, Huang Yi finally received a system prompt—

"[System Tip]: All your battle spirits have been advanced. The current soul count: 0."

At this point, Huang Yi's war spirit has advanced, and this strength can only be manifested in the future, and it is not yet visible. His top priority is to collect some souls. He has 15 levels of war souls and three uprights. In total, he needs to collect 18 souls.

Among them, the criminals in the heroic prison are undoubtedly very suitable, but they cannot be willing to be Huang Yi's soul. The soul is lower than the guardian of the territory and has no freedom, which is equivalent to becoming Huang Yi. Contract for pets. Moreover, those criminals are a kind of non-renewable resource. One death is one less. Huang Yi will keep them for other uses.

Next, Huang Yi went to the Tower of the Gods and began to try to inhale souls.

He teleported to the single-player mode on the 101st floor. This is a square where densely packed swordsmen are practicing their swords. Huang Yi turned over and rode on the two-headed Lin, rushing towards the group of swordsmen.

The Tower of the Gods is a mystery. The monsters in it are special. They are made in batches by the gods and have low intelligence. The level 101 mobs here, although the level is sacred level, are far less than the sacred powers in the outside world. In the outside world, each sacred power is in the leadership level. There are no mobs and elites. .

In the Tower of the Gods, there are still three levels of ordinary monsters, elite monsters, and leaders. These dense swordsmen that Huang Yi now faces are ordinary monsters, and their strength is far less terrifying than the leader.

"Scorched earth!"


"Thundercloud storm!"


Huang Yi released four large-scale group attack abilities at a stretch, all the mobs in the area were greatly damaged, and all the strength he had promoted tonight was released without any reservation at this moment!

Among them, the improvement of the effect of the trial is the most obvious. Huang Yi has just evolved a mutant half-orc. He has a talent that increases the disease and poison damage by 20%. He is now in the form of an orc king, the effect is halved, but it also has 10%. Aid poison rune damage has increased a lot.

Soon, all the mobs in the area fell down and turned into his experience value. The Tower of the Gods is indeed a must-go place for leveling. Even if it reaches the level of the sanctuary, you can still level quickly here.

Not long after, Huang Yi came to the first SS. This SS is the instructor of this group of swordsmen. The level is also 101, but it is much better than those mobs. He is a leader and cannot be compared with ordinary mobs. Only it Can be called the true sacred powers, and those mobs can not be considered strong.

"You interrupted my rest." At this moment, the swordsman leader pointed the sword in his hand towards Huang Yiyao and said his lines lightly.

"Oh!" In response to it, an ice arrow spewed out by Shuangtou Lin hit it firmly, making it covered with a layer of ice crystals, and the speed of movement was slow. ~ Www.mtlnovel .com ~ Then Huang Yi urged Shuangtou Lin to rush up quickly, and severely fell down with a heavy sentence!

"Boom!" Huang Yi's attack power now has reached more than 1,600 sanctuary points. Such a huge amount of attack power poured down, and the swordsman SS was immediately hit and landed on the ground tens of meters away. A long bloodstain on the ground finally stopped.

They are both junior sacred powers, but Huang Yi is significantly stronger!

The SS quickly got up, holding the sword, and rushed towards Huang Yi bravely!

"Enforcement-hunt!" Huang Yi consumed five times his anger, and used the mount with his "hunting" skills, turned into a phantom, and ran towards the winning side of the SS ...

In this way, Huang Yi and the SS fought for a few minutes, relying on powerful attributes to suppress, and successfully killed that SS!

This will be his first soul! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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