Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 511: Collect souls

"[System Tip]: You killed the Swordsman Tutor (level 101 attack leader, good at attributes: attack speed), did you **** it into the attacking soul and become a soul?"

After receiving this system prompt, Huang Yi immediately chose Yes. At the same time, he also recalled that just now the swordsman instructor was indeed inclined to attack speed. After being hit by him, he quickly counterattacked, and the speed of the move was relatively fast.

"[System Tip]: Please select the number of layers to be inhaled."

It seems that this war soul can absorb the souls freely to choose the number of layers, and does not need to strictly follow the order from low to high, and absorb them layer by layer.

"Attack the first level of the fighting spirit." He made a casual choice.

Immediately after, the body of the swordsman teaching head on the ground suddenly turned into a faint blood and poured into his body!

"[System Tip]: The first level of your attacking war spirit has a primary Holy Spirit, additional attributes: attack speed + 1%"

After all, the strength of the coach SS is still too weak. It belongs to the lowest level of souls and only adds 1% extra attributes to him.

Huang Yi rode on the double-headed Lin, and was planning to continue to attack the next SS, but at this moment, he looked at His Majesty's double-headed Lin, and suddenly hesitated slightly.

Souls can be absorbed by living things, and if they are living souls, they can be summoned as contract partners! That means that his two-headed mount can be used as a soul, which not only brings additional attributes, but does not prevent it from continuing to be a mount!

When thinking of this, Huang Yi immediately tried!

"[System Tip]: Your mount's two-headed Lin (level 113 attacking leader, good at attributes: attack range), will it be absorbed into the attacking soul and become a soul?

really. This two-headed Lin can be absorbed as a soul. Its best property is attack range. The left head is a long-range single attack, which can issue ice arrows. The right head is a long-range group attack, which can emit fire.

Huang Yi chose to inhale the two heads to attack the fourth layer of the fighting spirit! Suddenly. The twin heads of his Majesty turned into a ray of blood, immersed in him, and seemed to be swallowed by him.

Subsequently, he attacked the fourth level of the War Soul, with an additional additional attribute, attack range + 2%. better than nothing.

"Summoning-Two-Headed Lin Soul Spirit!" At this time, Huang Yi tried to summon!

For a while, his eyes darkened and an extra creature emerged. It had two heads and looked emaciated. But when he looked at Huang Yi, he blinked, showing an intimacy, and arching two heads in Huang Yi's arms.

This is the double-headed Lin who has just been sucked into his body, and it can still be summoned! Huang Yi felt comfortably touched his two heads, then immediately turned over and rode up, urging it to continue.

quickly. Seeing a crowd of mobs in front of him, Huang Yi was determined to try his skills, and immediately used his greatest range of offensive skills—the end of the world.

In a short time, a layer of hot magma was suddenly spread in the skill range, burning the mobs and emitting blue smoke.

The attack range of this skill was originally 300 meters, but just after he inhaled Shuangtou Lin as the soul, the attack range increased by 2%, and the range of this skill also expanded to 306 meters, which is not so obvious. His strength is still too low. No more improvement.

Huang Yi didn't think too much anymore, he decided to put all the souls first, and then said that one soul had limited improvement, but all the souls were very obvious. When you meet a better soul later, you can change it at any time.

In this way, Huang Yi brushed the tower of the gods over and over again. After inhaling one soul after another, all the souls in the body were exhausted. These souls are the lowest, most of which are only 1% ~ 2%. The added attributes are also mixed. Huang Yi did not deliberately pursue any attributes.


Gradually, one night passed. In just one night, Huang Yi completed an amazing promotion. First it was reversed at the awards party, becoming the first player to break through the 100th level, and then a series of measures to improve strength. It can be said that in the nearly one year since he came to the Second World, he has never improved his strength as much as this night, and everything seems dreamy.

It's almost time for breakfast. Huang Yi exited the Second World and went to the forum.

"The contest awards ceremony of the individual contest of the contest, staged a shocking reversal, killing God beyond Miyamoto Musashi, becoming the first player to rise to the 100th level, and smashing all rumors with actual actions!"

"The high-level hero guild headed by the killing **** and Qin Shiyu has now rejoined the hero guild! The 1.5 times of the funds promised in the fund-raising activities have been returned to the members of the hero guild."

"Go crazy to level 113 in one night! Far beyond Miyamoto Musashi, and reoccupied the first place in the world rankings. The reason for the upgrade is likely to kill a lot of high-level SS!"

"The group finals became a stage for the two killers and Emperor Wudi. Polls show that 70% of players think that Miyamoto Musashi is more likely to rely on the title of Emperor Wu; 30% of players believe that God of Killing will still reverse the war and win the Wu Sheng crown! "

Sure enough, over the night, the top hot posts in the forum have been firmly occupied by a series of events that happened last night. And more than a dozen hours ago, forums were full of scolding Huang Yi's scammers. Numerous players' angry voices scolded him indecently, but now, all the scolds have gone out.

People are like this. They like to use some superficial behaviors to speculate on the true intentions of others, and they only realize it when the truth comes. But what they can do is just an apology or simply forgetting, but what they have done to the parties is enough to affect their lives. Fortunately, Huang Yi is a person with a strong psychological quality, and will not take the scolding of others at heart. If it is a person who is more psychologically vulnerable, there may be psychological trauma.

Huang Yi passed by with a smile in her heart, immediately went offline, went to the cafeteria and began to have breakfast.


At this time, Huang Yi was eating breakfast in the real world, while on the other side of the Second World, a desert island far away overseas, there was a plot against him.

This island is not large. The lush island is full of trees, which is no different from any island in the ocean. But a day ago, a half-orc player of the martial arts guild came to this place by accident, but found a man—the heavenly strong bloodthirsty of the half-orc sacred place.

This half-orc player is also savvy, trying his best to please the pretty sky, and finally received some points from the pretty sky, and gained a lot of benefits. When he left, he quickly reported the news to the intelligence department in the guild. This news was mixed in the tens of thousands of intelligences of the Budokai every day, but eventually it was not submerged, but was reported layer by layer, and eventually passed into the ears of President Miyamoto Musashi.

In the end, this intelligence was brewed into a conspiracy against Huang Yi. The butterfly effect is like this. A butterfly in the distance **** its wings and may become a storm in the distance.

Under the personal leadership of the orc player, Miyamoto Musashi teleported overnight to a guild base closest to the place where Manten was located, and then rode an ocean-going ship across the ocean and hurried to the island where Manten was.

At this time, three people were standing on the island of this deserted island. One of them was tall and blood-red, and his body showed a lot of muscle tissue and twisted blood vessels, just like a person who had been peeled off. In general, it looks like the structure of a human body in a biological book. It's just that there is a huge blood hole in its chest, which is obviously injured and still in healing.

This person is the half-orc holy land sent to hunt down Huang Yi's heavenly strongman-bloodthirsty. However, he was put together by Huang Yi, who fought a battle in the abyss of the heroic continent and the fallen messenger. He eventually got injured and fled, hiding in this desert island to heal and wait for an opportunity to take revenge.

The other two were players. One of them was wearing a wide samurai uniform, with a calm expression, exuding a masterful indifferent atmosphere. This man is Miyamoto Musashi who won the individual championship of the contest.

Beside him, there was a half-orc player with a muscular knot and golden skin, but his tall body was a little charming at the moment, with a slight curl on his body, a smile on his face, and a villain-like look . He was originally an ordinary player, but because he provided information about the location of the wild sky, he made a huge contribution, so he stepped up in the martial arts guild, raised several levels, and became a little boss.

"Master Tiantian, this is our president of the Martial Arts Association, Miyamoto Musashi. He just won the first place in a contest with all God-given people all over the world and won the title of Emperor Wu!" At this time, The orc player introduced to the sky.

"What do you want me to do?" Nodded faintly at ~ www.readwn.com ~ and glanced at Miyamoto Musashi, apparently not taking him too much.

"I'm here to cooperate with you." Miyamoto Musashi smiled slightly, revealing a kind smile, it is difficult to resist, "I have a vengeance on killing God, and you just have to chase him down. How about we fight against him?"

"Cooperation?" Pretty Tiangui was a strong man in Tianyu. When he heard these words said by Miyamoto Musashi, he frowned suddenly. "What help can you contribute?"

Miyamoto Musashi still smiled and was not affected by the disdainful tone of Mantian. He flipped the palm of his hand and took out a magic bottle from the storage ring. It contained a pale red potion, which kept bubbling, as if it was boiling all the time.

"I can contribute this!" Miyamoto Musashi said, raising the potion in his hand. "After you take this potion, go to Heroic Land to hunt him down now, even if he calls the last heaven Helper, I ca n’t beat you. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m .)

PS: Four more outbreaks started today, this is the first, and three more out will be issued during the day.

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