Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 512: Nefarem Awakening Final Stage

"Oh?" Barbara took the bottle of medicine in the hands of Miyamoto Musashi and examined it carefully.

Suddenly, it felt that the boiling potion was filled with a mysterious power, which made him a great power in the heavens, which is definitely S-level potion.

"What kind of potion is this?" Quite could not help asking, even if his vision was wide, he still could not recognize all the S-class potions.

"This is a potion of property exchange! I only have this one bottle." Miyamoto Musashi smiled and explained, "The god-killing helper in Heaven is stronger than you. If he appears, you can use this bottle. The potion exchanges attributes with him. In this way, you are more powerful than him. The interchangeable attributes can last for 1 hour, which is enough for you to kill the god. Of course, if the **** of killing fails to attract the one, Celestial Helper, it will be easier if you want to kill him. You can do it with just a touch of your finger. "

"If this bottle of medicine is really so god, then I can immediately start to hunt him, but I have to research for a while to see if this bottle of medicine is true or false, and I will start to hunt him tomorrow at the latest." Nodded lightly, then put away the potion.

Miyamoto Musashi calmly felt a little relieved, and said, "Considering that the gods are so cunning, they might use some special means to hide, so if you can't find him, you can attack his guild territory, Longdu, That's the core of their guild. If you go there, he will definitely come back to rescue. "

"This does not require you to teach. Although he has been promoted to the level of the sanctuary, in my eyes, it is only a ants into a mouse. If it was not the helper who feared him, I would have been He has been killed to the first level. "Mantian said. Then he turned around and strode away, without bothering about Miyamoto Musashi.

"Brother, as soon as the shot is launched, the **** of death is dead! If the legendary equipment is revealed, he will not be the opponent of the brother. The team championship must be ours." The Orc player towards Miyamoto Musashi Laughed flatteringly.

"Really? I hope so!" Miyamoto Musashi only smiled lightly, without blindly believing that he would not dare to make a conclusion before the truth came out.


When Huang Yi went online again, it was already night time, only a few hours away from the 1st of the next month. At that time, his killing god-given attribute will automatically upgrade him to a level from 113 to 114.

However, it is more difficult to go up. His next magic dan is 123. During this period, there is a 9-level difference. If the 9 levels are promoted according to the normal way of killing monsters. It takes a long time.

Huang Yi brushed the tower of the gods again, waiting while leveling.

Finally, at zero o'clock!

At that moment, Huang Yi's body suddenly surged into a warm current, which directly improved one level to the level of 114!

This level is completely picked up, on the 1st of every month thereafter. He can pick up a grade for nothing. In this respect, the attribute given by the **** of killing is more powerful than any attribute. If he persists for ten years in the second world, this attribute can improve him by 120 levels.

Soon, the cooldown of Huang Yi's Mark of Killing God was over. He set up a Mark of Killing God next to the Demon's Gate at the bottom of the abyss last night, and now he can finally teleport back.

In a short time, Huang Yi disappeared into Longdu and returned to the abyss.

Beside him was the gate of the demon king, who stood quietly in the swamp. The damp wind blew with a rancid smell. Blowing the grass in the swamp fluttering and looking extremely desolate.

Huang Yi stepped forward, stretched out his palm and pressed it against the door of the demon king, and continued to absorb the pure dark air inside.

Black smoke poured into Huang Yi's body from the door of the Demon King, and he was like a vortex. It continues to attract the surrounding dark atmosphere, and the speed of absorption is very fast. Compared with the speed of absorption before the sanctuary a few days ago, it is quite different. Moreover, this door was attacked by the wild sky last time, and it has been shaky. The dark breath above is not stable, which makes it easier for Huang Yi to absorb it.

But this is dancing on the tip of the sword. The gate of the demon king is connected to the space where the seven demon kings are located. It is possible to run out of the magical creatures from the inside at any time, such as fallen messengers and undefeated people. When the Devil's Gate travels to the hero continent, once they are discovered, the consequences are unthinkable.

"Wow!" At this moment, there was a sudden swiping sound in the distant muddy water. With some splashing muddy water, there seemed to be something rushing towards here.

"Absolutely invisible!" Huang Yi did not dare to carelessly, and immediately used the auxiliary skills on the legendary cloak [Black Dragon's Leather], and was suddenly hidden in the air, and his general hidden means could not find him.

Soon, the unknown creature in the muddy water drilled over, the splashed muddy water was thrown to the sides, Huang Yining looked at it in the past.

I saw the creature in the muddy water was a huge loach, and it was greasy and greasy. It didn't seem to detect the arrival of Huang Yi, and just walked away from it, just passing by.

Looking at this loach, Huang Yi estimated and felt it. The loach's strength is probably an intermediate sanctuary, which is stronger than him. If it is killed, it will be sucked into the soul of the war as a soul. The bonus should be higher. . However, this loach is an SS in the wild area. Unlike the low-intelligence SS in the Tower of the Gods, which can only talk about lines, it will be very difficult to fight, and Huang Yi is not sure that he can kill it.

And here is the abyss, the most dangerous place on the mainland. Rarely seen sacred powerhouses can be seen here casually, they are likely to attract more sacred powerhouses when they fight, and the situation will be even more so. It's complicated. It might be that the loach would be killed by other strong men in the sanctuary. By then, Huang Yi would be defeated. The fighting soul can only absorb the creatures it has captured or killed, and it cannot use the bodies killed by others. Otherwise, Huang Yi would have taken the strong dead bodies in the prison room of the hero prison to absorb them into souls.

After the loach ran a little farther, Huang Yi finally showed his body and began to absorb the dark breath above the door of the Demon King. He felt that the power of Nefarem in his body had become hotter and hotter, from every corner of his body, and even the blood seemed to start to boil. This awakening process seemed to have reached the late stage.

In this way, Huang Yi, while absorbing the dark breath, carefully watched the movements around him. Once there was any situation, he immediately used absolute hiding to hide.

With his absorption, the dark atmosphere of the Demon's Gate became less and less, but the dark atmosphere in Huang Yi's body became more and more dense, and his whole body's skin gradually attached a black pattern. The pattern of the texture is extremely complicated and intertwined, as if it is the trajectory of the galaxy universe. It seems to have a subtle and obscure feeling, containing the highest truth, far more than any carving he saw before. Pattern and magic array.

Huang Yi conjectured that the sign of the complete awakening of Nefarem's blood should be the moment when all these lines have been generated. He calculated it, and it probably took a day to get it done.

"Huh? Why is it here!" Just then, Huang Yi was a little surprised!

He just suddenly felt that the sky came to this continent!

After he became the guardian of the heroic continent, he has been using the guardian's skill "Eye of Monitoring" to monitor the trace of Savage Sky. This is his biggest enemy so far. This skill is only used on Savage Sky. No change in goals. As soon as Mantian steps into this continent, he can be immediately monitored by him.

The arrival of Savage is not a good thing, most of them come to hunt him down, and Savage also has tracking skills and can know his location!

At this moment, the situation suddenly became severe. Huang Yi wanted to absorb the blood of Nefarem, it would take at least one day, this time is enough for the heavenly strongman to come and hunt him!

But soon, Huang Yi realized that the direction of the wild sky is not in the abyss where he is, but strangely heading towards the north of the mainland!

Almost instantly, he came up with a terrible guess. It seems that most of the time, he wants to go to Longdu, and directly attract him by attacking Longdu!

This method is not poisonous. It can run a monk, can't run a temple, and attacks the dragon capital in the sky. This is the best way to combat Huang Yi! Not only can he weaken the forces behind him, but he can also wait for Huang Yi to come home automatically.

Huang Yi took a deep breath and focused on the avatar he had left in Longdu. At this point, his avatar was watching the stars with Qin Shiyu on the top of the sky garden ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Yu, a catastrophe is about to come, and quickly ordered all members of the Hero Guild to evacuate the Dragon City! At this moment, Huang Yi immediately said to Qin Shiyu, who was lying in his arms, his tone was extremely dignified.

"What a catastrophe?" Qin Shiyu was a little surprised, and quickly got up from Huang Yi's arms and asked.

"Ye Tian is coming!" Huang Yi took a deep breath. "We can't hold the sky of the Dragon Capital for too long. If Tian Tian insists on attacking Dragon Capital, the city will be ruined. The city is destroyed It doesn't matter. We have made countless fortunes in this time, but our people must not lose. This is the foundation of our guild! "

"What about you?" Qin Shiyu stretched out his jade arm and held Huang Yi's hand, Meimu stared at him with concern.

"I'll meet him when I stay." Huang Yi said, touching Qin Shiyu's hair, then turning his head to look at the direction of the wild sky.

His eyes seemed to pierce through layers of distance, seeing the blood shadow that had been rushed over the mountains and mountains in the moonlight. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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