Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 513: Brand new hero prison entrance

Five minutes later, everyone in the entire Longdu Deputy Territory received a message from Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu, asking them to evacuate Longdu as quickly as possible! Otherwise, it is likely to die here.

This news immediately aroused the interest of countless people, and the good side even evacuated without knowing what exactly happened.

However, many people evacuated obediently. Among them, the members of the Heroes Guild obeyed the orders very much, and almost all evacuated Longdu. The lively dragons seemed to have been poured out of a bucket of cold water, and they suddenly became deserted.

Only three or two people were left wandering the bustling streets. They were some very curious foreign players and decided to stay here to see what would happen. The difference here also quickly spread to the forum and began to attract the attention of some people.


At this time, Miyamoto Musashi, who is far from the eastern continent, is on the top floor of the city hall, listening to the news from the head of the intelligence department.

"Brother, the **** of killing really noticed the arrival of the wild sky, and quickly issued an evacuation order. Now the dragons are almost an empty city."

"Not surprising!" Miyamoto Musashi looked at the intelligence officer with a smile, as if he had already taken this scene into consideration. "Kill God is the guardian of the heroic continent and possesses this monitoring ability. But the empty city is also a city, as long as The destruction of that city by the wild sky is also a heavy blow to the Heroes Guild. "

"The elder brother thinks, how confident can he be that he is killed this time?" The person in charge of intelligence looked at Miyamoto Musashi expectantly.

"It's a big grasp!" Miyamoto Musashi's tone is a bit conservative. "If you kill the gods regardless of the safety of the dragon capital, but carefully hide, or even avoid the offline, it would be considered as impossible to kill him. Now it is watching Will God kill? No matter what, there must be one between God Killing and Dragon, which will be very beneficial to our follow-up plan. Our action is not just for the contest. ! "At the end. Miyamoto Musashi narrowed his eyes and his tone became mysterious, seemingly full of meaning.

"Huh? What does Big Brother mean?" The intelligence officer asked for a moment, puzzled.

Miyamoto Musashi turned around, came to the window, and looked at the snow-capped world outside. "Did you think that our East China mainland is too small?"

"Huh ?!" The head of intelligence was a little surprised, and seemed to think of something!

Miyamoto Musashi reached out and caught a snowflake floating in the window, saying quietly: "I have always heard that the heroic continent is beautiful and rich, and our iron hoof has been resting for too long. It is time to step there and conquer the beautiful and rich Land ... "


Huang Yi's incarnation walked among the dragon capitals alone. At this time, the dragons were already dead, and there was no one on the street. Two rows of streetlights shone silently. The desolate night wind blew and left the dead leaves in winter. Scattered around.

in the air. Except for the sound of the night breeze, there was only the sound of his lonely footsteps, walking forward step by step. He saw the owner of a shop on the street walking hurriedly without even closing the door, so he walked over and closed the shop door himself.

Shops are set up here, making the city more and more prosperous. Dragons are no less than Huang Yi's children. He once saved the city and saved Qin Shiyu from the army of skeletons in the ocean. The city left him too many memories. He couldn't tolerate the destruction of the city. No matter what kind of crisis he had to resolve, the hundred orc holy strongmen sent by the half-orc holy land were all blocked by him. This time, he also wanted to block the sky. Save the city again.

Gradually, Huang Yi walked out of the gate of Longdu and came to the desolate sandy land outside. The endless desert appeared. Several sea buckthorn trees were solitary treated under the night, the night wind blew, and the dead branches and leaves became more visible. desolate.

He summoned the double-headed mount, turned over and rode up, then stepped on the moonlight, rushed into the depths of the desolate sandy land, and raised the dust all the way.

This sub-territory has been upgraded several times and expanded a lot. The outer area of ​​the territories has reached a full 250 kilometers from the city wall of Longdu. In other words, with the Dragon Point as the center point and a radius of 250 kilometers, it is his territory. He is the emperor of this area, and he has the final say here.

Huang Yi's avatar rode on Shuangtou Lin for a while and finally stopped in an area 100 kilometers away from Longdu. Here is in the same direction as the wild sky. If it wants to go to Longdu, it will definitely pass through this area.

Huang Yi flipped his palm and took something out of the storage ring. This is a very thick book, the cover is a bit worn, exuding an ancient atmosphere, it is his "Book of Heroes".

"Fear the gods! Hero prison!" Huang Yi opened a page, read the sentence on the cover, and summoned the entrance to the hero prison!

In an instant, an extremely large dragon head appeared, standing in this desert, like a towering mountain!

This dragon's entire body of reinforced iron bones is extremely gigantic, exuding a terrifying breath in the moonlight, like the advent of a dragon god, which is several times more spectacular than the previous dragon's head!

Huang Yi stood in front of the dragon head, as small as a maggot. The entrance of the Hero Prison will increase with his strength and become more and more spectacular. Now Huang Yi breaks through to the level of the sanctuary. This dragon head is really different!

He heard from the Dragon King not long ago that this dragon head is the dragon head of the dark demon dragon, and the sacred dragon and the golden holy dragon are called the three top dragons.

The Dragon is originally a noble and powerful creature. The three top dragons are the strongest among the dragons. Among the demons and gods, there are some gods who are dragon gods, and the top ten gods in the second world history. Among them, there are three god-sealers from these three dragons. These three top-level dragons are all-round powerhouses. Whether it is life, defense or attack, they have reached the peak level!

The entrance of the Hero Prison can have such changes, I am afraid not only because of the power of death, but also the condition of the head of the dark dragon.

"It's too big, make it smaller!" Huang Yi looked at the faucet in front of him with a sigh of emotion. Such a large entrance is very inconvenient to use. Others can see it from far away, and the concealment is not strong.

As his voice dropped, the entrance quickly diminished with Huang Yi's words, leaving only seven or eight meters high. Huang Yi nodded with satisfaction, strode into the dragon's mouth, and entered the hero prison.

He is going to set up a bureau to deal with the wild sky. If he comes to deal with him two days early, he can only go to the healing Dragon King to help, and the outcome is still unknown. But now that he has risen to the sanctuary, there is a new way to deal with the wild sky, that is, the use of the sky criminals in the hero prison!

Before the sanctuary, his strength was too weak to get the keys of the heavenly criminals. Now he broke through the sanctuary, and the level reached 114. The key of the heavenly level should not be a problem.

Huang Yi quickly came to the stone room where the key was, and looked up at those flying keys, which were flying like golden wires on top of them. He quickly spread the wings of the incarnation, and immediately flew up, like a series of shadows, flew up in the blink of an eye, speeding up a lot faster than before the sanctuary!

"Oh!" A golden shadow flashed past him, Huang Yi reached out his hand almost in a conditioned reflex, holding the key firmly in his hand.

The number of this key is 1562, and the criminal in it is 199. If it was changed before, Huang Yi could get the key, but it is definitely not as easy as it is now, you can get it casually.

Huang Yi released the key and continued searching. Suddenly, his gaze was placed on a rapidly flying key on the left. The speed of that key was obviously faster than the key just now. It should be at the level of heaven.

"Enforcement! Hunt!" Huang Yi directly started enforcement, rushing towards the key quickly in the air!

The key was extremely flexible, and when he noticed Huang Yi's arrival, he immediately reversed his direction and wanted to escape!

But Huang Yi's hunting incorporates the five-run rune, which can be assaulted five times in a row. He folds again and continues to rush towards the key, which has been identified!

In this way, Huang Yi raided five times in a row, getting closer and closer to the key, and finally less than one meter away from it!

"Oh!" At that moment, the key shook spiritually, and turned around in fear, trying to continue to escape.

Huang Yi didn't use the extra ability to reach out his hand, and held the key tightly in his hand in a blink of an eye! After breaking through the sanctuary, his shot is like lightning!

The key was like a loach, struggling hard, but it was useless. Huang Yi's palm was like an iron tong, holding it firmly.

Huang Yi glanced at the key, and soon saw its number-1423!

He quickly took out the "Book of Heroes" and found this number-

Dark Sword Demon. Atokus (Level 200, number 1423)

In ancient times ~ www.readwn.com ~ A bloodthirsty swordsman strong, who sneaked into the prison for stealing the blood of the Devil's Temple, and was arrested here for life!

Sure enough, he is a strong person in the sky domain!

Huang Yi was relieved. Although this is only the lowest level of the heavenly powerhouse, it is not worse than that. Savage Sky is a 203-level heavenly powerhouse, only three levels higher than this Dark Sword Demon, but the Dark Sword Demon is a hero in ancient times!

Heroes are a level beyond the leader, and one of the most notable features of heroes is that they ignore status levels! For example, the Dark Sword Demon in front of it, although its strength is 200, but its peak period before entering prison, it can compete with more than 290 top-level heavens! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: This is the third update, and there is one next.

In addition, I wish the "Aesthetic Meow" book friends a happy birthday, and "TA Bird God" book friends a happy son. Any happy or sad things that everyone can do can be sent out in the book review area!

To celebrate, there will be four more tomorrow.

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