Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 514: Ambush

In the heroic prison, those criminals with the lowest number have only a grade of 100 or above, which is lower than Huang Yi. However, they are famous in the ages of strong men in recent times and ancient times, because they are heroes! The strength is far beyond the ordinary strong of the same level!

It's just that after they were arrested into the hero prison, all the equipment in the whole body was drained of power, but there was only a shelf without power, which is no different from the decorations. This caused their strength to drop greatly, and they were not much worse than ordinary people of the same level, showing no heroic advantage.

Therefore, the 200-level criminal is only in the middle of the middle of the wild compared to the wild sky.

Huang Yi took this key, and according to the map in the book of heroes, came to the criminal's door, and looked through it through the crack in the door.

Inside the prison, there was a huge demon shadow, and the man had a pair of huge meat wings. Once opened, it would be possible to cover the sky. His body was dark red, like the feeling after blood coagulation, a pair of eyes exuding blood, looking extremely bloodthirsty, and feeling a bit like a wild sky.

It held a huge sword tightly in its hands, and the sword was blood red all over, and it seemed to be red with countless blood. The blades on both sides are jagged, which looks a bit like a saw. When they are cut on a person, it is estimated that several pieces of meat will be torn off.

However, Huang Yi understood that this sword just looked stubborn. In fact, it was no longer equipped with power, and at most only material was left.

At this moment, the demon shadow seemed to notice the arrival of Huang Yi, and a pair of blood-red eyes looked at Huang Yi, as if two gritted teeth pierced into Huang Yi's heart to absorb his blood.

"Dark Sword Demon. Do you want to be free?" Huang Yi asked towards the shadow, with a temptation in his tone.

"The real warrior was born in blood. I've been here for too long. Please let me go back to the battlefield. Let me continue to taste the blood of the enemy." The voice of the Dark Sword Demon is so thick that it sounds like There is a sense of power.

"Okay, now that you want to go out and continue fighting, then you will become my guardian of the territory. My territory is already very wide. It is better to be a guardian than to be trapped in this cell. Please drop a drop of blood on you. Into this contract stone. "Huang Yi said, took out a guild contract stone, and raised his sword towards the Dark Sword Demon.

This type of contract stone can be signed with the Celestial Strongman, and the price is up to two million gold coins, which is ten times that of the contract of the Holy Land! But for Huang Yi. The money is just drizzle.

"Hesitation is death." The dark-sworded sword demon's blood-red eyes glanced at Huang Yi's contract stone and immediately flew out a drop of blood, dripping into Huang Yi's contract stone, without any hesitation, very Lisso.

"[System Tip]: [Dark Sword Demon. Atox] Successfully signed a contract with your guild [Hero] to become the guardian of the territory."

After receiving this system prompt, Huang Yi felt relieved. With the guardian of the heaven level, the security of Dragon Capital is greatly improved!

"Well, you will return to the battlefield next!" Huang Yi took out the key, inserted it into the keyhole, opened the cell door that had been closed for many years.

"I am also as eternal as war!" The dark-sword sword demon Yang Tian announced, and the power of the heavenly strong man was exuded unreservedly! Holding his huge sword, he stepped out of the cell step by step, stabilizing his steps, as if a peerless murderer had been released and his soul was about to be coated with charcoal. Blood flowed into the river.

"There will be a strong man with the same strength as you. After you go out, hide your breath first. If he finds you, he will probably not dare to come again." Huang Yi told the dark-born sword demon Soon. He then teleported with him.

Later, Huang Yi continued to open the hero prison, and once again came to the stone room where the key was locked, and continued to grab the key. This time, he is going to play a big ticket, get out five or six Tianyu criminals, and besiege the barbarians together, leave him here, and solve this problem forever!

Huang Yi continued to grasp the flying keys, but now he can only capture the keys of the strongest in the primary sky, and the intermediate sky is powerless.

After working hard for a while, he finally caught a key again, and he immediately opened the book of heroes and checked it. But this time, he was a little disappointed. The cell was empty and the criminals inside were dead.

There are more than 16,000 cells in the Hero Prison, but there are only more than 5,000 criminals, and only one of the three keys is valid. Therefore, although the number of criminals of Tianyu strength can be ranked to more than 1,400, the actual number may be only a few hundred, using one less. Among the Celestial Powerhouses, Huang Yi can now only get the key of the junior Celestial Powerhouse, and there are even fewer Celestial Criminals who meet this condition.

Huang Yi had to continue to grab the flying keys, but his luck was a bit bad, and he caught them three times in a row before he finally got a valid key.

[Soul Breaker] (level 200, number 1401)

In ancient times, a strong man who liked to tear the enemy's soul, sneaked into the death temple to collect the soul of the deceased, caught him here, and was imprisoned for life.

Another 200-level Celestial Criminal! Huang Yi was relieved and immediately followed the map and went to the criminal's prison.

Five minutes later, the Spirit Breaker left Hero's Prison and became another guardian of Heaven's Territory in Huang Yi.

In this way, Huang Yi went back and forth several times. After working hard for a long time, he released five junior Celestial Powerhouses. The highest level of these five Celestial Powers is 211. There was no problem with these five Tianyu strongmen beating Wentian alone.

In the desolate sand, there are five tall figures standing quietly. They look sloppy, with different shapes and strong breaths, each of them is a strong celestial body. Opened this area. This continent does not have any heavenly powers. The five of them represent the highest combat power of this continent. Even if they are fallen messengers, they will be planted here alone.

"Five of you, when you will besiege that celestial powerhouse, don't let it run away or kill it, just hit him seriously and let me kill him." Huang Yi was looking at the five in front of him. Said the Guardian of Heaven.

"A trifle!" Said a strong man with stone skin all over, speaking softly with the rubbing sound of a stone.

"It's been a long time since I warmed up!" A muscular man with a knotty muscle bumped two huge fists and made a dull impact.

"This war will be my masterpiece!"


Now, Huang Yi can stand by and wait for the rabbit, and wait here directly for the arrival of the wild sky. As long as it dares to come, it will jump directly into the fire pit, and it will never end.

In the eyes of his Overseer, it was pretty close to here, and he would be here in a few minutes. The five guardians of the heavens have long hidden their breath, lurking in the sand beneath their feet, waiting for the arrival of the wild sky.

Soon, Huang Yi's keen vision found that in the distant sky, a rapidly flashing meteor suddenly appeared, rubbing against the air, and smashing with a long tail flame. The meteor is blood red, like a catastrophe.

Huang Yi understands, that's pretty wild! He stood so quietly in the endless sand, the night breeze blew his cloak, and the lonely body was facing the impact of the heavenly strong man alone!

Soon, the meteor was getting bigger and bigger, and even the distant dragons could be seen faintly. Some people who did not evacuate one after another found the strangeness in the sky, and could not help but quickly leave the dragons and rushed towards that place.

Finally, the meteor fell in front of Huang Yi, showing a very natural look. Its blood-red body appeared under the silver moonlight, and looked down at Huang Yi, but the huge blood hole on it showed that it was wounded, far less than when Huang Yi saw it for the first time. powerful.

"This is not your own body. Take your body to die! I will make you die more comfortably!" The pretty sky commanded toward Huang Yi, the tone was completely the tone of the superiors towards the inferiors.

Huang Yi did not take the wild words to heart, but calmly asked a doubt in her heart: "Why do you come to hunt me at this time? This time is a bit coincident."

At this point, there is only one day left from the team competition, and it seems that Tiantian chose to chase him at this time, which is indeed abnormal.

"My thing, you don't need to know. I feel that your body is hiding in the abyss, is it that you want to call the helper from last time?" He smiled disdainfully. I wo n’t be able to save you. I will destroy your city and see who your body can call you to help you! "

"My body doesn't need to shoot ~ www.readwn.com ~ This time I did call for help!" Huang Yi nodded, then looked around the empty desert around, and then issued an attack order: "Come out! heroes!"

"嗖! 嗖! 嗖! 嗖! 嗖!" His voice had just dropped, and five shadows rushed up suddenly under the calm sand, blocking the light of the moon and stars, casting five shadows firmly, Shrouded the sky!

"Where do you get your hair?"

"The pain is only temporary, and victory is forever!"

"My fist hasn't hit a sandbag like you for a long time!"

All of a sudden, all kinds of sounds rang from the air, and then the five big figures smashed into the sky on the ground one by one!

At this time, the wild sky was completely stunned, and he looked up at the five heavenly strong men at the same level with himself, and he smelled the smell of death. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: Four more tomorrow

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