Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 515: Pretty sky

The Celestial Powerhouse is extremely scarce. Even in the Central Continent, it is also the core combat power of a force. Except those Celestial Powerhouses who have no dragons at their disposal, the Celestial Powerhouse is the strongest. Which power has newly promoted a Celestial Strongman must be celebrated as a top priority event, and invitations will be issued to invite the powerful people to come to the banquet!

When Barbara was promoted from the top sacred realm to the top celestial strongman, the half-orc holy place specially held a magnificent banquet for him, letting it shine out!

But what he didn't expect is that among this heroic continent in the backcountry, in the territory of a guild in this district, five heavenly strongmen appeared in one breath!

This is a situation he never imagined. A Celestial Strongman is already the core of a power, let alone five in one breath.

But it's too late to think about it, the five guardians of the heavens have already smashed down with five shocking momentums, and drowned him instantly.

Huang Yi had already turned into a sniffing treasure cat form at the moment of starting the war, and used the [Nothingness] skill, completely disappeared into the air, and watched this good show quietly.

The fighting strength of the five heavenly strong men and the wild sky was as rainbow, shaking the whole earth violently, as if cracking, the sand and dust were raised violently, covering the sky and the sun, and the moonlight could not shine in. There is a vast expanse of heaven and earth, as if a sandstorm is coming, and people with weak visual ability can't see what is happening in the middle, they can only faintly hear the fierce fighting sounds from inside.

After Huang Yi evolved into an eyeless demon, he possessed the ability of mind and eye, and could ignore these sand and dust obstructions and clearly see the situation in the battlefield. And his incarnation has a third eye, and two visual means can focus on this battle together.

at this time. The savage sky has fallen into an absolute downwind. The five guardians of the heavens cooperated, and he was so vulnerable that he could take care of the front but not the back, leaving him struggling hysterically. He still couldn't carry it, and was spitting blood frequently, and his injuries became more and more serious.

At this time, Mantian was slashed by the Dark Sword Demon and tore away a few large muscles, and blood shot out. His face was distorted in pain, and he quickly called out, "Stop it! I'm a bloodthirsty one of the four guardians of the half-orc sacred place in the Central Continent. Mantian, may I ask which of the five friends’ masters are we from? If there is a misunderstanding, why not stop and drink two cups together? If you continue to fight like this, our half-orc holy land will do everything to avenge me, and you will never have peace! "

"Central continent? What kind of hairy place. I haven't heard of it! Our power is the Hero Guild!" A guardian of the Celestials said leisurely while attacking the wild sky.

The fragmentation of the continent into more than 200 pieces was a thing that happened only in the late ancient times. At that time, all the masters of the Second World fought the final battle with the Seven Demon Kings. The two continents were completely fragmented, and the largest one was the largest. Is the central continent. But these five guardians of the heavens were arrested in the hero prison as early as the ancient times. At that time, the whole world had only two continents, east and west, and there was no so-called central continent. They had never even heard of it.

"Heroes Guild ... This, how is this possible? What is Heroes Guild ?! How can there be five strong celestial beings?" Hearing this answer, Mantian almost fell to the ground! If the five heavenly strongmen say the name of a sacred place, the name of a powerful force, then he would not be surprised, he has a way to persuade them to stop, but they suddenly say a heroic guild came out, which let him I don't know how to answer it.

Although the hero guild is a grand guild among players. However, from the perspective of a celestial powerhouse like Mantian, it is similar to what a child plays at home. Compared with the forces in the Central Continent, even Mao is not considered. But here in one breath, five heavenly strongmen emerged, which is simply incomprehensible!

"With me. The Heroes Guild will be famous all over the world. What kind of hairy forces are you, we will one day overtake you! Hairy will be killed!" A guardian of the heavens said with a grin, The two hammers in his hands smashed into the sky with great force, and the powerful force poured on him, nailing his legs into the ground!

At this point, the injury of the brutal sky was extremely serious, and he had to escape! But each of the five Celestial Powerhouses was not weaker than him, and stood in all directions, completely blocking his escape route. He tried several times and was unable to escape.

"Oh!" At this moment, the dark-sworded sword-sword-like great sword was directly inserted into the waist of the wild sky, stirred inside it, and then pulled out to bring out various internal organs!

"Ah!" Barbara uttered a scream of screaming, breaking through the clouds, and could hear clearly in the direction of several hundred kilometers!

All the players who did not leave the Dragon City heard the scream and shrank their heads. The sound and light of the scream made people numb and feel pain from their souls. They soon realized that there was a terrible battle in the distance, and most of this battle was related to Huang Yi!

At this moment, Mantian was hit by an irreparable blow, and he stared at the huge blood hole in his waist with an astonishment, as if that body suddenly became strange. He had seen this scene on his own enemies before. He had never seen it on his body. He seemed to have an illusion. This body was not his own. He was just a visitor!

After a split second, the pretty sky came up with a terrible prediction, this time he was going to die here, he couldn't escape! In front of the five Celestial Strongmen, he had no chance at all!

He suddenly resented Miyamoto Musashi. If it wasn't for Miyamoto Musashi's lobbying, he would still need to fully heal his injuries before continuing to hunt down Huang Yi, maybe he would not die here like today. And the bottle of S-class attribute swap potions that Miyamoto Musashi gave him is useless, because there are five enemies in front of him, and each has the same strength as him. Even if he swaps attributes with one of them, it has no effect. , Equivalent to peer-to-peer swap, without substantial improvement.

If you make a mistake, you pay the price of life! Mantian has always been the proud of the sky since he was young, and eventually became a powerful Celestial Powerhouse. The entire half-orc holy place held a banquet for him. What a sight and how unforgettable! But everything will disappear, just because he came to kill Huang Yi today! It was just because of this too small thing that he paid the price of his life!

"Click!" At this moment, a guardian of the heavens who used his fist, his right fist, like a cannonball, slammed on the shoulder of Mantian, and flattened that shoulder straight. The bones are all broken! This sturdy arm collapsed and fell into disuse!

At this time, the wild sky was similar to a dead dog. It was still played by five strong Tianyu strongmen. Some time they broke their arms, some saw their legs, and then they were pulled out of the internal organs ... The whole scene was extremely bloody, and Rao was Huang Yi Such a battle-hardened person could not help frowning.

"This is what you forced me to do, even if I die, I will pull you back!" At this moment, the pretty sky exhausted its last strength, and roared to heaven, as if all despair and fear were turned into anger in a brain. !!

Suddenly, his mighty body suddenly began to emit dazzling white light, like a little sun, so that people's eyes could not open!

Huang Yi's heart sank. He was already very familiar with this scene, and this was a self-explosion!

How powerful is the self-detonation of a heavenly powerhouse? He couldn't imagine it! If not, all the dragons in the distance will be blown up. Completely razed!

"No! He's about to explode! Join hands to suppress it!" At this time, the five Celestial Powerhouses were shocked, put away the relaxed and free look before, and became dignified!

The five immediately reached out their hands, forcibly pressed into the body of Savage Sky, and continuously transported their own power to suppress the spontaneous explosion in Savage Sky!

Suddenly, the atmosphere on the field became extremely strange, and the five Celestial Strongmen surrounded the sky firmly and remained motionless. The sky is also unable to move, once the self-detonation is turned on, it cannot be stopped!

Now, either his self-detonation was suppressed by the unknown Guardian of Heaven, or he exploded successfully! Swept everything around!

The scene formed a delicate balance, which contrasted sharply with the shocking fighting scene. But Huang Yi understands that this is just the tranquility before the storm. Once the five Celestial Strongmen can't hold back, this sub-territory will be destroyed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Time passes by every second, Huang Yi always keeps Nothingness, observing the scene on the field, but the five heavenly strongmen and the wild sky seem to have become sculptures, everyone is motionless, and this repression has entered a stage of stalemate.

In this way, half an hour has passed, and the scene has not changed!

Huang Yi finally couldn't help but canceled his nihility and showed his physique. He asked the five guardians of the heavens: "How is the situation now?"

A celestial guardian was sweating, took a moment to turn his head and looked at Huang Yi, panting, "He has temporarily suppressed the power of his self-detonation, and we are killing this power, but this may require It will take a day, and then he will have only one last breath. You can also kill him by shooting. "

"Wait another day? That just happens to wait for my body." Huang Yi groaned. Now his body is still absorbing the dark breath in the abyss for the final awakening of Nefarem's blood. The time of day is almost enough for him to awaken. Now, once you wake up, you can come back and kill the savage sky. I don't know how many levels you can rise in one breath. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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