Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 516: Finally Awakening Nefarem

Mantian is a 203-level sky power, while Huang Yi is only 114, a difference of 89 between the two! Once killing the wild sky, a large amount of experience will be poured on him alone! The experience value of a Tianyu strongman is enough to make him soar multiple levels, saving a lot of time for leveling!

"You'd better speed up. I'm worried about what special way he used to send a life-saving message to the half-orc holy place behind him. Once the half-orc holy place knows he is in danger, he will definitely send a powerful helper over By then, we will be completely done! "Huang Yi could not help but yelled at the five heavenly strong men.

Savage Sky is a strong person in the sky domain, and its strength is unfathomable, and there are often some means to send messages from a distance between the same race. Huang Yi is most worried about this. Once the half-orc sanctuary learns that In danger, experts will definitely be sent to rescue. The patriarch of the half-orc holy land is a top heavenly powerhouse. If he personally comes to save the savage sky, even Huang Yi's criminals who use the hero prison can't stop it. The strongest criminal he can release is just the primary heavens, and these five primary heavens have been found by him.

It can be said that now he is racing against time. Either he kills the barbarous step first, or the strong man in the half-orc holy land comes first.

"I feel that there are a hundred sacred powerhouses in this territory. You can ask them to come and help us to suppress them together. That will save a lot of time!" At this time, a celestial powerhouse suggested that what he said One hundred strong men in the sanctuary are those guardians of the sanctuary released before Huang Yi.

At that time, Huang Yi also released a hundred sanctuary criminals in order to deal with the hundred sanctuary strongmen sent by the half-orc holy land. They are the guardians of this territory! Later, those half-orc sacred strongmen fled, and the hundred sacred criminals stayed in this territory, keeping it as solid as possible. If it was n’t for the arrival of a strong celestial body like Huang Tian, ​​Huang Yi did n’t need to worry about it, then the hundred guardians of the sacred land would ensure that the enemy would never come back.

"Good!" Huang Yi nodded. Immediately afterwards, using the power of the lord, he issued a remote order to the guardians of the land headed by King Sha, and rushed them over quickly.

After waiting for a while, in the distant desert, a mighty smoke and dust finally appeared. As if a group of wild beasts came over.

The vision of Huang Yi's third eye was extremely powerful. From a distance, he could clearly see the figure of the group of people. That was the hundred guardians of the sanctuary headed by King Sand! They have different forms and different races, but they are all breathtaking, and mixing together is also a strong force!

"Although they are not the Celestial Powerhouses. But all of them are heroes. With their help, we can suppress this man's self-detonation much faster!" At this time, a Celestial Powerhouse watched the group rush The guardians of the coming sanctuary could not help but relax.

It didn't take long for the one hundred sacred powerhouses to break through the vast sand and rush to here.

"Kill God! All our one hundred guardians have arrived!" At this time. A huge scorpion said to Huang Yi, he was the first guardian of this deputy, Sha Wang.

"You go and help them, and work together to suppress the self-detonation of the Heavenly Powerful. Otherwise, once the self-detonation is turned on and the territory is destroyed, the lives of your guardians will also die out! Do your best. "Huang Yi said to a hundred sacred guardians. These guardians were contracts with the guild territory. Once the deputy battle flag fell, the land would no longer belong to the guild territory. Waiting for them will be forcibly obliterated! Extinction with the territory!

The one hundred guardians of the sanctuary knew that the situation was very urgent, and quickly divided into five groups of 20 people each standing behind the five heavenly strong men. Reach out and push on the back of the member in front. An individual's strength passed forward, and eventually all poured into the back of the five heavenly powerhouses.

With the addition of this power, the dazzling light emitted from Mantian finally weakened a lot, and the suppression speed was greatly improved.

"I open an enchantment! In order to avoid being intruded!" At this time, a guardian of the heavenly domain immediately held up an enchantment and closed the entire area of ​​ten kilometers.

This time, those outside players who came to see the excitement can no longer enter. I don't know what happened here.

Time passed minute by minute, Huang Yi's incarnation was always waiting in the desolate sand; while his body has been struggling to absorb the dark breath in the abyss for the final awakening!

At this point, his body has reached the final stage of awakening, and the mysterious lines on his body have become more and more clear, as if naturally inscribed on him. The mysterious trajectories, like the traces of the running universe of the stars, contain the supreme mysterious truth, which makes his whole person appear a mysterious and powerful feeling.

In fact, the lines are his blood vessels, representing his Nefarem bloodline!

At this moment, the striped road of Huang Yi's body suddenly exuded a blood-red and black mist, entangled with each other, and eventually formed a mysterious black cocoon, which wrapped Huang Yi, and never saw the slightest Already.

This scene is so weird. Under the dark and moist abyss, next to the crumbling flash of the Demon's Gate, there is a mysterious red and black giant egg. This picture is very visual. Thriller.

The swamp creatures around them escaped as if fleeing, and realized a catastrophe-like danger!

At this moment, the yellow overflowing body in the dome was dark in front of him, and he couldn't see what was around him. He just felt that the veins on his striped path were creeping, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, and was transforming his body , All covered with crispy feeling.

After lasting half an hour like this, Huang Yi suddenly felt that his whole body was full of an indescribable force, and he couldn't help but want to tear everything he saw in front of him!

Huang Yi shot quickly, and a pair of fists attacked the chaotic world around him fiercely!

"Click!" The cracked sound of the eggshell sounded, and Huang Yi finally saw the scenery in front of him, and the dome that wrapped him was finally smashed! He successfully came out of it!

The next moment, he received a system prompt--

"[System Tip]: Your Nefarem bloodline has been fully awakened, and you have gained bloodline talent and bloodline skills."

Huang Yi was relieved. After protracted efforts, he finally woke up!

As early as a year ago, he learned about Nefarem's blood from his beast **** father's mouth. It took him a full year to finally awaken this strongest blood that transcended God and magic! In Huang Yi's eyes, the importance of this kind of blood can be compared with his heroic prison, which brings great help, and this kind of blood can be upgraded accordingly as his strength increases! You can always help!

Huang Yi took a deep breath and looked expectantly at the blood of Nefarem after he was fully awakened—

Nefarem blood, the strongest blood in the universe where gods and demons are combined, once they grow up, they will have power beyond gods and demons, and are forbidden by the gods and demons. The Nefarem bloodline is destined to carry a heavy mission and stand on the opposite side of God and magic ...

For Nefarem Bloodlines, a Bloodline talent and Bloodline ability can be added every 30 levels. The use of bloodline skills requires the power of Nefarem. The upper limit of Nefarem's power is the level value of the bloodline owner. Each level of Nebulem's power can be gained. Automatically restores a little Nefarem power every three days.

Blood Vessel Growth Stage: Elementary

Bloodline Talent (Partial Magic) ——

[Body of the Demon God] (Level 30 Talent): Saves 100% of Dark damage, saves 40% of Holy damage, saves 20% of any damage. Normal attacks add 20% Dark and 10% Holy damage.

[Magic God Growth] (Level 60 Talent): Every level you gain, you can get common attribute points corresponding to this level, which can be freely added to the four attributes of physical fitness, agility, intelligence, and strength. This talent can also be shared with levels raised before Bloodline Awakening.

[Devil's Contract] (level 90 talent): The contract partner's attack power, attack speed, health, and defense are all increased by 30%, and the attack adds 30% of dark damage. The contract partner's experience required to upgrade is reduced by 80% .

Bloodline skills (partial magic)-

[Manufacturing Swarms] (Level 30 skills): According to the characteristics of the 108 demon gods in the demon world ~ www.readwn.com ~, they can make their imitations as their contract partners. Each demon has different abilities, and the level of the devil will grow with him. To create a demon, you need to consume a lot of strong body material, and each demon needs to consume 10 Nefarem power.

[Group Magic Cave Tips] (level 60 skills): Each demon **** has a total of nine cave tips, each of which can absorb a soul and enhance its own strength. After killing the enemy with your own hands, you can use this skill to trap the enemy's soul into the devil's acupoint. The stronger the soul, the more obvious the demon's enhanced power, and the soul can be replaced at any time. Each use consumes 1 Nefarem's power.

[Deity fit] (level 90 skill): can be combined with the demon god, after the fit, the demon **** does not occupy the quota of summoning contract partners. At the same time, only fit with a demon. Each use consumes 10 Nefarem Power.

After reading the talents and skills of Nefarem's blood, Huang Yi stiffened slightly. This is indeed the blood that he had waited for a year to awaken. This blood was fully worthy of the four words "strongest blood". (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: The second change today, and two changes next.

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