Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 517: Create Devil

When he awakens 50%, he only gets two benefits. One is to save 50% of the Dark damage, and the other is to add 10% of the Dark damage to normal attacks. But now when fully awakened, the benefits are completely different!

Of the three bloodline talents, the first talent alone outweighed the benefits he gained when he was 50% awake.

In the future, the dark damage can be completely ignored for him, save 100%! This is like his mutant half-orc form exempts 100% of diseases and toxins. It is a complete exemption! Even if the Seven Demon Kings use dark attacks to deal with him, it is not effective!

One of the best and most terrible means of the monsters was ignored by him. In the future, the monsters must deal with Huang Yi by physical attacks or magic attacks, and the threat is greatly reduced. Of course, this only refers to those monsters with a similar strength to him. If it is a strong one like the fallen messenger, even if it is a physical attack, it can still kill him!

In addition, Nefarem's blood is the blood of the combination of **** and demon, Huang Yi is biased towards the demon system, but there are also some sacred systems, which can save 40% of the sacred system's damage.

In addition to survivability, the first talent also greatly improved Huang Yi's attack ability. Normal attacks added 20% of Dark damage and 10% of Holy damage. This ratio is already very high, and the title of Emperor Musashi of Miyamoto also added 15% of the Dark damage, while the title of Wu Sheng only added 10% of the damage of the Holy System. Even if these two titles of the two titles Adding attributes is less than the bonus of this talent.

The second bloodline talent is to give Huang Yi a direct improvement in strength. This talent is based on the level, as many as the level to get as many attribute points. For example, if you go up to level 100, you will get 100 attribute points. If you go up to level 101, you will get 101 attribute points. This amount is much higher than the attributes promoted by upgrading ...

Now, Huang Yi is 114. These previously elevated levels can also share this talent! He now has all the attribute points obtained during the previous level upgrades. There are more than 6,500 free attribute points in total, and the sacred attribute is more than 65 points! He can freely distribute these attributes and add them to the four basic attributes of strength, physique, agility, and intelligence.

Huang Yi didn't hesitate, and directly added all 65 attributes of the Holy Land to the power!

Suddenly, all his power-related derivative attributes soared a little. The most obvious one is the attack power! The value of more than 60 points of sacred power is comparable to half of the legendary equipment!

More importantly, these attributes are all added to his most needed power. The attributes of legendary equipment are scattered, and various attributes are available, such as physical fitness, crit, attack speed, and so on. They do not simply add strength.

The last talent [Devil's Contract]. It is a complete promotion of contract partners. There are many Huang Yi's contract partners. The raptors, Athlons, and the current two-headed mount that he caught before are all his contract partners. This talent depends on the strength of the contract partner. If the contract partner is not strong, then it is useless to increase those important attributes by 30%. If the mount is very powerful, then the 30% is terrible!

The three Nefarem blood talents are individually targeted. The first talent added was his own combat effectiveness. The second talent focused on his growth potential, and the third talent added his helper strength.

And his Nefarem bloodline skills are a bit complicated.

He has seen Nefarem skills in a small skirt before. The first one is Level 30 [Return Light]. After using it on the target, within ten days, the target can be revived in full and full of blood after death. No explosion equipment, no loss. The second is [Skill Copy], after using it on the target. A target within ten days can replicate any skill that has been seen. The two nefarem skills of the miniskirt are auxiliary, and they can directly help in combat.

But Huang Yi's Nefarem skills are different. These three skills are all set and interact with each other. It's not like fighting skills, it's a bit like manufacturing life skills. It takes a long time to manufacture, unlike the skills of a small skirt, which can be used at any time and plays a role at any time.

The first skill is to create a copy of the devil. One hundred and eight demon gods in the devil world, these are all real gods! All the means are good, and they are good at different abilities! Their imitations must also be extremely powerful. Huang Yi suddenly remembered his father, the beast god, and he should be one of the 108 deities. In addition, the creator of the hero prison—Death is also a demon god, and it is one of the strongest demon gods.

It takes a lot of strong materials to make their mimics. For others, this may be a huge problem. I do n’t know how long it will take to collect them. It is difficult to create a demon mimic. But Huang Yi is not the same. In his hero prison, there are a large number of strong bodies, which are piled up in the corpse and used directly. The most difficult step was directly saved by him! As long as he wants, he can now start making the first demon imitation! Behind this talent is listed the manufacturing methods and required materials of the 108 demon imitations. The manufacturing process is not long. If there are materials, they can be made in three or two times!

His only limitation is the power of Nefarem. It takes 10 points to create a demon. He is now at level 114 and has a total of 114 Nefarem power. He can only create 11 demon gods. However, the power of Nefarem recovered very slowly, only a little was given to the next level, and the other was to wait, to recover a little every three days.

At this speed, regardless of the situation where it is more difficult to upgrade in the future, even if Huang Yi can upgrade 114 levels each year, coupled with the natural recovery of Nefarem, all of them are used to create demon imitations. It can take four to five years to complete all the manufacturing! At that time, it was estimated that he had already sealed the gods, so he could only choose the one suitable for him to make, and could not create one by one, unless he could find other means to restore the power of Nefarem, and he could withstand this. Consume.

The second talent skill is similar to the advanced war spirit! The nine great acupoints of the demon imitated body are like the nine layers of the war soul, and the absorbed soul is similar to the soul of the war soul. The stronger the soul, the stronger the demon imitated body is. This is simply a demon version of the war spirit!

This skill is only needed after the demon imitation body is created, and it will be a frequently used skill. Absorbing a soul requires 1 point of Nefarem's power. After nine points have been absorbed, that is nine points. !! If you want to change the soul, the consumption will be even more!

The last Nefarem bloodline skill is to merge with a demon imitation. This skill has two benefits, one is that you can improve your own attributes, and you become very powerful after being combined. The second benefit is that after the integration, the demon does not occupy the place of the summoning contract partner! In battle, the average player can only summon one contract partner to help himself, except for the hunter, which can summon three heads. And after Huang Yi fits together, he can also summon a contract partner to fight and change direction to have two contract partners.

If Huang Yi's racial skill wild call is added, and the hunting dogs and falcons are summoned from the void, then there are three creatures in total. This lineup looks almost like a hunter. If you bring a bow and arrow and put on leather armor, it will be completely fake!

However, this skill should not be used a few times in his lifetime, because each use will consume up to 10 points of Nefarem power!

In short, these three bloodline skills will be very powerful if used in combination, almost piled him on a level that is several times beyond his own strength, but the power of Nefarem is a serious limitation! This is countless times more than the energy value. At least the energy value can be quickly replenished with energy stones, but Nefarem can't do it. He can only make it slowly.

Fortunately, those three blood talents can continue to help him, without the need to consume Nefarem's power.

Huang Yi took a deep breath and turned to look at the dark and moist abyss around him. This journey of awakening that lasted for one year was over, and he had another powerful assistance just as heroic prison!

Huang Yi distractedly watched the progress of the incarnation. At this moment, one hundred sacred domain strongmen and five heavenly strong men were still working hard, struggling to suppress the wild sky's self-destructive power.

The dazzling light on that pretty sky has been dimmed a lot, it seems that in ten more hours, it can be completely suppressed!

Huang Yi's Mark of Killing God has not been cooled down, and cannot be teleported back. He can only stay in the abyss temporarily. He decided to use these ten hours ~ www.readwn.com ~ first study the demon imitation body, and see if he can make one out.

Huang Yi immediately summoned the two-headed Lin mount, quickly left the dangerous Demon's Gate, and rushed towards the far side of the swamp to find a hidden place to summon the hero prison.

"Da! Da! Da!" Shuangtou Lin trampled the mud and rushed to the distance. At this point, its breath has been arrogant a lot, Huang Yi 90 Nefarem bloodline talent is to strengthen the strength of the contract partners, greatly enhancing the strength of this pair of headliners.

After a long journey like this, Huang Yi had left the Demon King's Gate for some distance before he finally stopped and summoned the Hero Prison.

After a while, the dark dragon head of the dark dragon was displayed in this dark abyss, adding a little bit more. Huang Yi quickly walked in and went directly to the corpse in Heroes' Prison. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: The next fourth should be a bit late. It is estimated that it will not be sent until 1 o'clock, sorry.

Tomorrow I will fight for four more.

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