Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 518: Savage

"Squeak!" Huang Yi's hand touched the old wooden door, the annual rings in that circle, I don't know what the material was, there was a vicissitude quaint feel to it, Huang Yi gently Pushed away, put into another world.

Shown in front of him was a huge corpse from a distant history, silently standing in the dark space in front of it, like a mountain peak, with a silhouette of a gigantic body. Even if it has died for countless years, it still emits powerful oppression. !!

Huang Yimai walked in and walked in and out of countless corpses, searching for the materials that made the demon's body.

This time he is going to make one of the 108 demon gods with the lowest strength and one of the easiest to make, and what the demon **** is good at is a powerful physical attack that crushes his brute force. The enemy, and Huang Yi's means are in good agreement.

This devil is called Savage God!

Savage God (Devil, ranked 108th)

The Savage God is a god-sealer from the First World. He is the son of the God of War and the Night Goddess. He has the power of God and has six hands. He was born from a golden cave in the high mountains. He was born riding a wild cow and was able to fly on clouds. He became the strongest in the first world in the second year of his birth. , Became one of the 108 great deities.

Seeing the introduction of the Savage God, Huang Yi has a deeper understanding of the **** system and the world system. There are two types of gods. One is the **** that has existed at the beginning of the world, such as the four strongest gods, the **** of life, the **** of death, the **** of space, and the **** of time. The other is the God Sealer. For example, the top ten God Sealer in the Second World is this category. Divine Realm and Demon Realm are not only corresponding to the Second World, they are the Divine Realm and Demon Realm that are common to multiple worlds. For example, this wild god, he is not a character in the second world, but a character in the first world.

In these worlds. The first world is the strongest one, ranking first, so it is called the first world, and behind it are the second and third worlds. These three worlds are the strongest of all worlds, and only these three worlds are named by rankings.

And the world behind it. There are various names, such as Melva World, Oroas World, Blood Map World, Aris World, and so on. It's just that these worlds are very small. Perhaps there is only one god-sealer in the whole world, not even one god-sealer.

The first material needed to make a copy of the Savage God. It is a high-strength body at the level of the sky, which has high requirements for the strength of the body. If it is a celestial level mage, the body is certainly not strong enough to be used to create imitations of the savage gods. Only some celestial strong men who like to use brute force during their lifetimes meet the requirements.

Huang Yi followed this request. Searching among countless corpses in the corpses. There are far more corpses than criminals, and countless years have passed without knowing how many criminals have died. After searching for a while, Huang Yi quickly found a qualified corpse.

This corpse tauren is strong, muscular, and looks like a strong man full of brute force during his lifetime!

Huang Yi came directly to this corpse. Began to use the means of the devil to begin to transform the body, the process is similar to the manufacture of his avatar.

Later, Huang Yi also found some additional auxiliary materials among the remaining corpses, such as the blood of twelve different heavenly strongmen, the inverse scales of the brutal dragons, the strong arms with strong muscles and so on. These are rare materials from the outside world. Even if you buy them at the auction house at a high price, you may not be able to buy them. If there is no hero prison, Huang Yi will not know how long it will take to complete them, but now there is a treasure house in the cadaver. But it was easy to get it together.

The process of making the devil is much more convenient than the production of his avatar. After all, it consumes 10 points of Nefarem. After the materials were collected, he only needed the power of his Nefarem to make it automatically, and he didn't need to be by his side. This process takes about an hour.

Huang Yi left the Hero Prison and planned to use this time to find a few sacred-level Warcrafts to practice leveling, and wait an hour before returning to the Hero Prison to see the results.

Huang Yi summoned the two-headed Lin, turned over and rode up, and then walked up the most dangerous abyss of the continent. Although the two-headed Lin stepped on the swamp, it was extremely stable and did not sink.

"Da! Da! Da!" The sound of Shuangtou Lin's running sounded clearly in the abyss. Before, he came here with absolute stealth and proceeded carefully, lest he be found. But now he has also reached the level of the sanctuary, and he has also awakened the strongest Nefarem bloodline, his strength has increased, and there are no so many scruples, and he has directly and generously appeared, except for the high-level sanctuary and the top holy In addition to the domain strong threat to him, the rest of the soul is no problem.

"Oh!" At this moment, the muddy water in the distance kept rolling suddenly, and it seemed that something was creeping towards this side!

Huang Yi's powerful vision penetrated the endless darkness. When he took a deep look, he immediately saw a long, slippery body wriggling in muddy water, which was the huge loach he had encountered before.

"Go, let's kill it in the past!" Huang Yi patted his twin-headed Lin, took out two huge ghost axe, and rushed towards the mud dungeon of that sanctuary level!

This is the first time he has fought against a strong wild sanctuary!

"Oh!" At this moment, Huang Yi's twin-headed mount suddenly opened his mouth on the left head, sprayed an ice arrow, and blasted towards the loach.

"Oh!" The ice arrow pierced the loach's body, quickly covering a layer of ice crystals, and alleviating its momentum.

In this attack, Huang Yi also learned the basic information of this loach. This loach is a 102-level sacred warcraft with only the strength in its early days.

"Hunting!" Huang Yi rode on the mount and started the forced hunting. After spending five times his anger, he quickly rushed up, and the legendary ghost axe in his hand quickly greeted the loach!

"Yeah!" Huang Yilei's strong left hand sentenced him to smash the loach directly into the mud of the swamp. The sewage was mixed with blood and water and splashed in all directions.

In this attack, Huang Yi obviously felt that he had improved a lot compared to his previous attacks. His Nefarem talent brought him more than 65 sacred powers. This bonus was considerable. One attack would Can see it!

"Oh!" At this moment, the muddy urn under the muddy water rushed up quickly, and the huge and slippery body rolled directly towards Huang Yi, trying to hang him alive like a python!

"Roar!" Huang Yi's twin-headed Lin roared, and Sonic trembled the mud and water on the ground slightly. At the same time, its mouth on the right head opened, emitting a hot flame! The loach was surrounded, and it burned so loudly that on the greasy skin, the water quickly evaporated and the remaining mud cracked in the high temperature.

This pair of headlins has now improved to level 114 following Huang Yi, basically restored his strength, and also enjoyed the benefits of Huang Yi's Nefarem bloodline talent [Devil's Contract], including several important attacks. The attributes have increased by 30%. This attack has exceeded its peak period!

This big loach is only in its 102th level in the sky. It is not an opponent at all. After being attacked by the two-headed lin, the soaring body is immediately blocked, it rolls violently, and panics into the muddy water. Cool yourself.

But to meet it, Huang Yi's heavy sentence!

Suddenly, its tail shattered and suffered a serious injury!

However, Huang Yi's anger was almost exhausted. He did not use his skills any more, but he waved his axe and greeted the loach with ordinary attacks.

In this attack, Huang Yi found that his ordinary attack power had increased more significantly. His first talent in Nefarem's bloodline added 20% dark damage and 10% magic to the normal attack. hurt! And this loach has no dark resistance and sacred resistance. It can't stop these two kinds of additional damage at all, and its blood drops quickly.

"Oh!" At this time, Huang Yi hit a crit, and his anger value instantly recovered by 100 points! This is an attribute of his legendary equipment [Creation of the God of Death], which can quickly absorb anger.

"Heavy sentence!" He once again used this strongest single-handed attack method, and severely hit the loach, and his body was suddenly broken again!

In this way, Huang Yi relied on his powerful attack power and the cooperation of His Majesty's two-headed Lin, and he basically did not have any fighting power in this sacred loach, and killed him shortly after.

However, this loach lowered him by 12 levels, and even if it was a leader-level SS, he didn't have much experience. And what it explodes is only a few sacred materials, which may be valuable to others, but to Huang Yi, it is far worse than those advanced materials in the zombies ~ www.readwn.com ~ Next, Huang Yi rides his two-headed lin, and continues to wander through the swamp, searching for the primary sanctuary target.

Finally, an hour passed. Huang Yi estimated that the imitation of the Savage God was almost finished.

He immediately summoned the hero prison, returned to the corpse, and came to the imitation body of the Savage God.

At this moment, what is displayed in front of Huang Yi is a brand new body!

This body has six arms and is full of strong muscles, full of brute force. Its expression is extremely fierce, as if it is the kind of evil **** worshipped in the temple! It is not an ordinary body, but a fake body of the devil, so just seeing this body, it has a vast and supreme feeling, which cannot be blasphemed! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: This is the fourth update of the late 28th, and it is also added for the birthday of the book friend [Aesthetic Meow] and the book friend [TA Bird God]. On the 29th I strive to continue four more! Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets! Thank you!

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