Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 519: Kill the Celestial Strongman

The material of this body comes from various corpses, the weakest of which are above the level of the heavens. After the fusion of the power of Nefarem, they perfectly merge together to form a brand-new corpse, far more than Huang Yi's incarnation is much stronger!

Just then, the imitated body of the wild **** suddenly opened his eyes, a light of God flashed through his eyes, with an oppressive force that seemed to come from the soul!

Then, it stood up quickly, as if an evil **** had awakened, and his body stood in this hidden corpse, and even the air seemed to stagnate slightly!

It is composed of some dead body materials, but now it really has life! This method is simply god-making, incredible!

"Master! Thank you for making me!" At this moment, the immortal imitation body seemed to know that Huang Yi gave it life, and bowed respectfully to Huang Yi directly. The demon imitation has certain wisdom, unlike the hunting dogs and falcons summoned by Huang Yi's racial skills [Wild Call], which requires his control, it has autonomous consciousness.

"Very good!" Huang Yi nodded with satisfaction, and looked up and down this immortal imitation body. This wild **** is powerful and does not require his distraction to control, it can be described as a perfect contract partner. Its strength will also increase with the increase of Huang Yi level, and it can be resurrected after death!

"Follow me!" With this brand new contract partner, he left the hero prison and returned to the abyss outside.

Next, Huang Yi took the wild **** and continued to walk around in the swamp of the abyss, looking for a suitable leveling target.

"Wow!" Just then, there was a sound of muddy water movement in the muddy water in the distance. Huang Yi immediately turned his head to look at it. Vaguely, there was a creature in that muddy water digging there, and music could see some scales exuding cold light floating up and down. It seems to be a giant python, nearly 100 meters long, with a strong breath that surpasses the sanctuary loach he killed before.

"Go, let's kill it!" Huang Yi said to the pretty **** beside him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" I heard Huang Yi's words. The savage **** took a strong step directly, rushed towards the sanctuary python, and his strong body ran in the mud, but he did not sink.

At this time, the python also noticed the arrival of the god, and it instinctively felt the danger. Turn around and run away! The huge body did not show any burden, it was fast, and it just flew above the muddy water.

But the God didn't give it a chance, jumped straight up into the air, and smashed down towards that python! The strong body and the python slammed together firmly, stopping the body it had escaped from.

Through this attack. Huang Yi got the information of this python. This python is the same as his level, but also level 114!

The next moment, the python flipped up in pain, and launched a rebellion. The huge body, nearly 100 meters long, was as fast as lightning. Tied it like a mule, if it was an ordinary person, it might be hanged at this moment.

But the wild **** was born with brute force. Six powerful big hands grasped the giant python tightly, and Shengsheng opened its tightly wrapped body! Then, the pretty **** clenched its tail and threw it fiercely. The python's nearly 100-meter-long body was thrown into the air by this, dancing wildly and beating on the ground. A nearly 100-meter-long trace of mud and water was sputtered, as if throwing a whip.

This fighting style has no skill at all, it is completely the most primitive fighting method of beasts, and the competition is brute force!

Huang Yi finally realized the strength of the savage god, and it was only in terms of strength. It has already surpassed itself. It's just that the means is relatively simple, it has only brute force, no skills, and no skills.

Next, Huang Yi also rushed up and cooperated with the Savage God to attack the python. The effect of the cooperation between the Savage God and him far exceeds the effect of Huang Yiqi fighting on the double-headed Lin. After all, the positioning of the Double-headed Lin is a mount, and the attack ability is far less than that of a purely violent contract partner.

In this way, it took the couple almost a few minutes to kill the SS of the same level as Huang Yi. If it was not before, he could not kill the SS of the same level so easily, at least through Some twists and turns.

Huang Yi sucked this python SS into his war soul, replacing the previous soul in his early 100s. This python soul added an additional 3% attack speed to him. This ratio is fairly good, a little better than the soul he absorbed in the Tower of the Gods before.

At present, in this continent, only some dangerous areas such as the abyss have souls suitable for Huang Yi, and it is difficult to find the sacred power in ordinary places. However, in the abyss there are some high-level sanctuaries and top sanctuary powerhouses. Once encountering them, Huang Yi can't fight at all, and can only hide.

Huang Yi and Savage God continue to advance in this abyss, as if two master players are cooperating, hunting down those primary sanctuaries. If you encounter a mid-level sacred powerhouse, let the wild gods try the power first. If you can fight, you can fight, but you can run, but there is no danger along the way.

In this way, the day gradually passed. There was no day or night in the abyss. Huang Yi was hungry and went offline to eat something. The rest of the time was basically hunting those primary sanctuaries with the wild gods. After this effort, Huang Yi ’s whole body has basically been changed. The souls previously absorbed from the Tower of the Gods are basically below 110, and in this abyss, he has been replaced by all over 110. Soul, strength has increased a little.


At this time, in the desolate sand, the self-exploding power of Mantian had basically been completely suppressed by a group of guardians, and the dazzling light was completely dim. He fainted on the ground, motionless, like a dead dog, with only one last breath.

Since this time, many curious players have also rushed over and wanted to check the movement here, but they were all blocked by the realm of the heavenly guardian. The curiosity of the players is getting heavier, wandering back and forth outside the enchantment, gathering more and more people. The forum is already full of speculation about this matter, and no one knows what secret things Huang Yi was doing at the special moment before the group finals began.

But one thing is for sure, this matter is likely to affect the results of the team finals!

It's time to go back and kill the wild sky. Huang Yi's body immediately used the attached skills of the legendary headscarf [The Killing God's Seal], and through the seal of the killing, he took the wild **** across countless distances and teleported to his incarnation Desolate sand.

"Huh? What is this? I feel an inexplicably powerful force." Huang Yi just appeared with a wild god, and a guardian of the heavens suddenly made a suspicion and locked his eyes on the god.

The rest of the guardians also noticed the Savage God. They were heroes and had a keen mind. They all felt the godlike power in the Savage God! Although this power is still relatively small, its quality is unprecedented.

"This is my contract partner! Savage!" Huang Yi said to them. Although the current Savage God is not as powerful as the guardians in front of him, the potential is infinite, and he can grow with him. More importantly, the Savage God can stay with him at any time to help him, but these guardians can't, they can only be confined to the range of this sub-territory, and can't follow Huang Yi to kill SS.

"Kill God, this is the last breath left in this wild sky, you can kill him!" At this moment, the soul-splitting man whispered to Huang Yi. It is one of the five great celestial powerhouses. The pighead is very stupid, but it is very polite to the lord Huang Yi.

"Okay! Thank you very much!" Huang Yi nodded, and then looked at the sky with anticipation.

In addition to the Hydra and Death Scale he killed during the rare mission, this will be the first time that he has personally killed the Celestial Strongman. His huge experience will definitely allow him to soar many levels. And this is also likely to be his only chance to kill the Celestial Strongman for a long time to come. The Celestials will not invade the territory casually, and will be beaten by his guardians, while Huang Yi is not the opponent of Celestials at all, it is a very unlucky one.

Huang Yi quickly took out the legendary ghost axe and came to the front of Mantian under the attention of more than a hundred guardians.

The heavenly body that was once high in the barbaric sky was already covered with bruises and limbs, and the whole body was shockingly large, as if it had been subjected to some of the most severe punishment. It is now in a coma and can't even stand up ~ www.readwn.com ~ can only fall in front of Huang Yi with such a humble posture, still slaughtered by him, and judged by the previous arrogance Two people.

"Heavy sentence!" Huang Yi's shot was his strongest single attack method. His triple attack power took 30% of the damage from the rune damage, and poured heavily on the flesh and blood !!

The scene looked like Huang Yi was holding an axe and pork on a chopping board!

"Ding!" Mantian's scarred body looked extremely fragile, but after Huang Yi's aggressive axe was cut off, it made a sound of intersecting gold and stone, as if it had been cut on the copper wall and iron wall. The axe only left a tiny wound on the body, causing a little damage!

The power of the Celestial Strong is fully demonstrated at this moment, even if Huang Yi is already a very powerful junior sacred powerful, wearing seven pieces of legendary equipment, advanced fighting spirit, possessing named attributes, and undergoing the fifth evolution, use With the strongest single-attack skills, there is nothing wrong with the severe injuries! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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