Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 520: Skyland Strongman's Explosive Items

Of course, this is also partly due to the characteristics of the orc race. They were originally good at defense, and the heavenly strongman was even more obvious!

At present, Huang Yi can only attack it by other means. He has many means and cannot be helpless.

The next moment, he picked up his axe and chopped down again, this time he only used ordinary attacks!

After he awakened Nefarem's blood, a normal attack added 20% Dark and 10% Holy damage! These two kinds of damage should be unstoppable!

"Oh!" The sound of a sharp weapon cut into the flesh sounded. This time Huang Yi's axe finally fell into the body of the sky, causing considerable damage, far exceeding his previous sentence!

Sure enough, he can't stop his dark and holy damage!

After Huang Yi's attack, Mantian finally lost his breath, lost all vitality, and died completely!

A heavenly strongman who was standing around the world was killed by Huang Yi, who was lower than his level 89!

In a short time, an unprecedented vast experience value poured out on Huang Yi alone! There were several warm currents in his body, and the level went up!

Level 115!

Level 116!


Level 119!

At 69% of level 119, this massive amount of experience is finally completely consumed!

A pretty day, Huang Yi soared from 114 to 119! This is his fastest upgrade so far!

This is still the case where his upgrade experience is twice that of ordinary players. If he is an ordinary player, the level will be even higher!

This is the Celestial Strongman. Even killing only one is enough to gain a large amount of experience. A lot of time left for leveling!

In just two days, Huang Yi completed an unprecedented feat, soaring from 100 to 119. This upgrade speed is estimated to be an eternal world record, and it is unlikely that anyone will break it!

And continuously raised five levels. Huang Yi's Nefarem bloodline talent [Growth of the Demon God] also brought him 585 attributes, which is nearly 6 points when converted into a sanctity attribute. He added all these attributes to power, making all his power-related attributes soar again!

In the death of the wild, the experience value is only part of the reward, and the other part of the reward is something that burst out!

Huang Yi clearly remembered. When Mantian fought the fallen messenger, he used to hold a huge cricket mace, which is the weapon of the Celestial Strongman, and it should not be worse. It was just that the fighting last night came too suddenly, and it was hit to the point of serious injury before it could be taken out. It was killed now. It should be found inside his storage ring!

Huang Yi looked forward to Mantian with anticipation. After his death, he was smooth and clean, only two things burst out, not like the other big SS items.

Huang Yi stooped and picked up the first thing. This was a magic bottle containing a strange pale red potion that kept bubbling. As if always boiling.

[Attribute Exchange Potion] (S-Class, Magic Item-Potion)

After use, attributes can be swapped with a target. If the target is in the same status class as itself, all attributes can be exchanged for 1 hour. If the target's status class exceeds its first order, only 50% of attributes can be exchanged for 1 minute. If the target ’s status class exceeds its own two ranks, the potion is invalid!

S-Class Elixir! Huang Yi froze slightly, and suddenly thought of Miyamoto Musashi!

Miyamoto Musashi is the person with the most S-class potions in the world. During this contest, he exposed several S- potions. This bottle of S-Class medicament. Huang Yi has never seen it before, and I don't know if it was from Miyamoto Musashi.

Huang Yi originally felt that this was a little strange, and it was quite unusual that this time he was hunting and killing him with injuries. He had long suspected that someone was instigating, and now he saw the potion. He basically determined that person was Miyamoto Musashi.

However, this is just a guess. Although the S-level potion is rare, it is quite expensive, and it is not surprising that there is such a bottle of S-level potion.

But no matter what, this precious S-class potion belongs to Huang Yi! This potion is divided into two use cases. One is in the same class, it can last for 1 hour, and all attributes are exchanged. For example, he is now a primary sanctuary, then he can go directly to a top sanctuary Swap attributes, maybe you can fight back that top sanctuary strong!

The other situation is a situation that transcends one class. For example, Huang Yi is a sacred domain strong. If he and the heavenly strong are to exchange attributes, it can only last for 1 minute, and the exchange of attributes is only 50%, which is equivalent to two people becoming the same strength. . If the enemy's status class is even higher, reaching the level of the Divine Realm, then Huang Yi cannot exchange attributes, and this potion is invalid.

Huang Yi suddenly rejoiced. Fortunately, he released not the top celestial powerhouse. Otherwise, as soon as he exchanged attributes with Mantian, they would be finished!

Huang Yi carefully put this bottle of S-class potion into the storage ring. Since the two bottles of spike drugs have been used up, this is his only bottle of S-class potion.

Then he bent over and picked up the second thing that burst out!

This is a storage ring! It is also the most explosive item Huang Yi hopes to see. The storage ring often represents all the belongings of an SS! Tian Tiangui is a strong man in Tianyu. How rich are all his possessions? S grade potion? Legendary equipment? Top energy stone? These are all possible!

Huang Yi took a deep breath and couldn't wait to open it to see what was inside.

"[System reminder]: The storage ring has a half-orc seal. It needs a strong person of the half-orc family to release the seal."

After receiving this system prompt, Huang Yi was slightly surprised. He thought that the storage ring could bring him a lot of rewards, but he didn't expect to be stuck in the last step.

It seems that the central continent is a place full of crisis. In order to avoid the death of His Majesty's master, the storage ring fell into the hands of others, let others steal the secrets, and obtain the treasure, so this seal was set. In this way, even if the enemy gets the storage ring, he cannot use the contents inside.

However, it is hard to beat Huang Yi, because he is also considered a half-orc! He has evolved twice about half-orcs!

He immediately changed into a half-orc form, and tried again to open the storage ring containing all the possessions of the wild sky.

"[System prompt]: Your strength value has not reached the condition, and you cannot lift the seal!"

This time, Huang Yi's hope was shattered again! His power value is definitely the highest among the players, but he still can't open the seal of this ring. I don't know how much power value is required to open this storage ring.

Huang Yi reluctantly put away this storage ring, and can only wait until the strength is stronger in the future.

At present, quite sky has brought him a five-level level, a bottle of S-level, a storage ring that can not be opened for a while, this reward is already rich enough, and almost even gave him underwear, There is only one smooth body left.

But even if it's a pretty body, Huang Yi doesn't plan to waste it, it's the same baby!

After his war soul advanced, he just needed the soul to strengthen the war soul! The stronger the inhaled soul, the more additional attributes!

In addition, the Savage God also has nine acupoints. Each acupoint must absorb the soul that he killed himself! The more souls you inhale, the stronger the Savage God becomes!

Mantian is definitely regarded as the strongest enemy that Huang Yi has killed besides Hydra. Once absorbed, the increase is definitely very high. It's just that Huang Yi's war spirit is as important as Savage God's acupoint. This corpse is not enough.

But soon, Huang Yi thought of a best of both worlds. He looked at the Savage God and said, "Savage God, come here to absorb it and strengthen your acupoints!"

"Thank you master!" Said the barbarian slightly excitedly, and immediately walked to the barbarian's body, and then reached out and pressed on the barbarian's body.

In a short time, the corpse of the barbaric corpse turned into a ball of blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, immersed in the acupoint of the left foot of the barbaric god! Makes his left foot strong, full of breath, it seems that there is a peerless fierce spirit in that left foot. At this moment, the left foot of Savage God is thicker than the right foot, looks like a deformity, and is a bit funny.

After absorbing the corpse of Mantian, Huang Yi noticed that the strength of the mankind has suddenly increased, and the strength has increased by about 5%. The physique is the most obvious improvement, reaching 10%. This means that the Savage God is more powerful, has more blood, and is more resistant! And he also has a left foot killer www ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is the most powerful part of his whole body. If this kick is kicked on the enemy, I don't know how serious the damage will be.

Now, Huang Yi is going to make the second step. He continues to martial arts: "Various spirits, I will absorb you and make you my soul!"

It turned out that Huang Yi's idea was to let the barbaric gods strengthen the power of the barbarians, and then let the barbarians strengthen their own power. One corpse played a dual role.

"Okay! Master!" The wild **** nodded to Huang Yi and nodded immediately.

Huang Yi quickly chose to absorb the wild god, and regarded him as the soul that attacked the ninth layer of the fighting soul! It's like he absorbed Shuangtou Lin as his soul, which can still be summoned at any time in the future.

After a while, a similar scene reappeared. The savage **** was like the savage sky before, turned into a ball of blood, and merged into Huang Yi's body!

This is the feeling of a small fish eating shrimp and a big fish eating a small fish! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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