Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 521: Triumph

After inhaling the strongest soul in Mantian, Huang Yi's fighting spirit increased by an even greater margin than any previous soul!

His attack on the ninth floor of the battle spirit has three attributes in a row-Sanctuary Strength +8, Sanctuary Attack +40, Critical Strike Effect + 20%!

Prior to this, all of Huang Yi's souls had only one attribute attached, and a wild **** brought him three full attributes! Of course, there are some reasons for this in the sky. After all, he is a real strong man in the heavens. This kind of bonus is too great!

As an enemy, Mantian is very energetic. Not only did he dedicate his experience, storage ring, S-level potion to Huang Yi, he even spared his body and drained all the value. .

At this point, the menacing threat was finally lifted. Huang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and the wild pursuit was like a sword hanging above his head. It was always uncomfortable to not solve this hidden danger. As soon as he died in the sky, his mood felt as if the clouds had disappeared and the clouds were clear.

But this is only temporary, and there is a larger cloud still behind, which is more severe revenge on the half-orc sanctuary! They hunted Huang Yi three times in total. The first time was a sacred powerhouse, the second time was a hundred sacred powerhouses, and the third time was a sacred powerhouse. The hunting intensity is better than once, but every time it is resolved by Huang Yian, and it also improves its own strength.

This time, Huang Yi really took the big basket! Even the heavenly strongmen have been killed. The half-orc holy land is just a little bit of heavenly strongmen. Each is a treasure. With such a large loss, the entire holy land must be thundered by the thunder. I do n’t know what method Come crazy revenge!

If it was the leader of the half-orc holy land in person. Then Huang Yi is in danger! The leader of the half-orc holy land is the top heavenly powerhouse, a character of level 295, and is about to break through to the level of godland. Even if Huang Yi releases more junior Celestial criminals, it will not help him at all, not to mention that he can only release very few Celestial Celestial criminals.

"Well! Go back! Let's lift this scourge!" Huang Yi said to more than one hundred guardians around him. Then he first summoned the two-headed Lin, and hurried towards the dragon. The one hundred Sacred Realms and the five Sky Realms slowed down, followed closely behind him, and looked like a horse.


At this point, outside the enchantment of Huang Yi's ten kilometers, there were already crowds of players. Some of them were specially transmitted from other cities. Want to see this mysterious change with your own eyes. There are also reporters who came to make a special trip, and live broadcast what happened here to the forum, to meet those players who are wondering!

"Audience friends! At this time, it has been a day since the killing order was given by the **** of retreat! What happened inside is unknown. But during this day, there were several visions. First, It was a scream that broke through the sky last night, it seems that a peerless master has suffered a fatal blow; then. A violent light from the enchantment is like a little sun, this way The light lasted for a long time, and it was finally completely extinguished not long ago. "

"In addition, witnesses said that one hundred guardians of the sanctuary in the deputy territory of the Heroes’ Guild also hurried to the scene of the incident last night. I do n’t know exactly why it went. It lasted until just now, this thing finally happened It ’s an amazing development. In the rankings, the level of killing God suddenly rose to five levels, from 114 to 119, and it was suspected that it killed the super-strong leader-level characters! "

"This act of killing God completely affected the team finals tomorrow. In just two days, he went crazy from level 100 to level 119, which was completely beyond everyone's expectations. We have been very difficult to analyze , Who is more sure to win the group championship. Even if Miyamoto Musashi has won the title of Emperor Wu, it may not be better than killing the gods ... "

At this time, countless people speculated that this incident should be over, just after Huang Yi rose to level 119. The world is shocked. On the forum, the topic post of this matter has risen to the first place. It can be said that the eyes of hundreds of millions of viewers around the world have gathered in that enchantment, but no one can penetrate the enchantment and see clearly What mysterious thing happened inside.

"Huh? Something is moving!" At this moment, some visually powerful players outside the realm found that a large amount of sand and dust appeared in the distance, and it seemed that a group of beasts were colliding. It was just that the moonlight was too weak to know exactly what was inside.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of countless people. Those reporters and those who started to record live broadcasts stared at the smoke, and quickly displayed this change on the forum. In the eyes of the audience.

The sky is like the fog that lasts for a day, and it will show the whole picture when the meeting is over!

Soon, the smoke was getting closer, and finally the scene inside appeared.

I saw a familiar figure among the sand and dust. He had a handsome complexion, riding a two-headed tadpole creature, with a star-shaved headband tied to his head, and a huge axe in his hand. Riding fast in the dust, murderous.

This person is like Huang Yi who countless people are waiting for!

Behind him is a group of strong peerless strong men. They have different forms and different races, but each of them is a super existence that can only be looked up to. Among them, there are five people's breath, more like a smoke, straight into the galaxy, it is frightening.

At this time, Huang Yi, like a general, led a triumphant and unruly warrior to return triumphantly. I wondered what kind of victory was fought and how powerful the enemy was destroyed.

Hundreds of millions of viewers around the world watched this picture, their hearts were full of shock! No one has ever been able to command so many strong men, only Huang Yi! When he killed the hundred half-orc sacred strongmen before, he also led such a group of triumphant returners, and now history repeats itself!

Longdu, this is an unbreakable place. Whoever causes trouble will die! Now they are returning triumphantly, and Huang Yi has risen to level 119. Obviously, an unlucky peerless powerhouse was killed by them.


On the east side of the mainland, the city hall of the Budo Association is on the top floor.

Miyamoto Musashi stood by the window with his hands on his back, the bright moonlight dripped and shone on his samurai uniform. His deep eyes looked at the huge bright moon in the sky, and the crater above was clearly visible, making people still want to climb up and see what happened.

"You are really here." At this moment, a gentle voice came from behind Miyamoto Musashi, and then a beautiful woman with a good face came up and stood with him under the moonlight.

At this moment, the starry sky seemed to be overshadowed. The eyes of this woman were the two brightest stars, which captured the starry sky. The bright moonlight, coupled with her pretty face, showed a dreamlike beauty, as if this was a dream, and she was the dream goddess of those thousands of young people.

In fact, she is indeed the dream lover of countless male players. She is Oda City, the winner of the best charm of the last annual festival. However, at this time, she was still staring at Miyamoto Musashi beside her, and her eyes flashed a closeness.

"Sister, will you come in and knock on the door next time?" Miyamoto Musashi turned and looked at Oda City, frowning slightly. Oda City is the goddess of dreams in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, it is just an annoying younger sister, and the ghost stays wherever he goes.

"Finally, news came from the god-killer side." Oda City had a good temper. Unlike the other girls, he lost his temper on his brother and made a small temper, and immediately explained the intention.

"What's the news?" Miyamoto Musashi heard the news, his face immediately became concerned, apparently in his mind, this matter is more important than the sister of Oda City.

"It's quite possible that he will be killed by him! You will know when you open the leaderboard." Oda took a deep breath and spit out a message that made the air sink into the air.

Miyamoto Musashi was silent for a moment, quietly opened the leaderboard and looked at it, and soon he saw Huang Yi's rank, his gaze was slightly stunned.

Huang Yi's 119 level, like a sharp dagger, deeply stabbed his eyes. He ranked second in the rankings, only 103 levels!

"Even the most powerful enemy will be killed by him after encountering the **** of killing! This time, Mantian, the master of heaven, is no exception. The land of the dragon of killing gods seems to be an unbreakable place. Whoever went there, no one came back ~ www.readwn.com ~ Oda's voice, with a complex emotion, she stared with concern at Miyamoto Musashi, the tender little hands in the depths, caught him The big hand, said gently, "Can you still play him tomorrow? If not, let me go! "

Miyamoto Musashi seemed to be touched, turned his head to look at Oda City, and finally there was a soft light in his eyes. He reached out and touched Oda's hair, and said, "You are my trump card. No one knows that you are my sister yet. I will not let you out unless I have to."

After all, he turned his head to look at the bright moon outside the window and smiled slightly, saying: "People all over the world think that I have reached the finals by means of potions, and who knows my true strength. Killing God is even killing Barbara What will it be like, this will only make my victory more exciting tomorrow, let the audience see a more exciting match, and make my title of martial arts more gold. Martial arts is what I originally wanted to earn The title of ”must not be allowed to be acquired by others. Tomorrow ’s battle, no matter how strong he is, is doomed to be defeated in my hands. I want to be both Emperor Wu and Saint Sheng! I want to flatten the hero continent! Kill the gods under the horse! "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m. )

PS: The third modification of this 29th, the cervical spine is really uncomfortable. Chapter 4 can't stay up late, I will postpone it until tomorrow, I'm very sorry.

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