Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 522: Orc Holy Land Leader Gets Off

In the end, Miyamoto Musashi's tone has become faint and a little crazy, and Huang Yi's continuous improvement of his strength has made him feel tremendous pressure.

"Maybe things are not as bad as we think. Killing the gods killed the sky. For such a big thing, the half-orc holy land will definitely make severe revenge. Maybe killing the gods will not last tomorrow." Oda City seemed to notice The pressure in Miyamoto Musashi's heart immediately comforted him.

Just then, a voice suddenly occurred to heaven and earth--

"[System Bulletin]: [Kill God] Kill the bloodthirsty, one of the four guardians of the half-orc holy land. Savage, causing the thunder of the half-orc holy land in the central continent to be thundered. (Hero 295) Go to the hero continent and hunt down [Kill God]. "

This announcement of the system sounds like the will of God, resounding in all continents and corners of the world! Heared by countless players and npc!

"Brother, we won the team championship in advance." After hearing this announcement, Oda closed his eyes, his tone was easier than ever.


At this moment, the whole world has been shocked by the system announcement just now!

The half-orc holy land and Huang Yi finally reached the last step! Prior to this, Huang Yi repeatedly disrupted the hunting of the half-orc holy land. And this time the savage death is already a kind of loss that the Orc Holy Land can't bear, even their leaders have appeared in person!

No one had thought that Huang Yi would develop to this point step by step after the dragon killed the wind to the hundreds of thousands of ordinary half-orc players. I am afraid that even the parties Huang Yi and Feng Zhi never thought of them.

However, on the other hand, a player and a race can fight for so long, they still stand still, but they get more and more brave. Even the racial leader came out to deal with him personally. This was considered an upheaval. Apart from Huang Yi, no one has done it so far!

This is bound to be another night that affects the mood of hundreds of millions of players. Tomorrow will be the team finals of the contest. And tonight, the leader of the half-orc sacred place must be able to rush to the hero continent, or he will kill Huang Yi to level 1! Once Huang Yi falls down, tomorrow's team match is absolutely impossible. The martial arts team has Miyamoto Musashi, a sacred powerhouse, who wants to win the game without any effort.

at this time. Those reporters outside Longdu still gathered and did not disperse. The announcement of the system not only resounded not only in the second world, but also through the forum through their live broadcast, even some players who were not online. Got it.

Some reporters quickly analyzed it in detail according to the announcement just now: "Audience friends. Now things have changed again. What happened to kill God last night turned out to be hunting before killing the Orc Holy Land. His heavenly strongman! No wonder his level will suddenly rise to five levels! This feat is incredible! But the announcement just cast a shadow on this matter. "

"The leader of the half-orc sacred place, Holy Saint, is a top-level Celestial powerhouse up to level 295, which is about to break through to the level of the Divine Realm. More importantly, it is a hero character, far more powerful than characters at the same level! Such a peerless overlord. Tonight is coming to the hero continent to hunt down and kill God himself. How should God deal with it? "

"Based on the information we have collected so far, there should be no way to kill the gods by killing the gods. He can only choose to hide, for example, in a secret place such as the Tower of the Gods. Saint can't threaten him for the time being. But this will bring a huge blow to the morale of the heroic team and will be bad for tomorrow's team match. At the same time, the territory of the heroic guild will not escape, even if it opens the sky curtain enchantment ... It will still be broken! This time, the momentum of killing God will be ended ... "

Almost everyone thinks that Huang Yi is trying to escape this time. The leader of the half-orc holy land has come to deal with a player himself. How can this be beaten? The only way is to hide. Hiding in the Tower of the Gods, or simply offline! It is impossible to fight! Even if the dragon has no more guardians, it's just a group of cannon fodder that can't stop the top heavenly hero of Mansheng!

At this time, Huang Yi was still riding a two-headed lin, and returned to Longdu with a group of guardians. He frowned tightly, thinking while moving forward. The guards behind him were all silent, and they all heard the announcement of the system just now.

The half-orc sacred site should have learned about his killing of the wild sky in some way. He simply stopped sending the rest of the heavenly strong men, but the leader himself went out. This is a bit tricky. The saint is not only a level 295, but also a hero, even if such a character is in the hero prison, the ranking is very high.

When Huang Yi was doing a rare professional task, the 250-level Hydra. Dead Scale, number 250, was killed, and the level of the saint was even higher than Hydra. The 45-scale dead scale! It is estimated that only a hundred or two hundred criminals in front of the heroic prison can stop such a character as Mansheng.

Just then, Huang Yi received a message from Qin Shiyu--

"Brother Yi, can the dragon stop it? It won't matter if you can't stop it, as long as you're fine, we can come back at any time."

Seeing this news, Huang Yi touched his chin, thought for a while, and replied: "I try my best! Let the guild brothers still be scattered in various cities, do not return to Longdu."

This time, Huang Yi's words carried a dignity in his lines, not as confident as before. The saint hunting will be the biggest crisis he has ever encountered! If one is not handled well, it will be gone.

"Kill God, do you have any way to preserve the territory this time?" At this moment, the King Sha could not help but ask. It is the first guardian of this territory, and has been with Huang Yi for the longest time, this territory already has some feelings in his heart. More importantly, like all the other guardians, his destiny is bound to this territory. Once the deputy battle flag is destroyed, all of these guardians will die.

The question of Sha Wang immediately caught the hearts of all the guardians, and they all stared at Huang Yi, waiting for his answer.

These more than a hundred guardians, all have strength over Huang Yi. They are sturdy and strong, but at this moment they are pinning their hopes on Huang Yi who is weaker than them. They used to guard him before, but now this kind of desperate situation requires him to guard them.

Huang Yi turned his head and looked around all the guardians, his gaze swept across their various eyes, and across their various bodies. These guardians are now his own, and it is a pity to die like this. And hiding is not in line with his personality, it will be very inconvenient in the long run. If the saint has been staying in the heroic continent, he can't have a normal life at all!

"You stay well in Dragon City! When I hear from you, I will personally solve this matter. Dragons are not only where your life is, but also my honor. You are all my heroes, and I will not Give up on you. "Huang Yi solemnly addressed the more than one hundred heroes, as if he had made a guarantee.

After all, Huang Yi urged Shuangtou Lin to return to the dragons at a faster speed! With the strength of the sage, it is very fast to want to land on the hero continent. It may come at any time. He must speed up!

It didn't take long for Huang Yi to return to Longdu with more than a hundred guardians. The Dragon City, which was already empty, came with a lot of players who wanted to see the excitement. They looked excited and looked outside the Dragon City. When they saw Huang Yi's return, they immediately surrounded them and locked their eyes firmly on him.

"Hello God! Now all the forums are discussing the matter of the saint hunting you. What do you think as a party?" At this time, countless reporters and players immediately surrounded Huang Yi, walking and interviewing. .

"I'm going to the Tower of the Gods." Huang Yi hurriedly said a word, then quickly got rid of the crowd, hurried away in the direction of the teleportation field, leaving those players behind.

The reporters saw that they could not catch up with Huang Yi and immediately stopped and analyzed: "Audience friends, God of Killing just said that he was going to the Tower of the Gods. It seems that this is as we guessed. He really has no way to resist, but can only hide in the Tower of the Gods ... "

Soon, Huang Yi quickly came to the teleportation array and entered the tower of the gods.

And his avatar, who has been standing beside the teleportation array, seems to be waiting for something.

Time passed minute by minute ~ www.readwn.com ~ Longdu, a disaster-stricken city, once again attracted the attention of people all over the world. Countless players who were not afraid of death swarmed in, and wanted to see it with their own eyes. The advent of the Holy. And some foreign players who couldn't teleport came to watch the live broadcast in the forum.

In a short time, except the dragon, the rest of the world became empty. Billions of players have left the Second World, gathered in the forum, and watched the live broadcast, wanting to see the debut of 295 top-level Tianyu heroes for the first time.

At this moment, Huang Yi, who has been monitoring the sacred saint with the eye of surveillance, finally has some perception!

Here comes the saint! He landed from the south to the hero continent, and now heading straight for the dragon capital of the north!

His speed is simply galloping, he has always been moving straight, never detoured, even passing some large mountains, he ignored it! From this move, it can be seen that the savage anger is completely unstoppable. Even if a mountain is blocked in front of him, it is directly destroyed by him, no matter how high the mountain is, it cannot stop him The determination to chase Huang Yi! (To be continued ...)

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