Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 523: Pretty saint

At this moment, Huang Yi's avatar stepped into the teleportation array and teleported to a city called Jiaoyuecheng. He is the guardian of the continent and can be teleported to any public city.

At this time, the moonlight city was quiet, and many players teleported to Longdu, or went offline to the forum to watch the live broadcast. In the whole city, there are only three or two people left. Looking at them, those lights have gone out. In this peaceful late night, those people have fallen asleep and went to sleep.

What they don't know is that a top-level Celestial Hero, level 295, is about to pass here!

Huang Yi calculated according to the route of the barbaric saint. This Jiaoyue city is the only way for the barbara, so his incarnation was specially transmitted here, and he wanted to meet the barbara in advance.

At this moment, the third eye of Huang Yi's avatar keenly noticed that a meteor was flying fast in the distant sky, faster than any of the heavenly strongmen he had seen between him!

He had just seen the shooting star, and the shooting star had flew over in a blink, stopped quickly in front of him, stood like an Optimus Prime, and looked down at him.

An oppressive force that seemed to fall from the sky firmly covered Huang Yi's body. The air seemed to have become a substance. If he wanted to squash him, his legs could not help but slightly bend! The old house next to the street collapsed under such pressure and turned into ruins!

Huang Yi stood firmly, raised his head forcibly, and looked at the great man in front of him!

The figure in front of him looked like a mountain, magnificent and upright, with empty hands, and looked high above him, as if he had the power of life and death of countless people. His eyes were crystal clear. It grows on the face, but looks as high as the sky in the sky, and cannot be touched by an insurmountable distance. Such a pair of eyes looked down at Huang Yi, and there was a feeling of being watched by heaven. No one can play tricks under the gaze of such eyes.

This is pretty holy! Leader of the Orc Holy Land! Heroes of level 295! The Supreme Strong is only one line away from the Divine Realm!

Three hundred or more levels is the **** domain, and the master of the **** domain is also called demigod. From this title, we can also see how powerful the **** domain is, which is equivalent to half a god, and has the hope of impacting the gods! In the vast history of the Second World, except for the handful of ten God-sealers. Demigods are the strongest. Every demigod is an epic, their story is immortal, their deeds are passed on through the ages, and they are the most shining part of history! Every era is dominated by them, and the tide of the times is set by them!

The sacred saint in front of Huang Yi is the group of people closest to the demigod! Even on the central continent. He is also an absolute big man!

Seeing this man, Huang Yi's heart can't rise to the slightest fight. The gap between the two is too big. Even if the ancient giants go out, they are not his opponents at all.

Mansheng and Huang Yi stood on a long street in Jiaoyuecheng and looked at each other. The night breeze blew in the street. The street was empty, and the houses on both sides had all been turned off. The bright moonlight dripped down and shone on the two of them, casting two long shadows, and the atmosphere was full of Xiao Sha.

"You have committed a crime of death." At this moment, the saint looked down at Huang Yi and said the first sentence. That tone seemed to read God's will, and no one could save him, and he must die.

"Are you allowed to kill me only, and not allowed me to resist?" Huang Yi asked quietly. Looking up at the eyes of the saintly saint, he was not affected by his powerful momentum. "Of course, in the eyes of you strong, strength is truth. You can decide what is right and what is wrong. I am today I ’m not here to yield to you, but to discuss a way to reconcile with you. If you fight with me, the orc patriarch, then we are truly irreparable. After the death, I have gained a lot of benefits from him, so I am willing to spend money on disaster relief. If you say a number, I can get it for you, and that's all for now. "

"Do you think that our half-orc holy land will still be short of money?" Said the saint, suddenly exuding a powerful momentum on his body, and the bones of Huang Yi's body crackled loudly, and said lightly, "And, what do you have Eligibility to reconcile with me? "

Huang Yi resisted this coercion and continued: "This is just a compensation I am willing to give as a humanitarian. You can choose not to accept it and continue to make troubles in my dragon capital territory. But I can tell you clearly After you go there, you may encounter some unforeseen circumstances. In case you died there, I am afraid that your half-orc holy land will not be able to gain a foothold in the central continent, and I will also face endless revenge of your holy land. Although I am not afraid You guys, but after all, the less the trouble, the better. So we both take a step back, and I will accompany the money to give you face, and you will only lose a fair day. "

"Then I want to see what kind of masters are ambush in your dragons, which can make me suffer!" Noble Saint nodded seriously, and then the powerful momentum poured out on Huang Yi alone. He crushed this incarnation directly.

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Saint continued to gallop towards the direction of the Dragon Capital like a beam of light, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye. From the beginning to the end, he never shot and killed Huang Yi with only momentum. This kind of strength can only be counted on.

In the long street, the night breeze was still blowing, and a stray cat flashed out of an alley. It seemed that he had not been breathed by the breath of the saints, and only dared to come out at this time. But soon, it was startled again, and saw that the yellow corpse on the street suddenly disappeared, and the place suddenly became empty, as if nothing had happened.

Huang Yi's incarnation was quickly resurrected at the resurrection point in Jiaoyuecheng. He immediately rushed to the teleportation team and wanted to quickly return to Longdu. Before he came here, he just held a ray of hope for a successful reconciliation, and now the saint saint rejected him, completely in his expectation.

Next, he will use real means to deal with the saints.

After teleporting back to the Dragon City, Huang Yi quickly opened the Dragon City enchantment, which is one of the most advanced enlightenment enchantments in all cities on the hero continent. It was established by the Hero Guild after spending huge amounts of money.

This heavenly enchantment can temporarily block the attack of the heavenly powerhouse, but the time is limited and it consumes a lot of magic stones. It takes only half an hour for top-level Celestial Heroes like Mansheng to break through this enchantment.

This move immediately caught the attention of countless players and reporters in Longdu! Everyone understands that the Dragon City is waiting for it, because the Holy Saint is about to be killed, and an unprecedented war is about to begin! Countless people were instantly excited!

At this time, Huang Yi called all the guardians, all came to the wall of Longdu, stood against the wind, and looked at the direction of the Holy Saint.

"Kill God, although you have a strong tentacle, but in front of the top celestial hero, it is no different from paper, and will soon break!" At this time, the guardian of the celestial spirit raised his head and looked at The enchantment over their heads, snorted, there was some tension in the tone. Their five celestial guardians have great strength in front of others, but they can't beat the saints together, it is an enemy that is almost invincible. As soon as they were free, they were facing a life and death catastrophe.

"This enchantment only serves as a buffer! It's not my means of confrontation." Huang Yi shook his head and said, "I really am the means of confrontation, this is it!" After that, he flipped his palm and took it from the storage ring. Something came out.

This is a magic bottle filled with a pale red liquid, bubbling constantly, as if boiling.

"Huh? This is the bottle of medicine just now?" At this moment, the sand king on the side suddenly stunned slightly! Recognized the magic bottle!

It turned out that the magic bottle in Huang Yi's hand was the bottle of s-level attribute swap that burst out just after killing Mantian! You can swap attributes with a target!

At this time, the Spirit Breaker also reflected. His pair of copper-bell-sized eyes stared at Huang Yi and frowned, "Do you want to exchange attributes with the saintly saint? But he is heaven, you are sanctuary, and he transcends With your status class, you can only exchange half of his attributes with him, and you can only last for one minute. You still ca n’t play! "

Huang Yi shook his head: "I really want to use this potion to solve the threat of Wild Sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it's not me and Mansheng who exchange attributes."

"Huh?" At this moment, the dark-sworded sword demon figure suddenly thought of something, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face, licked his lips, and said coldly, "I see! You want to let this bottle of potion Give us one of the five Guardians of the Celestial! We are both the Celestial Strongman and the Savage Saint. This bottle of property swap potion can play a real role in us. This task is left to me! Real Warrior, born in blood, I have never fought against the top heavenly heroes. As long as you give me this bottle of attribute swap potion, I will definitely kill the saint! "

Hearing the words of the Dark Sword Demon, several guardians who were more munes finally reacted, and their solemn expression finally revealed a smile, as if they saw the hope of life.

Indeed, it would be completely different if five potions of the Celestial Guardian used this potion. Although the gap between their strength and the barbarous saint is very large, they are all in the level of heaven. They are in the same status class and can completely exchange attributes! And it can last up to an hour!

However, Huang Yi still shook his head: "This bottle of potion is not for you." (To be continued ...)

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