Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 525: 1 absolute big man

Huang Yi turned a deaf ear to all the hustle and bustle around him, as if all the sounds came from a distant world, murmured dimly and had nothing to do with himself.

His eyes were staring at the horizon, holding the bottle of property exchange potion tightly, some sweat in his palm, and his countdown echoed over and over in his heart.

He only listened to his inner voice. In his plan, there is still half a minute to reach the bottom line of using potions!

At this moment, the sacred saint looked down at Huang Yi under the canopy of the sky, and said lightly: "Kill God, turn to look at the guardians behind you! They are now like ants on a hot pot, restlessly restless , Is this a group of heroes you are proud of? In front of me, their fear of death is so obvious. The most terrible thing is not death, but waiting for death. Your death is coming. I enjoy this process very much. I have seen countless times like you in this desperate look. No one can stop absolute power, and I represent absolute power! "

The sound of the majestic majesty penetrated the heavens and earth, accompanied by the increasingly dim sky enchantment, so that the people in the sky enchantment felt a tremor from the soul!

"Kill God, hurry up!" The guardians had already cried anxiously!

Huang Yi finally held his hand on the bottle cap of the potion!

"Huh! Even my students dare to kill?" At this moment, a cold humming sounded suddenly between heaven and earth!

With this voice falling, the vast night suddenly became day!

An unparalleled huge arrow, bursting into the night, burst from the starry sky! As if shooting a star from the vast universe of galaxies!

This is a arrow mang that robs the color of the starry sky. This is the only one in the world that cannot be avoided. Even if you close your eyes, that arrow mang will illuminate from the heart!

The world is still, everything else is gone, everyone is looking up, and there is only that arrow in their eyes!

The huge white light shines on those who look up, casting black shadows one by one. From a height, it looks like a black ant, so small and so vulnerable! Even the body of the pretty Saint Nagan was overshadowed!

This moment is indescribable! No talented poet can write an epic at this moment!

Finally, the arrow mang shot down from the Xinghe, suddenly penetrated the sky curtain enchantment, fell directly in front of Huang Yi, and ignored the obstacle of the sky curtain enchantment!

The crowd looked at it immediately, only to discover that this arrow was actually a man and a one-eyed man!

The man looked very young, wearing a leather suit with a long bow on his back, and his hair was **** with a twine. His left eye was wearing a blindfold, but the remaining one-eyed was extremely special!

The one-eyed pupil turned out to be in the shape of a five-pointed star, like a star inlaid into it! The eyes that emanated were sharper than the eyes of the eagle! After staring at a person, it feels like being targeted, making people feel uncomfortable, and they can't escape anyway!

This man stood on the wall, as if he was the only one in the world, even the bright starry sky was taken away by him!

"Vice President!" Mansheng saw this man, his face suddenly became extremely dignified, as if dripping water, "I didn't expect that a mere seckill has provoked your demigod!"

As soon as this word came out, all the audience in the audience suddenly broke out! The audience watching the live broadcast in the forum also shuddered in their hearts!

Demi god!

This one-eyed man turned out to be a demigod!

A demigod is a person who is qualified to be a god. No matter in which era, the demigod is the strongest force, because after the **** is sealed, he will enter the realm of the gods or the demon world. He cannot stay in this world. The strongest person the world can hold!

And the one-eyed man in front of them turned out to be such a powerful demigod! It is the person standing at the top of this world pyramid, and even the saints can only look up to him!

"Savage Saint, didn't you just say that you represent absolute power? Why not let me teach you about your absolute power?" The one-eyed man said lightly to Savage Saint, without sacrificing Savage Saint at all.

The Holy Saint retracted his attack on the canopy, and stared at the one-eyed man cautiously, saying, "Aren't you going to the rest of the world to travel? Why waste your time for a mere kill?"

The one-eyed man's sharp one-eyed stare at the saintly saint, said coldly: "This question should be the one I asked you! When you sent the pretty sky to this continent to hunt down and kill God, you have already violated the" Tianyu The "Convention on Balance" stipulates that the strong people in the central continent must not interfere in these weak continents. You have violated this once before, and this time, you have intensified even your holy land leader. And, it ’s the students that our Royal Academy of Royal Oscars will focus on killing. Are you trying to fight against our Royal Academy of Oskan? ”

"The vice president misunderstood!" Mansheng quickly shook his head and explained: "I'm too angry! You know, even at the Royal Academy of Oskan, the Celestials are the core force. For us This is even more true of the Orc Holy Land. In the future, the battle against the Seven Demon Kings will count on us, the heavenly powerhouses. But killing the gods disregards the overall situation and kills the wild sky. This has violated our inverse scale, and we absolutely cannot swallow it. Tone! "

"You have to swallow it if you can't swallow it!" The one-eyed man sighed sharply. "You are responsible for your own death. You openly violated the" Convention on Balance of Heaven and Earth ". You must end his death. You The grievances of the orc holy land and killing the gods, we at the Royal Academy of Oskan will not interfere too much. After the killing of the gods goes to the central continent, you can find his revenge. But now, you violated the convention and came to these weak ones without permission. The killing of the mainland has already disrupted the order of the world. Our college will never allow such a thing to happen. If there is another time, there will be no need for the half-orc holy land. "In the end, the one-eyed man's tone has become Extremely cold, as if throwing one's hands into one's feet, a holy place can be wiped out.

Hearing this, Mansheng was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but in the end he was afraid to refute. He stared at Huang Yi, showing a faint smile, and nodded: "Okay, since it is the vice president's speech, then I will give you this face. Kill God, I hope you go to the central mainland as soon as possible, I will use the most Rongzhong's ritual, come and treat you well. "Say, the saint quickly turned into a shooting star, flew away without looking back, and disappeared into the sky all at once, as if it never appeared.

In Longdu, there is only one one-eyed man, one Huang Yi, a group of guardians, and a group of already stunned players.

Everyone did not expect that the mighty and saintly saint, even withdrew in one or two sentences of this one-eyed man! Even the courage to do it!

At that moment, the one-eyed man turned his head, looked at Huang Yi, showed a warm smile, and nodded faintly, saying: "Kill God, I am the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan, marksman. card."

At this moment, his sharp breath disappeared all at once, as if he was an amiable elder, watching an excellent younger generation.

His remarks immediately shocked countless players in the audience, and surprised Huang Yi!

Marksman. Ika, this is definitely one of the most famous characters in the entire Second World in recent decades! In every tavern, you can hear the bard singing his epic, and the most prominent place in every library must be his biography!

The name represents legend, epic, hero!

Thirty years ago, Ukar, the dark king, led a group of demonic creatures to invade this continent, wherever he went, the blood flowed, the creatures were coated with charcoal, and the sky was always covered by lead-colored dark clouds, and no one could stop it! The entire continent is almost collapsing!

Later, Ika, who was originally a student of the Royal Academy of Oskan. Ika made a special trip to this continent to turn the tide and blasted an avatar of Ucar, the king of darkness, directly causing the king of darkness to return to the necromancy. abyss! Indirectly saved this continent! Moreover, Marksman Ika also destroyed the Demon Invasion Port of the Abyss of the Undead, so that the Devil lacked an important invasion channel and allowed the continent to breathe.

After that, Ika was named a "shooter" by the Royal Academy of Oskan, and he was directly captive as a hero! It has been written into an epic ~ www.readwn.com ~, which has caused a sensation in all continents, and countless bards are telling his story, making his name a household name!

At the beginning, Longdu was still surrounded by a skeleton ocean. When Qin Shiyu was still trapped in Longdu, Huang Yi was on his way to Longdu and once passed a forest. In the log cabin in the forest, he met Timo and Tristana. The dream of their two children is to become a hero like Marksman Ika.

Thirty years have passed. Ika, who was still a student's marksman, has already become the vice president of the Royal Academy of Oskan, and has been promoted to the level of demigods!

At this time, everyone in the audience did not expect that they saw this character, which was only circulated in the legend, and this character, which can only be seen in historical documents!

They saw history with their own eyes, they saw epics!

The arrival of this character turned out to be just to save a Huang Yi, so no one would believe it!

But that's the truth, he came like that suddenly, and a few words made the saintly clothing escape softly! Saved Huang Yi, saved Longdu! (To be continued ...)

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