Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 526: Origins of the 7 Devil Kings

"Vice President, you made me wait very hard. I almost used this potion." At this time, Huang Yi was relieved, and finally exchanged the potion of the S-class attribute in the potion and put it into the storage. In the ring.

He eventually saved the potion, giving him another hole card.

"Oh? Did you expect me to come?" Ika asked a little unexpectedly, the eyes of the pentagram staring at Huang Yi with interest.

"Of course, just two days ago, I just became a key student of the Royal Academy of Oskan. I am facing the hunting of the half-orc holy land. You must not stand idly by," Huang Yi said of course.

It turned out that he dared to make up his mind to kill the wild sky, regardless of the revenge of the half-orc holy land, because after he took the lead to rise to the 100th level, he has become a key character to be cultivated by the Royal Academy of Oskan, and his identity has risen. Prior to this, the half-orc holy land sent someone to hunt him down, which can only be regarded as a trivial matter. The Oscar Royal Academy can open and close one eye. But now it is different. The half-orc holy land continues to chase him down, which is equivalent to beating the face of the Royal Academy of Oskan. They cannot ignore it, so Huang Yi is willing to bet!

And the reason why he didn't apply the property swap potion just now is to wait for the people from the Royal Academy of Oskan to come! Fortunately, the one-eyed man finally arrived. Didn't let Huang Yi waste the potion in vain.

"I was delayed for a while, so I came a little late." Ika explained kindly, then reached out and patted Huang Yi's shoulder, admiring: "Kill God, you are very good. You have been good this year. We all know what we have done, and we have been following you. Two days ago, after you became the first god-given person to break through the 100th level, the dean also knew the news for the first time. Originally, He will come to see you in person, but he has just been promoted to the top demigod level and is preparing to seal the gods. He ca n’t afford to come to see you, so let me come and see. ”

"Feng Shen?" Huang Yi was a little surprised, and said inconceivably, "Since the last God-Fighter in the world ascended to heaven. After the blood hoof died, haven't there ever been God-Fighters again? How can the Dean be OK? God? "

"That's why we need you to investigate the mystery of the ascendant. Bloodhoof's death mystery!" Ika nodded. "Now the dean is still preparing. Sealing God is no small matter. It is the biggest thing in every world. It takes a long time to prepare. "

After that, Ika turned to look at the countless players who were looking up, and said, "Kill God, don't you ask me to sit in your city?"

"I can't ask for it! Please!" Huang Yi said, making a pleased gesture, and then the incarnation spread its wings and flew towards Longdu's city hall.

Ika walked through the air in the void, and followed Huang Yi in a hurry.

Within a short while, the two disappeared into the depths of the night, leaving only a few dumb players.

At this moment, the audience was silent, everyone seemed to be in a dream. They all wanted to come and see the sacred style, but unexpectedly they finally saw a legendary demigod in the end. This kind of experience may not be a lifetime! How many demigods are there in the Second World?


Soon, Huang Yi took Ika to the top floor of the city hall, blocking all outsiders from disturbing him. Even those players who came with them can only stand obediently outside the city hall, looking up at the top of the mystery, not knowing what secrets Huang Yi and Ika are talking about inside.

Huang Yi asked Ika to sit down, and then took out a bottle of limited Elf Jane wine bought at Elf City at a high price and poured a glass on Ika. This kind of wine is only used when the Guild of Heroes is used to entertain the most distinguished guests.

"Vice Dean, you have grown from an Oscar Royal College student to Vice Dean in just 30 years. This speed of progress is too amazing!" Huang Yi said and poured himself a glass The wine, took a sip, "I have more than a hundred guardians in my territory, but they are not progressing as fast as you."

Ika held up the wine glass and took a sip. "I'm okay. I don't know if you've heard of it. There is a demon named Savage God in the demon world. He comes from the first world, God of War and Dark Night. Son of the goddess. His speed of progress is fast. Once born, he is a strong celestial body. He became a demigod in the first year and became a **** in the sixth year. "

Having said that, Ika turned around and looked at Huang Yi, and said, "However, the God of Absoluteness is a different number, and it cannot be used in regular theory. In fact, your God-given person is also a different number. The progress is too fast. Just In your continent, there are several seedlings such as the blade, the dragon emperor, and the thunder god, and we have been paying attention to it. Especially you, in just one year, you have quickly grown to this point, and your speed has made the dean It ’s incredible. In the future, in response to the invasion of the Seven Demon Kings, you gods will become the main force. "

"What is the origin of the Seven Demon Kings?" Huang Yi asked suddenly. The Seven Demon Kings are like thunder, everyone has heard of it, and even the fate of everyone is linked to the Seven Demon Kings. A few days ago, the advance troops of the Seven Devil Kings also invaded several continents of this world. Except for the heroic continent, which was rescued by Huang Yi and Hailong Emperor, the advance troops of the rest of the continent were repelled by masters of the Royal Academy of Oskan. Yes, the average person is not their opponent at all.

However, the information about the Seven Devil Kings is more general. Huang Yi checked it several times, but only got some information that everyone knows well. There is no very confidential information.

"Is the Seven Demon Kings?" Ika heard the news, his face suddenly became dignified, he put down his wine glass, and said, "In fact, the Seven Devil Kings are a very special existence, you can call them demigods. They can also be called gods. In the history of the second world, only the ten god-sealers can be compared with them. However, after the ten god-sealers have sealed the gods, they go to the deities, and the seven demon kings seal After the gods, they go to the demon world. "

"It is both a demigod and a god?" Huang Yi repeated this sentence of Ika, and then asked inexplicably, "Is there an insurmountable gap between the demigod and God? How can they be equal? ​​And Why are the top ten god-sealers already sealed and disappeared into this continent. The Seven Devil Kings have been there since the ancient times, and have not yet sealed up the gods, and have been out to make confusion. Why? "

"This is both a question and an answer." Ika stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the huge bright moon on the starry sky, yelled: "The seven demon kings were enough to seal God as early as the ancient times, only However, they found a strange world and hid in it. That world allowed their power to stay at the level of the top demigod forever without blocking the gods. In this way, they would not have to enter the demon world. Of course As long as they are willing, they can seal God instantly. The gap that outsiders can't cross is just an idea in their eyes. It is because of this that they can keep coming out and chaos. Once they enter the demon world, they will never It is impossible to interfere in this world, and the power of God cannot interfere in this world. "

"Why don't they want to enter the Demon Realm? This mortal world seems far less exciting than the Devil Realm!" Huang Yi asked again, as a student who is eager to learn, and the problems are endless.

"Because of the ancient times, a great event happened in the demon world. In that turmoil, one of the leaders of the demon world has mysteriously disappeared and has not been found until now. The incident has not been investigated so far, and since then The demon group has no head and is extremely chaotic. The seven devil kings are unwilling to enter the devil may be because of this reason. Of course, it is not ruled out that they were specifically instructed by some big figures in the upper world to interfere in this mortal world. I suspect that The death of the Heavenly Man. Bloodhoof is related to the Seven Demon Kings. However, countless people in history have investigated this matter, but there is no clue. The appearance of your God-given man this time is an opportunity, maybe it can be solved. Open the mystery. "After that, Ika turned to look at Huang Yi, his eyes were full of expectations, not only his expectations, but also the expectations of countless ancestors throughout the entire history.

Huang Yi touched his chin ~ www.readwn.com ~ I suddenly thought of another question: "Since the Seven Devil Kings are so powerful and stronger than ordinary demigods, they can seal God if they want to seal it, so why are they in history? But they have been defeated frequently? They should be invincible in the mortal world and cannot be defeated! "

"That's a good question!" Ika said, asking back: "Presumably you heard about Thirty Years ago I repulsed the Dark Lord Ucar. You know how I repelled him of?"

"You shot one of his clones with an arrow!" Huang Yi said immediately, everyone knew this, even if he asked a three-year-old child.

"Yes! The answer is on the word avatar!" Ika nodded. "In fact, the seven major demon invasions in history were not their bodies out of chaos, but their avatars. The seven demon lords hid in In that strange world, the power of suppressing the gods. Once their bodies left that world, the power of the gods can no longer be blocked, they will instantly seal the gods and be trapped in the demon world. Therefore, their The essence does not dare to come out, but can only use the avatar to make chaos. The famous battles in history, the epics that are spread, and the myths that defeated the demon are actually defeated by the avatars of the seven demon kings, not their bodies. " In the end, Ika revealed a touch of self-mockery in his tone, "If you let me fight with the body of the Seven Demon Kings, then I will be shot by an arrow." (To be continued ...)

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