Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 527: The reporters who suddenly realized

"You blasted the avatar of the Dark King with an arrow, so it should not be difficult to deal with the avatar of the Demon King?" Huang Yi asked. . There is a limit to avatars, that is, the strength will not exceed 50% of the body. This is the same as his incarnation. Although the seven demon lords are powerful, their avatars should not threaten them too much.

"You think too simple, I guess I read those biographies!" Ika shook his head slightly. "The bard and biographer always like to exaggerate my story. They call it art processing. In fact, this is not the case. At first, I shot a clone of the Dark Lord with an arrow, and paid a huge price. "

Ika said, pointing his finger to his left eye wearing a blindfold, and said, "My left eye was lost forever during that battle. In addition, the strength of the Demon King's avatar depends on the number of his avatars. Ten years ago, Ukal, the king of darkness, came out with a total of four avatars, so the strength of each avatar was not particularly strong, and I had reached the level of heaven at the time, not a student of the Oscar Royal Academy. If it was then The King of Darkness brought together the power of all the avatars and only used one avatar. Then I could not defeat his avatar at that time. "

"This time the Seven Devil Kings are coming again. Can the college be sure to resist it?" Huang Yi asked a question that countless people wanted to ask.

This time, it is rare that the seven demon kings appeared together, unlike the previous one or two demon kings. Even if you look at the whole history, the number of times the Seven Demon Kings appear together is extremely limited. All the battles of the Seven Demon Kings are all earth-shattering battles. The last time the Seven Demon Kings appeared together was the battle in the late ancient times. At that time, two continents, east and west, were smashed and scattered into hundreds during the battle.

Now, the power of the Second World is far less than the previous few times. This is the weakest time in the world. During the ancient times and the ancient times, the second world was full of strong men, and it was easier to fight against the seven demon kings. But the later the age, the harder it will be for the world to emerge, and it will be more and more difficult to resist the Seven Demon Kings.

"It's hard to say." Ika looked dignified when he heard the question. "If we only rely on our academy, it will be difficult to defeat the Seven Devil Kings, but we have a huge hope that you are God-given. You God-given His body is special and his progress is fast. Whether you can repel the Seven Demon Kings this time depends on your performance. But now, the Seven Demon Kings will not invade on a large scale for the time being. The Seven Demon Kings are very scared, and even the Hell King Yan Mo dare not to underestimate the Dean. So recently, they will only occasionally send some advance troops out of chaos and wait until they are well prepared. Mass invasion. "

Huang Yi heard a lot of Ika's words, relieved a lot. The division of status and class in the second world is sacred realm, heaven realm, divine realm, and feudal god! Among them, Divine Realm is also known as Demigod. The dean of the Oscar Royal College is the strongest of the top divine realm, that is, the top demigod, and is ready to step into the final stage of deities. His power is unimaginable, just like an Optimus Prime, and the sky will fall and he will support it first.

"Vice President." At this moment, Huang Yi's expression suddenly felt strange. He touched his chin and said, "Did you find an ancient giant going to the Central Continent during this time?"

"Huh? How do you know? Is that ancient giant that shocked the Central Continent related to you?" Ika stared at Huang Yi unexpectedly.

"Does it seem to have reached the Central Continent safely? The ancient giant is indeed mine." Huang Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Last time he blocked the second wave of advance troops of the Seven Demon Kings with the Taiko Giant, the Taiko Giant became a hot potato. In order to save Longhai, he let the Taiko Giant rush to the Central Continent with a group of masters Direction, since then lost the news of that ancient giant.

"You can do a great job!" Ika sighed. "The Archaean giant is the natural enemy of the Seven Demon Kings. The instructors of our college have always wanted to study and find out from the Archaean giants to deal with the Seven Demon Kings. Effective method. Unfortunately, the Archaean giant was extinct a few years ago, and it was impossible to find it. Until a while ago, our central continent received news that there was an Archaic giant in the distant waters and was suffering from a group of demons. The pursuit of a master. The college attached great importance to this, sent a large number of strong men to the area, and finally repelled those masters of the Demon race, leading the Taigu giant to the central continent. However, the Taigu giant seemed to have received any order. It only rushed forward, we took a lot of effort to subdue it, and now it is lying in the laboratory of the Royal Academy of Oskan, studied by the college's mentors day and night. "

"I'm relieved!" Huang Yi nodded, and then asked, "When will I go to college to study? In addition, when is the better task of investigating the ascendant. Bloodhoof?"

"Don't hurry." Ika's tone was impatient, "After the Ascendant. Bloodhoof died, his body became a dangerous continent. Only when his strength reaches the level of the heavens, can he explore there. . So do n’t consider this task when you have n’t reached the level of heaven. Instead, you can go to the Royal Academy of Oscar to study at any time. After you ’ve gone to college, you ca n’t come back for a while. You It's best to get things done on this continent first. "

"Besides, the central continent is very dangerous. You are now only in the strength of the primary sanctuary. It is not enough to go there. Just now, I and Mantian said that you are a half-orc sacred place. Our college will not interfere. We won't protect you, we don't want the college students to be flowers in the greenhouse, and live smoothly under our wings. You must learn to read some contradictions, which is also a way of progress. This time I The reason to come to your rescue is only because the half-orc sacred place violates the "Convention on the Balance of Heaven and Earth", and the heavenly powers of our central continent cannot come to your continents to destroy. But if you go to the central continent, Then this convention is invalid, they can deal with you at any time, so you have to have enough self-protection means. "

Ika said, turned to look at the moon outside the window, and said in a farewell voice: "Kill the god, there is still a lot of work to be done in the college, I have to go. Next, you need to improve some strength and be fully prepared. After that, go to the college again! After the incident tonight, the half-orc holy land will not come to hunt you down in this continent. Although the saint is a bit arrogant, but he is one of them, since he promised me If you violate the convention again, then you will definitely follow it. I hope you quickly improve your strength and join the ranks of saving the world. "Ika finished, smiled slightly at Huang Yi, and the moonlight on his face looked exceptional. kind.

Later, he turned directly into an arrowhead, flew away from the window, and suddenly flashed into the starry sky, as the same meteor disappeared into the sky.

The demigod left in a hurry. His arrival only did two things, one was to save Huang Yi and to run away the saint. The other is to answer some of Huang Yi's doubts, give him some pointers, and make him understand the future development of the world.

After hearing what Ika just said, Huang Yi felt another urgency in his heart. He must also speed up his improvement. The sacred realm level has just entered the world stage. If you want to gain a foothold in the central continent and participate in things that change the world, you must reach the celestial realm level. This is the core power of the world. Except for the few demi-gods that are numbered, the world is up to these heavenly powers.

At present, the fastest way to improve his strength is naturally the team final tomorrow. He must try his best to defeat Miyamoto Musashi's martial arts team, win the championship, and become the martial arts.

At this time, Huang Yi's body was finally teleported from the Tower of the Gods. He put the axe in his hand into the storage ring, and it seemed that he had just finished a battle.

On the teleportation site, there were just a few players and reporters. After seeing Huang Yi, they quickly surrounded and interviewed noisily--

"Kill God, I don't know what Ika demigod said to you? Can you tell us?"

"How confident are you about the team finals tomorrow?"

"Now many players in the forum say that you are the most powerful contender for the best personal award of the next annual festival. What do you think of this?"

The reporters around him asked a variety of questions and surrounded Huang Yi densely.

"Kill God ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am a reporter from Singapore Morning Post. When your incarnation was just on the wall, it seems that you already have a way to deal with the saints. What about the tower? "At this moment, a reporter with a fluent Chinese language asked Huang Yi amidst the crowd.

"Because I'm going to break the 110-layer world record!" Huang Yi answered only one question and left here in a big stride.

When the reporters heard this sentence, they froze, and then opened the rankings by accident. At this look, they suddenly found an amazing news!

I saw the first name on the 110th floor of the Tower of Gods clearance time, that name is simply "kill the god", and the moment of clearance is just now!

After a while, countless reporters finally came to understand and hurriedly explained to the audience of the forum: "Audience friends, I just killed God and entered the tower of the gods. It is not to avoid the pursuit of the saints, but the opposite. He seems He didn't put the saint on his heart at all. At that point, his body turned out to break the world record on the 110th floor of the Tower of the Gods! And just now, he has successfully obtained this record ... "(Unfinished to be continued.)

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