Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 528: 110th World Record

Just now, after Huang Yi killed Mantian, he suddenly rose to level 119, and the last boss on the 110th floor of the Tower of the Gods was level 120, only one level higher than him. .

In addition, Huang Yi has awakened Nefarem's bloodline, his strength has increased greatly, and a powerful imitation of the gods to cooperate. After spending some time, he finally became the first record-breaker on the 110th floor.

The first record-breaker has the best reward. The last time Huang Yi broke the 80th floor of the Tower of the Gods, he gained the religious heart, the core prop of creating religion. After breaking the world record on the 110th floor this time, he also received some heavy rewards.

First of all, it is naturally two experience dans. This is the same as the experience dan that he obtained after breaking the world record on the 90th floor, which can be stored in the storage ring, each scoring 50%. After Huang Yi killed Mantian, his level has risen to 69% of 119 level, he immediately took an experience dan, and successfully broke through to 120 level. He will not use the remaining experience Dan, it will be more cost-effective to use it later.

The second reward and the third reward are also the rewards he has seen. They are a power stone and a soul spar that do not know what it is used for. After he broke the world record on the 90th floor last time, he also obtained a soul spar, plus this one is two, this is a mystery and needs to discover the purpose of this thing by himself.

The last reward is the heaviest reward. It is the first super reward to break the 110-layer world record.

This is a stack of drawings on which is recorded a method of building a ship called "Yunfan"! The large ships built before the Hero's Guild were dragon tooth ships, which were one point higher than the ocean-going ships of the Sun Guild. And this kind of "Yunfan Ship" that Huang Yi is getting now is more advanced than the Longya Ship!

After the heroic guild created the first dragon tooth ship, Huang Yi once released a ship guard named "The Plague of the Seas" in the heroic prison. When Planck heard the name of Longya, he immediately mocked Huang Yi, saying that at least Yunfan and even more advanced Fury battleships could barely get into his eyes.

And now, the stack of drawings in Huang Yi's hand is a ship that even a heroic captain like Planck can get into the eye!

This kind of ship has a very important advantage, that is, it has huge combat power! Ships such as ocean-going ships and dragon-gear ships are pure cargo ships used for transportation. The Yunfan ship not only has only transport functions, but also has two rows of artillery on both sides of the ship, which can exert great lethality and can be used to fight naval battles!

This feature makes the value of the Yunfan ship far beyond the Longya ship!

Huang Yi immediately sent a message to the director of the Shipbuilding Department of the Heroes Guild-Mad Madman, asking him to return to Longdu immediately and go to the city hall to find him.

It didn't take long for the madman to return to Longdu quickly, and came to the city hall to find Huang Yi.

"Brother, you have really exceeded our expectations just now, even demigods can get it!" When the madman saw Huang Yi, he opened the door and saw the mountain sigh.

"In the future, our territory will no longer be threatened by the half-orc sanctuary." Huang Yi said, and immediately passed the blueprint of the Yunfan ship to the lunatic, saying: "From now on, your shipyard will start to build This more advanced Yunfan. "

Unexpectedly, the madman immediately took the stack of drawings, glanced for a while, then gave a pleasant smile, nodded again and again: "Okay! Okay! Now in my shipyard, a group of excellent shipbuilders have been trained. Now, they have accumulated rich experience in constructing the Longya large ship before. Now it should not be too difficult to build this new ship. "

Huang Yi nodded slightly and said, "In addition, I will let the Minister of Affairs, Yi Feng, set up a navy. At that time, you will communicate with the person in charge of the navy. If you build such ships, you will use them. of."

"Okay! No problem. With the navy, our guild has become more diversified, and we can attack some islands and even the mainland. After the ocean-going airship is built, we can also have an air force. See who dares to mess with us. "The madman said hopelessly.

The Hero Guild, like Huang Yi, is making great strides.

Next, Huang Yi's body left the city hall, then went to the warriors hall, and teleported to the mysterious realm of learning skills. He has level 120 and can learn level 115 skills!

The mystery of this time is a small indoor environment. The challenge is the challenger's body. In such a narrow place, it is very difficult to avoid the attack of the combatants. But Huang Yi had the help of the immortal imitation body, and it was quite different.

The Savage God is a brute force in one body. The narrow environment is more suitable for him, because the enemy does not have much space to avoid its attack.

With the cooperation of the savage god, Huang Yi spent some energy and killed the warrior. He immediately pressed his palm against the red ashes of the warrior, and a burst of energy poured into his body, rushing to the limbs and becoming a part of his strength.

"[System Tip]: Congratulations on your learning the level 115 skills of the Executor profession [Anti-Scouting]"

[Anti-reconnaissance]: Passive skills. This passive skill enables the executioner to have excellent anti-reconnaissance capabilities, which cannot be tracked by any tracking skills. And when the target releases the tracking skills to the executioner, it will be detected by the executioner and obtain the basic information such as the target's name, level, and location.

This is a brand new skill. It is no longer a level 105 upgrade.

This passive skill belongs to the skill of assisting the surname, but it has greatly enhanced the survivability of Huang Yi!

For example, before the half-orc holy land came to hunt him down, he could easily find his place and couldn't hide. Because the orc is good at tracking, he can easily track his position, just like the most sensitive hound. The race skill of an ordinary half-orc player is a tracking skill called "Tracking Smell". When Huang Yi was in the ordinary half-orc form before, he had this skill and knew deeply how powerful this skill was. The strong of the half-orc sacred place, even exerted this ability to the extreme.

In addition, Huang Yi once suffered from an ambush of the mirror, one of the four major assassins in China. At that time, the mirror was also used to know his location using tracking skills. He was ambushed there and killed out of reach, causing him a lot of trouble.

When Blade first found Huang Yi, he also relied on the tracking skills of Yun Sihai to find him.

In short, tracking skills can keep a player in the dark, like being monitored by others at the same time. Even a top-level powerhouse such as Man Sheng could not escape Huang Yi's "eye of monitoring" after he arrived on the hero continent and was traced.

Now, Huang Yi's [anti-reconnaissance] passive skill makes all tracking methods of the enemy ineffective for him. Once Huang Yi hid in the future, others could not find it at all, as if she was searching for a needle in a haystack, her security surname and private surname were greatly enhanced.

Not only that, this passive reconnaissance skill will also feed back the enemy's information to Huang Yi. Whoever wants to track him will not only get his information, but will also disclose his information to him. In this way, Huang Yi will be able to discover many potential threats. Those enemies who don't like him, and those who want to be secretly against him will be discovered by him.

"Huh? Someone is actually following me?" The moment he learned this skill, Huang Yi was shocked to find that this skill was effective immediately!

This shows that this enemy has been tracking Huang Yi before, monitoring him secretly, but he knows nothing about it!

This feeling is really creepy, and he lives well, but he has been tracked by the people who care about it.

Huang Yi immediately checked it, and wanted to see who was tracking him. This passive reconnaissance skill had revealed the enemy's information.

This person who follows Huang Yi is called "Tianmo Little Divine Dragon"!

"Huh? It turned out to be him?" Seeing the name, Huang Yi's mind suddenly appeared a long memory.

A few months ago, when the territory of Longdu was just established, Huang Yi was going to the seaside to build a second subsidiary territory, which is now the heroic harbor. At first, he hurried for a long time in the forest. On a night approaching the seaside ~ www.readwn.com ~, he found a broken temple in the forest and rushed in to hide from the rain.

At that time there was a hunter player in that ruined temple. He was grilling a rabbit by a campfire. That hunter is the little demon dragon!

At that time, Huang Yi changed his face with Oscar's blindfold, and he couldn't recognize the demon dragon. Later, in the course of talking with the other party, he accidentally learned that the two of them had a long history before!

It turned out that when Huang Yi destroyed Fenglin Village, the aftermath of the battle hurt a lot of innocent people, and many players were accidentally killed, including the demon dragon.

Originally, ordinary players passed through when they encountered this kind of thing, but the little magic dragon of the demon was hit hard, and vowed to recover justice and win Huang Yi's respect. Since then, he began to struggle!

He has been wandering in the wilderness, looking for some relics and treasures, and wants to obtain the kind of anti-treasure treasures to enhance his strength to find revenge on Huang Yi. Moreover, he has vowed that he will never return to the city until he has received the respect of Huang Yi, and has been traveling in the wilderness. (To be continued.)

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