Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 529: Miyamoto Musashi's hole card

At that time, the words of the little demon dragon had a great impact on Huang Yi. He deeply felt the sadness of an ordinary player. He did not expect that after accidentally killing others, he would be remembered for so long. He also encouraged the Tianmo Little Divine Dragon at the time and made him work hard.

It's just that the Devil Dragon is a common race and a common occupation. It is unrealistic to find a master such as Huang Yi to get justice. It is very likely that he won't revenge in this life. But now, through this anti-reconnaissance method, Huang Yi knows that the revenge of the little demon dragon of the demon is not extinguished, and he is tracking him all the time, even if it is difficult.

Huang Yi also admires such an opponent very much. Those who dare to struggle and dare to work towards their dreams are always great!

Now, the level of this little demon dragon is 90, even if it is placed in the hero guild, it also exceeds many players. It seems that he really works very hard, and it is very difficult for an average player to achieve this level.

And the place where this demon dragon is at this moment is in the mountains of Warcraft! The World of Warcraft Mountains is a relatively dangerous place in this continent. The weakest monsters in it range from seventy to more than one hundred levels. There are some holy levels of World of Warcraft scattered sporadically. Many top masters capture the mounts, which is to catch them in the World of Warcraft Mountains.

The little demon dragon of God really fulfilled his promise. He would never return to the city until he was respected by Huang Yi. He had been staying in the wilderness looking for relics and treasures.

Huang Yi knows that the Demon Dragon is a real hunter. He is always tracking a prey that is stronger than himself, and never gives up. This is a talent, just like the spike of the Guild of Heroes. Although it is an ordinary player, it has great potential. If possible, Huang Yi would like to include the little demon dragon in the hero guild.

However, after Huang Yi learned the passive skill of anti-reconnaissance, it will no longer be possible for the Demon Dragon to trace him. Perhaps at this moment, the other party is in shock!


Right now. On the easternmost continent, Miyamoto Musashi and Oda City are standing quietly on the top floor of the City Hall of the Budo Association.

There was silence in the air, the two were silent, the bright moonlight shone quietly, there seemed to be some coldness.

"Sister." Just then. Miyamoto Musashi suddenly broke the peace. He looked at Oda and said, "Tomorrow, you still join the group!"

Not long ago, he was a self-confident look, so that Oda City did not need to join the group. Continue to be his hole card. But when the news of the archer Ika came to the Dragon City to help Huang Yi fight back the barbaric saint, he suddenly had nothing. After Huang Yi broke the world record on the 110th floor, his feeling of uneasiness became even stronger.

This time, he finally decided to use the card of Oda City. Currently, no one knows that Oda is his sister, and no one knows it. His sister is actually stronger than him!

It's just that Oda City is deeply hidden, and it usually displays people in the form of a vase. From this point of view, she and Li Jian have similar skills. If Li Jian did not suddenly win the best individual award last year, no one would care about the character of Li Jian and would ignore him directly.

If the sword is hidden in the dark and rarely exposed, then Oda City is hidden in the bright and exposed every day, but no one knows her true strength.

"Okay, brother, I will try to help you win the martial arts!" Oda City stretched out his little boneless hand. Holding Miyamoto Musashi's big hand tightly, it seemed to soothe his soul.

Miyamoto Musashi held Oda's little hand and smiled slightly: "Sister, you have grown up, do you have a favorite sweetheart? Your brother will look for it. There are all kinds of handsome guys, and all kinds of handsome men can choose for you. What do you think of Sakura? Although he is more feminine, he is still handsome, and his family is also good, and he is very polite. "At this time, Miyamoto Musashi has lost his leadership-like temperament, like One of the most ordinary brothers is very gentle.

"No, I like my brother!" Oda puckered her rosy little mouth, coquettishly like a little girl. If at this moment there are other male players here, seeing this iceberg snowman in their minds, like a dreamlike, quiet and innocent Oda City, this kind of little woman's expression is revealed, I don't know what it will look like.

"I'm like this?" Miyamoto Musashi touched his chin and said solemnly, "It's not easy to find someone like me, you are asking too much!"

"Oh!" Oda City was immediately teased by Miyamoto Musashi's narcissistic words, and he laughed for a while, and silver bell-like laughter echoed inside the room and captured the soul.

"How was the Tao that day? The only thing in Japan that can truly honor me from the bottom of my heart is Tiandao! He has temporarily joined our team and will play with us tomorrow. You can get closer and closer to him. Musashi Miyamoto thought about it, and then said a name.

"What is it? That ’s okay!" Oda nodded. "Since it's a character admired by my brother, I'll try to get close to him and see if there is any feeling! If there is no feeling, then I can do nothing . "


The long night passed by.

The next day, Huang Yi ate breakfast early, then went online and went to the forum to check the news of the day.

"Epic advent! At the critical moment when the saints attacked the dragons, the dean of the Oscar Royal Academy and the demigod strong marksman. Ika suddenly came, forced the saints to retreat, and talked with the killing gods overnight."

"Killing the gods to dispel the threat of the saintly saints has been sought after by the public opinion! The latest polls show that over 60% of players believe that the gods will lead his group of heroes to win the team championship and achieve martial arts!"

"Guan Yu's warm wine cuts Huaxiong, killing the gods and breaking the record! When the barbarian approaches the dragon capital, the barbarian ignores the threat of the barbarian and breaks the world record of the Tower of the Gods on the 110th floor!"

"The stock price of the heroic guild staged a roller coaster fluctuation, and it went up and down quickly. Last night, when the saint hunted, it fell sharply! After the emergence of the sharp shooter. Ika, it quickly rose wildly, with a cumulative rise or fall of over 70%!"


A series of events that happened last night have firmly occupied the top spots of the 24-hour hot post. Most of the posts discussed in the forum are related to Huang Yi.

In the past few days, what he has done is simply dizzying! First, he lost in the individual tournament, then quit the hero guild, and then reversed at the award ceremony, becoming the first player to break through the level of the Holy Land. Then he went up to level 113 crazy, killed the wild sky last night, and used the power of the demigod to retreat the barbaric saint. At the same time, he broke the world record on the 110th floor of the tower of the gods ...

Taking one of these things casually is enough for the forum to digest for a long time, but now it is focused on these outbreaks in the past few days, it is simply impossible to see!

Today, there will be another major event that will lead the forum topic, that is, the contest finals of the contest! This is the last game of the contest, and it is a game full of a lot of variables after so many things happen!

Countless people are looking forward to the evening and want to witness this greatest game with their own eyes!

Huang Yi glanced at the post, and quickly entered the second world, appearing on the top floor of the city hall.

At this time, Qin Shiyu was sitting at the large wooden table, and looked down at some of the guild's documents. The golden morning light came in obliquely from the window, shining on her white neck, a strand of hair hanging down, very beautiful, and let Huang Yi look at it for a while.

"Yi brother." Qin Shiyu saw Huang Yi appear, immediately stopped the documents in his hand, stood up and came to Huang Yi in front of him, stretched out the jade arm to embrace his neck, and the rosy little mouth came together. And gave him a good morning kiss.

"What documents are you looking at? Don't get too tired. Some things don't have to be experienced. Let them do it for the people below." Huang Yi touched Qin Shiyu's hair and said with concern.

"I'm watching a question asked by a large number of players in the guild." Qin Shiyu put his forehead on Huang Yi's shoulder and said affectionately.

"Ask our question? What question?" Huang Yi asked a little, puzzled.

"They asked if we would like to raise funds from them. After we raised the funds last time, each of them got 1.5 times the funds. They tasted the sweetness and wanted to do it again." Qin Shiyu said, close range Staring at Huang Yi, "Brother Yi, are we still betting this time? With so much trillions of funds in our hands, should we be crazy?"

"Don't take risks!" Huang Yi shook his head firmly, "In the past, we bet because we needed a lot of money, and the money we made belonged to snow in the snow ~ www.readwn.com ~ But now, we have enough money Now, there is no need to take a risk, and I have no absolute certainty that I will win this game. In this case, the bet is not very sensible. What can I do if I win? Return. "

"I think so." Qin Shiyu nodded. "Even if we want to bet, we bet on ourselves. But there are too many people betting us now, and the funds in our bonus pool, They have already surpassed Miyamoto Musashi's bonus pool and it is not very profitable to bet on us. "

"Is there any news from Miyamoto Musashi's team over the 2nd?" Huang Yi shifted the topic and asked the opponent tonight.

Qin Shiyu shook his head: "Not yet. Now, the martial arts team of Miyamoto Musashi has been away from almost all the masters in Japan, and the lineup should not change anymore. Some of the top members of their team, No. 2 are all They have already collected their information, and I will show you later. In fact, the rest do not need to fancy. The real enemy is Miyamoto Musashi. He is a master of sanctuary. As long as he defeats him, the rest will not be afraid. Now. "

"Don't conclude early, some special skills cannot be based on the usual theory. Maybe there is such a character hidden in the team of Miyamoto Musashi." Huang Yi shook his head and said cautiously. (To be continued ...)

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