Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 530: Fairy Princess

Next, Huang Yi began to do what must be done every day. .

He took the medicine bottle out of the storage ring and wanted to see what medicine had spawned it.

"Brother Yi, do you still expect this medicine bottle! Today is the team finals. This medicine bottle should not have spawned the top potion like this!" Qin Shiyu saw Huang Yi's behavior and immediately joked.

"Huh?" At that moment, Huang Yi froze slightly, staring at the medicine bottle motionlessly, and whispered, "Don't you say it, you were right!"

I saw a drop of orange-yellow liquid lying quietly in the medicine bottle, flowing back and forth in the bottom of the bottle, just like the same drop of orange water.

"So clever? What medicine?" Qin Shiyu suddenly became interested, and a pair of beautiful eyes rolled back and forth with that drop of medicine, full of curiosity.

Huang Yi immediately shared the information of this medicine--

(Level A, Magic Item-Elixir)

After using it, you will get double experience when killing the boss. It only takes effect once.

"It's a pity!" Qin Shiyu saw the information of the potion, and immediately felt, "This potion did not help us in the finals. It's a pity that it didn't breed out yesterday, otherwise you killed it When you take this medicine, you can get double the experience, and you can rise to more than 120 levels! "

Huang Yi also felt that it was a pity that this drop of medicine appeared not early, but appeared at this time, which wasted a great time for nothing!

Huang Yi also received a similar potion two days earlier, that is, the double experience potion obtained after breaking the 90th floor of the Tower of the Gods. He can get double experience when killing monsters, which can last for half an hour. However, that kind of potion is only effective for ordinary monsters and elite monsters, but not for the leader. At present, this medicine is only effective for the leader, and can only last once, very strong against the last name.

Huang Yi took out an empty magic bottle and kept this drop of medicine in good condition. It will definitely be useful in the future. He still has a long way to go in the second world, and maybe he will encounter a greater opportunity than killing the wild sky in the future.

After a while, the skirts were also online, and the three began to level up at the Tower of the Gods.

Said to be leveling, in fact, it should be more vivid that Huang Yi was upgrading with a small skirt and Qin Shiyu. The small skirt is now only 70, which is 50 levels away from Huang Yi! And Qin Shiyu is 93, and Huang Yi also reached a gap of 33! Huang Yi brushed them in a 110-layer five-player mode. With the help of the immortal imitation body, they brushed up very quickly! The experience value of the skirt and Qin Shiyu almost soared! Even if these monsters are the most common ones, they can't beat them. The difference in strength is too big, but now, these monsters have fallen thousands of times and turned into their experience value.

"Sister, how much Neferem you have now?" Huang Yi asked while killing monsters.

"Look at me! Um, I still have the power of 16 Nefreem!" The little skirt replied obediently, holding hands with Qin Shiyu, walking behind Huang Yi, pure experience.

"16 o'clock!" Huang Yi groaned. "Your return cost will cost 10 points, and the skill copy will cost 15 points. I'll see if I can take you up to level 9 today and let you have 25 Nefarem. To ensure that both skills can be used once. "

Huang Yi's plan is very simple. In just one day, it is impossible for him to improve his level through leveling. But he can bring a small skirt and Qin Shiyu to kill high-level monsters, so that they can quickly upgrade. Especially for the small skirt, she has the blood of Nefarem like Huang Yi. Each level can get a little Nefarem power. With the power of Nefarem, her two important skills can be Released.

In this way, Huang Yi tirelessly took the skirt and Qin Shiyu to brush up the tower of the gods over and over again. The strength of the wild **** far exceeded the average contract partners, which brought great help to Huang Yi. .

Soon, they finished the five-player mode, and then started to play the ten-player mode. Until the evening, the level of the miniskirt skyrocketed ten levels, and the goal was exceeded!

"Well, younger sister, you go to the guild warehouse first, change the orange equipment on your body to your own level, and then quickly go to the mystery to defeat the combatants, learn new skills, can improve a little strength. I have learned With this level of skills, I ca n’t go in to help you fight. With your strength, it should not be difficult to defeat the warrior! "After coming out of the Tower of the Gods, Huang Yi touched the head of the skirt and said.

Afterwards, he looked at Qin Shiyu again and said, "Xiaoyu, go to the city hall and square to see the organization of the team. There will be a few hours to start the competition. After the contest is over, I will Quickly take you to the 100th level. I will take you to upgrade, there is no bottleneck period, you can go directly to the sanctuary. "

"What about you?" Qin Shiyu heard Huang Yi's tone, and seemed to ask him what he was going to do.

"I'm going to do something very secret, you will know soon." Huang Yi touched Qin Shiyu's hair and smiled mysteriously, as if saying that only the two of them can know Little secret.

"All right! Wait to meet!" Qin Shiyu didn't ask much, although he felt itchy.

The three then split up and went to do their own thing.

Huang Yi's body and incarnation flew several times from Longdu, and both teleported to a city named Huacheng.

This is an extremely beautiful city with a sea of ​​flowers in it, and all kinds of exotic flowers are fighting against each other. The city wall is surrounded by a fence surrounded by flowers, and the ground is carpeted by flowers. The whole city is full of flowers, like a city in a fairy tale, it is extremely beautiful.

Such a beautiful city should have attracted a large number of players, but at this moment, there is only a desolate night breeze. The entire city is dead and silent, and the beautiful sea of ​​flowers is horrible and extremely strange.

This flower city is a famous empty city. Inside it is a 113-level flower demon princess. This princess is beautiful and enchanting, but she does not blink. Countless people have been here before, but all were beheaded by the city owner for inexplicable reasons. Over time, no one came here, making this beautiful city a ghost town.

Huang Yi has also heard rumors of this city. Today he came here to meet the princess of the flower demon. For others, this is a forbidden area, and when you come here, you will die. But Huang Yi has risen to level 120 and is the only player in this continent who can deal with Princess Hua Yao.

"I hate the most disappointed man. I always use beautiful flowers to deceive those kind women, but after the flowers wither, I leave without looking back. Now there is another man who is going to die under my pomegranate skirt." Just then, a bleak female voice came from the air. The sound sounded extremely numb and extremely tempting, as if an infatuated woman was talking, most people couldn't hold it.

Then, in a long flower street ahead, a beautiful woman came. She had a pure white flawless face, a gorgeous rose on her head, and a long dress with a tube top mopping the floor, which was made of blossoming pomegranate petals. Under the bright moonlight, she came in all kinds of styles, beautiful and dignified, graceful, as if she was a goddess.

But Huang Yi knew that the beautiful woman in front of him was the owner of this flower city, a 113-level sacred boss! I don't know how many people have been killed.

"Very god, come out and fight!" Huang Yi summoned the imitation of the **** directly without saying a word!

Subsequently, his three main men, the incarnation, the body, and the wild god, rushed towards the princess of the demon swiftly, as if to push her down in the past.

"Send you a lily, I hope you love me for a moment." At this moment, the princess of the flower demon suddenly stretched out her jade finger and pointed towards Huang Yi.

Subsequently, in this city of flowers, suddenly appeared numerous lilies, surrounded by Huang Yi!

Huang Yi originally used the "hunting" charge, but after encountering these lilies, she instantly hit the "dazzling" bad state, her eyes were a little stunned, and she could no longer distinguish the direction.

However, from an outsider's point of view, he now looks as if staring at the demon princess dementia, a teenager fell in love with a beautiful princess.

"Send your roses in February and sleep alone in July." At this moment, the sound of the princess of the flower demon princess sounded again, as if reading a poem.

Afterwards, countless roses flew towards Huang Yi, and the strong fragrance of flowers drifted into his nose, so that he suddenly fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

Huang Yi was only under physical control, but his consciousness was sober. He quickly used his amnesty skills and suddenly lifted all the bad states ~ www.readwn.com ~ Climbed up again and continued to rush towards Princess Hua Yao go with.

"The desolate lilac, like the face you left, I should use a single rose to remember this memory." Princess Hua Yao left two tears in time, melting in the moonlight, said sadly.

Immediately after, countless lilac flowers and countless rose flowers attacked Huang Yi densely, each with a fierce breaking sound, and it seemed to bring huge magic waves!

"Body of Thunder God!" Huang Yi turned on Thunder's left-hand side skills and was immune to all magic attacks for ten seconds!

At this time, he finally came to the Princess of Hua Yao and smashed it with an axe!

"Pick a wild chrysanthemum and let me leave desolately." Princess Faye there was a withered wild chrysanthemum in an instant, and then she turned around and left, like a beautiful person, desolate in the moonlight Authentic farewell.

The next moment, Huang Yi's ax fell in the air, and she finally avoided it. (To be continued.

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