Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 531: Mancheng Rose

"The French Open is back!" Huang Yi reached out and shook her hands almost as if in an anti-shè condition. A light net quickly moved towards the Princess of the Flower Demon, fast and ruthless.

The Princess of the Flower Demon was too late to escape, and was caught by Huang Yi, forcibly dragged in front of her!

At this time, the pretty **** finally rushed over, and directly stretched out six powerful arms, forcibly grasping the princess of the demon, holding her in her arms, making her unable to move. From a distance, it looks like a strong man is doing bad things to a weak woman.

Huang Yi seized the opportunity, and with an axe in his hand, he slammed a severe sentence on Princess Huayue with no sound of pity.

He honed with the savage **** for a day, and they have already become familiar with it. Yesterday, they also hunted a lot of holy warcraft in the abyss together. This 113-level flower demon princess is not their opponent, unless the strength can reach the intermediate sacred level.

"Evening fragrance of the city melts in your chest." At this moment, Princess Hua Yao said sadly in the night wind.

Subsequently, all the flowers in the entire Flower City suddenly turned into Yelaixiang, without a glance, as if lost in a world with Yelaixiang. At the same time, Princess Hua Yao also melted into numerous petals from the imprisoned arms of the Savage God, drifted into the distance, reunited into a body, and successfully escaped.

But she still couldn't escape the two fierce gods Huang Yi and Manshen, and they continued to rush up to compete with Princess Hua Yao. With the close cooperation of the two, Princess Hua Yao basically had to evade without any fighting power, and his blood was getting less and less.

Finally, the blood of Princess Hua Yao dropped to the last 10%! Is about to die!

"Princess Hua Yao, you have already seen my strength, and it is not difficult for me to kill you. It's a pity that you are such a beautiful woman, so fragrant and unsightly. I will give you a way of life now!" Huang Yi said loudly while attacking the defeated Princess Princess.

"What do you want? As long as it's not too much, I can promise you." Princess Hua Yao didn't hesitate at all, and immediately began to soften, accompanied by her pitiful, rainy face, it couldn't help it Want to do something excessive.

"I want this place to be my guild territory. Would you like to be my territory guardian?" Huang Yi said, stopped the attack in his hand, and looked around the flower city again, saying: "After you become the guardian of the territory, I just need to plant flowers for me, so it will always be a beautiful flower city. "

"It's that simple?" Princess Hua Yao fainted a little, and asked inconceivably.

"Yes! It's that simple!" Huang Yi nodded. "If you don't agree, you will die. People with a little brain know how to choose."

It seems to be in order to cope with the threat of Huang Yi, the barbaric **** on the side immediately roared aggressively towards Princess Hua Yao, showing a powerful force.

Princess Hua Yao really had no choice. She wiped her tears and said, "OK! I am willing to be your guardian."

Huang Yi immediately took out a deputy battle flag that had been exchanged for the guild contribution value and inserted it on the ground, making it a deputy territory of the hero guild.

Prior to this, countless guilds wanted to incorporate this place into the sub-territory, take this beautiful place into their pockets, and develop tourism. But this flower city belongs to the princess of the demon, belongs to the land, unless you can defeat the princess of the demon.

Huang Yi took out a contract stone and said to the Princess of the Flower Monster: "Sign a contract!"

Princess Fairy nodded, and immediately flew a drop of petal-like blood, sinking into the covenant stone.

At this point, Princess Hua Yao became the character of Huang Yi's side and the guardian of this territory.

"Princess Fairy, I don't kill you because you have a rare flower ability. Now, you can turn all the flowers in this city into roses! I want to see roses all over the city." Huang Yi smiled slightly and said anticipatingly to Princess Hua Yao.

"Okay!" Princess Hua Yao immediately waved her hands and said quietly in the night breeze, "I planted a city-wide rose, you know who it is ..."

With the cast of Princess Hua Yao, all the flowers in the whole city suddenly changed!

Originally a landscape full of flowers, all turned into a beautiful rose!

Originally the petals of five colors and six colors, all turned into bright red colors!

Not only that, the sky of this flower city is also full of rose petals, just like it is raining, extremely dazzling and romantic!

"Very good, now, as I said, go to transform this flower city!" Huang Yi looked around this beautiful landscape, and nodded with satisfaction, showing a pure smile. Later, he began to transform the city with Princess Hua Yao according to his own ideas.

Gradually, this beautiful flower city became different under the busyness of him and Princess Hua Yao.


When Huang Yi returned to Longdu, there was only the last half an hour before the start of the team match.

At this time, the atmosphere in the city was full of tension, and pedestrians on the street were discussing the upcoming team finals. Huang Yi changed his face with Oscar's blindfold, without attracting the attention of the crowd, quickly passed through the crowd and came to the square in front of the city hall. This place is already crowded, and countless players gather here to admire the style of the members of the Heroes League.

On the open space in the square, there are neatly standing teams of men and women, all of them jijng brightly equipped, and imposing like a rainbow, like a sharp knife inserted into the night. This is the core strength of the Heroes Guild. It is a jīng British player with a lot of choices. He just takes one out and puts it in the ordinary player.

At the forefront of the team, there were two women, one large and one small, standing quietly.

The older man was a girl with a good figure. She wore a leather jacket on her upper body, which was too big. The neckline on the top didn't seem to be able to pull the zipper. Wearing a pair of short leather pants, revealing two beautiful **** legs, white dazzling eye-catching. She wore a mask, could not see her face clearly, and could only see those high eyes, which made people dare not to profane.

And the young one was a little loli. She was wearing a small skirt with two ponytails, and her small face was so red that her eyes were full of aura, making her want to hold her in her arms and protect her.

The two women, one big and one small, are like two pearls. Most players on the field have their eyes on them both. God is full of love.

At this moment, in the eyes of the two girls, a sudden release of radiance, staring motionlessly at a figure coming from the crowd, as if seeing their only one.

This figure is Huang Yi. Although he has changed his face with Au's blindfold, in the eyes of Qin Shiyu and the skirt, he can recognize it no matter how he changes.

"Brother, what have you done? Just come now!" The little skirt rushed up, hugged Huang Yi's arm, and asked her little head, her big eyes dripping, very cute.

"I'm going to do something very secret, you will know when the match is over." Huang Yi touched the hair of the skirt and said mysteriously.

Later, Huang Yi took the hand of the skirt and came to Qin Shiyu's body. He looked around at the members of the heroic team at the scene and asked, "Xiao Yu, is there any problem with the team now?"

"No problem!" Qin Shiyu nodded. Her high eyes had completely softened at this time. She was a high and unconquerable goddess. Only in front of Huang Yi could she become a mortal girl, like all gentle girls.

At this time, she stepped forward two steps and reached Huang Yi's ear, and said softly: "On the 2nd, there was a message. The final lineup of the Budo team suddenly changed a bit, and a new member came, and that person was Oda City. And on the 2nd, it was emphasized that Oda City seems to have some problems, and we need to pay attention to it. "

"Oda City?" Huang Yi frowned suddenly when he heard the name.

Oda City was the winner of the previous Best Charm Award, and won a good position at the contest. Her fans also gave her a name, "Rì Ben No.1 Beauty Master", which equated beauty and strength together.

However, the main image of Oda City is still a vase. This time the contest, her promotion method is more fortunate. After many opponents saw her ~ www.readwn.com ~, they were all mercy, and they abstained. Especially in the game of 128 fucking, she met a crazy suitor of her own. The other party confessed directly in the arena, but was rejected by Oda City. She conceded to the convenience and gave her promotion quota.

Huang Yi once competed with Oda City in the round-robin of Group A. He originally thought that Oda City was a master, but after comparing it with his own hands, he discovered that Oda City was indeed "the first beauty master of rì Ben"-only in the range of rì Ben, a beautiful woman After all, the first master in a small group is the first master in a small group. After all, there are not many beautiful women.

Compared with the real master, she has an insurmountable distance. Her strength is not as good as those of the strong men such as Sakura and Black Samurai, let alone Miyamoto Musashi and Tendo. In the final points of Group A, Oda City is in the last place, and her strength is not as outstanding as her appearance.

Huang Yi did not expect that the character he almost ignored turned out to be a potential variable, and even No. 2 had to pay more attention to him.

But now Oda City is only 93, which should not pose any threat to Huang Yi, and the status gap cannot be surpassed. But there are some special skills that can indirectly ignore this gap. Huang Yi has also thought about this problem and has never taken it lightly. (To be continued ...)

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