Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 532: Team finals start

Chapter 532 The team finals start

"No. 2 also sent information that Miyamoto Musashi had taken out a special energy stone. It is likely that there was more than one, but it was not known to whom it was assigned!" Qin Shiyu once again sent out a blockbuster message. ..

"Special energy stone?" Huang Yi felt a sudden increase in pressure. There was a special energy stone in his storage ring! This came out when he killed the chief of the orc tribe, and it has remained to this day.

The special energy stone can provide unlimited energy once, and encountering rare race-specific skills will be very scary! If it is the ability to continue surname, it can even continue until the end of the battle!

Huang Yi has used a special energy stone before, when killing 300,000 players in Longdu, he sentenced more than 300,000 people in one breath! Without special power stones, he would not be able to sentence so many people!

But Miyamoto Musashi has more than one such energy stone, which is very frightening. The exclusive skills of rare professions are extremely powerful, so you need to limit their energy values ​​to prevent them from being used frequently by the rare professions and disrupting the balance. The special energy stone temporarily eliminates this limitation, allowing exclusive skills to be used at once regardless of cost.

"How could Miyamoto Musashi have so many babies! First there were a lot of s-class potions, now there are more than one special energy stone, which is simply unfair and hateful!" Qin Shiyu complained with a frown, for Huang Yi felt very upset. It seemed that God paid too much attention to Miyamoto Musashi and ignored Huang Yi.

"It's normal!" Huang Yi looked wide away. He reached out and touched Qin Shiyu's head, just like she was the victim, and comforted: "Miyamoto Musashi has so many treasures, this is him A great ability, just like why I have so many heroes. I can summon countless powerful heroes, but Miyamoto Musashi can't. The reason why we are super-class masters is among the more than 10 billion players in the world The best is because we have our own unique characteristics and some abilities that others can't replace, otherwise how can we be super-class masters? Without a hero prison, I would be far from what I am now. The Second World would not be I turn by myself. I'm not the only protagonist in this world. Everyone has their own adventures. Look at the sword, dragon thorn, thunder, pope, which one is not their own adventure. After they rise to the sanctuary, Maybe the increase is greater than mine. "

"Well! I know this, but in this team match, Miyamoto Musashi's abilities can be maximized, but your hero prison is not available, which makes people feel imbalanced." Qin Shiyu slightly Sighed, Huang Yi's encounter was more important than anyone else.

"Don't worry! I also have a lot of cards, who may lose or win? Maybe!" Huang Yi handed Qin Shiyu a reassuring smile.

"Brother, we won a lot in this game, right? You don't have a bottle of spike medicine, I really want to bet! My classmates are hesitating, and I want to ask your opinion!" The little skirt leaned her head and asked Huang Yi's arm.

"Um, don't bet! This is a team match, a bottle of spike medicine is of limited use." Huang Yi said vaguely. The last time he confessed to losing in the personal competition, he did not use the fake spike medicine, which has led the whole world to think that he still has a bottle of spike medicine, and even the skirts have been caught in the drum.

"Well then! I told them not to bet!" The little skirt nodded carefully and nodded naively.


Gradually, half an hour passed.

There are more and more people around the square, and the heroic group is surrounded by water. The dense crowd is spreading under the bright moonlight like ants, and can't see their heads at a glance. Among them are many Chinese journalists who have rushed to Longdu to take the lead in broadcasting the preparations of the Hero League. There was a tense atmosphere in the air!

At this time it was the evening of the Eastern Hemisphere, at the peak of the on-line, the vast majority of the world's population hit the Eastern Hemisphere, including the Chinese and Japanese behind the two teams in the final. And players in those countries in the Western Hemisphere are also busy and go online at this point in time, or watch live broadcast with Palm Light Brain, and want to see this last game with their own eyes.

This is another night that affects the whole world!

": It's time to play. Is it immediately transmitted to the playing field?"

Finally, the time has come for the game! This will be the last entry notice that people can hear. After this finale contest is over, the contest will end completely and it will be an unforgettable experience for countless people.

The next moment, the whole crowd of dragons became empty and instantly, all of them were transmitted to the two-dimensional space of the contest, sitting in their respective auditoriums!

Huang Yi also led the team to the field. The ear is still the tumultuous noise, this sound is so vast, it is the shout of 10 billion people at the same time, it is the voice of the entire humanity!

Journalists from various countries, radio and television stations also began to explain in various languages.

"Audience friends, welcome to this final match today! The importance of this competition is extraordinary. The team competition represents the strength of the entire team. Compared with the individual competition, the gold content is greater. This competition is full of Variables, the biggest point is the two sacred powers of the gods and Miyamoto Musashi. "

"In the last three days, God of Killing has gone up to level 120, which is far ahead of Miyamoto Musashi, and yesterday he also received the marksman from the deputy dean of the Royal Academy of the Central Continent. Know if the demigod has given him any benefit. In addition, the **** of killing also has the last bottle of spike poison, which was not used in the personal competition last time, and this game should play a huge role. Miyamoto Musashi's The strength is not weak, the martial arts team has gathered all the masters of the whole Japanese, and Miyamoto Musashi is a master with various s-class medicaments. In short, the strength of the two is not weak, it is difficult to win or lose in this game Expect. "

"It is reported that this game has attracted almost all important people in the real and virtual world to watch the scene. In the real world, including Mr. Ceo Huang Huapeng of the Time Corporation, President of the World Federation, leaders of China and Japan, etc. There are more heavy audiences in the second world, and three of China's top five masters came: sword, dragon emperor, and thunder; in addition, there are two leading players in the United States, Pope and Kid, and Russia's No. 1 master bear. , Pharaoh, the guardian of Egypt, tnt, the biggest dark horse of the year, Ganges, the light of India, the miracle of Brazil, Ronald, and so on. Everyone who is familiar with super-class masters and leaders is basically there. "

"Once upon a time, they were all fighting for this championship, but in the end they had the strength and luck to get to this step. Only the killing gods and Miyamoto Musashi, plus a heavenly spirit. The first-class masters, more than we want to see killing This battle between God and Miyamoto Musashi, because they are a group of people competing with each other, this small circle of top masters, can not come in casually, and they can attract very few matches, and this is definitely the heaviest A game. "

On the one hand, reporters are nervously performing pre-match commentary, and in the battlefield, various players are also preparing nervously.

At that moment, Huang Yi suddenly received a message. His business card was sent relatively few, and few people could send him a message. At this time, someone even sent a message to him, which made him feel strange. Huang Yi took the time to open the message and looked at--

"Come on! I'm watching you in the auditorium too.-Blade."

This turned out to be the message from the blade. He had retired for a long time. He didn't even participate in the contest. I do n’t know where he is and what he is doing since these days. Huang Yi, like everyone in the world, lost the news of the blade.

Huang Yi couldn't help turning his head and looked around all over again, but there were only countless players in the eyes, and the entire line of sight was densely packed. I didn't know where the blade was sitting and wanted to find someone like a haystack.

However, Huang Yi got one of the heaviest audiences.

"Cheer up for the Chinese team!"


"Kill God, come on!"

The audience saw that Huang Yi had just looked around the auditorium and thought he was paying tribute to the audience. All Chinese players immediately boiled! Their shouts are like the tide of a tsunami, sweeping everything withered!

China has the largest population and has become the most eye-catching and prominent audience group. The League of Legends not only represents the Guild of Heroes, but also the entire country, and has been placed in high hopes by countless Chinese players. Looking around, there are countless Chinese players holding two flags in the entire audience-one of them is the national flag, and the other is the flag of the Hero Guild! The word "kill" was so aggressively affixed to countless people's faces, foreheads, and arms that it was as enthusiastic as watching a football World Cup.

The Japanese players are equally enthusiastic, shouting hard for the martial arts team under His Majesty Musashi, and cheer for it! And each of them looked more excited, as if their own family were fighting!

The hero group is just a team of a guild of the heroic guild. The foreign aid is only the dozen or so individuals who are under the control of Dugu refrigeration. The private surname is relatively large. The martial arts regiment is completely the size of the national team, including masters of heaven, cherry blossom, black samurai, Meiji, and ninja all joined temporarily, bringing together the power of the entire country! Among the respective guilds of the Japanese audience, there may be one or two representatives in the lineup of the Budo regiment, representing their guild outing!

This game is the hero guild against the entire Japanese!

Chapter 533

Huang Yi glanced at the opposite martial arts team, and it turned out that various familiar master faces gathered. Sakura is playing with a fan, showing a girl-like beautiful smile; Tiandao is standing straight in the crowd, closing her eyes and keeping her eyes closed; the black samurai is wiping the Toyo sword in her hand; Ahead, he is waving enthusiastically towards the audience.

This team seems that although it does not have a strict disciplinary surname, it is even more frightening than the League of Legends. They are masters who are untamed and each has their own characteristics. The League of Legends lacks personal characteristics and can only function as a whole.

"There is still the last minute for the preparation time!" At this moment, the system issued a final countdown, ringing the audience, and suddenly raised the audience's noise.

"From the uff! Magic items are used!" Both Huang Yi and Miyamoto Musashi gave an order to their respective teams.

Suddenly, the two teams in the audience sounded a dense number of skills Guanghua, countless uff skills were used out, raising the strength of the teams on both sides a whole grade.

"Using all the blood of the demons you have on hand, overlord, soul overture!" Huang Yi continued to say, the blood of the demons he collected last time has not been used up, and now he has released this game again. One batch, everybody can use it. This will greatly increase their attack power.

This is, Huang Yi glanced down at the skirt next to her, bowed quietly in her ear and said, "Sister, give yourself a copy of your skills, and give yourself a return."

These two skills are the nefarem skills of the skirt. One needs to consume 15 Nefarem's power, and the other consumes 10 points, almost squeezing all her remaining Nefarem's power. Done.

"Huh? Why is the skill copy used on me! Don't you want it?" The little skirt suddenly opened her eyes and asked curiously.

"Have you forgotten? The last time I played against the Angel Army of the Pope, my skills were useless, and I still have it!" Huang Yi touched the head of the skirt.

The last time they fought against the Angel Army of the Pope, they had the blood of the Demons, and they played relatively smoothly. The copy of the skills of Huang Yi on the little skirt was not used, and it has remained to this day.

Equivalent to this game, Huang Yi and Xiao Qiu can each use one skill copy, these are their two big ace cards!

"The preparation time is over and the game is officially started!" Soon, with a system order, the game officially started!

At that moment, the audience was suddenly boiling!

"End of the world!"

"Scorched earth!"

"Thundercloud storm!"


As soon as Huang Yi opened, he launched four super-wide-range attack abilities and the hustle and bustle of the skills and effects that swept the audience all at once, including the opposite martial arts guild.

In the past, his four large-scale group attack capabilities had little effect on the top guild of martial arts, but now he has risen to the level of the sanctuary, and there is an insurmountable gap between the rest of the martial arts guilds. The status class is one step behind! His surnames doubled, and their surnames were halved.

In addition, Huang Yi also has a surname given by killing God—

Every level that surpasses the enemy by 1 will increase the surname by 1%, and the enemy will reduce the surname by 1%. After surpassing the enemy by 30, the attack will ignore the enemy ’s defense surname, and any attack by the enemy will not be effective against itself.

He is now 120, far more than those players, and surnames are even more terrifying. If it is a player below level 90, it is below his level 30. Huang Yi's damage to them cannot be resisted, and their attack will also have no effect on Huang Yi.

Even Miyamoto Musashi lowered the level of Huang Yi by 17%. After his surname met Huang Yi, it was reduced by 17%. After Huang Yi met him, his surname increased by 17%, which adds up to 34%. There is a gap between all surnames. This is not just attack power, but all surnames.

However, Miyamoto Musashi has more obvious advantages than Huang Yi. His title of Emperor has a surname of +1 status. In the face of Huang Yi, his surname is increased by 20%, and when Huang Yi faces him, his surname is all Weak 20%, which adds up to a 40% full surname gap.

Huang Yi's advantage and Miyamoto Musashi's advantage are in opposition, Miyamoto Musashi is also 6% ahead! In addition, in the title of Emperor Musashi of Miyamoto, there is a more important surname, that is, when facing a single enemy, he can increase his own surname by 20% until the end of the battle. If there is only one Huang Yi left in the League of Legends, then Miyamoto Musashi is even more terrifying.

Therefore, Huang Yi must ensure that there are alive opponents on the field and cannot face Miyamoto Musashi alone. Moreover, this will make Huang Yi's sentence more dangerous. Once sentenced, it will be equivalent to facing Miyamoto Musashi alone, and the surname of the other surname will increase by 20%.

Now, Huang Yi's four large-scale attack capabilities are displayed. According to the truth, the Martial Arts Association will have to kill hundreds of people directly in the second, leaving only Miyamoto Musashi and some knight players who will not die immediately!

"Tendao, you sacrifice it!" At this moment, Miyamoto Musashi turned his head and said to Miyamoto Musashi.

Tiandao's face was a bit reluctant, but in this case, his non-sacred master left on the court did not pose any threat to Huang Yi. Sanctuary and non-sanctuary have an insurmountable distance. His biggest role is to use a special skill to protect the entire team!

"Shelter all sentient beings!" Tiandao spit out four words, and resounded through the audience!

The next moment, countless audiences and reporters in the audience suddenly saw a strange scene-the heavenly way of one of the two leaders of Ben Ben, suddenly exploded!

Yes! He blew himself up! He blew himself up as soon as he opened! This is simply unexpected!

Everyone thought that Tiandao would be the biggest variable outside the two sacred powers of Huang Yi and Miyamoto Musashi, because he is a super-class master! But the opposite happened!

What exactly does this mean? Why didn't he even hit him and blew himself up? For a while, a doubt appeared in the hearts of countless viewers.

Soon they got the answer!

After seeing Miyamoto Musashi's self-explosion, his body turned into a bit of golden light, and a layer of golden film was formed at once, covering all the players of the martial arts guild!

Later, after Huang Yi's four ultra-wide-range attacks hit the enchantment, the enchantment only shook slightly, and then remained motionless, extremely strong.

All players in the enchantment have been sheltered and have not been harmed by Huang Yi!

This turned out to be a sacrifice of self, sending out an enchantment to protect teammates, and this enchantment was extremely powerful, and Huang Yi's high attack was fine.

This enchantment, called Tiandao's self-sacrifice, adds up all the blood of the martial arts team to form the total enema of the enchantment. After this enchantment is attacked, the blood return speed is very fast, and it recovers 10% of the blood volume per second. In other words, as long as a huge attack does not erupt in a short time and the enchantment is quickly broken, the people inside will always be Can't die!

However, this enchantment has a disadvantage, that is, the attacks of the people inside are also blocked by the enchantment. They are equivalent to being trapped in a protected area, unable to attack the outside, and cannot be attacked by the outside. If you want to attack people outside, you must leave this enchantment and be protected from it.

But no matter what, Tiandao's personal sacrifice suddenly took the initiative for the Martial Arts Association and stood invincible! Each of them can choose to leave this enchantment, but the League of Legends has no choice.



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The story of this group final was fully thought about for three days, because a variety of powerful skills have been exposed before. If the final final cannot be shown, then I will be uncomfortable, and I am not satisfied with it myself. Why don't you come out with skills? The plot cannot be fully utilized, so I try to use these skills to write ups and downs, the plot is reversed, and the writing is wonderful. This is the premise, and it will start next. . . . . . . . (To be continued.

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