Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 537: 5 seconds ago

Two of Huang Yi's abilities are devoted to this situation. One is to wait for the enemy's skills to fall on him and then use amnesty. However, the plan of the Budouan regiment was to use different control skills to deal with him in different periods. Not all control skills were used in one brain, making his amnesty limited.

The other is to use the thunderbolt on Thunder's left hand to gain ten seconds of magic immunity. However, this skill requires 5% health, and he has less than 5% health now. If you add health, it will reduce his strength. The less he has, the stronger his strength is.

At this time, Huang Yi temporarily used the third method. His incarnation moved slightly, blocking the light ball sent by the martial arts guild player, making his body safe and sound.

The main force of the output now is Huang Yi's body. His body alone can already break the enchantment without the output of the Savage God and the avatar, so Huang Yi simply used them to block the attack.

Seeing this situation, the remaining several martial arts guild players all issued the same control skills towards Huang Yi in an attempt to increase the probability of control. But these control skills are blocked by the avatar and the wild god, so that Huang Yi can output the enchantment safely!

Under Huang Yi's crazy attack, the health of the enchantment fell below 20%! Is about to be broken!

The audience ’s hearts are at the highest point, and the next 20% of the blood volume will be related to the result of this game!

"Hey!" At this critical moment, a control skill successfully landed on Huang Yi's body, causing him to suddenly see a lot of strong ice around him, wrapping him inside, forming an ice sculpture.

This is a well-known "ice barrier" for ice skills. It can be used to restrain the target, making it impossible to move, and it can also be used to protect the target. After the target is frozen, the target cannot be damaged.

This control skill was sent by Miyamoto Musashi himself! After all, he is a sacred domain strong, and is a super-class master, not comparable to ordinary players. His attack angle was extremely tricky, and he was not blocked by the incarnation and the wild god, and successfully landed on Huang Yi's body!

Miyamoto Musashi releases the ice barrier to Huang Yi, of course, not to protect him, but to keep him from moving and waste the last ten seconds to save his life!

"Amnesty!" Almost instantly, Huang Yi lifted his vertigo, and the ice on his body disappeared as if he had never appeared. He continued to attack the enchantment, and it seemed that there was almost no stagnation. Some players with poor eyesight didn't even see his movement clearly, and thought that the attack just by Miyamoto Musashi had not threatened him.



Huang Yi's attack speed is too fast. Both hands have formed a phantom. Several attacks can be made within a second. The enchantment has just recovered 10% of its health and was instantly hit. There is only a trace left. Bloodskin!

The players of those martial arts groups were finally frightened, and several players even rushed out of the enchantment in front of Huang Yi, hitting Huang Yi's arms all at once, trying to protect the enchantment with their own sacrifice!

But they are still one step slower!

At this moment, a crisp "slap!" Sound rang through the audience, like a clock, ringing a new moment, representing a new history!

Afterwards, all the audience saw the enchantment that sheltered sentient beings over the martial arts regime, shattered!

After all, Huang Yi's speed was one point faster, breaking the enchantment first!

This is an important moment!

The martial arts regiment has been relying on this enclave to take the initiative and can attack and defend. But now, they can no longer stop Huang Yi's attack, like a group of lambs to be slaughtered, completely exposed to Huang Yi's axe!

Huang Yi will become a lion and rush into the flock of martial arts! Moreover, his empty blood volume will also recover quickly due to the killing. As long as the enemy keeps killing him, it will be difficult for him to die.

Almost instantaneously, the League of Heroes ushered in the spring, and Huang Yishengsheng reversed this unfavorable situation.

But at this time, Huang Yi's last stroke time was almost over, and only the last second was left! If he gets hurt again, he will inevitably die! His priority is to immediately restore some health, and save it.

"Blood killing!" Huang Yi did not hesitate to use the accompanying skills in the legendary pants!

This skill can use anger to restore health. He chose to use 50% of anger to restore 50% of his health. This amount is enough. After killing the enemy with heavy judgment, he can restore his health, and he also has a vampire xìng, which will **** blood when attacking the enemy.

Suddenly, his anger was reduced by two hundred points, and his health was restored by 50%. However, his attacking ability has also decreased a lot with the increase of his blood volume.

The next moment, Huang Yi's monster form fluttered his wings and raised his axe, looking like a rampant demon, about to kill!

At this moment, the audience in the audience stared at Huang Yi, especially those Chinese players, who were screaming and screaming in anticipation, looking forward to Huang Yi's crazy killing. After so long ago, they could finally kill once. It's up!

"Time goes back!" Just at the moment of the moment, a soft voice of yīn suddenly rang through the audience, and suddenly fell into the ears of countless people!

Later, a circle of blue light suddenly emanated from the martial arts regiment, sweeping away in all directions, covering a distance of 100 meters, and Huang Yi was also in this range.

The next moment, countless viewers were shocked to find that there was another enchantment over the martial arts regiment!

This enchantment is the former enlightenment of all sentient beings! It even recovered, blocking Huang Yi out!

Not only that, Huang Yi's health returned to 1%, and his attack power suddenly skyrocketed!

The two skills, "Bloodthirsty Killing" and "Amnesty", which had been cooling down, suddenly had no cooldown time, just like they have not been used before.

He had only one second of his last stroke, but it became six seconds before he could die;

All this, back to the state it was a few seconds ago!

Seeing this situation, Huang Yi immediately remembered a person, that is, cherry blossoms. He once saw the competition between Sakura and Jianfeng Kui. It was a 128-64 individual match. Sakura used a skill of time lapse to defeat Jianfeng Kuai at once, and finally won.

Sakura's time is a very special auxiliary skill, which can return everything in the range to the state before five seconds! Including the position of the enemy and friends, the state of the body, and so on. In addition to some special skills, the cooldown of other skills is also among them. Of course, except for the ability to go back in time.

The timing of this skill should be very particular, because it is effective for both the enemy and us. If there is a problem with the timing, then it will help and make the situation more conducive to the enemy. In short, the role of this skill is equivalent to "regret chess" in chess. Go back to five seconds ago, modify the history, and do it again.

Now, although the enchantment of the Budo regiment has been restored to five seconds ago, Huang Yi has not lost much. He only needs to repeat it according to history.



Huang Yi's hand was almost like a phantom, and he continued to smash down towards the enchantment, causing the health of that enchantment to drop rapidly!

Of course, the martial arts regiment will not let history repeat itself. Several soldiers closest to Huang Yi immediately rushed out of the enchantment, hit Huang Yi's arms, and used the charge skills at close range!

They were separated from Huang Yi by an enchantment, and the distance was less than one meter. The fighters were also top-level masters. They suddenly rushed out and started to charge towards Huang Yi. They almost knocked him out almost instantly. !!

"Amnesty!" Huang Yi immediately lifted his vertigo, and then raised his axe and chopped them towards the soldiers!

"Hey!" At this moment, a skill fell on Huang Yi's body unstoppably, and suddenly formed a solid ice on him, holding him firmly and unable to move!

This is the ice barrier of Miyamoto Musashi! He just saw Huang Yi used his amnesty, and immediately broke through his ice barrier to successfully control Huang Yi!

After all, the martial arts regiment is a top team, not as stupid as the 300,000 people who had been reached by the dragon. When Huang Yi slaughtered the 300,000 people, 300,000 enemies threw various control skills on him at once, making him all the bad conditions at once, allowing him to pardon all at once. Already. The martial arts regiment avoided this mistake ~ www.readwn.com ~ They separated Huang Yi and used different control skills to control Huang Yi, which made Huang Yi's amnesty useless.

Sure enough, what happened next confirmed Miyamoto Musashi's speculation that Huang Yi was always frozen in by the ice barrier, like a giant amber, and there seemed to be no way to release this state of control.

Losing the attack of Huang Yi's body, the enchantment of the Budo regiment quickly began to recover its health! It will be fully restored in a few seconds!

At this point, the martial arts regiment finally rewritten history! After going back in time once, they finally managed to control Huang Yi. After all, they are top teams, and mistakes are inevitable once, but they will never be mistaken twice.

"Oops! This time God is going to die!" At this moment, the regretful sounds of regrets sounded in the auditorium, Huang Yi could not release the control, so when the life-saving time is reached, it will certainly die, let alone defeat Budokan! The situation that was so difficult to create was destroyed by a retrogression of time!

But Huang Yi didn't take it seriously. Although he couldn't move now, he still had a backhand!

Next, he is about to play the next hole card! (To be continued ...)

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