Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 538: Upside down

Just then, among the corpses of the heroes all over the ground, suddenly a corpse crawled up.

This is a cute little girl from jīng. She is wearing a small skirt and standing among the corpses on the ground, she looks like a little redeeming angel.

This little girl is just like a skirt!

Her resurrection immediately caught the eyes of countless spectators, causing a burst of noise.

Many people have seen this scene before. As early as when the heroic group and the undefeated group played, the skirt used the skills of resurrection in situ, and the group resurrected the entire heroic group! At that time, the resurrection of the small skirts suddenly entered the sight of players around the world and became a symbol of her skills.

And now in this situation, the little skirt is resurrected, it must be to resurrect the group!

"Oh!" At this moment, the back of the skirt suddenly burst into a bright dagger light, attacking her petite and fragile body severely.

Then an assassin emerged from the air. The assassin was wearing a dark blue shirt, with a scarf over his face, showing a pair of yīn cold eyes, like two knives. When he looked at him, he felt a goose bump.

"That's Ninja!

ìThis strongest assassin! "At this moment, countless people in the audience recognized the character. Although they couldn't see the face of the assassin, as long as they saw the cold eyes under the towel, they knew that it was a ninja.

Ninja is one of the world famous big assassins

ìThe strongest assassin is about the same strength as the leader of the four assassins in China. His position in the Assassin's Pyramid is second only to Assassin's King Dragon Assassin. In this contest, the four-nation team consisting of Sakura, Black Samurai, and Meiji was a popular championship team, but their luck was worse. In the round-robin match, they were eliminated by a gap of points and failed to enter the eight. Strong.

In the current martial arts regiment, the status of the ninja is second only to Miyamoto Musashi and Tendo, and he is an important leader. He has been assigned an important task, which is to prevent the various resurrection skills of the skirt.

The various resurrection abilities of the miniskirt are almost a well-known thing. Not only can she be revived after death, but she can also resurrect the entire team. The martial arts regime attached great importance to her, and had already secretly arranged the ninja to wait invisible beside the body of the little skirt!

"Ding!" After being attacked by the ninja, the little skirt immediately made a metallic sound, as if it had attacked a hard object!

This is a life-saving talent for the little skirt. The ten seconds after each resurrection is invincible!

Huang Yi had long guessed that the martial arts regiment would be detrimental to the skirt, but he didn't care, so he revived the skirt because she had this talent and was not afraid of being calculated.

Seeing this, the pair of cold eyes wrinkled slightly, and quickly attacked the skirt. His hand speed was very fast, giving full play to the characteristics of the assassin's fast attack speed. His hands formed a series of phantoms, and the dagger was stuck on the skirt like a raindrop. But no matter how many times he attacked, the skirt was always safe.

The skirt turned to look at the ninja, and a little flash of fear flashed in her big eyes, but she still resisted the fear in her heart and immediately stretched out her little hand and waved it in the air!

The next moment, countless

The light spot splattered from her hands, floating across the hall, and quickly fell among the bodies of those heroes on the ground.

Seeing that the ninja couldn't stop the matter, the body was almost as fast as the black smoke, and immediately slipped away from the back of the skirt, and suddenly flashed into the martial solidarity in the distance. His stature is that he has no shadows and no traces. If he can't get a hit, he immediately flees, never fights, and is extremely decisive.

With the small skirt and the group resurrection skills, all the corpses of the heroic team suddenly got up from the ground, and the blood was revived in situ!

They are well-trained, without the slightest pause, and almost start their duties as soon as they get up!

All long-range attackers release their fastest skills and bombard the enemy's enchantment!

All auxiliary players start to make up uFF and improve the strength of the whole group!

The priest's arrogant arrogant death, personally released a skill of absolute control, towards Huang Yiji in the ice barrier in the distance!

Soon, the skill fell on Huang Yi's body, causing all the ice around him to melt away at once. Not only that, he also gained a state of "body" and was immune to all control skills within five seconds. !!



Huang Yi no longer has worries, ignores all control skills, locks up the enchantment of the martial arts group, and smashes his strongest attack method with a brain, his attack speed is now even faster than that of the assassin fast!

"Pop!" Finally, the familiar broken sound sounded again!

The enchantment's health was originally dissatisfied. After such a powerful attack, combined with the attack of the long-range attacking professions of the League of Legends, it soon broke again!

At the beginning of the game, the distance between the heroic group and the martial arts group was too far, not within the attack distance, resulting in them never attacking the enchantment. And at that time, Miyamoto Musashi rushed into the heroic regiment, so that the heroic regiment was almost half without gasping. And now, they finally attacked the enchantment with their own hands, and they were ashamed!

The counterattack of the heroic group came too suddenly. It suddenly subverted the audience's perception of them. Before that, Huang Yi was alone and difficult to support, but now the heroic group suddenly recovered. This battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one knows what will happen next.

Now, the martial arts regiment has no protection again, and the little lambs under this group of sanctuaries are once again placed in front of Huang Yi, a sanctuary strongman without defense!

"Bloodthirsty killing!" Huang Yi immediately used 50% of his anger, in exchange for 50% of his health, and stabilized his xìng life. Subsequently, he controlled his beast body, stormed into the martial arts regiment, and began a large-scale!

"Judging!" Huang Yi held the axe, spun up quickly in the crowd, and wind blades swept away in all directions!

A knife-like whirlwind raged through the crowd. Those players were scraped and shattered like thatch. Players fell into pieces, and dozens of people died every second. There was no one!

This scene is just like the Miyamoto Musashi Heroes League just now. It's like leveling up monsters. No one can stop it!

Seeing this situation, Miyamoto Musashi finally twitched his face. Just now the ninja failed to prevent the small skirt from using the group resurrection, so that the situation they had managed to create before was wasted!

Miyamoto Musashi knew that he couldn't stop Huang Yi, and Suo Xìng decided to change the group. He immediately rushed towards the hero group and wanted to complete the hero group again!

Huang Yi noticed this move of Miyamoto Musashi, his mouth raised, and immediately sent a message towards the skirt!

Soon, the little skirt received his instructions. She blinked her beautiful big eyes, opened her small mouth, and the delicate voice suddenly rang through the audience.

"Skill Copy-Sheltered Beings!"

The voice fell, and the body of the skirt suddenly exploded, turning into a bit of gold light, and suddenly formed a layer of gold thin film, covering all the players of the heroic group!


The heroes have copied the enchantment of the martial arts!

After a while, all the audience was shocked! This enchantment was originally a heavenly skill. He participated in this game and did one thing, which was to release the enchantment to the martial arts group with his self-detonation, so that they stayed inside safely and could attack and defend.

Unexpectedly, now this powerful skill appeared on the body of the heroes. The little skirt protected itself with the self-detonation!

At present, the skirt has basically no use value, her group resurrection has run out, the light has also run out, and the power of Nefarem is gone. So Huang Yi arranged for her to explode, letting her play the last light and heat. After the blast, it was equivalent to the absence of a corpse, which could not be resurrected. The skirt has ended the game ahead of time. .

At this point, Miyamoto Musashi just launched a severe range attack on the hero group, and wanted to use his own power as the team at the beginning of the game! However, after the little skirt copied the enchantment of sheltering sentient beings, the situation was completely different. After his attack fell on the enchantment, he only lost 0.5% of his health ~ www.readwn.com ~ almost negligible Excluding!

This enchantment is extremely strong and difficult to break! Even if it was the previous Huang Yi, the three bodies, the incarnation, and the **** of the gods, all hit the enchantment and did not drop blood very much. Finally, they used racial tactics, which were doubled by xìng. And Miyamoto Musashi's attack is far less than Huang Yi, and wanting to break this enchantment is tantamount to foolish dreaming.

This is skill replication, an extremely powerful Nefarem skill that far exceeds the average skill category! As long as the skills are copied, any skills seen in ten days can be copied, even the skills seen outside the field can also be copied and used!

The only drawback of this skill is that it consumes the power of Nefarem, cannot be used often, and it will weaken part of it when copying some skills far beyond its own strength. The skirt copied the skills of Tiandao, and the gap was not too outrageous. This time, it did not weaken.

At this point, Miyamoto Musashi's face has completely changed, and the current situation is almost hitting his face! Because everything was reversed from before, the heroic group stayed in the enchantment with peace of mind, and Huang Yi was in the martial arts group.

Miyamoto Musashi looked back at his martial arts regiment. Under the unilateral slaughter of Huang Yi, they only had dozens of people left to survive!

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