Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 539: Oda City shocked 4

In fact, the martial arts group also has a player with the ability to resurrect the group, but that skill is in a cool down. However, Miyamoto Musashi ’s completely cooled potion has been tricked by Huang Yi during the personal finals, causing them to be unable to use this skill now, and their members are dead, that is, really dead!

At this point, only dozens of knights were left in the martial arts regiment, and all were in the state of life-saving of the knight's body, and could not be killed for the time being. Huang Yi could not help but turn around, the body, the incarnation, and the wild gods all besieged towards Miyamoto Musashi, with a huge oppression!

There are still tens of seconds left for the transformation of his beast, and Miyamoto Musashi has died once again, and the potion effect has disappeared. This time, it will be impossible to be his opponent.

Sure enough, only after more than twenty seconds, Miyamoto Musashi was once again emptied by Huang Yi, leaving only the last trace of blood! As long as he is hit again by Huang Yi, he will be broken and cannot be resurrected!

"Kill God, I won't play with you!" At this moment, Miyamoto Musashi smiled slightly at Huang Yi, and then immediately committed suicide immediately before Huang Yi's retrial! Turned into a corpse, fell in front of Huang Yi!

Seeing this scene, sharp swords, dragon thorns, the pope and others stunned each other. The reason for Miyamoto Musashi's suicide is very simple, that is, to prevent the body from being broken by Huang Yi's heavy sentence! Musashi Miyamoto wants to keep his body, which shows that he still wants to be resurrected, but there are no priests of the martial arts regiment on the field, and only some knights are still struggling, which can't help but be a little puzzled.

Huang Yi saw this. An inexplicable dignity also rose in my heart. He stared at Miyamoto Musashi's body deadly, and those knight players who lived in the distance relying on the body of the knight. I don't know what they will do next.

"Miyamoto Musashi committed suicide, and the Budotsu group is basically about to die! There is no suspense for the hero group to win the championship!"

"Heroes finally won! Kill God and get Wu Sheng! Live up to expectations!"

At this time, countless Chinese players in the audience began to applaud the victory of the heroic group! Once Miyamoto Musashi died, then no one would be Huang Yi's opponent. After the knights of those dozens of knight players ended, the martial arts regiment would usher in a real regiment destruction, and even one person could not survive.

At this time, the transfiguration of Huang Yi's monster was over. From the monster form of 狰狞 to humanoid, the doubling effect of all attributes instantly disappeared, and the original strength was restored.

At this moment, among the knight players of the martial arts team, there was a beautiful female player, wearing a bandeau armor, and slowly came out riding a white unicorn. Into the eyes of all the audience in the audience!

Her bumpy body, beautiful face, and holy unicorn, like a girl knight on the phone, are full of dreams.

"Oda City is so beautiful! But what is she doing out there? She's not as powerful as the **** of killing?" At this time, the audience recognized the female player. This horsewoman is really Oda City.

Oda is one of the most famous beauty players in the second world, but her profession is a knight, which is similar to Qin Shiyu, who is a warrior by profession. They are all little girls, but their professions are masculine warriors and knights. Not the mage or priest often used by female players, which makes them have an indescribable charm.

Saw Oda City playing. Huang Yi understands that the main event is about to be staged. In the information from No. 2, she mentioned the person of Oda City. Now that she is out, the battle situation must be changed.

At this time, Oda was also in the state of life-saving of the knight's body. Although Huang Yi knew that she was full of huge threats, she could not kill her, and had to wait for her skill time to end.

Soon, Oda rode a unicorn to the forefront of the Budo regiment gracefully. Her beautiful eyes looked at Miyamoto Musashi's corpse, and immediately she stretched out her delicate arm under her armor, and her tiny fingers turned slightly, and she immediately had something in her hand.

This is a stone, the size of a fist, and the whole body is light red. There are many players in the auditorium who have seen this shape and size of stone, which is the energy stone, but the color of the energy stone is black, not red.

But when Huang Yi saw the stone, his pupils shrank slightly. He knows this stone, and he has one himself, and he has been reluctant to take it out. It is a special energy stone that can provide unlimited energy at once!

The energy stone itself is a very rare material, and the special energy stone is even more rare. Huang Yi has been in the second world for almost a year, but he only got two special energy stones! Prior to the start of the game, the information from No. 2 mentioned that Miyamoto Musashi possessed more than one special energy stone, making Huang Yi very frightened.

Obviously, Miyamoto Musashi left this special energy stone in the hands of Oda City. This shows that her exclusive skills must be very powerful, enough to change the situation, as long as there is enough energy value, it is almost invincible. Otherwise Miyamoto Musashi could not give her such a precious special energy stone.

Oda City clenched the special energy stone and waved it gently. Suddenly, a gray smoke radiated from her arm, like a snake meandering through the void, crawling towards Miyamoto Musashi!

Huang Yi did not dare to neglect, and immediately used various methods to attack the smoke, but no matter what attack methods he used, he could not stop the smoke from moving forward.

Seeing this situation, Huang Yi's body cautiously stepped back a few steps, using an avatar and a wild **** to stand in front of Musashi Miyamoto, and wanted to see what kind of means Oda City had.

Soon, the gray smoke released by Oda City smoothly arrived in front of Musashi Miyamoto's body, and quickly entered.

The next moment, under the tense gazing of the audience of 10 billion, Miyamoto Musashi's fingers suddenly moved!

It is just negligible and slightly moved!

But the movement this time, the meaning is extremely significant, indicating that the battle is indeed still changing, which could not help the audience again. This finals final is full of variables, and no one knows who can go to the end.

Soon, Miyamoto Musashi stood up, but his expression at this moment was extremely dull, as if there was no soul, just a body. This immediately caught the attention of countless attentive audiences in the audience, not knowing what exactly happened.

At this moment, Huang Yi's incarnation was next to him, and immediately waved his axe and smashed down at Miyamoto Musashi, trying to try his reaction.

"Ding!" After the axe landed on Miyamoto Musashi, he made a sound of incompatibility without causing any damage to Miyamoto Musashi!

However, this attack brought some basic information to Huang Yi. At this time, Miyamoto Musashi had no blood, and was in a very strange state. He had not been resurrected, and was more like being manipulated by a corpse.

This is the first time Huang Yi has seen a player ’s body manipulated in this way. It seems that this secret skill of Oda City is indeed a trivial matter. I do n’t know what role it has.

At this point, the players in the auditorium were all quiet, staring at Miyamoto Musashi and Oda City, waiting for the next change. The sword, dragon thorn, and pope even held their breath. With their rich knowledge, they have never seen this skill.

Soon, Miyamoto Musashi moved!

Taking a stiff but rapid pace, he rushed straight towards Oda City and quickly came to her. But he did not stop, and continued to move forward, hitting Oda City firmly! Afterwards, he was actually submerged in Oda's body, as if he was one with her!

Immediately afterwards, Oda ’s body changed, her front face was still her own female face, but her back turned into the face of Miyamoto Musashi! She turned out to be a double-faced person, looking extremely evil, a bit like the evil gods worshipped by some deities.

But what's even more surprising is still behind! After Oda City merged the body of Musashi Miyamoto, the level suddenly jumped from level 93 to level 196!

Level 196! This is the top level of sacred realm, a super level with only a tier of separation from the realm of heaven!

霎 Time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Countless spectators in the audience were shocked. This skill can absorb the enemy's level. Miyamoto Musashi is level 103, and Oda City is level 93, which adds up to just 196 levels!

At this moment, countless players stared at Oda City in disbelief, but she did not expect that she was a beautiful woman like a vase, and she was hiding such an amazing means! This skill can definitely shock the world, but Oda City has never shown it to outsiders, which shows that she has been hiding her strength and concealed players from all over the world! Moreover, her relationship with Miyamoto Musashi must be no small matter, even revealing his true strength for him!

But what the audience can guess is far less shocked than the truth. Oda City at this time was much stronger than the audience imagined. After she merged with Miyamoto Musashi's body, the level improvement was only an external manifestation. The real strength is that her attributes were also merged by her It's up! At this time, he is equivalent to his attributes plus the attributes of Miyamoto Musashi.

The reason why she is stronger than Miyamoto Musashi is because she has this skill! This is her rare class-specific skill, which requires a large amount of energy to be used. It can control the body of a target player, regardless of the body of the opponent player or the teammate's body. After controlling the corpse, the corpse will temporarily merge with her, adding levels and attributes, bringing an extremely powerful increase! (To be continued ...)

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