Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 540: The last moment

However, this skill has two flaws.

The first is that only corpses of players can be fused, but corpses that cannot be fused. This makes it difficult for this skill to work in the wild, because players will lose levels after death in the wild. If you want to use it anytime, anywhere, you must guarantee that the player is dead anytime, anywhere, which is very unrealistic.

Secondly, this skill requires too much energy. In particular, the corpse of a master of the sanctuary such as Miyamoto Musashi is very high-level, and it is far beyond the caster of Oda City. After merging his corpse, the energy value consumed per second is massive, she is basically cāo can't control it for long.

However, with the special power stone, it is different. There is unlimited energy for her to splurge. She can continue this skill until the end of the game.

Now, her rank has suddenly reached the 196th level, which is at the top level of the sanctuary. The genus xìng has also been added to Miyamoto Musashi. Although the skills, equipment and talents are the same as before, and have not been upgraded accordingly, they are far less powerful than the real top sanctuary. But for Huang Yi, she is still almost invincible, and the gap between status levels is almost insurmountable.

A status level can cause a total of 40% of the xìng gap between the two, and now Oda City is three positions higher than Huang Yi! How else can I fight?

At this point, Huang Yi resolutely chose to back off, his body, avatar, and wild **** exhausted the fastest speed and rushed into the enchantment of the heroic group.

He was waiting patiently. Now Oda City is in the state of a knight's body. This state is invincible. No matter how he fights, he cannot be killed. The control skills are invalid and the sentence is invalid. He can only wait for this time to pass.

Oda City, riding a unicorn, immediately began to charge towards the enchantment of the League of Heroes, with a momentum of indomitable momentum. Her fragile body, flamboyant knight lance, and the cloak fluttering in the future, reflected in the eyes of countless viewers. This beautiful woman initiated the majesty and made people dare not to be underestimated.

"Boom!" Soon, Oda City hit the enchantment of the League of Heroes, and the knight's spear in his hand suddenly darted toward the enchantment.

"Oh!" The gold sè enchantment of the heroic group shook for a while, and then the health was reduced by 5%!

Huang Yi saw this damage value, a little peace of mind. At this time, Oda City was not as high as the genus xìng after he started the race. The status level is invalid to the enchantment, it is only useful to the player, the enchantment will not be weakened in front of her, and she will not receive a bonus before the enchantment interface.

However, Oda City's attack speed is very fast. It can basically attack two or three times a second. The recovery speed of Enchantment's health and her attack are still in a slow decline. In addition, the remaining dozens of knights of the Budo Regiment also rushed over and attacked the enchantment together with Oda City, making the enemies' blood drop faster.

Huang Yi still let the heroic regiment keep their troops. They now have no way to take the knights of these martial arts regiments. If the knight's body does not disappear, they can only wait, and the sentence will be exempted.

Finally, when the health of the enchantment is only over 40%, all the knights of the martial arts regiment, including Oda City, have no state of the knight's body and can be sentenced!

But Huang Yi did not choose to pronounce a sentence!

For Oda City, he did not dare to pronounce a sentence, and the other party could easily kill him.

For those Cavaliers, he doesn't need to be sentenced, he can easily kill each other.

His incarnation immediately emerged from the enchantment, flew into the air, and dived towards the edge of the remaining knights of the martial arts regiment.

"Oh!" Oda City saw Huang Yi's incarnation coming out of the enchantment, immediately waving the spear in his hand, and waving violently towards the sky!

In a flash of time, a gun puffed into the sky, as if tore the air, with a violent howling sound, came to Huang Yi's avatar almost instantly.

Huang Yi's avatar flapped her wings in succession, and Kankan escaped this attack! Then he immediately performed a dance of shadows and disappeared into the air.

The Dance of Shadows is a skill he has learned from the Murloc Nightwalker, and it is the only skill he has learned so far from the criminals in the Hero Prison. This ability allows him to enter the ordinary stealth state within ten seconds, but it is far more than ordinary ordinary stealth, because this skill will not show up after launching an attack or taking damage. If you want to see him, only Can use hidden skills or props.

Oda City suddenly lost Huang Yi's vision, and Suo Xìng stopped treating him. She knew that with Huang Yi's ability, it was easy to kill these knights of the Martial Arts regiment, and she couldn't stop it at all.

Soon, Huang Yi's incarnation swooped down from a high altitude and landed at a distance from Oda City.

Immediately afterwards, his four major offensive capabilities were released at one go! The ground was covered with hot magma, the thunder and lightning that split in the sky, and the whirlwind formed by his judgment in the air! After the dozens of knights of the martial arts group lost the knight's body, they could not stop Huang Yi's attack, and they were quickly slaughtered and turned into a corpse!

At this point, the entire martial arts regiment has only one person in Oda City!

At this time, Oda City still has 54% health! The knight has a certain ability to add blood to her. Although her state of the knight's body has disappeared, her blood is quickly pulled back. Huang Yi is very easy to kill other knights, but it is difficult to kill this half of Oda City's health. It needs the help of the League of Heroes.

"A small team of the Master League heard orders. You immediately left the enchantment from different directions and took turns to control Oda City. If she hits you, you will immediately return to the enchantment!" Huang Yi's body immediately issued an order!

Then he quickly rushed out of the enchantment, came to Oda City, and smashed the axe in his hand!

This time, he did not use heavy judgment because his status gap with Oda City was too big. After a strong attack against her, it would weaken weakly, and it would hardly break her defense. And his normal attack comes with 20% of Dark damage and 10% of Holy damage. These two kinds of damage are ignoring the defense and can slowly grind her health.

Seeing this, Oda City immediately gave up attacking the enchantment and swept at Huang Yi with a spear in his hand, fast and ruthless!

As soon as Huang Yi saw her starting hand, she knew she was going to fight back, and she closed her hand and retreated. He is not an opponent of Oda City at all now, and it is estimated that if she hits it, she will be directly empty of blood and can only avoid it.

And after such a delay, a heroic wizard who left the enchantment finally controlled Oda City with a skill, leaving her in a short dizziness.

But the good times don't last long. This control skill has just begun to take effect, and Oda City quickly restored zìu!

The duration of control skills is affected by the status gap. The control skills of the heroes of the League of Legends could have lasted 3 seconds of stun time, but after the 196-level top sanctuary in Kamida City, after the huge influence of the status gap, it can only last for a few seconds. Very weakened! And some damage-type skills, that weakens even more!

Soon, the players of the second hero group also gave Oda City control. Although the control of each player could not be connected in a very timely manner, the intermittent control still made Oda City breathless. There are so many players left in the League of Legends. Even if everyone can only control Oda City for a few seconds, that should be enough to control her.

"Oh!" At this moment, Huang Yi took control of Oda City, returned, and launched an attack on Oda City.

This was the first time he had caused damage to Oda City, causing her to be wiped out with a trace of blood, almost negligible. The status difference between the two is too large, and such an attack is difficult to make effective.

In this way, the members of the League of Heroes were responsible for maintaining continuous control, while Huang Yi was responsible for the attack, completely mastered the rhythm of the battle, and lost Oda City's health. However, there are occasions when the connection is not good, and Oda City cannot be controlled 100% at all times.

The heroic unity community lost the Oda city's attack, and her blood volume quickly recovered to 100%, making her previous efforts completely in vain.

"How can the League of Heroes be so shameless, so many people take turns to control the goddess of Oda City!" Some rì audiences immediately saw this passive situation and yelled, eagerly rushing into the arena to help Oda City. .

"Audience friends, the heroic team now has a great win. Although Oda City is now as high as 196, she does not have the immune control agent like Miyamoto Musashi. Hundreds of players in the heroic group can control her to death. And There is also a bottle of Spike Elixir for killing gods. If Spike Elixir is used, Oda City will die faster. "Some reporters commented and began to speculate about the situation in the future. If Oda City cannot solve the problem of being controlled, Situation, then the heroes won the championship basically no suspense.

However, Huang Yi's heart was still very dignified, because he found that Oda City had been in a state of being controlled, but had no eager expression. She was so calm because it was because she had no means to show it.

Gradually, a few minutes passed! Oda's health has been reduced to 30%!

Huang Yi continued to attack Oda City as before, but at this moment, Oda City, which was under control, suddenly waved a spear and quickly stunned towards Huang Yi, which was close at hand!

This one was beyond everyone's expectations! Oda City even recovered zìu!

In a short time, Huang Yi's blood volume bottomed out and was almost spiked!

However, his death penalty waiver worked, so that he did not die immediately.

Oda City really has a trick, after her health reaches 30%, it seems that she can ignore the control skills!

Huang Yi's plan was shattered. He originally wanted to follow the cooperation of the Heroes and kill Oda City, but he did not expect such a change. The battle is so fast that no one knows what will happen next.

Huang Yi immediately retreated to the enchantment, and did not dare to bump into her again. And those players who left the enchanted hero group immediately retreated, lest they be killed.

"Kill God, now it's my turn to fight back!" At this time, Oda opened a rare word to Huang Yi, and then she looked at the body of the martial arts regiment in the ground, suddenly flipped her palm, and took it out again. A red stone.

This turned out to be another special energy stone!

Huang Yi's heart sank, and Oda took out a second special energy stone, indicating that she was going to use a powerful skill again!

It is not only the exclusive skills of rare occupations that need to consume energy, but also some powerful abilities that also need to consume energy. Just like Huang Yi's Eye of Time, this is a kind of adventure ability he acquired, but it still consumes energy. value.

The next moment, Oda stretched out the spear in his hand and stirred it in the sky, then suddenly a circle of blood-red light waves emanated from his body, swept away in all directions, and attracted the attention of countless audiences.

Soon, this circle of light wave swept over the corpses of every martial arts player!

Immediately afterwards, the scene that shocked the whole audience-all the bodies of the martial arts regiment on the ground stood up!

They were all controlled by Oda City!

At the same time she controlled hundreds of corpses! If all these bodies were fused by her, wouldn't she be able to rise to thousands of levels at once? Is there such a high level in the Second World?

Countless viewers are amazed!

At this moment, Oda City suddenly waved the spear in his hand and pointed it fiercely towards the enchantment of the League of Heroes, as if a female general had issued an offensive command towards the enemy!

All of a sudden, the bodies of those members of the martial arts regiment all responded individually, and some of the corpses of long-range attacks issued their own attacks, covering the sky to attack the heroic enchantment. While some melee players, the moth rushed to the heroes. Their stiff steps, dull expressions, and **** bodies were like zombies in a biochemical crisis, bringing a horrible pressure!

After seeing this scene, the audience finally understood that it turned out that this was another skill of Oda City. These hundreds of corpses should be similar to the soldiers controlled by her cāo for group operations.

At this point, the enchantment of the heroic regiment was fragile. Although the martial arts regiment had not been resurrected by the group, it was not much worse. The attack of their hundreds of corpses was enough to quickly destroy the enchantment of the Heroes!

"Brother, you're going to sentence her!" At this moment, the setting sun standing aside, looked up at the swaying enchantment, said anxiously.

"I can't pronounce her. I don't know if there is any other secret means in Oda City. If it is not a last resort, we don't want to be separated. It will die faster! Now I will try other means first." Huang Yi dropped a sentence Then, immediately broke out of the enchantment!

Suddenly, only a trace of **** Huang Yi was left exposed in front of countless corpses, and in front of Oda City, class 196!


This is a 4,000-word chapter. The following words are free of charge.

The update in the past few days is really slow. I saw a book friend saying that I was on display ... it was not like this at all! I also said before ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ I ca n’t get up this episode, because it ’s too difficult to write, the battle scene of hundreds of people is difficult to control, we must consider the skills of each person, it will appear a little carelessly Fatal bugs, I do n’t even know if the readers in the previous chapters have found fatal bugs. I ca n’t think of all of them, maybe some friends will find some bugs that I did n’t expect.

When I write, I think about it before and after, try to reduce the possibility of bugs, and at the same time consider the intense plot, the ups and downs of the plot, taking into account all aspects, it is much more difficult to write than the rest of the plot. I also said yesterday that I would never write such a plot as a martial arts convention again. It is too difficult to write. The personal confrontation is better. A thousand people have to consider each other a lot.

Take this chapter for example, if these four thousand words are replaced by the previous one, it can be done in two hours. But I wrote this chapter for almost six hours, and changed it. Thinking about bugs is on the one hand. On the other hand, readers may have misunderstandings in some places, so I have to explain it, but explaining the xìng sentence will destroy the reading fluency. xìng, you may delete it when you write it, or explain it in a smoother way ... In short, this plot is really not fast. Once it is fast, it is likely to be full of loopholes.

However, the last point of this competition is over. There is no need to consider so much in the subsequent plots, and you can restore the previous writing speed. (To be continued ...)

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