Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 541: 1 skill that shocked the world

Huang Yi deliberately refused to allow the priest to add blood to him, because the less he had, the stronger his strength.

For every 1% reduction in his health, his attack speed increases by 1%; for every 5% reduction in his health, his attack power increases by 1%! He is now only in the blood skin state, his attack speed has almost doubled, and his attack power has increased by nearly 20%!

In addition, after his death penalty immunity came into effect, he could increase his attack power by 100% in the next minute!

At this time, Huang Yi completely became an output machine. If you don't consider the status and rank factors, and only look at the attribute numbers, then Oda City is not as good as him.

Soon, Huang Yi rushed out of the enchantment, and he immediately used the scorched earth and thundercloud storms with two large-scale group attack capabilities with no time limit.

Scorched Earth and Thunderstorm damage are very small, but Huang Yi's base of attack power is very large, and he is still a strong man in the sanctuary. There is no suspense against these non-sacred corpses.

Sure enough, a seemingly familiar scene reappeared. After being attacked by Huang Yi, these corpses fell down one after another. They were originally corpses, but were forcibly controlled by Oda City, and it was easier to kill them than when they were alive.

However, Huang Yi rushed out of the enchantment this time, but not to attack those corpses. His real goal was Oda City!

The next moment, he immediately waved his axe and slammed a heavy sentence on Oda City!

Seeing this, Oda City did not dodge, but also launched a counterattack towards Huang Yi with a spear in his hand!

This time, Huang Yi didn't mean to hide. Seems to compete with Oda City!

Seeing this scene, countless audiences were shocked! Furious swordsmen, dragon thorns, and giant bears frowned! The members of the hero group raised their hearts to their throats!

Huang Yi's attack was just trying to die! He is in blood skin. He went head-to-head with one of Oda's three ranks higher than himself!

At this point, the weapons of Huang Yi and Oda were getting closer and closer, and countless people seemed to see Huang Yi being knocked down and flying out!

"Raise the level!" At this very moment, Huang Yi suddenly opened an equipment skill!

This is his jewellery suit skills, called the ancestor suit. Each piece of jewelry can improve him by 20 levels in ten seconds. The four pieces of jewelry add up to 80 levels!

And he is now 120! Add up to level 200!

The 200 level represents the level of heaven!

Within ten seconds. He is a Celestial Strongman!

And Oda City is level 196, although it is only 4 levels lower, but the strength is one in the sky and one in the ground, because they are a whole difference in status! One is sacred realm, the other is celestial realm!

After Oda's attributes meet him, he will weaken by half!

And his attributes will double after going to Oda City!

They are equivalent to a four-fold gap in full attributes! This is the gap of all attributes! Contains any attribute!

"Boom!" The next moment. There was a loud roar at the place where they fought!

Then, the audience of 10 billion in the audience saw an incredible scene-

Oda City flew out!

She even flew upside down with her Majesty's mount, like a kite with a broken line, without even a trace of resistance, she was so thoroughly defeated!

When she landed on the ground in the distance. The body also rolled forward according to inertia, dragging a long blood mark, and then stopped.

Huang Yi is still very good, not only was not harmed, but used the blood-sucking property to **** 15% of the blood volume!

He is like an iron man. Stand in place and never fall!

The audience was suddenly quiet. Countless viewers grew their mouths and did not respond.

This scene is almost like a bug in the system, it can't happen!

"Huh? Tianyu!" Just then, Li Jian suddenly surprised, and stood up from his seat!

He found that Huang Yi's level had even risen to 200! For the first time since this game, he was so surprised!

What's more, all the superb masters such as Dragon Spike, Pope, Dire Bear, Pharaoh and so on hidden in the audience have all changed their faces!

Celestial! This is a level that they dare not even imagine! And Huang Yi did it! Although it was only achieved temporarily, it was enough!

The next moment, the audience was sensational!

Countless people finally reacted. After discovering Huang Yi's level change, they all screamed!

At present, the sanctuary is unimaginable. There are only two sacred players in the world, and only three people in the temporary sanctuary of Oda City, let alone the level of heaven. But Huang Yi has reached such a level that he can only be seen!

"Cough!" Just then, a cough sounded from Oda in the distance. Later, she climbed up from the ground with difficulty. Her health was completely empty, but she did not die immediately. She still had the remaining life-saving ability. Although it was not as long as the knight's body, she could still keep it for a while. of.

At this time, she was bruised all over, and Bai Nen's face was covered with blood everywhere. A pair of beautiful eyes seemed to shed tears, which made people pity. She stared at Huang Yi, biting her rosy lips, and said weakly, "I never thought that even if I had used the corpse fusion skills and the corpse of the sanctuary of Miyamoto Musashi, I would still not be your opponent."

"You are already very strong." Huang Yi looked at Oda City calmly and calmly, but a slight regret rose in her heart. After all, Oda City didn't kill her without her. He just kept the lowest health level and put himself in the strongest attack state. He also used the level to raise this card, just to be able to kill in one hit. But Oda blocked it.

However, Huang Yi also considered this possibility before. The reason why he did not pronounce Oda City was because she was afraid that she had other means. Now it seems that his caution is correct.

At this time, Oda reached out and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. An indomitable expression appeared in his delicate eyes, saying, "But I don't want to be a weak woman. I won't give up. Now, I still have One last move. If you can still win me, the championship is yours. "

After all, she immediately took the spear in her hand and waved gently at the bodies of those members of the martial arts regiment on the ground!

The next moment, those corpses emptied one after another, all flying towards Huang Yi, and hundreds of corpses filled the sky at once, making the scene look extremely spectacular!

"Boom!" The first body flew in front of Huang Yi. Quickly exploded!

The explosion of the quake sky suddenly rang through the audience, and the eardrums shook. The huge shock wave set off a storm of energy, sweeping away in all directions! The momentum is overwhelming!

Even the original solid heroic solidarity began to shake in this explosion and suffered a lot of damage all at once!




In a short time, the whole field is like a real battlefield. The violent explosion sounded one after another, a corpse exploded beside Huang Yi, like a bomb! Drowned him in an instant!

Oda City's attack this time was to let all the bodies of the entire martial arts regiment explode!

Self-explosion is one of the most powerful skills, and it is also the most deadly one. It can often kill the strong ones who surpass their own strength!

The rank of these corpses. Although there is a huge gap with Huang Yi, there are hundreds of them! The audience suddenly lost their hearts and wondered if Huang Yi could escape this explosion.

But their worries were superfluous. In the explosion, Huang Yi was unscathed!

There is an attribute in his god-given name. Ignore attacks from players below level 30! The ranks of these corpses were only ten, far behind him. Self-detonation did not work for him at all.

However, these self-explosions have posed a huge threat to the enchantment of the heroes, and the health of the enchantment has dropped rapidly.

Huang Yi rushed towards Oda City and wanted to wait for her life-saving time to end and kill her as soon as possible to end the battle.

With Huang Yi's rapid movement, those self-exploding corpses also followed him. He exploded wherever he went, always following him!

The enchantment of the League of Legends gradually moved away from the center of the explosion, the damage suffered was getting smaller and smaller, and the health began to stabilize.

Soon, Huang Yi came to Oda City. He directly used the trial, holding the axe and spinning quickly, blowing out a whirlwind, always covering Oda City.

If Oda has no other means, he will be killed instantly when his life-saving time elapses!

At this moment, Oda City looked at Huang Yi in front of them. The two eyes were facing each other in the endless hustle and bustle, as if they had isolated the outside world.

The next moment, Oda closed her eyes suddenly, and then made a move that was beyond the audience—

She also blew herself up!

"Boom!" For a while, an unprecedented violent shock wave took off, and a huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky, like an atomic bomb exploding in the arena!

A top sanctuary powerhouse has exploded! Oda City of Class 196 has exploded!

The unimaginable vast shock wave instantly covers every corner of the entire battlefield! The power is far more than the previous self-detonation. Even if the self-detonation of hundreds of martial arts corpses add up, it is not as spectacular as this time!

This trick of Oda City did not allow Huang Yi to expect that she controlled the rest of the corpses to explode just to hide her eyes. Her real killing tactic was her own blast!

But what does her self-detonation mean? She is the only one remaining in the Budotuan group. If she blew herself up, the Budot group would be gone!

But at this time, no one knew Oda's thoughts. The entire arena was blank, and the audience could not see the situation inside.

Gradually ~ www.readwn.com ~ Oda City's self-destructive hustle and bustle finally came to an end and Qingming was restored on the field.

Countless spectators looked nervously at the stadium. At this time the arena was already a mess, Huang Yi had become a corpse, and was hit by a shock wave to the ground a hundred meters away.

The enchantment of the League of Legends has also been detonated, and hundreds of players in the League of Legends have fallen to the ground.

There was only one person left in the field, that is, the incarnation of Huang Yi, and the Martial Arts regiment could not see a living player.

However, the system prompt did not sound.


I'm late, sorry, I wrote for a long time. There is still a final chapter in the plot of this game. The battle will not go through the last reversal, and the last game will be finished tomorrow.

In addition, a book friend is asking, how did the recent plot be two thousand words? Actually not, they are all 3,000 words, occasionally there are some 4,000 words, or 6,000 words. But most of them are three thousand words, and two thousand words should be wrong. (To be continued ...)

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