Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 542: Frightening scene 1

The shock wave of Oda City's self-detonation swept for ten seconds. Huang Yi thought that after the end of this skill, the system would make a sound, but did not expect to be able to wait in the end!

This shows that the martial arts regiment also has the ability to change the situation!

However, no players in the martial arts group could be seen in the audience. Even their bodies had been detonated by Oda City, and no trace of their existence could be found.

Huang Yi's avatar slowly scanned the corpse of the heroes in the audience, his eyes wrinkled slightly. His wild **** has been killed and needs a priest to resurrect it. Now the heroic group has been annihilated in addition to his incarnation!

Even with this incarnation, there is only a little bit of health left. If Oda City's self-explosion is closer, and the enchantment of the heroes is a little less, then this incarnation will not survive.

At this point, he felt a little regretful. He also had a chance to copy the skills. Although the body was dead, the avatar was still usable.

This situation is best suited for copying the retrograde time, but the retrograde time can only return to the state five seconds ago. This time is far from enough and it is useless to copy it.

Next, after the martial arts regiment, he can only use this fragile avatar to deal with it!

"Heroes won!" At this moment, countless Chinese audiences in the audience thought that the heroes had won, and began to congratulate! They shouted in excitement, waving the flag in their hands high, the red flag and the black killing flag were intertwined in all corners of the auditorium, looking extremely spectacular!

However, in this loud shout, Huang Yi's figure was slightly lonely. He knew that victory had not come.

at this time. Huang Yi suddenly received a message, and when he saw the sender of the message, he suddenly hesitated!

The news came from the blade!

Huang Yi immediately opened it and looked at it. The message was very short and only one sentence—

"There is one person left in the martial arts regiment."

This sentence seemed to be a thunder, exploding in Huang Yi's ears, in the cheers of the audience. Seems so out of place!

Huang Yi is a contestant and cannot observe the game from a global perspective like the audience. On the contrary, the audience can easily observe the overall situation. Although they cannot see the casualty data table of each team, they can only observe the battle scene with the naked eye, but from some details, they can still infer some hidden truths. Ordinary players may not see these details. However, the master of this level of blades has extremely spicy eyes, and naturally can see some clues that ordinary people can't find.

At this time, Huang Yi received another message, this time from Qin Shiyu. He immediately opened it and looked at--

"Brother Yi. The intelligence was just sent by emergency personnel on the 2nd, indicating that Zhizhi has not died yet, and the battle situation is likely to change!"

Qin Shiyu's news fully confirmed the words of the blade! There are still people in the Budouan!

Huang Yi's eyes swept across the audience again. Staring at every inch, staring at every air. His third eye has been opened. But still can't find where Meiji is!

Meiji is one of Japan's top masters, second only to heaven, and Miyamoto Musashi. It is also the first priest in Japan. Unlike ordinary priests, which tend to save people, his killing ability is as powerful as his saving ability! Just when the first group of heroes died, many people were killed by Meiji!

Huang Yi's incarnation strength is not difficult to kill Meiji, but if the other party has some special skills, he still faces huge dangers.

At this time, the cheers of those Chinese players in the auditorium have gradually decreased. They did not wait for the system prompts, and the excitement on their faces finally became solemn. They locked their eyes firmly on the arena, trying to find out where the backhand of the martial arts group was. Super swordsman, dragon thorn, pharaoh and other superb masters are also looking for survivors of the martial arts regiment.

But like Huang Yi, they could not see where the rest of the martial arts group was, only the dead air!

"Don't find it, I'm here." Just then, in the air far away from Huang Yi, a tender voice came suddenly!

Then, a figure with white hair slowly emerged from the void! This person is very young, similar to mirrors and skirts, and it is estimated that he is still in elementary school.

But the audience, no one dared to underestimate him, because he is the famous Japanese master-Meiji!

But at this time, his body is translucent, like a soul, not a real body, it should be in some special state!

Seeing this scene, Huang Yi's heart moved. In fact, he also has a similar skill. After killing the chief of the half-orc tribe, he obtained a skill book called "Soul Escape".

[Soul Escape]: After death, you will not explode the item temporarily, and ignore the broken body status. You can shoot your soul straight out one kilometer away. The soul has 10,000 health points and can be resurrected by resurrection skills. After resurrection, no items can be dropped, but the level drops by one level. After the soul is killed, it completely dies and the items burst out.

Huang Yi has never used it since he learned this skill, and it belongs to an almost forgotten skill. Because this skill needs to die before it can exert its effect, and he has never died in the wild area, and will not be degraded in death, making this skill have no practical time.

At this point, Huang Yi's body had been killed by the self-explosion of Oda City. This skill could have been used to escape the soul. However, this two-dimensional field is very small, not as far as one kilometer, and does not meet the distance requirements for soul escape, making this skill unusable.

Meiji's soul state at this time should be a similar skill. Although the body is dead, the soul is still alive. However, his skill should be better than Huang Yi's soul escape. And his soul is likely to have the ability to fight or use skills, otherwise he could not have escaped Huang Yi's search before, and now it would not be exposed so much.

At this time, Huang Yi's avatar fluttered his wings and flew to Meiji, chopping down the axe in his hand.

However, after cutting his axe to Meiji, it seemed to be slashing in a mass of phantom, directly revealing Meiji's body without causing any harm.

This soul has no blood, and it really is different from Huang Yi's soul escape skills!

"Brother God, you can't kill me!" At this time, Meiji looked at Huang Yi with a small face on his face, showing a bright smile, and said in fluent Chinese: "My status is special now, you can't kill me I ca n’t attack you. I thought that Oda ’s sister's self-detonation could kill you all, but I still left you as an incarnation, so I have to expose this skill! I have to say that your strength is shocked For each of us, we are honored to have an opponent like you. But we have won the team championship. This is the honor of our entire country. Even if you are strong, you can't stop us from winning the championship. We this The team brings together all the top players in our country, and it is almost invincible to cooperate with each other. But your team is just your guild, and there are very few foreign aids. No matter how strong you are, you are not better than us. "

His tender voice sounded in the ears of every audience in the audience, making countless audiences nodded again and again.

Indeed, in this game, the important figures of the martial arts team far surpassed the heroes. The masters of heaven, Miyamoto Musashi, Sakura, Ninja, Oda City, Meiji, etc. all played a huge role. The heroic group is basically only carried by Huang Yi. In addition, the skirt is more eye-catching, and there are no obvious characters in the rest.

"Then what cards do you have? Why don't you give it a try?" Huang Yi said quietly toward Meiji without refuting.

"Now you know!" Meiji finished speaking, put a bright smile, then his soul burst suddenly, turned into a little white light, and permeated all corners of the audience!

These white lights are flying everywhere, sometimes slowly, and sometimes hovering around an area, as if searching for something in the air.

Soon, all of these white lights stopped searching, it seemed that they had found what they wanted, reunited together, and combined a figure!

This person is simply Oda City who has exploded!

Meiji paid the price of her soul and brought her back to life!

The entire audience was shocked!

Meiji's soul skills have never been shown in front of outsiders. This is undoubtedly a card of the martial arts regiment, but the role of this card is just to revive another card!

She had already exploded, and even her body was gone, but she was still resurrected by this special skill of Meiji! The martial arts regime is simply sky-high! After bringing together various Japanese masters, they are indeed almost invincible!

After Oda City was resurrected, he flipped his fingers directly and immediately took something out of the storage ring. This is a red stone, which is a special energy stone that has been shown twice before.

She moves very fast ~ www.readwn.com ~ The audience in the audience has not reacted, let alone know what she is going to do. But Huang Yi suddenly guessed the purpose of Oda City, and immediately opened a verdict on her--

"I declare, Oda City-dead!"

His voice, like a thunder blast, awakened those audiences who were still in shock!

But he was still one step behind!

Almost when he opened his sentence, Oda waved his hand first, and a gray smoke suddenly radiated from her arm, meandering in the void, crawling towards the body of Huang Yi's body!

Her purpose is to use the corpse fusion again.

But this time, she merged with Huang Yi's ontology!


Sorry, the estimation was wrong yesterday. I originally thought that this chapter could be written to the end of the game, but I didn't expect that the plot was still not finished, and there should be another chapter. (To be continued ...)

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