Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 540: 3

Huang Yi is as high as 120, and she is 93. Once merged, it will become 213! Real world level!

She used level 213 to deal with Huang Yi's fragile incarnation, and she could blow him to death in one breath!

At this point, a series of plans of the Budouan finally appeared in full!

Oda City blew itself up in an attempt to kill all the members of the Heroes League. If this was not successful, they would still have a way out. Because Meiji has a resurrection ability that ignores the broken corpses, just like Huang Yi's soul escape skills, even the broken corpses can be resurrected. But Oda City came back to life and once again took out a special energy stone and merged with Huang Yi's body, which was invincible.

At this moment, the sky is still good, and there are no dark clouds or thunder and lightning. Huang Yi's incarnation has just started to pronounce the sentence, but now it has no effect, just like this skill has failed.

"Kill God, do you want to drag me into the sky? Useless, I will not be disturbed during the release of this skill." At this time, Oda City looked at Huang Yi as if holding a winning ticket.

Speaking of which, her skill process has also been released. Huang Yi's body has been completely controlled by her. When she was pulled down, she immediately got up and rushed towards her, and merged with her!

This scene looks very strange, Huang Yi's body has merged with the enemy, in turn, against Huang Yi's incarnation!

Oda City turned her head and wanted to see her back. Although she couldn't see her back, she knew it had become Huang Yi.

In the eyes of the audience. At this moment her beautiful face and Huang Yi's body contrasted with each other, as if they were a pair of tadpoles. Golden Boy Jade Girl.

Oda City turned his head, looked at Huang Yi's incarnation, pinched a strand of hair behind his chest, and said softly, "Kill God, I will remember you. You are except Musashi Miyamoto, The second man who made me merge, you have entered my body, your breath will always be in me. If there is no country difference, we may have further stories. I don't want to embarrass you, you give in. It ’s like a personal match! No matter how strong you are, you wo n’t win our entire country. ”

"Really?" In the audience's gaze, Huang Yi groaned for a while, then flipped his palms and took out something.

This is a magic bottle. It contained a pale red medicine, which kept bubbling, as if it was boiling all the time.

"Attribute swap potion!" Seeing the magic bottle in Huang Yi's hand, Oda suddenly blurted out!

It turned out that the magic bottle in Huang Yi's hand was the s-level attribute swap potion obtained after killing the pretty sky!

"But I ’m at the level of heaven. And you are at the level of sacred territory. Even if you use this attribute swap potion, you can only exchange 50% of my attributes, and it only lasts one minute. You think you can beat me like this. Is it? "Oda soon regained his composure. Asked toward Huang Yi.

Huang Yi did not refute, and once again took out something from the storage ring. This is a special energy stone. Can provide unlimited energy at once.

"Special energy stone? What are you doing ?!" Oda City suddenly stunned for a moment, then immediately waved the knight's pike and stunned towards Huang Yi's incarnation! Give out a sharp gunshot, want to kill him first!

However, after this gun blasted on Huang Yi's body, it did not produce any effect, because at this time, Huang Yi's last stroke had cooled down, he used it again, and he would be immortal within ten seconds!

The next moment, Huang Yi looked at Qin Shiyu's body and waved his hand gently—

"Skill Copy-Corpse Fusion!"

In a moment, a gray smoke emanated from his hand, spreading towards Qin Siyu's body!

Seeing this scene, Oda's face turned pale!

Countless viewers, including super swordsmen, dragon thorns, popes and other superb masters, suddenly stood up from their seats!

The gray smoke had appeared on Oda City twice before, and it was her corpse fusion skill!

Huang Yi's incarnation was copied!

He has copied the strongest skills of this martial arts team ever!

At this moment, Oda's mind was blank, and she stared at the gray smoke from Huang Yi stupidly. She had seen the gray smoke many times, but at this moment it was so strange. The gray smoke was like a poisonous snake, eating away her hope a little.

She didn't expect that Huang Yi even had a copy of skills, and copied her own corpse fusion skills!

What she didn't even think of was that Huang Yi had three attributes that were not available at the same time. You know, Huang Yi is not her opponent without any of these three!

If Huang Yi only copied the corpse fusion skills, it would not threaten her. Because Huang Yi's avatar is too weak, even if the corpse is fused, she is not her opponent!

If Huang Yi only had an attribute swap potion, it would not pose a threat to her. Because the sacred realm and the heavenly realm can only exchange attributes for one minute, and can only exchange 50% of the attributes.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if Huang Yi has both an attribute swap agent and a copy of the corpse fusion skill, that's not too bad. Because this skill is too strong, the energy value it consumes is too large, which seriously affects the practicality of this skill!

This skill consumes ten times more energy per second than the level of the fused corpse! The fusion of Huang Yi is Qin Shiyu, a class 93, which consumes 930 energy values ​​per second, so even if all 3000 energy values ​​are consumed, it can only last more than 3 seconds. Oda City can confidently hide After these 3 seconds!

But she did not expect that Huang Yi had such legendary things as special energy stones! The special energy stone's item level can only be regarded as level f, but it is even rarer than the top-level potion of level s! Even with the power of Miyamoto Musashi, the entire mainland of Japan was searched, and only three were obtained! And he was reluctant to use it all, and gave it to Oda City.

Oda City never thought of it. There are three indispensable conditions for s-level attribute swapping potions, skill replication, and special energy stones. These three general masters simply cannot have the means. Huang Yi has it all!

At this moment, she suddenly felt a very powerless, Huang Yi is an enemy that can't be defeated, even if the martial arts group gathered all the masters in Japan! It is a carefully selected elite among hundreds of millions of Japanese players. Various unexpected hole cards have been forced out again and again, but he still cannot defeat him!

At this time, Huang Yi's body fusion had taken effect, and Qin Shiyu's body suddenly stood up from the ground. Rushed to his side and merged with him.

In a short time, the level of Huang Yi's avatar soared from 120 to 213, just like Oda City. However, his attributes are far inferior to each other, because this is his incarnation, and all attributes are only 50% of the body! Even with the attributes of Qin Shiyu, it is still too low!

Huang Yi immediately opened the s-level attribute swap potion in his hand. He drank his head, and then stared at the face of Oda, whose face was pale, and said coldly, "Attribute exchange!"

The voice didn't have any extra words, just four simple words, but it seemed to strike Oda City with a strange magic!

next moment. Huang Yi's body of blood poured out and rushed to Oda City!

On Oda City, a larger blood rushed towards him!

The two exchanged attributes!

At this point, Huang Yi's special energy stone is used up, and the opportunity for skill replication is used up. Attribute swap potion is used up! But at this time, he was already at a point where Oda City could not fight!

"Okay. Let it all be over!" Huang Yi said the last sentence towards Oda City, then fluttered the wings behind her, and quickly started a forced hunt towards her!

All the Chinese audience in the audience shouted wildly once again, this time the shout was far more than any previous time! It seems like the last wave! With an urgent hope, an excitement about to win!

Huang Yi's sprinting figure is like taking them to the point of victory! Oda City turned into the banner of the finish line, and approaching her represented approaching victory!

There was a horror in Oda's eyes, and she tried to hide, but her full attributes have fallen sharply, including the speed of movement, and Huang Yi cannot be thrown away at all, the distance between the two is getting closer!

Even her self-detonation was useless, because Huang Yi was in the state of the last stroke and could not die at all!

Everything is so desperate!

Five seconds later, Oda City finally dodged, and was successfully knocked out by Huang Yi!

"Heavy sentence!" Huang Yi's axe broke the air fiercely, with a golden sharpness, and with the expectations of countless Chinese audiences, he smashed into Oda City severely!

"Oh!" It seemed as if the final word was given, and Oda ’s body burst into all corners of the audience in order to break the meat!

The next moment, the long-lost system reminder finally sounded—

"[System Tip]: The Heroes won the battle and became the team champion."

This system reminded that it sounded in the ears of the 10 billion people in the audience, and sounded in the ears of every dead player on the field! Ringing in countless TVs, radios, palmtops in the real world!

The League of Legends went through all kinds of hardships and finally won the team championship!

They defeated an opponent who could not be defeated!

Japan is the 10th most populous country in the world, with hundreds of millions of players. The martial arts group brings together all the top players in their entire country, and a variety of hole cards are constantly emerging! Is an almost invincible team!

But such an invincible team was still defeated by the League of Legends!

It's a myth! This is an epic! It's a legend!


The following words are free of charge:

It was finally finished. It was very stressful when I wrote a chapter, because it was more than two o'clock last night. I couldn't finish the game in one breath, leaving a little tail. Today's book review area is full of scolding. When writing this chapter, you can't calm down. The reader's anger is always lingering in my mind. I have n’t eaten lunch since I got up, and finally finished writing.

The original intention of this volume is to write a wonderful game. Some readers have previously told me many times that the protagonists with a million words are playing and playing, and I feel like playing a stand-alone game. I also really feel that the protagonist and the rest of the contest are too few. Basically, they are hacked to death with an axe, and there is no change in the battle.

Therefore, this volume has arranged contests to fill in the shortcomings in this respect, but as of the writing of this contest, everyone is saying that the competition is boring. I was also very anxious, temporarily changing the plot midway, adding the invasion of the seven devil pioneers to adjust, and the game also wanted to reverse this situation. At the same time, the last game wanted to write well, it was full of variables, and it finally won thrillingly.

But I did not expect that this would make readers even more disgusted. Many people said that if the protagonist starts with **** tricks, will he win the championship soon? This idea was actually put forward when I already knew the process of the game. Before the start of the game, no one knew what would happen. The protagonist thought that he could win with 5 points. The remaining methods remained confidential and remained in Use it later, don't expose it. Of course, the Budouan group also thought this way. But each time the two sides wrestled, they had to expose their next hole cards again and again.

In addition, each skill should pay attention to practical timing and consider all aspects of the entire game. At some point this skill seems to be really good to use, but in the overall macro game, after connecting the skills of each person before and after, it still can not be used, there are a lot of pen and ink in the text also put on the explanation motivation.

Some readers said that it is necessary to write so much for a little Japan? In fact, Japan is the tenth most populous country in the world. Their country is actually not small, but the territory is very small. The population is very large. If the team gathered by their national masters is simply defeated by a guild easily It was too vulnerable.

If the martial arts group wins, the readers will not even do it. How can the hero group lose? Is this still cool?

So the result can only be written as the hero group can win, but won very, very hard.

For example, some readers said that Oda's corpse fusion is an invincible skill. I said before that the energy value of this skill is a limit, but it is only taken in one stroke and has not been written in detail. Therefore, it is necessary to write in detail the energy value of this skill formula.

For example, ~ www.readwn.com ~ After Oda City merged Huang Yi's body, why did Huang Yi not copy the time? But three major means must be wasted? Such an explanation was written in the original text, but I read it and it would affect the fluency, and I deleted that explanation. Because after time goes by, Oda City can do it again, but Huang Yi's skill copy opportunity is wasted, and he can no longer use corpse fusion.

Of course, it is not excluded that there are some places where I do not think well.

Introspecting this contest, I am most satisfied with the part in which the protagonist of the individual finals conceded. I am dissatisfied with the fact that this game has been written for too long and is a bit long. In short, this contest was painfully written. The author tried his best to write well, but in the eyes of the reader, it was not good-looking. The reader looked at the heart, and the author wrote the heart. This is my lack of experience. If I do it again, I may not choose a plot like the contest.

This is a **** lesson! The problem that the author's inexperience is exposed, if it is the big gods such as tomatoes, three young people in the Tang family, and potatoes, they will definitely not make such mistakes.

Finally, thank you for your willingness to stay and read this book! Maybe I'm a bit stupid. I've been writing for several years and have written several books, but I still don't fully grasp the cool writing method, sorry. (To be continued ...)

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