Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 544: Not invincible

The system finally issued a sound. This is a final word, which means that the martial arts regiment has no backhand at all! All cards are cleaned up!

"Heroes are invincible!"


In no time, the audience became an ocean of cheers for all Chinese players! All the national flags, all the killing flags, all the excited faces, covered every inch of Huang Yi's sight!

Huang Yi closed his eyes and listened carefully to the tide of cheers. It was too difficult to win this battle. The process was too tortuous, and the heroic group of five hundred people was even left with his incarnation. If any of the skills are used incorrectly, or any place is not judged correctly, the game is likely to be lost.

Fortunately, they stumbled and won. Although there were some mistakes and detours in some places, fortunately, they reached the last step and won the team championship! This game of less than ten minutes is almost as long as a century!

"Audience friends, this game is really a twist and turn! No, it is a twist and turn, but in the end the heroic team still won! The martial arts group gathered all the top masters of the whole of Japan, it is a national team! But still Defeated by the League of Heroes! If the League of Heroes, like the Martial Arts League, brings together all the masters in China, uniting the sword, dragon thorn, thunder, blade, undefeated, Yun Sihai, Lin Yiqin, Donghuang, they will form a team, That martial arts regiment will not be able to fight at all, China is indeed the strongest country, and a guild team is already so strong! "

"In this contest, the God of Killing is undoubtedly the most brilliant person. In the personal final, he deliberately lost, but in fact he was the biggest winner. In the team competition, he almost alone defeated the whole country. Team. We can hardly think of who is more suitable than him for the best personal award of the next annual festival. Waiting for the party, the final round of the award contest, will be the final round of the contest, when killing God and Miyamoto Musashi Both team and individual champions will speak ... "

At this time, countless journalists were also excited to explain after the battle. Even some reporters of the TV station in China expressed their admiration for the League of Heroes in their tone!

At this time, Huang Yi bowed towards the audience of 10 billion spectators, and then took out the battlefield with the League of Heroes and returned triumphantly.

Almost instantaneously, the empty dragon capital was filled by the teleported players. Every street and alley in the entire city was filled with cheers and resounded through the sky.

"Brother, we won, I can't believe it!" At this time, Qin Shiyu took Huang Yi's hand and said excitedly.

At this point, the fusion of her body with Huang Yi was over. Although Huang Yi has a special energy stone and has a chance of unlimited energy, it does not really last forever. Various actions such as offline, death, end of battle, teleportation, entering different space, etc. are all signs of ending, and the judgment conditions of each skill are different.

"Brother, I can't believe we will win!" At this time, the skirt also held Huang Yi's thigh and said, leaning her head.

"I am also a knight like Oda City. I did not expect that her professional skills are so strong!" Ba Shijiyan was also emotional.

"Don't envy her skills." Huang Yi patted Ba Shijiyan's shoulders and said, "The more powerful the exclusive skills, the more energy it consumes. It is estimated that she can't use this skills at all. In comparison , Our exclusive skills are much more practical. "

Exclusive skills have no cool-down time. They can be used as long as they have energy, but the energy consumption is different. Huang Yi's sentence was not powerful, but the energy consumption was relatively small. It was easy to pronounce Miyamoto Musashi. And Oda City merges Miyamoto Musashi, the energy value consumed is huge.

At this time, almost all the members of the heroic group came to Huang Yiwei and turned to stare at him. The look was like looking at a leader they would follow for life, full of admiration, trust, worship, etc. Various emotions.

Huang Yi looked around, glanced across the faces of each member of the heroic group, smiled, and said, "You will be on the stage after the awards party. You all have to show up on the stage. Everyone, get ready to prepare! Friends, mom and dad, the goddess of secret love, the girl next door next to you, classmates and teachers ... all of you can see you, make yourself more handsome, more beautiful, don't be stingy! "

After all, Huang Yi nodded toward them, then turned around and left with a small skirt and Qin Shiyu, and walked towards the city hall.

Soon, the three of them reached the top floor of the city hall, reached the window, and looked at the dragon capital in the moonlight quietly. This is their exclusive place without anyone disturbing.

"Brother, the contest is over, what are you going to do next?" At this time, Qin Shiyu stroked Fu Xiufa and asked Huang Yi.

Huang Yi looked at the huge bright moon in the sky with his hands on his back, and smiled slightly: "After getting the title of Wu Sheng, I can do two very important things next."

"To the Royal Academy of Oskan?" Qin Shiyu guessed.

Huang Yi shook his head immediately: "Don't worry about going to the college, you can go at any time, and you can't come back for a long time after you go. I have to deal with things on this continent before I say. The first thing I want to do One thing, the world's first kill on the hundredth floor of the Tower of the Gods! "

"First kill?" Qin Shiyu heard these two words and frowned, "It's going to be a while, most of our team haven't been to the sanctuary yet! That's the 5,000-player mode, at least Can 5,000 Sanctuary players compete? "

"No!" Huang Yi shook his head, "I want to brush!"

"What! Single brush ?!" Qin Shiyu was suddenly shocked. "Five thousand people may not be able to win the boss, you want to single brush?"

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, "To be precise, the first boss is a single brush, and the strength of the boss behind is getting stronger and stronger, I am not sure. The first boss of the Tower of the Gods is exactly 100, although It is a 100-level boss in the 5,000-player mode, and the strength is not available. But I am not bad. I have seven legends all over my body, and the level is 120. After the awards evening, I will be awarded a level of 121.

Huang Yi said, counting the addition and subtraction: "I have a magic dan from 123 to 125, which means that as long as I upgrade two more levels, I can exceed 124, and then I will be an intermediate sacred power. After the awards evening tonight, I will be awarded the title of Wu Sheng, and my status will be increased by one level, which is equivalent to a high-level sanctuary. In addition, my god-given surname is given, and I surpass the first boss25. Level, after I meet it, it will raise 25% of the family name, and after it meets me, it will weaken 25% of the family name! In addition, I surpassed the two status levels of the boss. Below, it is not impossible for me to brush it alone. "

When Qin Shiyu heard Huang Yi's analysis, he immediately felt reasonable. Compared with the surname data alone, Huang Yipai is not comparable to the 100-level boss in the 5,000-person mode. Not to mention, the blood volume alone is one in the sky and one in the ground. In the 5,000-person boss, the blood volume is at least 100 million.

But Huang Yi's use of position advantage plus level advantage is not the same. The strength of the boss will be greatly weakened, and the surname of Huang Yi will be greatly enhanced. There is indeed a great possibility of surname alone.

"So it seems that my brother will not be invincible in the future? The sharp swords and dragon thorns are not comparable to you at all! The status gap is too great, and no one will dare to bully me!" At this time, the skirt Suddenly holding Huang Yi's hand, he said excitedly, thinking of a better future.

"It's like this for a short time, but it won't last for long." Huang Yi nodded and asked, analyzing: "Next, the prize pool of the contest will be open. There are all kinds of treasures in it. Upgrade potions. Like swords, dragon thorns, and popes, they have won a lot of games. There are a lot of exchange stones. They can definitely be exchanged for upgrade potions and quickly break through to the level 100 of the sanctuary. More importantly, they all have their own. Signature baby. "

"The sword has been rumored to have been inherited from the Emperor Sword. Once it reaches the level of the sacred area, it will definitely usher in the promotion; the Pope ’s half of the scepter has less information and I do n’t know where it came from; the mysterious dragon scale of the Dragon Emperor , And it is rumored to be related to the three top dragons, the golden dragons; the mysterious bandages of Pharaoh, what functions have not been revealed; the beast-controlling whip of the giant bear is unfathomable, and even extinct species can be summoned Their beast souls, after his sanctuary, wouldn't they be more powerful ... They relied on these treasures, rushing to the sand, step by step to the top of the world, and they couldn't simply be thrown away by me. After I rose to the sanctuary, , Hero Prison can release the Celestial Criminals, and their treasures at the bottom of the box will naturally improve. "

Huang Yi said, touching the head of the skirt, and continued to analyze: "Actually speaking, I am only suppressing them by the status level advantage. As long as they can pass the trial of the hero and become a hero, the status level will be invalid. Heroes are ignoring their status ranks. There are many heroic criminals in their early 100s in my prison. Their low ranks ~ www.readwn.com ~ are famous in ancient and ancient times because they are heroes. If they restore their equipment power and return them to their peak state, then they can completely compete with the average top sacred powerhouse. "

"Yes!" At this time, Qin Shiyu nodded his head and analyzed, "And after the sanctuary, the upgrade experience value of our rare professions doubled. At that time, ordinary players will usher in spring, as ordinary as Yang Yuheng. This is especially true of the super players among the players, it is time for them to enter the stage. The number of ordinary players is nearly 10 billion. They are welcoming the spring, and there are bound to be countless new players. "

Speaking of which, Qin Shiyu saw the face of the little skirt full of regret, and she could not help but smile, and her tone eased: "But you don't have to worry about it, your brother is now in full swing, and the status of a superb master cannot be shaken. The rest can Against him, but it is harder to defeat him than to climb the sky! "After finishing, Qin Shiyu turned to look at Huang Yi, his eyes full of pride and trust. From small to large, in her eyes, Huang Yi is a top pillar, no matter how great the pressure, even the unstable situation can be controlled.

After hearing these words, Xiaoqiu finally smiled again and looked up at Huang Yi, and said, "Brother, you just said you were going to do two things next, what is the second thing?"

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