Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 546: It turns out that this is the last match

At this point, the awards session is over.

Of course, there is another reward for the League of Legends and Martial Arts, which is to directly nominate the best team award for the next annual festival. There are a hundred shortlisted places, but there are only a total of ten nominated places, so here are two in advance.

"Next, let us ask Emperor Wu Sheng and Wu Sheng to express their opinions!" At this time, the host turned to look at Miyamoto Musashi and Huang Yi.

Miyamoto Musashi nodded, took a step forward, looked around the audience, and finally focused on Huang Yi's body, slowly said: "I don't really have any words, God killed us in the team match, and I also I admire it. But I always have a question that I still do n’t understand. I want to ask Mr. Killing God. I wonder if you would like to answer it? "

After all, he looked directly at Huang Yi, and his face still had that faint smile. But that smile had a kind of sensation, like a poisonous snake with its head raised high, spitting a snake letter, ready to bite Huang Yi at any time.

After hearing these words, the audience suddenly became curious and wondered what Miyamoto Musashi was going to ask. Many viewers even started to coax and asked Huang Yi to quickly agree.

"Okay, you ask!" Huang Yi said calmly, unable to hear any emotion in his tone, just like in ordinary chat.

Miyamoto Musashi looked directly at Huang Yi, just as he was interrogating him, and said, "After Oda City blew up, Meiji resurrected with the ability to ignore the broken corpse's resurrection, fused your body and reached level 213, which is almost It ’s an invincible being. But why would you rather use the three abilities of Attribute Exchange Potion, Special Power Stone, and Ability Reproduction instead of using the Spell of Elixir? Do n’t you still have a Spell of Elixir? I happen to be on the s level There is a deep research on the potion. Do you dare to give me that spear potion to take a look? "

this problem. Immediately like a knife, he penetrated Huang Yi's heart fiercely!

These words of Miyamoto Musashi are sharp, murderous, and **** throat!

The awards party suddenly became a battlefield without smoke! The contest of the contest was over, but in this evening, he started a contest with Huang Yi in words!

They had already competed once at the awards evening of the individual tournament. Huang Yi took the lead to break through the 100 level and slapped him severely! Now he wants to fight back!

Miyamoto Musashi was skeptical of Huang Yi only after the team competition was over. In the recent team match, Huang Yi did not use the bottle of spike medicine even at the most critical moment, which filled him with doubts. There was also a hint of doubt.

He couldn't help watching the video of the previous game carefully. At this look, he immediately found a problem! He was originally the person with the most s-class medicaments in the world and was extremely familiar with s-class medicaments. After repeated observations, he faintly found that Huang Yi's four bottles of spike poison were a bit wrong!

The four bottles of potion seemed to give him something different. Does not seem to fit the characteristics of s-class medicaments. But in specific places, he couldn't tell. After all, he just watched it through the video of the game and never saw it with his own eyes.

But this suspicion, coupled with Huang Yi's performance in the team final, is very intriguing. It happened that this party gave him a perfect time. He will be in front of the eyes of a billion viewers. Throw this question!

In this way, under the pressure of public opinion, Huang Yi had to hand him the bottle of spike medicine to check, and he would definitely get the truth by then. If Huang Yi dares to refuse, then the whole world will find this tricky!

This time, the audience rushed to the ears! In fact, it is not just Miyamoto Musashi. Many viewers and journalists around the world are wondering about this issue. At that time, after Oda City's second use of corpse fusion, although it became extremely powerful, Huang Yi only needed a bottle of spike poison to kill her, which was the least expensive method. At the time, even many reporters predicted that he would definitely use the spear drug in the explanation process! This is in line with common sense, but he did not do so, but dealt with Oda City at a greater cost, which is really strange.

If Huang Yi was to guard against Oda City's subsequent stronger measures, and deliberately kept the elixir in reserve, it would not make sense. Because the combination of attribute swapping potions, special energy stones, and skill replication are more powerful, they are continuous and can cope with more difficult situations. Even if the subsequent resurrection of Oda City and the use of stronger means, Huang Yi is not afraid. This is the bigger killer. It is far more than a spike killer that can only take effect once!

Anyone who uses killer crickets is from low to high. The biggest killer crickets must be used until the end. There is no reason to use them in advance. From this point of view, Huang Yi is too abnormal! It's even incomprehensible!

At this time, the eyes of all the audience in the audience were all locked in Huang Yi's body!

The eyes of the host, Mr. Huang Huapeng of the Times Company, the martial arts group, and the heroic group were all locked on Huang Yi's body!

Miyamoto Musashi's knife-like gaze hit him!

At this time, Huang Yi seemed to be standing on the trial bench and being judged by the whole world. He had to strip away all the camouflage and expose the truth.

Huang Yi's eyes were calm, and he slowly looked around the audience, then stretched out his long fingers, turned it slightly, and took out a magic bottle from the storage ring!

The magic bottle contained a huge drop of blood-red liquid. This kind of potion is already familiar to people all over the world. It is Huang Yi's signature potion-spike potion!

This small potion seems to have become a peerless pearl, attracting the attention of people all over the world! Musashi Miyamoto even swallowed his throat and stared at the bottle of medicine!

At this moment, Huang Yi was in the limelight, and slowly opened the stopper of the potion, turning his wrist to point the bottle mouth at the ground!

"Tick!" The next moment, the huge drop of blood-red liquid inside it poured out like white blossoms, flowing on the ground, making a sound of water drops falling, but it was loud throughout the audience.

After a while, the audience was silent!

Everyone seemed to be strangling their throats, staring at the drop of liquid on the ground, everyone's eyes seemed to be broken along with the drop of medicine, spilled all over the ground!

"Actually, this bottle of spike medicine is fake." At this moment, Huang Yi's calm voice broke the tranquility of the audience and sounded in everyone's ear!

Those stunned audiences are now even listening!

Huang Yi even said by himself that this bottle of spike medicine is fake!

At that moment, Miyamoto Musashi grew his mouth, like a fool, and his mind was already blank!

No matter what he thinks, he never imagined that Huang Yi would make such a scene! In his vision, Huang Yi would either refuse directly, or push back three or four, or hold on to luck, and hand him the potion for inspection. But he never thought that Huang Yi would generously admit that this was a fake potion! And so simply dumped this bottle of medicine in front of people all over the world!

At this moment, Tendo, one of Japan's two leaders, suddenly stared at Huang Yi in disbelief, exclaiming: "It turns out that you only have three bottles of spike poison. This last bottle is used to confuse enemy intelligence!"

Huang Yi looked at the shocked face of Tendo, and looked at the stunned expression of Miyamoto Musashi. At this time, the two Japanese leaders were seriously disoriented. He nodded lightly: "Yes! Actually, I only have three bottles of Spike Elixir, but I have more eyes, and deliberately made a bottle of fake Spike Elixir mixed in. But it is this bottle of fake Elixir that makes your opponents jealous How many of you have made deviations in formulating tactical strategies. I believe that when you are developing tactics, you have racked your brains and thought about how to deal with this bottle of spike medicine. Just a fake bottle of medicine, but you deceived you. After all, even Miyamoto Musashi, who has so many s-class potions, has gone away, and it seems that your skill is not yet at home! Work harder! "

Fight back!

Definitely counterattack!

Huang Yi's remarks were careless, like an elder who encouraged a back to work hard, but he slapped Miyamoto Musashi severely!

Miyamoto Musashi claims to be the person with the most s-class medicaments in the world. This is his means of fame, the best means! But in this area of ​​his expertise, he was fooled by a bottle of counterfeit medicine by Huang Yi. What a shame?

"Very good!" Miyamoto Musashi finally calmed down, almost spitting out these two words from his teeth ~ www.readwn.com ~ His mouth twitched slightly, trying to keep a smile on his face, but that kind of smile But faintly has a twisted meaning, "No wonder Chinese people like things in cottage, dogs can't change poop, I can understand. Kill God, do it for yourself, it won't be long before we meet again! Hope that time you will I can still laugh. "With a wave of his hands, Miyamoto Musashi immediately led all members of the Martial Arts Regiment and transmitted this two-dimensional space.

Suddenly, the stage was half empty, leaving only Huang Yi's heroes. The audience was quiet, and countless people were still in shock just now, without slowing down.

Huang Yi's heart was relieved. The best way to lie is to be half-truth and half-false. Taking the initiative to admit some of the false things will successfully attract people's attention and thus cover up the other part of the falsehood.

Now, others will only think that the three bottles of spike medicine he used before are all real, only this one is fake. In this way, no one will doubt the fake potions used in the game between him and Thor. After all, even someone like Miyamoto Musashi who is so familiar with s-class medicaments cannot determine through videotape that it is a fake medicament, and it is even more difficult for others to discern.

"Wonderful!" At this moment, somewhere in the auditorium, a man wearing gold armor with two broken handles around his waist suddenly nodded and smiled. (To be continued ...)

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