Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 547: belief

In the other corner of the auditorium, Thor was finally relieved. Nor did he expect that Miyamoto Musashi would suddenly notice the problem of Huang Yi's spike medicine. Just now his heart was hanging, worried about Huang Yi's handling measures.

If Huang Yi holds the luck, hand the potion to Miyamoto Musashi for inspection, then his relationship with Huang Yi is likely to be exposed!

With Miyamoto Musashi's eyesight, naturally it can be seen that it is a fake potion, and when Huang Yi admits it, it is completely falling behind! Because Miyamoto Musashi personally checked the bottle of medicine and knew the characteristics of the fake spike medicine. After comparing the videos, it is easy to find that the bottle of spike medicine in the game of Thor and Huang Yi is also fake!

And Huang Yi dumped the potion directly, admitting that it was a fake potion. This will not only maximize the humiliation of Miyamoto Musashi and fight against his arrogance, but also make Miyamoto Musashi unable to inspect the potion. Without evidence, the audience would no longer wonder why Huang Yi did not give the potion to Miyamoto Musashi for inspection.

This is indeed the case. Now even Miyamoto Musashi and Tendo believe in Huang Yi's words, thinking that he has only one bottle of fake potion. Miyamoto Musashi was even more embarrassed and angry, and even swear words such as "dogs can't change to eat shit" were spoken out. As a public figure, this is a very disgusting statement.

At this time, the audience was finally noisy, many people still patted their chests, feeling extremely scared! When they placed a bet in the group final, they also used the bottle of spike poison as an important weight for the League of Legends. They thought about it before they bet on the League of Legends. I did not expect that this medicine was fake! Fortunately, this misinformation made them win.

At this moment, the host quickly interjected, revealed a smile, and rounded up: "I did not expect that there was a battle in the contest, and the awards party was also killer. Remember that in the first awards party, Li Jian challenged the **** of killing. In the second and third prize award evenings, the killing gods and Miyamoto Armed Police had a contest. I hope everyone will compete in some competitions, not in the language. Whether it is killing God or Miyamoto Musashi, They are very good players. Everyone is amazing. Friendship is first, and competition is second. Next, let ’s ask God to express his opinion! "

After all, the host turned to look at Huang Yi, nodded, and reached out to invite. The hustle and bustle of the audience ended immediately, and he locked his eyes on Huang Yi again, ready to listen to his speech.

Huang Yi took a step forward, looked around the audience, swept across the average face of the Ganges, nodded and said, "Thank everyone for the Heroes Guild, and everyone who has given us help, encouragement or attention, thank Yun Sihai, Dugu refrigerated these friends. I deeply remember that some time ago I was walking on the streets of Longdu. There were several members of the Heroes' Guild who had told me such a sentence, they said, 'The Emperor Wu sounds better than Wu Sheng.' At the beginning I told them, then I do n’t want the title of Emperor Wu, we will return with a Wu Sheng. Now, I want to say to them, we can do it! The heroes can do it! "

"This martial arts title actually belongs not only to me, nor to the members of the 500 Heroes League, but to every member who still stands by the Hero Guild. After the individual match, almost all of our high-level heroes are Quit the hero guild, but I am not worried that the hero guild will collapse, because I firmly believe that this guild can withstand this storm, I firmly believe that it will grow into a second world giant, I firmly believe that they can wait until we Back, we have this conviction. Now that the storm has passed, we have become stronger and won the team championship! Everyone at the Heroes Guild is the best! "

Speaking, Huang Yi looked back at the heroic group behind him, slowly glanced at each member's face, and continued: "I always feel that the strength of a power organization is not to see how powerful they are. , But to see how strong their belief is. As long as this belief is strong enough, no matter how strong the enemy is, even if we only cover the sky with our hands, even if we control the world, even if we are defeated again and again, even a personal sacrifice around us will block Can't stop our steps towards victory ... "

Huang Yi's voice sounded clearly in the ears of every audience in the Second World, and in countless TVs, palmtops, and old-fashioned radios in the real world, all members of the organization behind Huang Yi In the ear. At this time, they were scattered all over the world, their identities were different, and their listening devices were also different. Some people were even risking their lives to perform tasks, but the invisible headsets they wore were synchronized with the yellow overflow sound.

At this time, Huang Yi glanced at Qin Shiyu's body. He finally did not move anymore, but always stared at Qin Shiyu, just like staring at the group of people behind her: "Here, I want Special thanks to a group of people for everything they do for me. Although we are far apart now, I always believe that this is not forever. As long as we always hold our faith, one day, I will pass that expectation Finish, come back to you. Even if we are in heaven and one in hell, we will finally meet! "

Having said that, Huang Yi closed her eyes gently.

Qin Shiyu also closed her eyes gently.

In the real world, countless members of organizations scattered around the world have all closed their eyes.

In their heads, all echoed the last words of No. 1—

Even if we are in heaven and one in hell, we will finally meet!


Soon, the awards party was over.

Countless people teleported out of the two-dimensional space and returned to their respective continents and cities.

The Dragon City of the Heroes' Guild is undoubtedly the most eye-catching city in the world. Millions of people are crowded here to spend the night. The sound of laughter and celebration filled every street and alley, and the mellow wine flowed through every sewer in the city, and the whole city was boiling.

But Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu did not participate in the celebration. They were holding hands and walking quickly on the street.

"Brother Yi, where are you taking me?" Qin Shiyu was pulled away by Huang Yi for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking.

"I'll give you a surprise, you'll know in a moment." Huang Yi said mysteriously, happily holding Qin Shiyu's hand and walking forward.

Soon, Huang Yi pulled Qin Shiyu to the teleportation square and quickly disappeared into the teleportation array.

The next moment, Qin Shiyu teleport reached the destination, but after opening her eyes, she was stunned and stared at the scene.

Shown in front of her is a beautiful city of roses, the city is full of roses! The bricks of each street, the tiles of each house, the carvings of each street lamp, and every detail are made of roses. In addition, no other elements can be seen! Even the air is filled with the fragrance of roses, which makes people intoxicated! This is a dream city in a fairy tale!

"Respect Mr. Killing God, respected Miss Qin Shiyu, welcome to the city of Qin Shiyu! Princess Hua Yao is honored to meet you." At this moment, an enchanting voice sounded, and then a person wearing a long petal dress The stunning beauty appeared in front of Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu, smiling slightly.

"Qin Shiyu ... the city?" For a while, Qin Shiyu froze, a pair of big eyes blinked blankly, and long eyelashes went up and down without reaction.

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded and reached out and stroked the long hair of Qin Shiyu, saying, "Slight rain, happy birthday! This city is for you! At the time, you said, Mr. Huang Huayi, the founder of the company, once I planted roses across the city for his beloved. I could not think of other gifts, so I followed suit. I hope you like them. "

Qin Shiyu Jiao shuddered, and then stared at Huang Yi blankly, biting her delicate lips, and the mist gradually appeared in her eyes.

Finally, she couldn't help it anymore, and the tears that moved moved to Huang Yi's arms and kissed him.

The two were kissing frantically in this dreamy city of roses.

"Why are you so enchanted by the falling roses across the city?" Princess Hua Yao looked at Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu in the kiss and suddenly shed two lines of tears, as if thinking of a long past, whispered.

With her voice falling, rose petals began to float in the sky across the city, like a rain, making the city more dreamy.

At the same time, in the wasteland to the east of the City of Roses, dense crowds were standing. They were all wearing mage robes, boundless, covered the entire wilderness, and could not see their heads.

"One million mage immediately listened to my order, and all released magic explosion into the sky immediately!" At this moment, a young boy standing in front of him suddenly gave an order.

Then, all the one million mages in the wilderness raised their staffs, releasing the same skill into the sky—Blast!

"Pop-pap-pap!" In a short time, the sky outside the City of Roses suddenly burst out of the colorful rays of the sky, brightly illuminating the entire night sky, like countless romantic fireworks!

"What's this?" Qin Shiyu was startled, suddenly parted Huang Yi's lips, and looked up at the fireworks in the east sky dumbly, murmured.

"I asked someone to put out a few fireworks." Huang Yi said, and once again took Qin Shiyu in his arms, kissed again, and continued to linger.

"Okay! Everyone has another skill, magic rays!" Just then, among the one million mages east of the City of Roses, the young man, headed by another, gave an order.

"Brother God, I can only help this!" The teenager looked at the fireworks in the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ and suddenly murmured.

This boy is the head of the Masters of Xuanyuan Clan Association and the world's first fire mage—Donghuang! In order to avoid Qin Shiyu's detection, Huang Yi specifically did not transfer people at the Heroes Guild. Instead, he went to Donghuang specifically, and asked him to help his one million masters to wait here. Fireworks.

At this time, there was a crowd of people standing here densely to the west of the City of Roses.

A man headed by it yawned lazily, saying, "All hunters, immediately release explosive arrows into the sky! Don't worry about the arrows being consumed, the guild will reimburse you!"

After all, the man closed his eyes and seemed to be hurrying to sleep. As for how many arrows his brother wasted, he didn't care. Because he even won the Second World ’s Best Wealth Award, he is Dugu Refrigerator!

Suddenly, in the east and west sky of the City of Roses, all splendid fireworks bloomed, and each other shined, one after another!

At this moment, there are only countless fireworks, countless roses, and two kissing people in the heavens and earth, as if forever. (To be continued ...)

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