Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 549: The most mysterious 1 scroll

Huang Yi stretched out his finger and gently took out one of the rings, rubbing it for a while, then shared the ring's attributes to the whole group.

[Hero Ring] (orange, jewelry set-storage ring)

Magic Defense: 100

Health + 3%

Attack + 3%

Movement speed + 5%

Explosion rate doubled

Don't drop equipment after death

[Hero Ring Set]

Five hundred players each wear a hero ring. When two players are online at the same time, they can use the attached skills. [Hero Teleport]: All players who have a hero ring will be linked to each other and can be transmitted to any Beside the player holding the ring. When transmitting to the other party, they need to confirm with the other party's consent. There is no consumption during transmission. The cooling time is calculated separately according to the transmission distance. The maximum time is not more than one hundred days.


Required Level: 80

Equipment rating: 700

Item description: The fate of the hero is in the battlefield. ——Memorial Heroes won the championship of the competition team competition.

"Supplied with skills!" After seeing the attributes of this ring, hundreds of people in the audience suddenly exclaimed!

Huang Yi also did not expect that this storage ring was like his ancestor jewelry set. Although it is not a legendary equipment, but a set of equipment combined, it has a side skill!

The storage ring with attributes is very rare, even the storage ring in his hand does not have skills! Unexpectedly, all 500 people now have it!

Although this ring is only classified as orange, the level is only 80. But the equipment score is as high as 700 points. The average 80-level orange ring, the equipment score is almost 400 points. A level 80 legendary ring is 800 points, which means that this ring is almost equivalent to a legendary equipment.

The combat attributes of this ring are actually nothing. Its strongest part is its auxiliary function, especially the doubled explosion rate and no explosion of equipment after death. These two attributes are rare, not even legendary equipment.

In addition, incidental skills are also a highlight. Five hundred people can transfer each other. This skill has many uses. For example, hurry up, rally, escape the enemy's pursuit and so on. It's just that the cooling time is vague, and it is determined by the transmission distance. The longer the transmission distance, the longer the cooling time.

With this ring of heroes, the 500 members of the League of Legends will be more closely linked in the future. These five hundred people are actually from the battlefield group under the setting sun. Her Majesty's Adventure Corps and the elites selected from Hermit's Copier Regiment are usually separated and do not often stay together. But with this ring, if there is any emergency, Huang Yi orders it. They can teleport from all corners of the continent towards his side in an instant, and gather together at the fastest speed.

Just like that sentence, an arrow through the clouds meets thousands of troops!

Huang Yi turned his head. They shifted their eyes from the Ring of Heroes to the hundreds of members of the Heroes below, who were all staring at the storage ring with excitement. Look eager.

"Well, don't look at it! Come up one by one! Everyone has a share!" Huang Yi smiled and began to distribute these five hundred heroic rings.

Each person can only wear one storage ring, and they are basically dissatisfied. Each of these members on the field, regardless of their position, will send one, even Huang Yi himself is no exception.

After sending the storage ring, these hundreds of members of the League of Heroes immediately changed it, and looked carefully in front of them. Some girls even loved to take pictures of their companion screenshots.

Huang Yi also replaced her hero ring. Suddenly, he felt that he had a faint connection with hundreds of people, and could be instantly transmitted to any of them, as long as the other party agreed to confirm.

Now, Huang Yi's ability to transmit is very rich!

He is the guardian of the heroic continent, and can be teleported from any public city without activation.

In his legendary turban, there is a skill attached to the Mark of Killing God, and he can also start teleporting to the place where the mark is set at any time.

The ring of heroes in his hand can be teleported to and from 500 members of the League of Legends.

At different times, these three different capabilities can play different roles, and can deal with almost every situation.


After receiving the Ring of Heroes, the 500 members of the League of Legends left and went to do their own things. Most of them have gone to other system cities and are ready to continue to go to the rewards library to redeem things.

Huang Yi's 1% strength clone also came to the reward library of Tiantai City at this time. This is a tall building. At this time, there are many people inside, and countless people are here to exchange goods. Fortunately, there is an infinite space, and each player can enter a separate room without being disturbed by outsiders.

Huang Yi walked through the crowd and walked into one of the rooms. It seemed as if he had come to a different space and was suddenly isolated from outsiders. At this moment he was in a huge room with cabinets. Inside the cabinets, there were all the items in the reward library, and there was an item label next to it, with simple information about the item. The further you go inside, the more precious the items on the cabinet are.

Huang Yi walked all the way, glanced over the same item, and browsed these props roughly.

There are a lot of precious items in this reward library. These items rarely appear in the auction house. Even if you have more money, you may not be able to buy them.

For example, in terms of equipment, you can exchange up to legendary equipment; in terms of pharmacy, you can exchange up to a level of medicament, which includes upgrading medicaments, which can be directly upgraded by one level before one hundred levels; The layer succeeds directly; in addition, there are energy stones and other things that players generally pursue.

However, for some very top-level or very special items, such as epic gear, s-class potions, special power stones, etc., the reward library is gone.

The better things, the more redemption stones you need, not easily redeemable. If you want to buy someone else's exchange stone, that won't work, because the exchange stone is bound and cannot be traded! Each player's redemption stones can only be used by themselves!

However, after redeeming the item, the item can be traded, which also gives the player a way to give gifts. If there are many redemption stones, you can redeem something to give to relatives and friends.

Huang Yi came all the way, and even he watched a lot of things during his time. He was one of the people with the most redemption stones in the world. The further the event, the more redemption stones won in each game. He is the runner-up of the individual competition and the champion of the team competition. He received a total of 6,450 exchange stones, and he can exchange many of the items inside.

The rewards library has just opened today and will never be closed. In the future, players can play exchange stones through the Tower of the Gods, but the explosion rate is very low, and they may not be played many times.

At this time, Huang Yi had reached the end of the room, leaving only the last cabinet in front. This cabinet was placed there alone, and there was only one thing on it. It seemed disdainful to put it together with the rest, and it looked extremely dignified.

Huang Yi walked inquisitively, and the sound of footsteps stepped on the wooden floor, making a squeaking sound, like walking in the years, to look at the treasures handed down from ancient times.

Finally, Huang Yi came to the front of the cabinet and carefully looked at the things on it.

This is a roll of sheepskin, tied by a hemp rope, and the tail of the rope dangles from the counter, causing people to imagine infinitely. I want to hold the rope, pull it gently, and open the scroll.

Huang Yi immediately looked at the tag of this sheepskin roll—

[Career Upgrade Scroll]: Use it to advance your career. After the use of ordinary occupations, they can be advanced to senior occupations; after the use of advanced occupations, they can be advanced into rare occupations; the effects of rare occupations are unknown. Required exchange stones: five thousand.

Unknown effect? Seeing the last sentence, Huang Yi suddenly hesitated. This scroll has a very clear effect on ordinary occupations and advanced occupations, which can make them have a higher level of occupation, but after turning to his rare occupation, the information is completely gone.

It's like gambling, no one knows what will happen next, it's all up to God. But this kind of thing is still very attractive to Huang Yi these rare professions. No one wants to go further, but few people are willing to be the first to eat crabs.

Huang Yi stared at the scroll in front of him, and seemed to see the company's future strategy. Time should be trying to close the gap between ordinary players and top players. Because the current top players are simply god-like to ordinary players.

Rare occupation is an absolute label of identity ~ www.readwn.com ~ So far in the world, there are only a few thousand rare professional players. Every player has a chance to become a rare profession before entering the second world, as long as they complete rare missions. But this rare task is too difficult to complete, countless players have failed, and since then have been lagging behind the rare profession and have been under pressure everywhere.

But it will be different in the future. After level 100 sanctuary, ordinary players will have a huge upgrade advantage. They need half less experience to upgrade than rare professionals, and will be in a leading position in terms of level.

Now, things like professional upgrade scrolls have appeared in this rewards library. Although the required exchange stones are huge, it may not be able to gather them for several years, but at least there is already a hope.

Huang Yi thought for a while, finally decided to act against the sky, he wants to redeem a professional upgrade scroll!

Although Time Corporation wants to close the gap between top players and ordinary players, it does not mean that they will directly damage the interests of top players. The effect of this scroll is just unknown, not that it will be harmful after use.

More importantly, the system is unknown, he can predict!

Because he has an eye for time! (To be continued ...)

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