Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 550: News of the Lightning Spirit

Next, Huang Yi immediately reached out and picked up the scroll!

At this moment, countless people all over the world want to do this action like Huang Yi, but countless people can't do it, they can only look at the scroll with their eyes.

Scrolls of occupation upgrades require 5,000 redemption stones. In addition to Huang Yi, only Thor can be redeemed in China. The rest of the people, even the two superb masters of the sword and dragon thorn, still need to play the Tower of the Gods for a while to get so many exchange stones, because in the previous contest, their focus was on the individual competition The team match is either not participating or playing soy sauce.

"[System Tip]: You have consumed 5000 exchange stones and redeemed the [Class Upgrade Scroll]."

After the system sounded, most of the exchange stones in Huang Yi's storage ring immediately disappeared.

Huang Yi held the scroll in his hand tightly, the texture of the sheepskin roll was very clear, with a sense of weight. Huang Yi pinched his finger on the rope. Once the rope was pulled, it meant that the scroll was used.

Finally, he heard the sound of the system—

"[System Prompt]: Do you want to use [Class Upgrade Scroll] now?"

At the same time that the alert sounded, the system had already determined the effect of the scroll. The program will not wait for the player to confirm, and then temporarily determine the effect of this scroll, but when the system confirmation prompt is issued, the role of the sheepskin roll has already been determined.

The principle of such a system program in the Second World is like buying a beverage to open the lid and winning. It's not that the words "winning" or "thank you for your patronage" are temporarily printed on the bottle cap after you buy the drink, but it has already been printed. The moment you buy the drink, you have actually decided to win or I did n’t win the prize.

The reason why designers of Time Corporation designed such an ability of "Eye of Time" is because their system works like this, otherwise they would not design such a capability.

At this time, Huang Yi took a deep breath and immediately used the Eye of Time to see the system's judgment result.

In a short time, his energy value consumed 2,000 points in one breath, which is just burning money!

However, these two thousand energy values ​​also finally brought him a systematic judgment result—

The effect of this scroll will not upgrade Huang Yi's rare career again, but will give him a chance to modify his professional talent!

Professional talent is innate. Once you choose this profession, then the professional talent is fixed. I have never heard of it. The scroll in Huang Yi's hands now has this ability.

Huang Yi felt his chin, thinking. His professional talents are not bad. If it is to modify professional talents, the effect is not very great. The newly modified talents may not be better than his current talents.

Huang Yi decided to wait and see tomorrow. If the effect of this sheepskin roll is random, then after the refresh time of 24 hours, the effect of this scroll should become another. When that time comes, he won't be able to see it again with the eye of time. The energy consumption can be borne by his teeth, but the mistake of the professional upgrade scroll will be a big loss.

At this time, Huang Yi had 1,450 exchange stones. He turned around and went back to the cabinet in front of him, thinking about what to exchange. Like the two most popular exchangeable items to upgrade the potion and jīng divine stone, he has no demand anymore, he has already exceeded one hundred levels, and the soul of the war has finished the ninth floor.

In terms of equipment, he still lacks a legendary belt, but a legendary belt requires two thousand exchange stones, and his exchange stones are not enough.

Just then, Huang Yi suddenly stopped and set his eyes on a grid next to him.

The thing placed in this grid is a clever compass. The above is divided into many fan-shaped areas of different sizes. Each area is named after an element. The larger area has common magic elements such as fire, ice, earth, and wind, and those small fan-shaped areas. It is a rare magic element such as thunder and water. At the very center of the compass is a pointer, which is now in its initial position.

Huang Yi immediately looked at the label of this item-

[Elemental Spirit Compass]: Once xìng items, you can randomly get a specific position of the elemental spirit after using it. Required exchange stones: 1,400.

Elemental Spirit! Seeing these four words, Huang Yi immediately stretched out his left hand and took a look. His left hand was wearing the most top piece of equipment in his body-Thunder Left Hand, which is half an epic piece.

The item description of this equipment clearly states the promotion conditions of this equipment-if you can find the other half of the handguards, plus the fusion of the spirit of lightning, then these handguards can be restored to epic equipment !!

And Huang Yi had never heard of something like the spirit of thunder and lightning, and didn't know where to go to get it, without any clue. Now that he has the compass of this elemental spirit, he can find a thunderbolt spirit!

Although this compass is xìng once, and it randomly obtains the position of an elemental spirit, if it is given to others, it may be found that the elemental spirit of fire, or other ordinary elements, it is difficult to randomly reach the rare spirit of lightning. Magic element. But Huang Yi does not have this problem. He has the eye of time and can keep this compass random until he randomly reaches the spirit of lightning.

Huang Yi immediately reached out and picked up the compass of this element without hesitation. In a moment, 1,400 exchange stones in his storage ring disappeared, leaving only the last fifty.

After getting the compass, Huang Yi immediately started to try.

"[System Tip]: Do you want to use [Elemental Spirit Compass] immediately?"

At this time, Huang Yi opened the eye of time!

After consuming five hundred energy points, he saw the system results this time. If he now uses the compass of the Elemental Spirit, the pointer of this compass will automatically rotate and eventually stay in the fire sector. This means that the compass will provide him with a position of the spirit of the fire element.

This does not meet Huang Yi's needs. He wants the spirit of thunder and lightning. Now, he can only refresh after 24 hours, just like the previous career upgrade scroll, and try again tomorrow. One day, he can get a satisfactory result randomly.

Next, Huang Yi left this space. He only had fifty exchange stones left, and he could not exchange for the things that satisfied him.

This 1% of his strength went directly to the teleportation array, re-integrated with the body, and then continued to brush up the tower of the gods, struggling to level up.

Now his most important thing is to quickly upgrade from 121 to 123. At that time, he can eat the magic dan to break through to the intermediate level of the sanctuary, and then brush the first oss on the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods.

In addition, after the level-up cooldown of the ancestor jewelry set's accessory skill is complete, he can go to the treasure point of the golden holy dragon.


In a blink of an eye, more than a week passed, Huang Yi has risen to 122.

Since this week, Huang Yi has used the Eye of Time to look at the professional upgrade scroll and the Elemental Spirit Compass, which has almost consumed all his energy stones.

These two things are changing a result every day. The professional upgrade scroll has changed a variety of effects these days. In addition to the previous professional talent modification, there are also various professional talent enhancement, professional skill enhancement, new professional skills, professional skill effect modification, and other effects. Huang Yi is not particularly satisfied with these effects. He decided to continue to observe and see if there is a chance to randomly produce a top-level effect.

And the compass of the element's spirit is also the spirit of thunder and lightning that has never been random to Huang Yi. Most of the area on the compass is occupied by ordinary elements, and the chance of randomly picking out the spirit of lightning is very small. He is out of luck these days, and the random elements are the spirits of ordinary elements.

On this day, Huang Yi ’s level-up skills were finally cooled down, and the ancestor jewelry set allowed him to temporarily increase level 80, breaking through to a level above 200.

Now, it's time for him to go to the treasure of the golden holy dragon and check the secrets inside.

Huang Yi's body is still struggling to level up in the Tower of the Gods, and his incarnation has been riding the double-headed liner long before, rushing to the treasure point of the golden holy dragon.

This double-headed Lin was a very good mount in the past, but for Huang Yi, who is now 122, it is already a bit behind. But it is difficult to find better mounts, especially mounts of level six and above. Mounts of this strength are solitary and may be hidden anywhere. The hero continent is too vast. If you want to find a mount of level 6 or higher, you can only look for fate.

After continuing to drive for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi reached out and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Finally, the end of the line of sight was no longer the long yellow sand, but a valley appeared, where the destination of his trip was.

Countless people have set foot there for countless years, but no one has ever known the true secret of this treasure. And now, this secret will be revealed in Huang Yi's hands.

Huang Yi quickly crossed the valley and came to the treasure palace, and opened the institution lightly.

"Boom!" The stone wall suddenly opened again, revealing the 200-level enchantment. The Sand Pirate King was trapped inside, and he couldn't get out if the level was less than 200.

Huang Yi's avatar took a deep breath and walked directly into it.

"Seckill, you are finally here." As soon as he entered, Huang Yi heard the familiar husky voice of Sand Pirate King.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a gust of wind, and then a figure rushed over and grabbed him directly into the air. Thunder thundered, "Don't you promise me to find a messenger to save me? Why is it so long, he has been Didn't come? "(To be continued ...)

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