Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 551: Secrets of the Golden Holy Dragon Treasure

Huang Yi turned his head. At this time, the Sand Pirate King was still the same, surrounded by a layer of sand and dust, covering its mighty body. It wore a dragon robe and a crown. But its emperor's breath has been reduced a lot, and it seems that the injury has not recovered.

At this time, Huang Yi lied without redness and heartbeat: "I went to the fallen messenger, but the fallen messenger said that it still has some urgent things to deal with, and I can't come to your rescue for the time being. I am here to report to you today of."

"Huh!" At this moment, the sand robber snorted, and the anger did not fade away. "You are so cunning, how can I believe you?"

Huang Yishen remained unchanged, continuing: "The fallen messenger gave me a drop of its blood, which can prove that what I said is true."

After all, he immediately took out the blood of the fallen messenger from the storage ring. When he was chased and killed by Mantian a while ago, he once caused trouble to find a messenger and Mantian once. At that time he collected the blood of the two powerful men and used it to evolve for himself. Now he can just take it out as a kind of evidence.

The King of Pirates saw Huang Yi take out a magic bottle, with a big wave of his hand, took it directly and carefully looked in front of him.

"Well, this drop of blood has a familiar smell of corruption. It is indeed the blood of the messenger. It seems that you did not lie to me!" The sand prince nodded, his tone eased, he believed in Huang Yi's words, and he changed the magic bottle Give it back to him.

Huang Yi took the magic bottle, put it back into the storage ring, turned to look at the treasure point, and looked at the 200-level treasure room intentionally or unintentionally.

There are four treasure chambers in this treasure spot, which require level 50, 100, 150, and 200 to enter. The first treasure room was raided when he first came. The contents of the second and third treasure rooms are in the hands of the Sand Pirate King. There is only the last 200-level treasure room left, and no one has entered it. At the same time, the biggest secret of this treasure point may also be hidden inside.

"Seckill, this time you come, I can't let you go empty-handed. You reported it to me. I have to give you some rewards. As long as you continue to work for me in the future, the benefits will be indispensable to you." The Sand Pirate said faint With that, he immediately took out a thumb-sized stone. They are full of the power of the sanctuary, and emit a warm golden light, which is a rare holy spar!

"Thank you!" Huang Yi was also welcome, and immediately reached out to take over this holy spar. Sacred spar is a special kind of item, even if you have money, you can't even buy it. There is no such thing in the rewards library. You can only search in the vast wild area by yourself.

Sacred spar is very versatile, it can be used in various living skills such as refining, metallurgy, pharmacy, enchanting, etc. It can even be regarded as a high-level equivalent in the auction house, used to buy and sell some gold coins that cannot be valued. At present, there is only one holy spar in Huang Yi's storage ring, which was found in his storage ring after he killed Ghost Axe. Black Wolf a while ago.

"King of Pirates, have you been here for so long? Have you ever discovered any secrets?" At this time, Huang Yi wandered slowly in this treasure point, turned to look at the four treasure rooms, carelessly Asked inquisitively.

"Of course!" Said King Sand Pirate, looking directly at the 200-level treasure room, saying, "The 200-level treasure room seems unusual. If you can call the fallen messenger, you can know the inside. What kind of baby is there, and if you make a contribution, the baby inside will naturally divide you. "

"Then I'll go check it out!" At this point, Huang Yi had come to the door of the 200-level treasure room, suddenly dropped a sentence, and then started to upgrade the level!

In a short time, his incarnation rose to eighty levels in one breath, soaring from 122 to 202!

The next moment, he directly opened the door that had not been opened for countless years, and entered the unknown 200-level treasure room! The figure suddenly disappeared!

At this time, the Sand Pirate King was completely stunned. He never thought that Huang Yi could enter the 200-level treasure room!

That treasure room is in great danger, and it has been seen before. But the more dangerous the place, the greater the opportunity. It gnashed its teeth and eventually rushed forward, trying to keep up with Huang Yi and enter it together!

"Boom!" When it rushed to the door, an invisible force blocked him. Although the door had been pushed open, he still couldn't enter, and his grade was not up to the standard!

"Damn!" The roar of the Sand Pirate resounded throughout the treasure spot, forming echoes.


At this time, Huang Yi has entered a place where no one has ever set foot, and a secret is about to be revealed!

He immediately looked in front of this 200-level treasure room!

After a while, he couldn't move his eyes anymore!

I saw the ngyāng area of ​​that treasure room, piled with hundreds of gold glittering stones, exuding a strong sanctuary atmosphere, all of them are holy spar! These holy spar are put together strictly according to a special pattern, it seems to be a magic circle!

In the middle area of ​​the formation method, there are thirty-six stronger stones. They are white in appearance and emit rǔ white sè light, and each of them contains a force of fear!

This kind of stone, Huang Yi has only been seen in the literature of the library and in the posts on the forum. This is really a celestial stone that is even higher than the holy spar! The Celestial Power Consumes Life, and Hua has a chance to condense!

These thirty-six celestial stones form a circle. Inside that circle is the center point of this formation, where a golden egg is placed quietly!

The egg was as high as a human's knee, and it looked as if it had been plated with gold, looking golden. The surface is covered with a dense layer of jīng beautiful texture, which is very textured, like an artwork made of gold.

It stands quietly in the middle of the formation, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of holy spar and thirty-six celestial spar, with a feeling of stars and moon. As if it is the only place in this small world, everything is running around it, I don't know how many years it lasted!

"Dragon Egg!" Huang Yi could not help but exclaim.

In fact, he talked to the White Dragon King long ago about the strangeness of this golden holy dragon treasure point, which will absorb the life of the dragon clan, and I don't know what the secret is. The original Bailong King had proposed two hypotheses.

One hypothesis is the resurrection ceremony of the golden holy dragon, which will absorb a large amount of dragon life and realize its own resurrection!

The second hypothesis is that there is a golden holy dragon egg in it, which will absorb a large amount of dragon life, and realize hatching!

And now, in front of Huang Yi, it is an egg of a golden holy dragon!

What is the Golden Holy Dragon? This is one of the three top dragon races. The dragon race is the most noble race. The strength of various dragon races is different, and the Golden Holy Dragon is one of the most peak dragon races. It can be said to be the pinnacle of the peak! One of the top ten seal gods in history is the Golden Holy Dragon!

So far, no one in the world has witnessed the Golden Holy Dragon. The only thing that has something to do with the golden holy dragon is the world's first assassin dragon thorn. His body is rumored to have a mysterious dragon scale, which is related to the golden holy dragon. In addition, no player has any relationship with the Golden Holy Dragon, and even the video or screenshot of the Golden Holy Dragon is not.

Creature at this level is far from accessible to players at this stage, and it is not even known whether there is a living golden holy dragon in this world. This peak creature has extremely low reproduction ability and may be extinct at any time. Huang Yi does not even know if this dragon egg in front of him is the last golden holy dragon egg in the second world!

Now, the biggest problem facing Huang Yi is how to take away this dragon egg. This dragon egg is obviously still in the incubation period. This level of organisms has been incubating for thousands of years, or even longer. Even if Huang Yi has acquired it, it is likely that it will not hatch.

Huang Yi squatted and took a closer look at the hundreds of thousands of holy spar on the ground. Their breath was far less powerful than the holy spar that Huang Yi had just obtained from the Sand Pirate King. It seems that the power in it has been consumed a lot, so many holy spar and even 36 celestial spar are all prepared for the egg of the golden holy dragon, but they have not been able to use it. After hatching, we can see how difficult it is for this dragon egg to hatch.

If it is given to others, the holy spar alone will not make up, even if Huang Yi has only two holy spar! Now his best way ~ www.readwn.com ~ is to not move, let the dragon egg stay in this formation and continue to hatch. There is one thing, however, he is very suitable to do.

He is a member of the Bailong tribe and has a close relationship with the Hailong tribe. He has learned some knowledge about dragon eggs. If you let the dragon egg familiarize with the breath of a person before it hatches, then after hatching, it will be naturally dependent on that person.

Thinking of this, Huang Yi immediately made a drop of his own blood and flew into the dragon egg, similar to dripping blood to recognize the Lord.

After a while, the dragon egg was like a sponge absorbing water, and absorbed the yellow spilled blood into it.

"[System Tip]: Because you have the blood of Nefarem, after the Golden Dragon Egg absorbs your blood, it triggers a special event and an unknown mutation occurs."

The next moment, Huang Yi suddenly heard a system prompt!

He hesitated a little, and the dragon egg had mutated ahead of time even before it hatched! His Nefarem blood is the most noble blood, and when fully grown, he will have power beyond God and magic. And this golden holy dragon is extremely powerful. I don't know what kind of changes will happen after mutation. (To be continued ...)

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