Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 552: Artifical Dragon Vein Essence

However, this system suggests that Huang Yi could not help making the incubation of this dragon egg more urgent. He wanted to artificially accelerate the process and artificially provide the dragon's life essence to this dragon egg.

At this time, Huang Yi, who was far away from Longdu, was immediately teleported from the towers of the gods, quickly out of the city, summoned the two-headed Lin, and hurried past the treasure point of the Golden Holy Dragon.

After a long time, his body finally came to the treasure point of the golden holy dragon.

At this time, the wall of the treasure palace was still open and not yet closed, lù out of the 200-level enchantment, and King Sand Pirate was trapped inside. Go read

Huang Yi put his heads together and summoned a stronger contractual partner—the **** of the wild.

"Very god, go outside and guard, don't let anyone enter this earth palace." Huang Yi commanded. He is very relieved about the strength of the savage god, and most people do not want to break through its guardianship.

"Yes, master!" The pretty **** nodded, walked out of the underground palace, stood at the door, and raised his hands, quite imposing.

With no worries, Huang Yi immediately summoned the hero prison, strode in, and came to the stone room where the keys were stored.

At this time, countless keys are still flying in the sky, marking a trace of gold. Huang Yi didn't choose it deliberately, he just grabbed some keys and started to look up. He wants to come up with some incarnations of the blood of the dragons, and transfer the essence of their lives into the eggs of the golden holy dragon. The essence of the dragon's life is only possessed by the living dragon or the dragon who has just died. Like the old corpses in the corpse of the heroic prison, there is no longer the essence of life. At most, there are only some residual conscious marks that are not eligible.

Twenty minutes later, Huang Yi seized countless keys, and finally caught a key that meets the conditions-

Nylon. Iron Tail (Class 103, No. 15737)

In the ancient times, a dragon clan chaos in the hún pool in the Temple of Death was caught in this cell and imprisoned for life.

Next, Huang Yi immediately found the cell where the criminal was located according to the map of the Book of Heroes.

Shown in front of Huang Yi is a dragon family covered with blue and black scales. Each scale is like a piece of iron skin, which looks full of the coldness of metal. Seeing Huang Yi outside the door, he immediately jumped up frantically and attacked the door of the cell like a crazy dragon.

This iron dragon belongs to the iron dragon branch of the dragon family. Its structure is more like metal than flesh. It is good at physical attack and physical defense, but it is more afraid of magic. Among the metal dragons, the most famous is the silver dragon, which is one of the three top dragons, second only to the golden holy dragon.

The top dragons like the Golden Holy Dragon are called all-round dragons, and their strengths have reached the top, with no obvious disadvantages.

Huang Yi immediately inserted the key and opened the cells to 50, which is the greatest strength that an avatar can bear. Any avatar skills, including the avatar of Huang Yi, can not exceed the body's 50!

The evil dragon saw that the door of the cell was opened, and a flash of blood flashed in his eyes. He felt excited and thought he was free.

It immediately frantically split up a clone, flew to the outside like lightning, attacked directly towards Huang Yi, and wanted to get the key!

But Huang Yi's figure disappeared, and he immediately teleported out of the heroic prison and returned to the treasure palace of the golden holy dragon.

"Boom!" The next moment, the clone of that evil dragon also came out, swinging his own iron tail directly, and threw it towards Huang Yi!

But at this time, Huang Yi was already a 122-level sacred domain strong, and there was also a god-killing genus xìng and a martial arts title xìng. His strength had far surpassed that of the evil dragon. He directly took out the legendary ghost axe, aimed at it, and smashed at the evil dragon.

"Oh!" A dull voice sounded, and that evil dragon was suddenly smashed by Huang Yi's brute force!

It flew in an unbiased direction, just happened to fly into the 200-level enchantment, and disappeared before Huang Yi's eyes.

The next thing was left to Sand Pirate King to handle. The clone of the evil dragon has no control of the body, only pure fighting instincts remain, and anyone who sees it will attack. The King of Sand Pirates will have to fight against it.


At this time, the Sand Pirate King was originally in the enchantment, staring at the 200-level treasure room deadly. He didn't know what Huang Yi's avatar was doing inside. But at this moment, it suddenly heard a sāo movement from behind, and immediately turned to look at it.

Suddenly, he saw an iron dragon covered with blue and black scales, which is the clone of the evil dragon that Huang Yi smashed in.

"Are you here to die?" The Sand Pirate hummed at Nie Long, and the powerful momentum was emitted, turning the surrounding air into a whirlwind.

But the evil dragon clone didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and rushed towards it, opened his teeth and danced, and was extremely crazy, as if he saw an enemy.

The Sand Pirate King burned in anger and immediately fought with the Nin Dragon. Although it was injured, it was not difficult to fight this evil dragon, and the scene was almost one-sided.

"Oh!" In less than a minute, the Dragon Dragon was violently killed by Sand Pirate King, and collapsed on the ground.

Then, the Dragon Dragon turned into a blood light strangely, rushed to the end of the space, and fell into the treasure room stone door that can be opened by the 200 level, and suddenly disappeared.


At this time, Huang Yi's avatar in the 200-level treasure room suddenly saw a group of blood shining through the door, and then directly hit the formation.

All of a sudden, the entire array of lights suddenly became a masterpiece, and suddenly lit this stone room, as if thousands of light bulbs were lit on the ground!

Hundreds of holy spar, and thirty-six celestial spar, all working at the moment, consuming the power in it, began to decompose the blood.

It didn't take long for this blood light to be broken down into a little soft energy, transported to the middle golden egg of the Holy Dragon, and absorbed completely.

Subsequently, the array of law faded again, as if it had never taken effect. But Huang Yi clearly felt that the breath of these holy spar and spar was all weakened by one point.

After absorbing the essence of the dragon's life, the golden holy dragon's egg still showed no signs of hatching. It seems that it still needs to continue to feed.

At this time, Huang Yi outside summoned the hero prison again, went to the stone room where the key was stored, and continued to grab the key. The key of the Hero Prison is extremely spiritual, just like a living creature. Once it is not under his control, it will automatically fly back to the stone room and will not stay on the door lock of the cell. Therefore, Huang Yi couldn't return to the old place where he had just been, and continued to use the body of the evil dragon just now, he could only find the key again.

Fifteen minutes later, Huang Yi teleported from Hero Prison again.

This time, together with him, was a slender dragon with a curled tail, full of elegance. This is an elf dragon, which is good at magic. Among the many dragons, it ranks at the low and middle levels, and has the same status as Huang Yi's white dragon, but it is much worse than the sea dragon.

Soon, this clone of the elf dragon was once again struck by Huang Yi into the 200-level enchantment.

Subsequently, the Sand Pirate King had to take over the next steps and fight a crazy Elven Dragon to kill it.

After the elf dragon died, he turned into a ball of blood and rushed into the 200-level stone room ...

In this way, Huang Yi, Sand Pirate King, and Incarnation seem to be a closely coordinated machine. Each person is responsible for one of the steps. The relay race generally transfers the essence of the blood of one dragon after another to the eggs of the golden dragon inside.

Gradually, the day passed.

At this time, Huang Yi had no idea how many dragon-born criminal avatars had been released. If it had been replaced by someone else, it would not have been possible to hatch even if it had received the golden holy dragon's egg. There are too many blood essences of dragons for incubation. Without such treasure trove of hero prison, it is impossible to find so many blood essences of dragons at once.

At this time, Huang Yi sent another middle-level sacred dragon dragon clone into the enchantment.

The Sand Pirate King in the enchantment was sitting on the ground. It had just gone through the last battle, suffered a small wound, and was breathing to prepare for a rest. But this time, it saw a dragon race coming in again, and immediately burst into fire, roaring directly: "Seckill, don't think I can guess that you are working outside! It's been a day, it hasn't stopped! Are you annoying? When I am free, I will swallow you alive! "

His roar rang through the space, venting its thunderous anger!

"Hoo!" In response to the Sand Pirate King, it was a flame spit out by the dragon tribe that burned the Sand Pirate's eyebrows.

The King of Sand Pirates had to take a shot, continue to fight, and acted as Huang Yi's free thug ~ www.readwn.com ~ One minute later, Huang Yi in the 200-level treasure room immediately saw another group of blood rushing in, Hit into the matrix method, began to be forcibly decomposed.

At this time, after one day of high-load operation, I don't know how many blood essences of the Dragons have been decomposed, and the breath has already weakened to the extreme. Those spar and celestial have almost no power, like they are about to be squeezed out and become the most common stones.

However, the egg of the golden holy dragon has become more and more intense after absorbing so many essences of dragon life. It radiates a golden light from all over the body, hovering above the eggshell, and for a long time, it seems that the hatching has reached its final stage.

"Ka! Ka! Ka!" At this moment, a dense crackling sound was heard in the stone room, as if something had finally run out of energy and was broken!

Huang Yi's eyes suddenly darkened, and the array on the ground couldn't bear it, and the light was extinguished. All of the spar and spar have been shattered into ash powder and no longer have any power.

However, the essence of the dragon's life decomposed from the last one also poured into the egg of the golden holy dragon! rs! .

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