Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 556: Breakthrough to intermediate sanctuary

"Then I'll wait!" Huang Yi said, looking up at the vast sky. He is only 122, far from the level of the heavens, I do not know when we can be promoted.

"That's right!" At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly thought of a question, and he couldn't help asking Chaoling Feilong: "Have you ever heard of any master who can make a person a primary sanctuary and break through to the level of heaven?"

Huang Yi's question was actually asking the mysterious python he had seen a while ago! At that time, the python was with the black snake, one of the three generals of His Majesty the King of Pirates of the Pirates, and said that it could make the black snake break through to the level of heaven!

The black snake is just a primary sanctuary. It is extremely far away from the heavens. There is no certainty to break through, but the mysterious python says it has a method. This will definitely shock the whole world!

And the mysterious python is really powerful. After Huang Yi obtained his blood, he has not been able to absorb evolution until now, and he does not know what it is. What makes Huang Yi even more worried is that such a powerful figure is still hidden in the dark, and he doesn't know what to do.

"Let a primary sanctuary break through to the level of the heavens?" After listening to this sentence, Necromancer shook his head and said, "This is impossible! I never heard I have such a master! Unless the target is your God-given person, you have unlimited potential, and it will be much easier to break through to the level of heaven. But if you let a person who is not God-given to break from the primary sanctuary to heaven, then I really ca n’t think There are such masters. "

Huang Yi touched his chin, and the response from Necromancer was also expected. If he had expected it, he should be the only one who knew the mystery python. After all, there are countless creatures in the vast Second World. No one will care about a small python. If Huang Yi did not overheard this secret, he would think that python is just a pet of a black snake.

This matter, we can only let it go for a while, wait for the next evolution, and then see if we can absorb that mysterious python blood. As long as he can absorb it one day, he will naturally get the specific news of the blood from the system.

Next, Huang Yi looked at the Necromancer, and said, "Okay, I have to go! Necromancer, you have just been promoted to the Celestial Strong, and issued such a big vision of heaven and earth. It ’s extremely far away from the outside world. Even if others come, it ’s hard to find this mountain, but you still have to be careful, if you can hide it, you can hide it. ”Then he went to the Tower of the Gods to level up.

And his incarnation continued to stay here with Xiaolong, enjoying a rare time with Xiao skirt and Xiao Wang. After Xiaolong was born, although he saw Xiaowang at first glance, Huang Yi recognized him with his blood before he hatched, so it does n’t matter who he sees at first glance. Close.

In an instant, the day passed.

Huang Yi has been leveling, impacting the realm of intermediate sanctuary. After the Necromancer breaks into the sky, all players on Hero Land will increase their surnames by 10% within three days. This makes Huang Yi's leveling speed a lot faster, the clearance speed is faster, the number of single-player mode is over, and only five or ten are used. Like the same machine, the same process is repeated over and over. At this rate, he can rise to level 123 tomorrow.

At this time he is still the first in the world rankings, but the others are chasing after him.

The second-ranked person in the world ranking is no longer Miyamoto Musashi, but the leader of ordinary players-Yang Yuheng! He was the only ordinary player to make it to the forty-four in the previous contest. After the rewards library was opened, he quickly broke through the sacred realm with the upgraded potion of redemption, and has been chasing all the way since then. Now he has risen to level 105. The upgrade speed is much faster than Huang Yi.

Not only that, most of the top 100 players in the rank list have become ordinary players, and rare players have gradually been wiped out. After such a rare career in the sanctuary, the upgrade speed is more than twice that of ordinary occupations, and no matter how hard they are, they can't compare with ordinary players.

At present, there are more than 500 players in the world who have broken through to the level of the Holy Land. Every day there are new Sanctuary players, and some Sanctuary players also bring their relatives and friends to upgrade, allowing them to quickly break through the Sanctuary.

The entire second world has begun to truly enter a new era of sanctuary.

The next day, Huang Yi finished breakfast and went online early after doing some exercise. He went to the forum and took a look. .

"The Guardians of the Heroes 'Guild broke through to the level of the heavens, and the Heroes' Guild became the first player power recognized by the Royal Academy of Oskan! All the surnames of all players on the hero continent will be increased by 10%, and the carnival will last three days!

"The Indian player leader Ganga became the first player in the world to have a second profession!"

"Pharaoh created the Nile religion and became the second player religion! At present, more than 10% of Egyptian players have joined the religion!"

"The Chinese mysterious player gentleman has successfully broken the 90th-layer world record previously held by God of Killing! It is expected to rank among the first-class masters!"


The 24-hour hot post is full of various news. After the advent of the Holy Land era, almost all masters are exerting their efforts, and the whole people has entered an era of soaring. In this environment, if you do not advance, you will retreat. Huang Yi's advantage cannot be maintained for too long.

At the same time, some newcomers have also taken advantage of this era to reach the forefront of the trend. For example, the mysterious Chinese player gentleman who appeared in the contest, he even broke the 90th-layer world record held by Huang Yi before. This strength is even stronger than the unbeaten veteran master.

Huang Yi glanced a little and entered the second world.

As soon as he was online, he took three things out of the storage ring, the medicine upgrade scroll, the elemental spirit compass, and began to look at it. But soon, he threw these three things into the storage ring again, and none of them brought surprises, so he had to wait and see them tomorrow.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yi's body went directly to the Tower of the Gods and began struggling to level up.

Just like this until noon, a warm current finally emerged from his body, rising to level 123! After more than ten days of hard work, he was finally promoted to one of the most important levels in the plan.

Huang Yi immediately took out three black translucent beads from the storage ring. These three beads are about the size of a thumb and pinch up a little soft. This is the magic dan of level 123 to 125!

Huang Yi opened his mouth, like eating jelly beans, and swallowed Level 123 magic dan into his mouth, and then a warm current poured out of his body, which suddenly rose to Level 124, saving several days of leveling time.

Subsequently, he did not stop, swallowed a level 124 magic dan, and rose directly to level 125!

"[System Tip]: Congratulations on your promotion to level 125, reaching the intermediate level of sanctuary. Each of the four basic surnames has been increased by 10 sanctuary points."

At this point, Huang Yi has finally reached the intermediate level of the Holy Land! The status level is one level higher! If a 124-level sacred realm fights with him, although they are only one level apart, it is this level that makes them have a status distinction, and there will be a 40% gap between all surnames!

In addition, Huang Yi also has the title of Wu Sheng, with a surname of +1 status, which means that he is already a high-level sanctuary with a rank of more than 150! Such a high position is very dominant against others!

However, this does not mean that he can fight against the advanced sacred powers. After all, there are still gaps in levels, talents, skills, equipment and so on. In addition, level 150 is a big watershed. This is the level of the second job transfer. Level 50 is the first turn. Level 150 is the second turn. You can transfer jobs every one hundred levels.

Huang Yi also swallowed the last magic level 125 in his hand, and immediately rose to level 126. In less than a minute before and after, he directly soared three levels, which is unimaginable. However, his magic pill is running out, and it will be difficult to upgrade so quickly in the future.

In the blood of Huang Yi's Nefarem, there is a talent of "growth of the demon god". Each upgrade can increase the surname point corresponding to the level. Now he has risen four levels in one breath, with nearly five hundred surname points, which translates to five surnames for the surname. He has all added strength.

In addition, at 120th level, he once acquired a new Nefarem Bloodline talent, named [Enhanced Nefarem Power]. This talent is to increase the speed of Nefarem's power recovery. For each level, the Nefarem's power obtained is increased from 1 to 2, which is doubled.

Now he has risen to level 4 and the power of Nefarem has suddenly recovered by 8 points!

Now, it's time to go to the first boss on the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods alone!

But before that, he went to the Warriors' Hall first and learned 125 professional skills.

This 125-level vocational skill is not a new skill, but a promotion of the French Open to the second level!

The parameters of this skill are basically the same as before, but two new effects have been added.

Before the French Open was restored, it was only possible to drag the enemy to his side. But now it can be dragged to any direction within a range of 100 meters ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is like throwing a sandbag, you can throw your enemy wherever you want.

The second new ability is that this skill has a group attack effect! For every enemy in the net, it will cause a damage equal to 100% of Huang Yi's attack power. If it is an ordinary player, then Huang Yi's trick can directly kill the opponent.

After the skill upgrade of the French Open recovered, the practical surname suddenly soared a lot, but its cooling time was still too long, a full 3 minutes, and it could not be used frequently.

Next, Huang Yi's body and incarnation were all teleported to the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods! This layer has only 5,000 player mode, which is one of the most critical layers of the Tower of the Gods! Even the world's first kill on the 50th floor can reward the legendary equipment, and the reward on the 100th floor will be even richer.

At this time, countless teams around the world are coveting the first kill here, and now they are eagerly competing to upgrade. After a period of time, only teams can come in and challenge.

But now, everyone in the world doesn't know, Huang Yi comes to challenge alone!

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