Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 557: Lord of War

Huang Yi's eyes flickered and teleported to the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods.

In front of him was a mountain peak. From the foot of the mountain, there was a wide stairway leading to the top of the mountain. Then SS was on the top of the mountain.

Huang Yihe's avatar stepped forward and quickly climbed up the stairs. He has played in the 90th floor before, the terrain of this mystery is exactly the same, but the strength of the SS is different.

A few minutes later, Huang Yihe's incarnation finally climbed to the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain is a huge flat land with a radius of several kilometers. In the center of the clearing, a tall SS stands tall, more than twenty meters high, and is dressed in a huge metal battle suit, like a golden **** of war.

The most striking thing about this SS is the things on the left and right hands.

On his left hand, he wore a huge metal glove full of long barbs. When it hits a person, it is estimated that it is directly smashed into a meat sauce, and even the body is not found.

And in his right hand, he held a cold-shaped war. This warfare is over ten meters long, and the whole body is golden yellow, as if made of gold, reflecting a series of golden sharpness, full of murderousness, like a war machine, a swipe can kill a large number of people.

This SS is exactly the first SS on the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods-Lord of War. This SS is a mixed warrior class. His left hand is a boxer and he attacks with his fist, his right hand is a gun fighter and he fights with a long weapon.

Huang Yi has played more than 90 layers before. Some basic skills of this SS have been understood. This SS is good at close physical combat and has good physical defense. However, this is the 5,000-player mode. His strength should be improved geometrically, and there will be some new abilities that are difficult to deal with.

Next, Huang Yi summoned the Savage God and rushed up with the body and the incarnation. The three began to besiege the Lord of this huge war.

Soon, Huang Yi rushed to the head of the war and smashed a heavy sentence directly. Compared with his huge SS, his body is like a kitten and puppy, which can only attack his calf.

"Cang!" The sharp legendary axe chopped heavily on the golden suit of the Lord of War, making a sound of metal intersect!

next moment. The Lord of War's HP decreased by 0.2%!

Seeing this injury, Huang Yi was quite satisfied. This is the SS of five thousand people. The blood volume is extremely high, even if only 0.2% is enough. In exchange for someone else, this is almost a number that can only be looked up to.

Huang Yi surpassed the two status classes of this SS. And he also has the name attribute of killing gods, the higher the level, the more advantageous. Now, after the Lord of War confronts him, all attributes will drop most, and Huang Yi's all attributes will more than double.

In addition, Huang Yi also has a big help, after the Necromancer broke through the level of heaven yesterday. All players throughout the hero continent have increased their full attributes by 10% for three days. Only one day has passed, and the bonus effect is still within the duration, which makes Huang Yi's strength stronger.

"Mortal, do you know? Your appearance caused a war!" At this moment, the Lord of War looked down at the small Huang Yi and said in a vicissitude of vicissitudes.

Subsequently, he had a huge fist in his left hand. Taishan hit the top of Huang Yi in general. The sharp spikes on the gloves seemed to exude a sense of anger, and Huang Yi felt his spine chilling before he dropped them.

However, the Lord of War's attack speed is very slow, and its attributes have dropped by most, including the attack speed. Huang Yi quickly moved to the other side, and escaped the attack of SS.

Taking this opportunity, both his incarnation and the Savage God attacked the Lord of War. The attack of the pretty **** is not bad. Inflicted 0.1% HP damage to the Lord of War, and the avatar's attack power was relatively poor.

At this time, Jin Ge, the right hand of the Lord of War, also waved toward Huang Yi. Used another attack. However, its attack speed was still not fast enough, and Huang Yi had escaped ahead of time before falling.

In this way, Huang Yi fought for the characteristics of flexibility and engaged in dealing with the Lord of War to reduce its health.

But Huang Yi knew that this was only temporary. The SS in the 5,000-player mode couldn't be defeated by him so simply. When the master of war has some skills, it will be difficult to fight, and he can be easily killed.

Huang Yi intends to use the death again and again to explore this SS's style of play, and try again and again, there will always be a time to defeat it!


At this moment, on the 101st floor of the Tower of Fives mode, a man and a woman are brushing strange leveling here.

The man, dressed in a Japanese samurai uniform, clasped a Toyo sword in his hand, and every time he cut it, a raging sword raged in the strange group, with his limbs scattered and his arms scattered. .

The woman had a peerless face, but she wore an armor, a spear in her hand, and a white unicorn, like a fantasy horsewoman, who perfectly blended gentleness and British spirit.

These two are Miyamoto Musashi and his sister Oda. Since the contest, the relationship between the two of them has become the focus of world attention, staring at countless eyes. They simply stopped hiding, but kept their intimacy generously.

"Brother." At this moment, in front of the strange Oda City, suddenly turned around and looked at Miyamoto Musashi, and said, "Someone heard the news of killing God."

"What's the news?" Miyamoto Musashi heard the word "kill god" as if it was an electric shock, and immediately came to a spirit, a pair of piercing eyes staring at Oda City.

Since the contest, the word "kill the god" has become a lingering word in his heart. Whether it is sleeping, eating, bathing or even going to the toilet, it will come to his mind. It was like a curse, preventing him from returning to his calm life.

Oda City saw Miyamoto Musashi's sensitive response, and a distressed expression flashed in his eyes, and he said softly, "You open the leaderboard and look at the ranking of the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods."

Miyamoto Musashi immediately opened the leaderboard, then searched the list of the Tower of the Gods, and found the 100th floor.

After a while, he froze slightly. I saw that on the 100th level of progress ranking, the first place was the name he was most reluctant to see-killing God!

The progress bar shows that the **** of killing has hit the first SS war master to 89% health!

Miyamoto Musashi frowned slightly: "How can the challenger be him alone? He alone has beaten the 5,000-player warlord to 89%? Consuming only 27 minutes?"

"Yes!" Oda shivered a strand of hair from her chest to her ears, and her expression faded. "So, this is bad news. The power to kill God is so strong! He There is already a master of war who can brush up to 5,000 people alone. "

"I don't believe it!" Miyamoto Musashi shook his head heavily, as if comforting himself, saying: "There will be a lot of skills behind the Lord of War, and there will be new skills in the 5,000-player mode. Killing God alone must be. If he ca n’t deal with it, he will fail soon, and he ca n’t continue to fight! He will fail, sure! ”At the end, Musashi Miyamoto clenched his fists, bloodshots appeared in his eyes, and looked slightly embarrassed. .

As soon as his words fell, Oda City suddenly smiled, and the charming and charming little mouth slightly lifted, and said happily, "Brother, you are right! Now the leaderboard shows that the **** of killing has been killed, he challenges Failed!"

Miyamoto Musashi suddenly looked at the leaderboard. Sure enough, at this time Huang Yi's progress bar has been suspended, there are no surviving players in the secret realm, he has been killed.

Miyamoto Musashi breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "He wants to use the 5,000-player warlord alone. This is a humiliation. But if we can find another infinite power stone, you fuse my body, It is entirely possible to go to the Lord of War in the 5,000-person mode alone. This first kill should be ours and cannot be obtained by him. "

Said, Miyamoto Musashi's tone became vicious: "At the contest, the God of Slaying wasted our only three special energy stones. This time we will fight back. I have arranged for people to do their best. Every power to find a special energy stone, as long as we find another one, we can get this first kill! As long as we get five, then the first five kills of SS are all ours! Do n’t even think of killing one! In the end, Miyamoto's Musashi's voice was almost squeezed from the teeth.

"Brother." Oda City looked at Miyamoto Musashi, bit his lip, and looked complex: "In fact, you don't need to care so much about killing gods, you just have to do things according to your plan. I found that after the contest, you changed A person ~ www.readwn.com ~ lives in the shadow of the **** of killing every day, this is not the original you, you have changed! "

"I'm changed! But as long as I can defeat the **** of killing, then I can change back! Without defeating him, I feel uneasy!" Miyamoto Musashi took a deep breath, holding the Toyo knife in his hand tightly, toward The strange group in front of them slashed wildly, releasing a series of sharp swords. His face looked extremely distorted in the endless sword air, and his voice was a bit of madness: "Our battleship is being accelerated! When our invincible fleet takes shape, when we invade the hero continent, I will definitely cut it by hand. Kill him! Since he wants to guard the hero continent, I will destroy him! "

In the endless hustle and bustle, Oda City stared silently at Miyamoto Musashi, listening to his crazy voice, looking at his distorted expression, and suddenly felt strange, as if he knew him for the first time.

"Oh!" Oda sighed slightly, closed the leaderboard panel, turned back, and drove the unicorn to continue fighting.

Before closing the leaderboard, she glanced at the panel again and found that Huang Yi had begun to challenge the Lord of War for the second time, as if she was a tireless person.

Seeing the words "killing the gods", she had a complex feeling in her heart. (To be continued ...)

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