Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Torrent

The news that Huang Yi challenged the Lord of the Hundredth Tier of War quickly spread to the whole world.

In addition to Miyamoto Musashi, the heads of many s-class teams such as the Pope, Dire Bear, Pharaoh, and Ganges are paying close attention to this matter. They have a direct interest relationship with the first kill. These first kills were originally planned to fight for a period of time. I did not expect that Huang Yi alone would mess up the plan! And they have no way to stop or compete! Can only watch it!

At this time, countless people around the world have turned their attention to this matter, and from time to time open the leaderboards to see Huang Yi's challenge progress.

For the first time, Huang Yi failed when he beat the warlord to 89% health!

For the second time, the health of the Lord of War dropped to 85%!

Third time, 84%!

Fourth time, 82%!

In this way, Huang Yi challenged tirelessly, refreshing the progress record on the leaderboard again and again. Although his progress was only a little bit every time, maybe only 1% more blood than the last time, but this speed of progress still shocked countless people.

This record has become a performance of Huang Yi alone. No one else can intervene. His record can only be broken by himself.

Finally, in the middle of the night and that night, players around the world finally did not see the record change. At this time, the progress record of the master of war on the leaderboard remained at 57%!

After working hard for a day, Huang Yi alone can hit a 5,000-person ss to 57% health! A little bit of progress, finally converged into this shocking achievement!


The next day, Huang Yi hurriedly finished breakfast and went online quickly.

Yesterday, he brushed the story of the Lord of the War of One Hundred Layers alone, now firmly occupying the headlines of the forum, and it has become a topic that countless people are paying attention to.

"There is no ancient man before! Kill the **** and brush the Lord of the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods alone. The best progress at present is 57%!"

"Miyamoto Musashi searched for special energy stones throughout the continent.

"The championship of the contest group; the Necromancers broke through the realm of the sky; the Hero Guild was included in the top list of the Royal Academy of Oskan; the **** of killing alone challenged the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods ... Successful good news stimulated the stock price of the Hero Guild to soar, The latest data shows that the market value of the Heroes ’Guild has exceeded US $ 3 trillion! Sit firmly in the top spot of the Second World Listing Guild!”

"The president of Brazil's largest force, the Amazon Association, Ronaldo, announced that it will spend one billion U.S. dollars to acquire Brazil's professional intelligence organization, yīn Dark Hand, to enhance its intelligence collection capabilities."


In the 24-hour hot post, the first three were all related to the master of Huang Yi's single-brush war, but the news that Miyamoto Musashi collected special energy stones was very unfavorable to him, and buried an uncertain factor.

In fact, Huang Yi was worried about Oda's shot very early. She possesses the corpse fusion skill. As long as she consumes a special energy stone and fuses a player's corpse, there is no problem in trying to win the first kill of the Lord of War.

Huang Yi can only race against time now to see if he can win the first kill before they find a special energy stone. However, something like a special energy stone is not something you can find, even if Miyamoto Musashi deliberately searches for it, it may not necessarily be found. There is still a great chance for Huang Yi.

Next, Huang Yi went online quickly and went on to the Tower of the Gods. He must seize the time to take down this first kill, until tomorrow, all players on Hero Continent will not have the effect of increasing 10%. At that time, it will become more difficult for him to make a single brush, and it is likely that he will not succeed because he loses 10% of the genus.

Soon, Huang Yi came to the transfer site. There are so many people here that countless people are teleporting to the Tower of the Gods to level up, and the surrounding area is full of noisy sounds.

"Just a little, from your professional point of view, do you think Brother Kill God can complete a single brush?"

"Although I hope Brother Kill God can succeed, the 30% health skill of the Lord of War is almost impossible to crack! And the big move before ss is very powerful, it is difficult to kill Brother God alone. Of course, this is just from my point of view, Brother Brother God dares to challenge, it is likely that a solution has been thought of! "

"Let ’s take a look at the leaderboards and see how much progress we can make today. Brother Tomorrow will be the last day of the carnival. Take this first kill! "

At this time, many hero guilds are talking about the issue of Huang Yi's single brush master of war. There is no such thing as this kind of thing. The first battle for the first 50th floor was obvious to the whole world. Those top s-class teams won the battle. Now he wants to do it alone, and it's hard not to get people's attention.

Next, Huang Yi continued to teleport to the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods and began a new day of struggle.


after an hour.

The Pope is leveling on the 105th floor of the Tower of the Gods. At this moment, he waved the staff in his hand, sent out a huge thunder ball, hit the body of the last ss, and immediately took away the last trace of blood, and cleared this layer.

He walked over, picked up the explosive items of ss, and threw it into the storage ring without looking. Later, he wiped the sweat on his forehead, couldn't help but open the leaderboard, and looked at the progress record on the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods.

At this moment, like countless players all over the world, his heart was suddenly shocked-the progress of the master of the 100th layer of war was refreshed again!

The record-breaker is still Huang Yi, this time he has reached 53% of the health of the Lord of War, which is about to be over half!

The pope closed his eyes, and the image of Huang Yi appeared in his mind. The teenager, who was only about twenty years old, was so horrible at the moment that he was all disturbed.

The pope shook his head, shook off this uneasy emotion, immediately closed the leaderboard panel, quickly transmitted it, reset the mystery, and continued to brush up and upgrade.

After he finished the fourth tower of the gods, he couldn't help but open the leaderboard and look again. At this point, the record was refreshed once again, and Huang Yi's best progress has brushed the master of war to 47% of his health! Progress is over!

The pope finally couldn't bear it, took a deep breath, and immediately sent a message to someone in the past: "Plan ahead, immediately notify the Angel Corps, and you must level up! Next week we will start to fight for the first kill on the 100th floor and practice killing The first ss, then the world's first kill for the second ss! "


At this time, countless players around the world will boil almost every hour. Because every hour, Huang Yi can refresh the progress record of the Lord of War.

On this day, he set this progress record step by step forward!

53%! 47%! 46%! 43%! 40%!

Every more than an hour, the progress of the Lord of War can go to the premise by several percentages! Slowly moving towards that final goal of 0%!

That night, Huang Yi was the master of the first challenge to the war! At this point, the King of War's health had fallen to 30.4%, once again breaking the previous progress record.

"Heavily sentenced!" Huang Yi's axe was severely smashed, smashed into the King's suit of the Lord of War, and fortunately hit a critical strike, and the Lord of War's health was hit 30% at once!

Seeing this blood volume ratio, Huang Yi felt a stun in his heart. He knew that the Lord of War would use a super attacking skill! This is an unstoppable skill, and even mutes are useless!

At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared on the body of the Lord of War, and he was in a short invincibility, exempting all skills and attacks. He inserted Jin Ge in his hand fiercely into the ground, and said with a vast voice: "Small mortal! The torrent of war is irresistible. The progress of civilization requires a chariot to promote it! The field of hope requires iron Come water! "

After all, the golden light on the Lord of War suddenly disappeared, and he returned to normal from the invincible state. But there were several large holes in the gold armor on him, and endless blood poured out of his body, like a flood, scouring in all directions, covering a large battlefield!

Soon, the entire battlefield turned into a blood pool, and Huang Yi was instantly red with blood and suffered continuous damage!

This skill is exactly a big trick that the Lord of War will use when he has 30% health. It is called "Iron Blood Torrent" and has a large range and extremely high damage. More importantly, this skill will last forever, and it will only stop if the health of the warlord reaches 20%. Now this is the 5,000-person mode, this skill seems even more powerful, even if Huang Yi can't carry it, the blood volume drops down one by one!

And even if he sentenced the Lord of War to high altitudes, it would not help ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because this iron blood did not flow from other places, but from the Lord of War, it was endless, even the void battlefield would drown Off.

After only half a minute, Huang Yi couldn't resist, and was killed by the Lord of War! The progress this time stayed at 30%!

Next, Huang Yi did not continue to try, this skill can not be cracked, then he could not continue to play below.

And even if you call the entire group of heroes to help, because the whole group will be in this range of attack, quickly annihilated, no blood will be added. Unless the power of the whole regiment is increased by one step, the damage output is increased. Before being killed by the torrent of iron blood, the blood of the warlord will be quickly reduced to less than 20%, and this skill will automatically end.

At this point, Huang Yi's single-brush progress record has finally stopped, and countless people have repeatedly opened the leaderboard, and they can no longer see the updated record!

People all over the world know that Huang Yi has reached a limit. If he cannot crack the torrent of the Lord of War, his record will always stay at 30%! (To be continued ...)

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