Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 559: Abacus of heaven

Huang Yi paced back and forth at the foot of the mysterious mountain, looking at the long ladder from time to time, thinking about how to deal with the steel torrent!

Time passes by every minute, as if money is flowing, every second is extremely precious. . The carnival time is about to end tomorrow morning. If he can't figure out a solution in the short ten hours, then he may miss this opportunity for nothing, and can only wait for the hero group to grow up and then challenge. But at that time, it will be full of competition, and s-class teams around the world will be eligible for the first kill.

At this moment, countless people around the world are brushing the Tower of the Gods simultaneously. Every second, there are countless ss being pushed down, every second there are countless secret realms being opened, countless people are working hard to upgrade, and chasing Huang Yi, the first place in the rankings.

This includes heaven. He and four senior members of the East Guild formed a five-member sanctuary and were leveling in the Tower of the Gods.

"The progress of killing the gods has stopped. It seems that he cannot solve the torrent of blood of the Lord of War." A tall female mage released her magic skills and frantically output to the last SS while watching the rankings. Bang Road.

"After the carnival time of the hero's continent tomorrow, it will be even harder for him to fight." A burly strong man held a shield and blocked the attack of SS, standing like a mainstay firmly there, "Miyamoto Musashi Bian is searching for a special energy stone, hoping that they will find it quickly, **** the first kill, and win glory for our country. The killing of the gods these days has been exhausted, and it is time to press down. "

"Hey!" At this moment, a hunter sent out a super-strong arrow, pierced the air, shot with a streamer, and shot fiercely on the ss. He immediately pierced him and took him away. Got its last trace of health.

The next moment, the ss' tall body fell to the sky, and an item broke out.

"Look what items burst?" At this moment, Tiandao put away the Toyo knife in his hand and asked lightly towards the burly knight.

"Okay! Brother!" The burly man nodded, and immediately squatted down, picking up the ss burst, while explaining: "There are five exchange stones, an orange belt, an orange Put on a headscarf, a piece of c-grade material sulfur crystal, and ... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh speaking, the burly man ’s voice suddenly stagnated!

"What's wrong?" Perceived the strangeness of the strong man, the other four turned their heads and glanced towards the palm of the strong man.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the four could not be moved!

I saw the strong man's hand, holding a fist-sized stone tightly, this stone was faint red, and looked inconspicuous.

"Special energy stone!" The tall female wizard suddenly muttered incredibly the next moment! Even the staff in his hand could not help shaking.

"For so long, no one in our guild has ever played a special energy stone. I didn't expect that we just talked about it and just hit it!" The hunter player also swallowed his throat and stared at the special energy. stone.

It turned out that the item held by the strong man was a special energy stone known to people all over the world during the contest! This is a well-known baby, which can be encountered but not sought, and there is no such thing in the reward library! They did not expect that this ss burst out a special energy stone!

At that moment, the burly man holding the special energy stone suddenly seemed to think of something, turned his head to look at the heavenly road, and said excitedly, "Brother, now that I have killed the Lord of War while killing God How about we give this special energy stone to Miyamoto Musashi? Together with Oda City, he can completely win the first kill of the Lord of War before killing the gods! At that time, this honor is our Dongzhang Continental!"

"Yeah!" At this moment, the tall female magician nodded her head. "Now, Miyamoto Musashi must be willing to spend a very high price to buy this special energy stone. Although we also have this special energy stone Yes, but after all, we do n’t have the exclusive skills like Oda City, and we ca n’t make the most of the special energy stone. It ’s better to make a deal with Miyamoto Musashi. This can not only make a good deal, but also sell him one. Humanity. "

"I also think this is the best choice ..." At this time, the team's pastor also expressed his attitude.

At this time, with the exception of Tiandao and the hunter player, the attitudes of the other three people were to trade this special power stone to Miyamoto Musashi, let it exert its maximum value, and grab the first kill from the Chinese. .

Tiandao looked calm, and his slender eyes slowly swept over the expressions of the four people. He did not make a statement, but smiled slightly, throwing out a question: "Do you think the threat of killing the gods is greater, or the threat of Musashi Miyamoto? To be big? "

After hearing this sentence, the other four were stunned, and the female magician thought for a while, and said, "The two are about the same strength, but they should be more threatened to kill God. Although in the contest, he and Miyamoto Musashi each won a championship, but everyone knows that if he did not admit defeat in the individual match, but tried his best to fight, then no one can tell who the Emperor is. "

"I'm not referring to this." Tiandao shook his head slowly and said, "In my eyes, the **** of killing is a distant male lion, and Miyamoto Musashi is a tiger in front of him."

As he said, he continued to look at the four and asked again: "You say, is the lion in the sky threatening, or is the tiger in front of you threatening?"

At this moment, the four were silent, all of them meditating.

Tiandao slowly walked to the burly man, took the special energy stone, and rubbed his finger lightly, saying: "The threat of killing God is really great, but we are too far away from him At least, at present, we will not have a contest, so no matter how strong he is, there is no threat to us. And Miyamoto Musashi is right next to us, a person we must face every day. There is a saying in China, It's called a mountain that can't bear two tigers. Our eastern continent is a mountain. On the surface, I and the two tigers of Miyamoto Musashi get along well, but in the back ground, Miyamoto Musashi and I have been fighting. "

Speaking, Tiandao's tone became slightly grim: "Miyamoto Musashi is a leader on the surface, but he is narrow-minded and cannot allow anyone to stand on his head. In the finals of the tournament group competition, he became temporarily We are the only leader in the East China mainland, who is in charge of all the experts, and even I have to succumb to his Majesty temporarily due to the pressure of public opinion. This man has great ambitions, and once he has enough strength, he will unify the entire East China mainland. As our worst enemy, we must be the worst in the end. In order to achieve his goal, he can do whatever he can to do everything, we have to guard against it! "

"Big brother makes sense." At this time, the silent hunter finally spoke out, with a slightly cold tone. "I don't like Miyamoto Musashi! He is too extreme, too vicious, and after their team finals, The elders of the Eastern Eurasian concealed themselves, ignoring our Eastern Eurasian Association in the slightest! Even the high-level martial arts associations clamored in private, and let us incorporate the Eastern Eurasian Association into their martial arts guild and become their subordinate forces. It is too arrogant ! "

Tiandao nodded, put the special energy stone into his storage ring, and then looked around four people, saying: "This special energy stone, we keep it, not only that, anyone in our guild found Do n’t trade special energy stones to Miyamoto Musashi. But you must keep it secret, do n’t pass it on. We still have to maintain a peaceful relationship with him. After all, I am the guardian of the East China mainland. I do n’t Hope we are civil strife. "

"Yes! Brother!" The four players nodded immediately, looking like a teacher.

Five people then teleported.

At this time, the entire Dongbei continent was searching for a special energy stone, but no one knew that there was one in Tiandao's hand.


Gradually, one night passed, Huang Yi did not stay in the second world and meditated hard. He went off to sleep as usual. But while walking, eating, and going to the toilet, he was thinking about how to crack the iron torrent.

The morning sun fell and warmed the whole world. Huang Yi finished his breakfast and did not even go to the forum. He went directly to the second world.

As soon as he was online, he immediately opened the leaderboard and looked at the progress record of the first floor of the Tower of the Gods. At this time, the record was maintained by him last night and was not broken. It seems that Miyamoto Musashi and Oda City did not find a special energy stone this night ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, they had already got this kill.

Huang Yi calmed down and quickly teleported to the first floor of the Tower of the Gods. The end of the carnival time is only the last few hours. If he can't figure out a way to crack in these hours, he will miss the best opportunity and may not even win the first kill.

Upon entering the secret realm, Huang Yi, as usual, ascended the steep stairs and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

Three minutes later, he finally reached the top of the mountain, and his eyes were wide open. Looking back at the foot of the mountain below, everything became extremely small, and he suddenly felt a sense of openness.

Suddenly, he froze slightly, staring blankly at the foot of the mountain, a flash of light seemed to flash in his mind!

He stood silently, his hand of thought carefully rummaged in his mind, and from the sea of ​​endless thoughts, he grasped that light, and extracted it little by little, and restored the whole picture.

Finally, Huang Yi's mouth was raised, he glanced at the distant Lord of War far away, then turned around and descended quickly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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