Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 560: 0 Ye Fengwu

Huang Yi's figure quickly moved on the steps. When he reached the mountainside, he looked up at the sky and seemed to be estimating something. Bing @ 火! 中文. After a while, he finally nodded with satisfaction and immediately teleported.

After appearing in the teleportation square, Huang Yi immediately issued a notice to the 500-member hero group formed by the contest: "If it is not a very special situation, all remote occupations will stop all things in their hands and immediately rush to the teleportation square. For those who have a long way to go, I can use the Ring of Heroes teleport function for me, and I will be there in three minutes! "

Immediately after issuing the notice, he immediately sent a separate message to the leader of the replica group, "Student, including those long-range occupations of the League of Heroes, immediately summoned 5,000 remote occupations. Don't take melee, all of them should be remote, less priest. One point. Let's form a team and get the first kill! We will be there in ten minutes! "

Soon, Shitu sent a message: "Okay!"

"[System Tip]: [Chiba Fengwu] Want to teleport to you, do you agree?"

"[System Tip]: [Lei Jun] Want to teleport to your side, do you agree?"

"[System prompt]: [玦 祎] I want to transmit to you, do you agree?"

At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly received a lot of system reminders from the League of Legends members. He all chose to agree.

In a short time, a group of people appeared around Huang Yi. These were well-dressed and well-equipped. At a glance, they were masters. They quickly attracted the attention of the players around them and turned to look at them.

"Everyone join the group, advance the book, go up the mountain!" Huang Yi immediately opened a group of 5,000 people, said towards the members of the group of heroes who transmitted.

The members of these heroic troupes quickly joined the corps, disappeared, and teleported to the secret realm.

"Brother God, didn't you just brush?" At this time, a petite and exquisite female player in her early 20s asked Huang Yi. A cute white kitten, crouching on her shoulders, licking her small paws, crooking her small head, and staring at Huang Yi with big aura of eyes seemed to be curious.

This female player is a high-level hero guild, named Chiba Wind Dance, and she is an imperial master and a rare hunter. In the contest, she performed very well, and Huang Yite promoted her to the official owner of the Hunter Hall. Like Assassin ’s Anonymous and Mirror, she is not a criminal in Rose Prison, but a master player absorbed in the Second World.

Huang Yi turned to look at Chiba Wind Dance, smiled slightly, reached out and touched the kitten on her shoulder, and said, "I brushed the front part by myself, and everyone needs your help in the back. Your hunter is an important remote output , Wait for it to work harder. "

"Meow ~" The kitten on Chiba's wind dance, seeing Huang Yi reaching out to touch it, he closed his eyes suddenly and enjoyed his caress comfortably.

"That brother, God, let's go in!" Chiba Fengwu nodded, reached out and touched the kitten on his shoulder, and then teleported to the towers of the gods.

Soon, the long-range careers of the League of Legends were teleported to Huang Yi's side, joined the team, and teleported into the mystery.

"[System Prompt]: [Small Skirt] Want to teleport to your side, do you agree?" At this moment, Huang Yi received a request to send a skirt. She's closed today, she has no class, and happens to be online.

Huang Yi immediately agreed.

The next moment, Petite's petite body suddenly appeared next to Huang Yi. She turned to look at her, and immediately found Huang Yi. He immediately grabbed his big hand and looked up and asked, "Brother, Are n’t you just swiping? I ’m playing with Xiaolong and Xiaowang! Xiaolong is naughty! Do n’t even listen to my words, you have to train it! ”

"Okay! When I get the first kill, I'll train it! Sister, you advanced the book, uphill waiting for me." Huang Yi nodded, then touched the silky hair of the skirt and sent her in In the Tower of the Gods.

In addition to the members of the League of Legends, on the other side, Shitu also sent a message to the top 100 League leaders of the League of Heroes, which made them send the best remote professions.

The hero guild now has more than 20 million members, and almost half of the players have teams. There are more than 10,000 replica groups, which can rank in the top 100 among more than 10,000 replica groups. This is already a very high-end player. Already. Orders were issued quickly, and passed to the ears of elite remote players. They may be scattered in various cities at the moment, but after receiving the news, they were transmitted to Longdu as soon as possible.

Soon, Huang Yi's team was packed with more than 4,900 remote professional players, which was extremely efficient. Seeing that the team was almost full, Huang Yi simply did not wait any longer, he also entered the book and quickly climbed to the top of the mountain. But his avatar stayed outside and didn't come in.

At this point, all the members of the team have climbed to the top of the mysterious mountain and talked head-to-head, talking excitedly. Some people have not even fought with Huang Yi before, and now they finally have the opportunity. However, no one knew what Huang Yi would do to ask them to come. This is a temporary team. It has not been run in before, and has not practiced the main game of war in the 5,000-player mode. Now it is a bit of a catch-up for ducks.

After Huang Yi reached the top of the mountain, more than 4,900 members all calmed down and all looked at him. Huang Yi looked around at the crowd and said, "Today we called everyone together to win the first kill of the Lord of War. You will not attack ss until all of them. Many of its skills are very large. Although you are long-range attackers, Stand far away, but it can also be attacked by him, and you can easily kill you in seconds. I'll single it out with you. After you hear my order, you will attack. You understand? "

"I see!" The voices of five thousand people were neat and uniform, full of momentum and full of fighting spirit.

"Okay! Give me a buff!" Huang Yi gave another order.

Soon, all the occupations with group buffs in the whole group started to have buffs, especially the small skirt and the overlord. Their group buffs were extremely powerful.

Huang Yi saw his attributes soared a lot, and nodded with satisfaction, which was much stronger than when he swiped alone. Then, carrying two axe, he rushed towards the master of war far away.

"Mortal, do you know? Your appearance caused a war!" Soon, the Lord of War read a fixed line again, not intelligent.

After Huang Yi successfully attracted the attention of the Lord of War, he quickly rushed to the edge of the mountain. The Lord of War followed closely behind him and flew away. Its huge body stepped on the ground, shaking every step.

It didn't take long for Huang Yi to bring the Lord of War to the edge of the mountain, and then it was a very steep downhill.

"I declare—the Lord of War, die!" At this moment, Huang Yi opened his sentence to the Lord of War!

"Boom!" For a moment, dark clouds rose in the sky, and the lightning flashed. A huge flash of lightning broke down and immediately split into two strands, which respectively split Huang Yi and the Lord of War, dragged them into the air, and isolated them from the outside world.

"Come out! Savage!" Huang Yi quickly summoned the great help of Savage!

"Hunting!" Huang Yi rushed towards the master of the war and knocked him out.

The control skills of ordinary occupations are not effective for ss, but the control skills of rare occupations are not subject to this restriction. Even ss will win.

"Heavily sentenced!" Huang Yi's axe smashed severely towards the Lord of War, and fortunately hit a critical strike, which killed 0.5 full blood!

This time, Huang Yi's single-brush speed was significantly faster than any previous one. Before that, his single-brush had a mentality of connection and did not waste energy to make a judgment. This time, he not only had a large number of buffs in his body, but also sentenced ss. After one turn, he could increase the attack power by 20 in the void battlefield, and the blood of the Lord of War dropped quickly.

At this time, nearly 5,000 members on the ground all looked up, staring intently at the battle between Huang Yi and the Lord of War. This is the picture that countless people in the world want to see, but have never had the opportunity to watch. No one knows how Huang Yi can only brush a 5,000-person SS. They are the first people to see it with their own eyes.

They have forgotten everything at this moment, and can only look up at the figure in the sky, their eyes are pious, as if they are pilgrimage.

The figure in their eyes is like standing on the pinnacle of the world, performing alone. He held two axe and attacked the Lord of War violently. His skill release was extremely random, but there was no confusion at all ~ www.readwn.com ~ his position was not anxious, but ss was always out of touch . His battles are not fancy, not gorgeous, and not good-looking, but the effect is extremely obvious. The blood of the Lord of War has been cut off one by one.

At this moment, everyone feels that the 5,000-person warlord seems to have become a single-player ss in front of Huang Yi, and he can simply defeat it.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed in at the entrance of the copy. This person was the incarnation of Huang Yi. After he entered, he quickly climbed up the steep stairs.

He deliberately left the incarnation outside, and came in after the fight. If his avatar is also in a secret state, then as soon as he starts the sentence, the avatar will also be drawn into the sky and lose his freedom. This is a small tactic.

Soon, Huang Yi's incarnation climbed to the top of the mountain and came to the bottom of the void battlefield where Huang Yi's body was located. Huang Yi and the incarnation below in the void battlefield coordinated with each other to adjust the position of the station.

"Well, everyone obeys orders! Go immediately to my side, scattered to the edge of the mountaintop on my side." At this time, Huang Yi's incarnation suddenly gave an order to the team. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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