Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 561: Lord of War's Madness

At that moment, nearly 5,000 team members woke up like dreams, and they all calmed down from looking up. Immediately started walking towards the direction where Huang Yi's avatar was located, and quickly dispersed to the edge of the mountain.

"Don't stand in the middle position, make a big gap, you stand on both sides." Huang Yi's avatar commanded and arranged for 5,000 people.

Soon, the 5,000 were divided into two groups, standing on either side.

Now this formation looks very strange, like two walls, leaving a huge gap in the middle. No team has used this formation to play ss before.

"After I give an order, you should hurry up and output time, but do not use big skills! Those who have not broken through the sanctuary all use ordinary attacks! Those who have reached the sanctuary level use only a few minutes of cooling time, but the power is again Relatively large skills! We are only doing tactical exercises now, and may not be successful at one time, but everyone must be serious. The carnival time only has the last few hours. If you ca n’t win the first kill in these hours, we will all fall. 10%, it is even more difficult to play. "Huang Yi once again urged to the whole group.

Now the whole group is holding their breath, listening to their own heartbeat, and quietly waiting for the moment to come.

At the same time, countless players around the world have focused their attention on the leaderboards! Staring at the progress of the Lord of War!

The previous two days were Huang Yi's single brush, but this time, the rankings showed that nearly 5,000 people were in the secret, and it became a group challenge! This change suddenly caught the attention of countless people!

No one knows, after this time Huang Yi changed his tactics, can he win the world's first kill of the Lord of War!


Finally, in the void battlefield, Huang Yi's body and the wild **** have already hit the blood of the Lord of War, and they are about to reach the critical point of making the iron blood torrent!

Huang Yi's body quickly packed up the Savage God, and then directly chose to commit suicide, turning into a corpse, falling from the void battlefield, hitting the ground, raising a mass of dust. The Lord of War was returned to the position he stood before.

At this time, although Huang Yi's body was dead, the Lord of War did not leave the combat status and instantly returned to full health. Because the team members are within the scope of hatred at this moment, unless they are hiding in front of another hill in advance, leaving the Lord of War far away.

The Lord of War clenched his huge fist in his left hand, waving a huge gold sè Changge in his right hand, and took a step towards attacking the team members!

Once his attack is hit, that is to kill a group of people directly! Most of these members of the League of Legends are under the sanctuary, and they can't stop the attack of the Lord of War!

"The French Open is back!" Just then, Huang Yi's incarnation shot! He sprinkled directly towards the Lord of War!

The next moment, a gray net of light suddenly shrouded away! Soon the main net of war will be solid!

Later, Huang Yi's avatar's fingers snapped back, his arms flung towards the gap in the middle of the two walls!

Suddenly, the Lord of War was taken away by the light net, and flew in the direction of Huang Yi's incarnation!

Its huge body quickly passed through the gap in the middle of the two walls and flew outside!

The outside just happened to be a steep slope!

In a short time, the huge body of the Lord of War rolled down from the cliff!

Huang Yi's French Open has now been upgraded to Level 2 with two new abilities. One ability is to throw the enemy into any position! The Lord of War just now was able to be thrown out of the gap in the wall by him, precisely because of this ability!

The second new ability of the French Open is the attack effect! After catching the enemy, it will cause the enemy an damage equal to 100% of his attack power!

In the void battlefield before, Huang Yi ’s body has deliberately worn the critical point of the blood of the Lord of War. Now Huang Yi ’s law net has been restored to use, and the blood of the Lord of War has been hit below 30%!

At this point, the Lord of War has rolled down to the middle of the mountain. He finally stopped the rolling down trend and stood up again! There was a sudden golden light on his body, and he severely inserted Jin Ge in his hand, and spoke the familiar line with a vast voice: "Small mortal! The torrent of war is irresistible, civilized Progress needs to be driven by chariots! The fields of hope need to be watered with blood! "

The words fell, and several large holes suddenly appeared in his golden suit, and endless blood began to pour out from the huge body, like a flood. This blood has a very powerful attack function, which can quickly kill a whole team!

But at this moment, because the Lord of War was on the middle of the mountain, the endless iron blood that he poured out all went down the mountain, without posing any threat to the team on the mountain top!

"Everyone, attack on the Lord of War! The priest has revived my body!" Huang Yi's incarnation quickly issued a command!

The next moment, members of the team who had already stood on the edge of the mountain, attacked the Lord of War on the mountainside!

Thousands of hunters immediately opened the big bow in their hands, and shè out of the arrow covering the sky! Falling on the Lord of War like an arrow rain!

Thousands of mages, wielding the staff in their hands, issued a variety of ordinary magic attacks! A brain poured out on the Lord of War!

All kinds of non-soccer occupations have also launched their own attacks, with many tricks and dizzying!

When attacking from high to low, the attack effect is more obvious, the attack distance is longer, and the strength is greater! This wave of attacks looks terrifying!

However, the vast majority of players present were ordinary long-range attacks! Only a few players who have reached the level of the Holy Land have used the skills!

In a short time, the Lord of War was overwhelmed!

And Huang Yi's body was resurrected after the battle to redeem the priest. He immediately rushed to the edge of the mountain and looked at the Lord of War below.

At this time, the blood of the Lord of War was slowly falling, but it climbed quickly, struggling to climb up the mountain top, with its tall and strong body, it was not difficult to climb up!

"Assault!" At this time, Huang Yi opened his legendary clothes—the accompanying skills on the armor of the dragon general. Within ten seconds, all members of the regiment were xìng + 15%!

In a moment, the output of the whole group suddenly improved by one grade! The blood of the Lord of War has plummeted!

Originally, most of the people in this team were under the sanctuary, and there was a gap between the status class and the Lord of War, and even the defense could not be broken! No matter how many people are useless, the team can't produce any effect!

But Huang Yi has the unique martial arts title in the world, making it possible for the whole group to export ss!

Because in Wu Sheng ’s title, there is an xìng that can ignore the status gap—

In the state of the team, the ordinary attacks of all members of the group will add 2% of the sacred damage!

What Huang Yi wants is this 2% sacred damage!

There is no way to prevent the damage of the dark system and the holy system. Ignoring the weakening of the status, you can only use the black system to resist xìng or the holy system to resist xìng! But these two kinds of resistance are extremely rare, and the Lord of War simply does not have them!

There are nearly 5,000 people in Huang Yi's regiment. Even if each person can only produce 2% of the normal attack's sacred damage, that is very impressive! Putting it together is much stronger than his own attack!

At this point, the Lord of War ’s blood volume had dropped to 27%, and the torrent of iron blood erupting from his body was like a flash flood, rushing down the mountain, blowing and dying, sweeping everything. The whole foot of the mountain began to be submerged and turned into a sea of ​​blood.

However, at this time, the Lord of War was about to climb to the top of the mountain again. By then, the torrent of iron blood would spread to all members of the regiment, and they could kill them in person.

"Lone Mage! You have reached the sanctuary, put an ice wall to block it!" At this time, Huang Yi gave an order to one of the master mages in the mage hall-Mage Lone.

The lone mage immediately waved the staff in his hand, and released a wall of ice towards the Lord of War in the steep slope. A huge high wall suddenly stood up, firmly blocking the way of the Lord of War, and wanted to go over It's not easy unless it is a detour.

With the blocking of the ice wall, the output time of the whole group suddenly extended a lot, and the health of ss quickly dropped to 25%! As long as it is less than 20%, its iron torrent will stop!

But the body of the Lord of War was too tall, and the ice wall was only as tall as its neck. It stretched out its left hand, grasped the upper edge of the ice wall tightly, and the stiff arm suddenly exerted a force. It immediately climbed up the ice wall and wanted to pass it!

"Strong blow!" At this moment, a coquettish sounded, and Hunter Hall Chiba Fengwu shouted a super strong arrow in time!

That arrow with a violent howling sound and a long stream of light, severely tied it to ss's body, the great strength beat it trembling, the body leaned back, and again from the ice wall Fell down!

Chiba Fengwu is also a rare occupation, her skills can also control ss! And she has also reached the level of the sanctuary. Like the status of the Lord of War, the control effect will not be weakened!

With this attack from her, the whole group of players suddenly gained a lot of output time. Under the crazy attack of thousands of people, the blood of the Lord of War soon fell below 22%!

"Strong blow!"

"Strong blow!"

"Strong blow!"

Just then ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Lord of War suddenly seemed crazy, with numerous super powerful arrows suddenly appearing on his body, with a howling noise, he swept wildly towards the crowd on the mountaintop shè! Just like a machine gun!

"Oh!" Suddenly, the team players on the top of the mountain seemed to be hit, and suddenly a large piece fell!

"New skills!" Huang Yi's heart sank suddenly!

He did not expect that when this ss was at 22% health, he would make a new trick similar to the skill copy and use the skills of Chiba Fengwu! And it is more powerful to use, even without the cooling time, continued to shè!

At this moment, the priest of the priest was arrogant, suddenly turned to look at Huang Yi, and explained anxiously: "Brother, I have a talent to see the effect of this skill of ss! This skill is called skill repetition, and can be random Copy an attack skill that the enemy has used before, and use it without cooling time. Unless the health drops below 15%, this skill will be suspended! "(To be continued ...)

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