Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 563: The last moment of the first fight

"Fly axe!"

The next moment, a sudden axe flew out of the Lord of War, and he quickly moved towards the top of the mountain!

Its skills repeat randomly is the flying axe skill!

After a while, Huang Yi was relieved, and his tactics finally succeeded!

Before that, he was the only one in the whole group who had used the attack skills alone, which were "heavy sentence", "recovering the French network" and "flying axe"! Therefore, the Lord of War at this time can only randomize from these three skills!

Among them, the heavy sentence was a close-up attack, and even if the Lord of War repeated thousands of times, he could not attack the players on the top of the mountain.

The flying axe is a skill that Huang Yi jīng prepared for the Lord of War, and it is also the skill he most hopes to be copied by the Lord of War, because when this skill is released, it consumes life value!

After the Lord of War replicates the skills, the skill consumption is the same! And every time the flying axe skill is used, it will consume 5% health!

This is not a magic value, nor a rage value, but a life value! And not a fixed value, but a percentage deduction!

It can be said that among the three skills, the master of war can only pose a threat to the whole regiment if he randomly picks the "French Network Recovery" skill!

If the copy is "re-sentence", it is useless work!

If it is a copy of the "flying axe", it is purely to death!

Now, it randomly arrives at the way to death!

At this time, because the master of war used a flying axe, his health value instantly dropped from 22% to 17%!

In a short time, the torrent of iron blood flowing out of it will end, and this skill will automatically end as soon as it drops to 20% of the health!

This is the first time that Huang Yi has seen the torrent of iron blood come to an end since he fought this war!

"Fly axe!" The Lord of War used another fly axe, repeating the same skill firmly!

This time, its health dropped from 17% to 12%!

Suddenly, the repetition of his skills also stopped. Once this skill was lower than 15% of his health, he could no longer use it!

Repeating two flying axes in a row, the time before and after the time is less than one second, the health of the Lord of War plummeted by 10% instantly! This is more obvious than the damage caused by a 5,000-person sanctuary team!

However, these two flying axes are not a large-scale group attack skill like "end of the world", it has not caused any casualties to any member!

"Huh? We, we succeeded!"

"Boss's new tactics succeeded!" At this moment, the whole group members were shocked and excitedly broke out!

They had no hope anymore, but they did not expect that during this last carnival time, they had cracked another big move of the Lord of War and successfully beat it to an unprecedented ultra-low health percentage of 12%. !!


"Sister, how's the progress of the leaderboard now? The League of Heroes is gone again! I said that they can't simply defeat the Lord of War in the 5,000-player mode!" At this time, Miyamoto Musashi Still leveling up with Oda City, while attacking the strange group in front, he asked toward Oda City, who was watching the rankings, with a sense of confidence in his tone.

Oda bit his delicate lips, turned her head slowly, and gave a complex look at Musashi Miyamoto, shaking her head hard: "They succeeded! There are still zero casualties, and the blood of the Lord of War has plummeted instantly. 10%! "

The Toyo sword in the hands of Miyamoto Musashi shuddered slightly, standing still, his mouth twitching.

At this moment, not only Miyamoto Musashi, the two leaders of the continental United States, Pope and Kid, Pharaoh the guardian of the Pharaoh's continent, Russia's No. 1 giant bear, India's strongest Ganges, Brazil's overlord Ronal, etc Wait, all the top team leaders, their faces are all better.

While waiting for the 22% health of the Lord of War, they once again showed their mighty power and used that mysterious new move to defeat the heroic group!

However, they did not expect that this time the heroic group turned out to have zero casualties. Instead, the blood percentage of the Lord of War dropped twice in a row, from 22% to 12% in just one second!

This percentage of blood volume is equivalent to getting the first kill in half a hand!


"Okay, everyone continues to fight! Use the big skills! This time we go all out!" At this time, Huang Yi issued a full attack order!

This time, he decided to use even the big skills with extremely high damage! This shows that he is going to break the boat, and that he has the iron heart to win the world's first kill in this challenge! If it fails, then these big skills are wasted. In a short time, they will not be able to impact this first kill, at least until the vast majority of players' big skills have cooled down.

The next moment, nearly 5,000 members of the Hero League returned to the edge of the mountain and attacked again!

This time, their determination soared like never before, as if the power that had been suppressed for a long time was finally released!

They began to use their big skills recklessly. These skills are usually unwilling to be used, but at this moment don't spill out the money!

Huang Yi, also very timely opened the dragon's armor with the skills [charge charge], within 10 seconds all members of the whole group xìng increased by 15%!

In a short time, all kinds of skill brilliance, all kinds of violent sound effects, suddenly filled the entire air, and instantly overwhelmed the tall body of the Lord of War!

Suddenly, the health of the Lord of War dropped madly! This is a big skill of nearly 5,000 people. Either the cooling time is too long or it takes a lot of energy value. It belongs to the method of pressing the bottom of each player. Once used, it can often be temporarily challenged, and it is usually reluctant to use!

But this time, nearly 5,000 people in the team were basically powerful attacking professions. There was no knight and few priests. Their 5,000 people's great skills were used all at once. How powerful was this power? No one can estimate!

"Desolate battle song!" At this moment, the Lord of War also seemed to be at the late moment of the hero, knowing that he was about to die, could not help raising his head, and began to hum a sad song of war!

The war song spread to the vast world, it sounded extremely uncomfortable, as if it was a farewell to a beautiful thing. In a short time, the attack power of the whole group members dropped, and the crazy output force weakened a part, but it was still considerable.

"Everyone cheer! The Lord of War has reached the final stage of returning to the light, and he will start to use all kinds of random skills frantically. Everyone must support it!" At this time, Huang Yi opened the eye of time while directing, and began to consume huge amounts Energy value, predict some random skills of the Lord of War!

"Two o'clock, sweet fishy durian hunter, step back! Five seconds later, a wave of attacks will rush to you ..." Soon, Huang Yi successfully predicted a random skill of the Lord of War, in advance Response order issued.

"Lei Jun, Yang Yang, your wave of people hastened to disperse! Attacks will be there in five seconds!"

"Little 94, Xiutian, your hordes of people will be banned from waiting for magic, and will not be able to hide! They will use ordinary attacks instead!"

"The Lord of War is about to climb up, Chiba Fengwu, you hit it with a strong blow!"


On the top of the mountain, Huang Yi issued a series of orders. The heroes acted individually, and the master of the war at the bottom of the mountain reached the final crazy stage. One by one, random skills came and flew towards the crowd on the top of the mountain.

Finally, the team began to have casualties. They had not run through, nor had they trained the master of 5,000 wars. Huang Yi's reminders could not be exhaustive.

Gradually, the blood of the Lord of War became less and less, and the casualties of the team members began to increase, gradually reducing the staff to 4,000, 3,000, and 2,000. Fewer people are standing and more corpses are on the ground.


At this time, countless players all over the world are staring at the leaderboard, which shows that the blood of the Lord of War has begun to drop crazy! From 12% to 10%, then to 7%, to 5% ... towards the end of that first kill! The members of the League of Heroes also die more and more!

"Fail! Fail! Fail!" Although Miyamoto Musashi, Pope, Pharaoh, Ronald, and others are scattered all over the world, at this moment all stare at the leaderboard and hold their breath!

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" In the Xuanyuan Guild, Yun Sihai, Lin Yiqin, Long Xingtianxia, ​​Donghuang and others gathered together, all staring at the leaderboard tightly, clenching their fists!


At this point, the health of the Lord of War has fallen to the last 3%! The number of heroes is less than a thousand! The output strength plummeted, and the Lord of War almost lost his blood!

At this moment, the Lord of War, a huge fist in his right hand, slammed **** the ground!

In a hurry, a steady stream of skeleton soldiers suddenly broke out of the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ As a flood flooded upstream, it rushed towards the top of the mountain! There are thousands of them! Can't finish it!

"Listen to me! All members under the sanctuary! All sacrifice from the mountains, use your flesh and blood to block the skeleton soldiers who have rushed up! The rest continue to attack!" Huang Yi quickly issued a command, he began Strong man broke his wrist! Sacrifice all members who have little output, squeeze out the last bit of value, and win a little time for a few members of the sanctuary who have the ability to export.

In a hurry, countless members on the top of the mountain moths rushed towards the mountain in general, and their bodies and battles were unstable, but they kept rolling down!

When they rolled down in front of the skeleton soldiers, they immediately stretched out their hands, struggling to grasp their bones, and prevented them from going up the mountain. Hundreds of people sacrificed quickly, but they also successfully blocked the onslaught skeleton soldiers, blocking their momentum!

At this point, there were only a few dozen players left on the top of the mountain! Their attacks were sparse, and they no longer attacked by thousands of people!

Now, the enemy and ours have reached the weakest moment, depending on who has fallen first! (To be continued ...)

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