Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 564: King Capture

"Brother, do you need my group to be resurrected?" The little skirt suddenly raised her head and shouted at Huang Yi. Although she did not reach the level of the sanctuary, she did not sacrifice with others because of her strong support ability, and she has remained to this day. .

Huang Yi immediately shook his head and said, "No, the Master of War will turn on the" Capturing King "state when 2% of his health is reached, and he cannot use human sea tactics to crack it. Now I just ask these few of us to get it. He hit 2%, and then I came to fight it alone. "

The 91st to 100th floors of the Tower of the Gods are the same copy, each ss is the same, there is the ss of the Lord of War, but the difficulty is different, Huang Yi has hit the 90th layer many times before The Lord of War knows it well.

In the previous layers, the Lord of War has two recognized difficulties around the world, one is a torrent of iron blood with 30% health, and the second is the 2% health trapping state before death!

Capturing the king can double all the attributes of the Lord of War except attack power and health! More importantly, in the capture king state, it will only take damage from the team leader, ignore the attacks of everyone else, even the control skills can be exempted! This makes the human sea tactics basically invalid, and only tests the heads-up ability of the commander.

Therefore, Huang Yi only hoped that the team could fight the warlord to 2% of their health. By then, their mission would be completed.

However, this is only Huang Yi's unilaterally anticipated tactics. This is the ss of the 5,000-person mode, which may lead to some new fixed skills and random skills. These are uncertain factors.

"Laozi blasted you!" At this moment, the bright master of the Master of the Master spit out a spit, grinned at the fangs of the war master, and frantically issued all kinds of powerful magic skills, like a human-shaped fort!

"Eh! Hh! Hh!" The hands of the hunter-in-chief Chiba Fengwu have turned into a phantom, and the arrows fired form a line, densely nailed to the Lord of War!

"The curse of weakness! Slow pace! Reduce the light of defense!" He repeatedly clicked on the priest's staff in his hands and put all kinds of negative states on the master of war!

However, after all, their number is too small, and the Lord of War is an SS of 5,000. They do not have the attributes and status of Huang Yi. They are very hard to fight, and the Lord of War hardly loses blood. And those skeleton soldiers who rushed up from the foot of the mountain. Then get rid of the obstruction of those sacrificed members before, and quickly climbed up again!

"Brother, it seems that I can't hit 2%! Why don't I use group resurrection?" Looking at this situation, Xiaotu skirt anxiously stomped her feet and decided to use a big race.

"No need to waste big tricks, it doesn't make sense to use them!" Huang Yi immediately stopped the skirt. At the same time, flames came out with both hands, throwing fireballs far away towards the Lord of War.

In the form of Beastmaster, his limbs would have burst into flames. After six evolutions, this flame has turned purple, and can be smashed out to hurt others, becoming one of his few long-range attack methods.

"Sister. Do you still have the power of Nefarem? If possible, give me a retrospective." Huang Yi thought for a moment, and suddenly said to the skirt.

"Not enough!" Said the skirt, shaking her head, anxiously and helplessly.

"Oh!" At this moment, the fastest group of skeleton soldiers had climbed up the hill and attacked a little bit of the team members who were promoted.

"Use the life-saving skills to resist, ignore them, and fight the Lord of War! The priest adds blood!" Huang Yi continued to issue a command to let the whole regimen continue to maintain output.

More and more skeleton soldiers came to the mountain. Drowned only a few members!

"Oh!" At this time, a lone mage, one of the mage's chief mage, was pierced by a skeleton soldier and fell down!

"Brother, I did my best!" The bright demon of the mage's grand master, finished his last sentence towards Huang Yi, and was drowned by the skeleton soldiers!

Next. An individual fell quickly to the ground! Is about to die!

"Chiba Fengwu, you are going to use fake death! You must survive!" At this time, Huang Yi said towards Chiba Fengwu.

Fake death, this is a signature life-saving skill for hunting humans! Just temporarily fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. Damage taken reduced by 70%, but unable to move. When playing against players, fake death has almost no use. Everyone is a smart player and can't fool each other. But if you use it, the effect will be very strong. You will be deceived and will not attack the fake dead unless you use a range group attack.

Chiba Fengwu heard the words, immediately stopped the attack, directly used the fake death, and fell to the ground.

The skeleton soldiers thought she was dead and did not attack her again, but attacked the others in succession.

Soon, the whole group died with only two people left, one was Chiba Fengwu, and the other was Huang Yi.

Huang Yi's status is too high, and he also has the attribute of giving God a name, and the talent for legal protection. He is not afraid of the tactics of the sea. These skeleton soldiers have basically done little harm to him.

After this life-threatening attack, the health of the Lord of War dropped to 2.05%! Almost to reach the goal!

Huang Yi's incarnation immediately flew down the mountain, came to the Lord of War, and smashed a heavy sentence!

"Oh!" The Lord of War withstood this attack well, and his health dropped to 2%! No more, no less, just 2%.

At the same time, the familiar invincible golden light appeared again on its body, which represented that it was invulnerable at the moment and immune to all attacks. Next, its actions could not be blocked, even the forbidden magic!

Originally, this retrial could kill more of the warlord's health, but its 2% health time is very special. It is impossible to forcefully pass this health in one attack! This 2% health is the lifeline of the Lord of War. Even if a demigod comes, you need to hit the Lord of War to 2% before killing it. This is a bit similar to Huang Yi's Mark of Killing God, even if the enemy's attack is high, it cannot be destroyed at once.

"Capture the thief first!" At this moment, the vast voice of the Lord of War broke through the world, making the famous king-catcher state!

In a short time, the invincible golden light on it disappeared, but it also became extremely powerful. Except for attack power and health, all other attributes have doubled, including attack speed, defense, resistance, and critical strike. , Moving speed, etc. all doubled! And it will now only be harmed by the head of Huang Yi, ignoring attacks from everyone else!

At this point, Huang Yi's avatar can no longer break the defense, unless he uses ordinary attacks to pursue the 20% Dark and Holy damage, but this will be very slow! It is almost impossible to succeed in the presence of the Lord of War who has greatly increased strength!

At this moment, Huang Yi's incarnation folded his wings and landed on the ground. He stepped heavily on the mountainside, leaving two deep footprints and raising a dust!

He then changed his shape and switched to the spirit cat form! The spirit cat is small and exquisite, and it can be ignored in the presence of the great warlord!

But the next moment, Huang Yi suddenly rose into the air, emitting a dazzling white light on his body, as if it were a little sun, getting brighter and brighter, containing the trembling power!

"Boom!" For a while, a violent explosion rang through the world, and a strong shock wave destroyed everything, sweeping everything, shaking the mountain!

Huang Yi's incarnation is precisely to sacrifice life in the state of a ghost cat. This is a self-exploding skill! It is the strongest attack that he can issue, and now the Lord of War has only 2% of his health! There is great hope that it will be killed!

The heavens and the earth suddenly became blank, and nothing could be seen clearly, the mountainside could not be seen clearly, and the master of war could not be seen clearly, as if the world had returned to chaos.

Soon, the self-exploding light dissipated, Huang Yi's visual ability was extremely powerful, and he saw the scene on the mountainside through the vast dust in the air.

Suddenly, he saw an extremely strange scene!

At this moment, the huge body of the Lord of War was falling to the sky and seemed to have died. But it suddenly opened a big hole in its stomach, and rushed out of the body, a master of war, one size smaller! Health is only 1%!

"Huh? Life split?" Huang Yi's Eye of Time immediately predicted this skill of the Lord of War!

This is exactly the new skill of the 5,000-man warlord! It's called Split Life. When encountering enough fatal damage, you can split a new War Lord with half of the current health. You can split up to three times! But after each division, the full attributes of the Lord of War will drop by 30%! Getting weaker!

At this moment, the one-year-old warlord immediately rushed towards Huang Yi's body! Soon I climbed to the top of the mountain ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, not far from Huang Yi was Chiba Fengwu, who was dying! In order to prevent her from being involved in the battle, Huang Yi led the Lord of War towards the distance, far away from this area.

The new Lord of War is still in the state of capturing the king. Although the total attributes dropped by 30% after the split, the movement speed is still extremely fast, and gradually catches up with Huang Yi.

"Hunting!" Huang Yi suddenly turned around and started the charge towards the Lord of War. He suddenly hit his calf and successfully knocked him out!

"Hand of execution-heavy sentence!" The next moment, Huang Yi's strongest Thunder held an axe in his left hand, with a powerful momentum never before, and struck the strongest weight towards the Lord of War Sentence!

At that moment, even sharpness appeared on his axe! Contains heart-wrenching power!

He used the 95th level of the professional career of the Institute of Learning-the hand of execution, the power of heavy sentence soared from three times to five times the ordinary attack!

This is his longest cooling time professional skill, which has reached ten days, but the power is also the strongest! (To be continued ...)

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